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      • KCI등재

        Geochemical Variation of Authigenic Glauconite from Continental Shelf of the Yellow Sea, off the SW Korea

        이찬희,이성록,이치원,최석원,Lee, Chan Hee,Lee, Sung-Rock,Lee, Chi-Won,Choi, Suck-Won The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1997 자원환경지질 Vol.30 No.4

        황해 대륙붕의 준고화된 표층퇴적물에서 자생하는 해록석들을 산출상태와 외부조직에 따라 괴상형, 균열형 및 다공질형으로 분류하였다. 이 해록석은 현세의 해침에 의하여 퇴적된 표층의 사질퇴적물내에 산포상으로 산출되며, 보통 0.1~1 mm 크기의 직경을 갖는다. x-선 회절분석 결과로 계산된, 해록석의 단위포와 크기는 $a=5.242{\AA}$, $b=9.059{\AA}$, $c=10.163{\AA}$, ${\beta}=100.5^{\circ}$, $V=474.53{\AA}^3$ 이고, 화학조성과 단위포의 크기로 계산된 밀도는 $2.60{\pm}0.45gm/cc$ 이다. 이 광물은 가열실험시 $10{\AA}$의 회절선이 증가하는 것으로 볼때 일정한 팽윤층을 갖는 것으로 보인다. $O_{10}(OH)_2$를 기준으로 평균조성을 구하면, 팔면체 자리의 Fe 함량은 1.19~2.06 이고, Al 함량은 0.18~0.76 이다. Fe와 Al은 서로 치환관계를 보이며 다공질형에서 괴상형으로 갈수록 Fe의 함량은 증가하고 Al은 감소한다. Mg의 함량은 0.35~0.54로서 Al이 높을수록 Mg의 양도 증가한다. K의 함량은 0.34~0.71의 범위를 보이며 다공질형에서 괴상형으로 갈수록 증가한다. 괴상형 또는 균열형 해록석은 질서/무질서의 혼합층 운모이며, 다공질형의 해록석은 혼합층 일라이트/스멕타이트로서 7~27%의 팽윤층을 포함한다. 이 광물은 표층 퇴적물이 퇴적된후에 극미립의 퇴적입자를 핵으로, 환원환경하에서 발생하는 퇴적물의 분해 및 생물체 파편과의 반응에 따라 자생한 것으로 추정된다. The massive, fractured and porous-type of glauconite, which is subdivided by surface morphology, occur in subtidal sand and semiconsolidated intertidal sand/mud from continental shelf of the southeastern Yellow Sea. This area is presumed to be a part of Holocene transgressive tidal systems tract. The glauconite, pellet-like grains with diameter of 0.1 to 1 mm, is scattered in surface sand sediments. Results of X-ray diffraction data of the minerals are monoclinic with $a=5.242{\AA}$, $b=9.059{\AA}$, $c=10.163{\AA}$, ${\beta}=100.5^{\circ}$, $V=474.53{\AA}^3$. Thermal treatments on the oriented glauconite increase the X-ray diffraction intensity near $10{\AA}$ (001), suggesting the presence of some expandable layers. Specific gravity of the glauconite is $2.60{\pm}0.45gm/cc$ on the basis of chemical composition and unit-cell dimensions. Based on $O_{10}(OH)_2$, chemical composition of glauconites, octahedral Fe content ranges from 1.19 to 2.06 atoms, corresponding octahedral AI is 0.18 to 0.76 atoms, which progressively substitute Fe for AI with increasing from porous to massive-type. The Mg content ranges from 0.35 to 0.54 atoms, and shows higher with increasing Al contents. A systematic increase of interlayer K from 0.34 to 0.71 is also observed with apparent increases from porous to massive-type, and related to a proportion of expandable layers. The clay preserved in glauconite, which is recognized as ordered/disordered (massive to fractured-type). The interstratified illite/smectite (porous-type), contains 7 to 27 % expandable layers. The glauconite seems to originate from post depositional authigenic growth in reducing environments promoted by the dissolution of clay minerals and biogenic debris.

      • KCI등재

        나림광산 수계의 토양과 퇴적물에 관한 지구화학적 특성: 중금속 원소의 분산, 부화 및 기원

        이찬희,이현구,이종창,Lee, Chan Hee,Lee, Hyun Koo,Lee, Jong Chang 대한자원환경지질학회 1998 자원환경지질 Vol.31 No.4

        Geochemical characteristics of environmental toxic elements at the Narim mine area were investigated on the basis of major, minor, rare earth element geochemistry and mineralogy. Ratios of $Al_2O_3/Na_2O$ and $K_2O/Na_2O$ in soils and sediments range from 11.57 to 22.21 and from 1.86 to 3.93, and are partly negative and positive correlation against $SiO_2/Al_2O_3$ (3.41 to 4.78), respectively. These suggested that sediment source of host granitic gneiss could be due to rocks of high grade metamorphism originated by sedimentary rocks. Characteristics of some trace and rare earth elements of V/Ni (0.33 to 1.95), Ni/Co (2.00 to 6.50), Zr/Hf (11.27 to 53.10), La/Ce (0.44 to 0.55), Th/Yb (4.07 to 7.14), La/Th (2.35 to 3.93), $La_N/Yb_N$ (6.58 to 13.67), Co/Th (0.63 to 2.68), La/Sc (3.29 to 5.94) and Sc/Th (0.49 to 1.00) are revealed a narrow range and homogeneous compositions may be explained by simple source lithology. Major elements in all samples are enriched $Al_2O_3$, MgO, $TiO_2$ and LOI, especially $Fe_2O_3$ (mean=7.36 wt.%) in sediments than the composition of host granitic gneiss. The average enrichment indices of major and rare earth elements from the mining drainage are 2.05 and 2.91 of the sediments and are 2.02 and 2.60 of the soils, normalizing by composition of host granitic gneiss, respectively. Average composition (ppm) of minor and/or environmental toxic elements in sediments and soils are Ag=14 and 1, As=199 and 14, Cd=22 and 1, Cu=215 and 42, Pb=1770 and 65, Sb=18 and 3, Zn=3333 and 170, respectively, and extremely high concentrations are found in the subsurface sediments near the ore dump. Environmental toxic elements were strongly enriched in all samples, especially As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn. The level of enrichment was very severe in mining drainage sediments, while it was not so great in the soils. Based on the EPA value, enrichment index of toxic elements is 8.63 of mining drainage sediments and 0.54 of soils on the mining drainage. Mineral composition of soils and sediments near the mining area were partly variable being composed of quartz, mica, feldspar, amphibole, chlorite and clay minerals. From the gravity separated mineralogy, soils and sediments are composed of some pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, goethite and various hydroxide minerals.

      • KCI등재

        국립고궁박물관 소장 조선왕조 옥책의 암석학적 특징과 산지검토

        이찬희,박준형,Lee, Chan Hee,Park, Jun Hyoung 대한자원환경지질학회 2019 자원환경지질 Vol.52 No.5

        조선왕조의 옥책을 구성하는 암석은 다양한 산출상태를 보이지만, 색을 기준으로 녹색과 백색으로 구분된다. 녹색을 띠는 암석은 방해석과 사문석으로 구성된 옥질 암석이며, 백색의 암석은 결정질 방해석으로 이루어진 대리암질암이다. 옥질암은 녹색조가 강할수록 X-선 회절분석에서 사문석의 강도가 증가하는 양상을 보여, 옥의 품위는 사문석의 함량과 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 국립고궁박물관 소장 옥책 252점의 암종분류 결과, 옥질암으로 제작한 옥책은 104권(41.3%), 대리암질암 98권(38.9%), 혼합사용 50권(19.8%)으로 세분되었다. 두 암종을 혼합사용한 옥책에서는 대리암질암이 우세한 것이 47권(18.6%)으로, 전체 옥책의 절반 이상에서 대리암질암이 사용되었다. 대체로 옥책의 품질은 조선의 말기로 갈수록 떨어지며, 대리암질암의 사용 빈도가 증가한다. 또한 글자의 안료나 금속제 부속품 및 직물의 품질도 저하되는 경향이 함께 나타난다. 이는 조선 말기로 갈수록 약화된 왕권, 국력 및 재정 등 사회상이 반영된 결과로 보인다. 옥책에 사용된 옥은 국내에서 생산되는 춘천 연옥이나 부여 귀사문석과는 다른 광물학적 특징을 가지고 있으며, 고문헌 자료에는 경기도 화성의 남양 일대에서 채석했다는 기록이 있다. 남양 일대는 편마암 지대에 해당하며, 백운모 편암 사이에 석회암 및 석회규산염암이 협재하고 있다. 이 석회규산염암은 투휘석을 포함하여 변질작용을 통해 사문석이 형성될 수 있으며, 소규모로 형성된 옥을 채굴하여 옥책 제작에 사용했을 가능성이 있다. The Jade Investiture Books in Joseon Dynasty shows diverse facies with various petrographic characteristics to green and white based on color. In lithologically, the green rocks are jade composed of calcite and serpentine, and the white ones are marbles consisting mainly in crystalline calcite. As a result of X-ray diffraction of jade rocks, the more green in color, the more increased intensity of serpentine appears. Therefore, the grade of jade is correlated with contents of serpentine. The Jade Investiture Books owned by the National Palace Museum of Korea are subdivided with 104 (41.3%) books made by only jade rocks, 98 (38.9%) books made by only marbles, and 50 (19.8%) books mixed with jade rocks and marbles. Among the mixed ones, 47 (18.6%) books consisted mainly of the marbles. This result shows the superior marble books occupy more than half of the total books. The Jade Investiture Books made in early Joseon Dynasty are composed of high grade jade. However, the grade of jade had decreased as the kings changed in process of time, and the composition of marble had increased in reverse proportion of jade. The quality of letter pigments, metal accessories and fabrics also had decreased with jade. These trends are reflected in the aspect of society such as weakening royal authority, national power and finance with the course of time. The jade of the books has different mineralogical characteristics from some modern jade produced in Chuncheon nephrite and Buyeo precious serpentine in Korea. Meanwhile, there is ancient literature that described quarries from Namyang in Hwaseong of Gyeonggi province. This area has a wide distribution of gneiss, limestone and limesilicate rocks are interbedded between muscovite schist. The limesilicate rocks contain diopside, which produced serpentine through alteration. It has possibility to make the Jade Investiture Books using these small amounts of jade through mining activity.

      • KCI등재

        Authigenic Phillipsite in Deep-sea Manganese Nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zones, NE Equatorial Pacific

        이찬희,이성록,Lee, Chan Hee,Lee, Sung-Rock The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1996 자원환경지질 Vol.29 No.4

        망간단괴내에 자생하는 필립사이트는 단괴의 핵을 이루는 풍화된 화산암편과 고화된 해저퇴적물 또는 단괴를 이루는 망간광물들의 층간에서 산출된다. 이 광물은 주로 화산성 유리질 석기들의 가상조직을 보이고 있으며, 연한 노란색을 갖는 등립질의 판상으로 산출된다. 필립사이트 입자들은 자형의 삼각능, 사각기둥 또는 도변상을 가지며 크기는 길이 $2{\sim}20{\mu}m$, 두께 $2{\sim}5{\mu}m$정도이다. 이 광물의 화학조성은 $({Ca_{0.1}Mg_{0.3}Na_{1.1}K_{1.5}})_3{(Fe_{0.3}Al_{4.2}Si_{11.8})O_{32}{\cdot}10H_2O}$이며, $Si/(Al+Fe^{+3})=2.37-2.78$, Na/K=0.59-0.81 로서 Si와 알카리의 함량이 아주 높다. 결정구조는 단사정계($P2_l/m$) 속하며 $a=10.005{\AA}$, $b=14.129{\AA}$, $c=8.686{\AA}$, ${\beta}=124.35^{\circ}$ 이고 $V=1013.6{\AA}^3$ 이다. 심해저 환경으로 보아 망간단괴에서 산출되는 필립사이트는 보통 $10^{\circ}C$ 이하의 온도, 0.7 kb 정도의 압력, pH 8 정도의 조건에서 자생하는 것으로 추정된다. The occurrence, optical property, chemical composition, crystal structure and formation environments of the phillipsite within deep-sea manganese nodules were systematically investigated in this study. Phillipsite in manganese nodules occurs in nucleus of nodules along with consolidated bottom sediments, weathered volcanic debris, and interstitial grains in the each layer of manganese encrusts. Phillipsite is predominantly pseudomorphs of volcanic shards, and occurs as white to pale yellow in color lath-shaped and equant crystals. These show aggregations of prismatic, blocky, and bladed of 2 to $20{\mu}m$ long, and 2 to $5{\mu}m$ thick. The simplified average chemical formula of phillipsite is $({Ca_{0.1}Mg_{0.3}Na_{1.1}K_{1.5}})_3{(Fe_{0.3}Al_{4.2}Si_{11.8})O_{32}{\cdot}10H_2O}$ with a very siliceous and alkalic. The $Si/(Al+Fe^{+3})$ ratio is 2.37 to 2.78 and alkalis greatly exceed the divalent exchangeable cations, and Na/K ratio is 0.59 to 0.81. The phillipsite is monoclinic ($P2_l/m$) with the unit-cell parameters, $a=10.005{\AA}$, $b=14.129{\AA}$, $c=8.686{\AA}$, ${\beta}=124.35^{\circ}$, and $V=1013.6{\AA}^3$. Phillipsites in manganese nodules formed apparently authigenically at a temperature less than $10^{\circ}C$, and they crystallized at a pressure of less than 0.7 kb, and pH of about 8 in deep-sea environments.

      • KCI등재

        삼광 금-은광산 일대의 하상퇴적물과 토양내 함유된 독성원소의 지구화학적 부화와 이동

        이찬희,이현구,유봉철,조애란,Lee, Chan Hee,Lee, Byun Koo,Yoo, Bong-Cheal,Cho, Aeran 대한자원환경지질학회 1998 자원환경지질 Vol.31 No.2

        Dispersion, migration and enrichment of environmental toxic elements from the Samkwang Au-Ag mine area were investigated based upon major, minor and rare earth element geochemistry. The Samkwang mine area composed mainly of Precambrian granitic gneiss. The mine had been mined for gold and silver, but closed in 1996. According to the X-ray powder diffraction, mineral composition of stream sediments and soils were partly variable mineralogy, which are composed of quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, amphibole, muscovite, biotite and chlorite, respectively. Major element variations of the host granitic gneiss, stream sediments and soils of mining and non-mining drainage, indicate that those compositions are decrese $Al_2O_3$, $Fe_2O_3$, MgO, $TiO_2$, $P_2O_5$ and LOI with increasing $SiO_2$ respectively. Average compositional ranges (ppm) of minor and/or environmental toxic elements within those samples are revealed as As=<2-4500, Cd=<1-24, Cu=6-117, Sb=1-29, Pb=17-1377 and Zn=32-938, which are extremely high concentrations of sediments from the mining drainage (As=2006, Cd=l1, Cu=71, Pb=587 and Zn=481 ppm, respectively) than concentrations of the other samples and host granitic gneiss. Major elements (average enrichment index=6.53) in all samples are mostly enriched, excepting $SiO_2$, $Na_2O$ and $K_2O$, normalized by composition of host granitic gneiss. Rare earth element (average enrichment index=2.34) are enriched with the sediments from the mining drainage. Minor and/or environmental toxic elements within all samples on the basis of host rock were strongly enriched of all elements (especially As, Br, Cu, Pb and Zn), excepting Ba, Cr, Rb and Sr. Average enrichment index of trace elements in all samples is 15.55 (sediments of mining drainage=37.33). Potentially toxic elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) of the samples revealed that average enrichment index is 46.10 (sediments of mining drainage=80.20, sediments of nonmining drainage=5.35, sediments of confluent drainage=20.22, subsurface soils of mining drainage=7.97 and subsurface soils of non-mining drainage=4.15). Sediments and soils of highly concentrated toxic elements are contained some pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena and goethite.

      • KCI등재

        덕평지역(德平地域)의 옥천누층군(沃川累層群)에 분포(分布)하는 변성이질암(變成泥質岩)과 바륨-바나듐 백운모(白雲母)의 지구화학적(地球化學的) 및 광물학적(鑛物學的) 특성(特性)

        이찬희,이현구,Lee, Chan Hee,Lee, Hyun Koo 대한자원환경지질학회 1997 자원환경지질 Vol.30 No.1

        The coal formation of the Deokpyeong area are interbedded along metapelites of the Ogcheon Supergroup, which are composed mainly of graphite, quartz, muscovite and associated with small amounts of biotite, chlorite, pyrite and barite. The ratios of $SiO_2/Al_2O_3$, $Al_2O_3/Na_2O$ and $K_2O/Na_2O$ of the coaly metapelite are variable and wide range from 1.80 to 10.21, from 27.8 to 388.8 and from 7.6 to 61.8, respectively. These coal formation were deposited in basin of marine environments, and the REE of these rocks are not influenced with metamorphism and hydrothermal alterations on the basis of $Al_2O_3$ versus La, La against Ce, the ratios of La/Ce (0.19 to 0.99) and Th/U (0.02 to 4.75). These rocks also show much variation in $La_N/Yb_N$ (1.19 to 22.89), Th/Yb (0.14 to 21.43) and La/Th (0.44 to 13.67), and their origin is explained by derivation from a mixture of sedimentary and igneous rocks. The wide range in trace and REE element characteristics as Co/Th (0.12 to 2.78), La/Sc (0.33 to 10.18), Sc/Th (0.57 to 5.73), V/Ni (8 to 2347), Cr/V (0.02 to 0.67) and Ni/Co (1.56 to 32.95) of these coaly metapelites argues for inefficient mixing of the various source lithologies during sedimentation. Deep to pale green barium-vanadium muscovites (vanadium-oellacherite) have been found in this coal formations. Modes of occurrence and grain size of muscovite are heterogeneous, but most of the barium and vanadium-bearing muscovites occur along the boundaries between graphite and quartz grains, ranging from 200 to $350{\mu}m$ in length and from 40 to $60{\mu}m$ in width. Results of X-ray diffraction data of the minerals characterized to be monoclinic system with $a=5.249{\AA}$, $b=8.939{\AA}$, $c=20.924{\AA}$ and ${\beta}=95.894^{\circ}$. Representative chemical formula of the muscovite was $(Na_{0.09}K_{1.44}Ba_{0.46})(Al_{2.75}Ti_{0.07}V_{0.56}Fe_{0.08}Mg_{0.50})(Si_{6.12}Al_{1.88})O_{22}$. The V possibly substitute octahedral Al, and the Ba is coupled substitution of $K^+Si^{4+}=Ba^{2+}Na^+Ca^{2+}$, which compositional ranges of V and Ba are from 0.42 to 0.69 and from 0.34 to 0.56 based on $O_{22}$, respectively. Formation mechanism of the barium-vanadium muscovites in the coaly metapelite is shown that the formed by high pressure and temperature from regional metamorphism origanated during diagenesis at the interface between a basinal brine and organic matter.

      • KCI등재

        천안 도림리 백제시대 분묘 유적 석재의 암석기재적 특성과 원산지 연구

        이찬희,조지현,박성미,Lee, Chan Hee,Cho, Jihyun,Park, Sung Mi 한국문화재보존과학회 2021 보존과학회지 Vol.37 No.5

        We analyzed the provenance and petrographic characteristics for the rock properties from stone-lined tomb and stone chamber tomb at the Dorim-ri site of the Baekje Kingdom, located in Cheonan. The two tombs consist of 10 kinds of rocks including gneiss, diorite, and andesite. The major rock type is gneiss (54.3%), which composes the main chamber walls of the tombs. Diorite (11.3%) and andesite (10.6%) also make up a large percentage of the rocks, tending to be used to fill the space between the main chamber walls. Thus, the stones appear to have been used according to their shape and the disposition of the site, respectively. Investigation of their provenance, confirmed their source area to be near the Ipjang Reservoir, about 1 km away from the site, and their procurement was probably conducted via a waterway. This result might serve as basic data regarding the material procurement system of ancient tomb culture and for preservation measures for archaeological sites. 이 연구에서는 천안 도림리 유적 출토 백제시대 석곽묘와 석실분의 구성암석에 대한 암석기 재적 특성과 원산지를 분석하였다. 이 두 분묘는 편마암과 섬록암 및 안산암을 비롯한 총 10종의 다양한 석재로 구성되어 있다. 특히 편마암이 가장 높은 점유율(54.3%)을 보이며, 벽석의 주요 석재로 사용되었다. 또한 섬록암(11.3%)과 안산암(10.6%)은 사잇돌로 사용된 경향을 보여, 형태와 상황에 맞게 석재를 활용한 것으로 판단된다. 석재의 공급지는 유적과 약 1 km 떨어진 입장저수지 인근으로 확인되었고, 수로를 통해 조달했을 것으로 해석된다. 이 결과는 고대 분묘문화의 재료조달 체계와 유구의 보존을 위한 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        경주 서악동 마애여래삼존입상의 손상특성 및 안정성 평가

        이찬희,최명주,Lee, Chan Hee,Choie, Myoungju 대한자원환경지질학회 2021 자원환경지질 Vol.54 No.1

        서악동 마애여래삼존입상은 경주 선도산 정상부의 동남향에 조성된 통일신라시대의 거석불로 입지적 중요성과 함께 힘찬 아미타불상과 부드러운 협시보살의 조각수법이 매우 특징적이다. 특히 안산암질 암반에 불신을 새기고 흑운모화강암을 대좌로 장식한 아미타불상과 좌우 병렬식으로 배치된 알칼리 화강암으로 조성된 협시불은 석재의 색상 및 질감을 통해 석불의 위엄을 잘 표현하였다. 아미타불상은 암반에 형성된 절리로 인한 불연속면의 발달과 사면의 불안정성, 최상부에서 발생하는 식물의 근압에 의한 암반의 이완현상이 결부되어 손상이 가속되고 있다. 또한 절리와 균열 및 박리 등 불연속면의 증가로 인해 물성이 크게 저하되었으며 조류 및 지의류의 피복도가 높은 상태이다. 따라서 마애여래삼존입상에 발생한 손상정도는 아미타불상이 마애불로 조성되면서 나타난 물리적 풍화특성과 다양한 생물침해에 의해 손상이 가속화되는 것으로 판단된다. The rock-carved standing Buddha triad in Seoak-dong is a large stone Buddha statue of the Unified Silla era (AD 676 to 935) in ancient Korea, built near the top of the southeastern side of mountain Seondosan in Gyeongju, is characterized by its locational importance, the powerful Amitabha and the gentle sculptural technique of the Bodhisattva. In particular, Amitabha Buddha in andesite rock slope with biotite granite pedestal and two Bodhisattva parallel made by alkali granites seems to express the dignity through the color and texture of the stones. In the Amitabha Buddha, deterioration characteristics are accelerating due to the combination of various joint systems, instability of the slopes and relaxation by the root pressure of plants occurring at the top. In addition, physical properties have deteriorated owing to the increase of discontinuous surfaces as joints, cracks and scalings, and the coverage of algae and lichen is also high. Therefore, deterioration degree in Buddha triad is accelerated due to the physical weathering characteristics from natural rock mass and various biological invasion.

      • KCI등재

        대청호 상류, 회남일대에 분포하는 탄질 변성니질암과 하상 퇴적물의 환경유해원소에 관한 지화학적 거동, 분산 및 부화

        이찬희,이현구,Lee, Chan Hee,Lee, Hyun Koo 대한자원환경지질학회 1997 자원환경지질 Vol.30 No.3

        The Hoenam area, up the Taecheong lake, composed mainly of low grade coal-bearing metapelites within the Ogcheon Supergroup. These coal formations are developed discontinuously several hundred meters and swelling from 10 to 300 cm along the host metapelites. Although the formations have been mined for coal, but already mined out, and the formations were higher content (mean value of 42 samples) of environmental toxic elements as As (13 ppm). Ba (1.81 wt. %), Cd (2 ppm), Cr (188 ppm), Cu (87 ppm), Mo (214 ppm), Pb (25 ppm), Sb (3 ppm), Se (12 ppm), U (55 ppm), V (2124 ppm) and Zn (234 ppm) than the host metapelites and the NASC. The Al, Ti, Mg, K and Na contents in stream sediments derived from the Hando and Bugook mine area were highly concentrations than the samples from the Samseongjeil mine area. The mean value (wt. %) of Fe (10.07), Mn (0.15), Ca (0.84), P (0.18) and Ba (0.77) influenced by the Samseongjeil mine were higher than the other mine drainage sediments. The mean content (ppm) of environmental toxic elements in drainage sediments from the Samseongjeil mine were taken As (2083), Cu (447), Mo (202), Ni (720), Pb (42), U (250), V (1070) and Zn (2632), which are extremely high concentrations against NASC and EPA. Characteristics of elemental behavior and dispersion of the all toxic elements are the same as increased with increasing U, V, and Cu. Rare earth elements in the sediments are enriched with LREE (La, Ce and Nd) from the drainage on strong concentration of toxic elements. The pH of stream water is neutral, but pH of the sediments ranged from 4.92 to 6.93 (mean 6.22), those are slightly acid in the Hando mine area. Major elements in the host rocks at the Hoenam area are mostly depleted especially Ca, excepting Ti and Ba, normalized with NASC. The sediments were highly enriched of Ti, Fe, Mg, Mn and Ba, but depleted of Al, K, Ca, Na and P on the basis of host rocks and NASC. Minor and environmental toxic elements in the host rocks were strongly enriched all elements (As, Cd, Mo, Se, D, V and Zn), excepting Co, Ni and Sr. Enrichment index (mean value) about toxic elements (As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn) of the sediments in this area have taken 41.35 (Hando mine drainage; 2.73, Samseongjeil mine drainage; 113.14 and Bugook mine drainage; 8.19), those are seriously contaminated by environmental toxic elements.

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