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      • KCI등재

        미래지향지향적 재외동포정책의 방향 ; 한국의 차세대 재외동포 정책

        이진영 ( Jean Young Lee ),박우 ( You Piao ) 한국민족연구원 2013 민족연구 Vol.0 No.54

        Policy towards the Young Overseas Koreans is a new field of study in South Korea, 7.2 million overseas Korean community is rapidly changing its generation from the first Korea-born immigrated people to foreign-born new generation. The new generation is quite different from their parents in many aspects such as loyalty, economic success, proficiency of mother tongue and even networks with their brethren. Therefore, the policy towards them becomes important in recent years in more globalized South Korea. A semi-government organization such as Overseas Korean Foundation has held annual Young Overseas Koreans Forum, and invited less than 100 young Korean leaders all over the world every year, However, a comprehensive policy by the central government has never tried. This paper is on the policy towards the Young Overseas Koreans. It first analyzes importance of them in them in the Korea`s global agenda, and raises questions on the definition such as scopes of the meaning. Then, several routes for the policy options are discussed based on a new definition matrix. Only under these routes, policies can be easily formulated in the realm of Young Overseas Koreans. Secondly, the paper suggests a new direction of the policy. Because of rests of budget and understanding in administration, focus on the Young Overseas Koreans who are returning to Korea for recruits, job hunting or even further studies are suggested as a policy option. In particular, Korean-Chinese Students Network in Korea (KCN) can be a good example for Korea`s policy towards the Young Overseas Koreans. It is because they are easy to get access, and can be future cores [leaders]in the overseas Korean networks. In conclusion, the paper focuses on the importance of research assistance by the government for better policy options, Also, not only as an effective tool for public diplomacy, but also as high-skilled workforce, Young Overseas Koreans will be more focused in policy as well as academic research.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국의 창지투계획과 조선족

        이진영(Lee, Jean Young) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2013 디아스포라 연구 Vol.7 No.2

        창지투(장길도) 전략이 실시된 후 훈춘을 비롯한 두만강지역의 발전 속도는 놀라울 정도이다. 장길도 지역은 중국의 소수민족 중 하나인 조선족의 집단거주지이기도 하다. 그러나 조선족은 현재 한국을 비롯 전 세계로 대규모 이주하여 실제적으로 민족집단으로서의 기반이 많이 취약해진 상태이다. 그러나 역사 지리적으로 두만강 지역은 조선족은 물론 한민족에게 연원이 깊은 지역이다. 최근에 이루어지고 있는 두만강 지역을 둘러싼 국제협력의 분위기는 1990년대 추진되던 UNDP 주도하의 두만강개발과는 다른 것이다. 무엇보다도 중국 중앙정부의 관심과 지원이 바탕이 된 것으로, 국가급의 개방구이기 때문이다. 두만강 지역의 조선족과 한민족은 이러한 중국 중앙의 경제적 지원은 물론 정치-안보적 지원 구조를 후견구조로 이해하고, 글로벌 인적 네트워크 구성과 새로운 가버넌스 체제를 구축할 필요가 있다. 전 세계 한민족 상공인들과의 네트워크 구축은 물론, 글로벌 차원에서 이주한 조선족들의 네트워크 구축이 가장 시급한 과제이다. 또한 중앙은 물론 지방정부의 각 요소에 조선족이 활동할 수 있는 공간을 마련하는 정부의 배려도 소수민족 정책 차원에서 필요하다. 중앙과 지방간의, 한족과 조선족간의, 중국과 인접국간의 이익의 조화에 기초한 공존공영을 모색한다면 미래의 두만강 지역의 앞날은 동아시아 지역협력의 한 시금석이 될 것이다. 또한 여기에서 글로벌 조선족의 네트워크는 변방에서 중심으로 이동하는 중요한 게기가 될 것이다. It is quite remarkable to see the development of Tumen river region since Chiang-Ji-Tu Project was initiated in 2009. Chiang-Ji-Tu region is a home of Korean Chinese who are mostly concentrated here. However, Korean Chinese has migrated since 1990s, and now more than a half of the population is living abroad including Republic of Korea, and major coastal cities of China. Therefore, ethnic basis as an independent ethnic group has been undermined. However, Tumen river region is deeply connected with Korean Chinese as well as Koreans in the peninsular, historically and geographically. Recent development in Tumen river region is very different from the Tumen river project which was supported by the UNDP in the 1990s. Mostly, the central government of China announced it as a national-level development region, and has supported the region financially and in administration. Korean Chinese as well as ethnic Koreans should understand this initiative as a guardianship of the central government of China, not only in economy but also in politico-security. Therefore, Korean Chinese should take advantage of this guardianship and make their own network governance. The network should be with global Koreans including South and North, but also with Korean Chinese themselves in the world. The government should make a room for Korean Chinese to participate in decision-making process as a part of policy of ethnic minorities. “Harmony of interest” between center and locals, between Han Chinese and Korean Chinese, and even between China and neighboring countries can be a good indicator for future cooperation of East Asia. Global Korean Chinese network making will be a chance for Korean Chinese to become a “model minority” of China one more time.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        독일의 외국인 우수인재 유치 제도와 정책 연구

        이진영(Lee, Jean Young),정호원(Joung, Ho Won) 서강대학교 현대정치연구소 2014 현대정치연구 Vol.7 No.1

        본고는 제3국 출신 우수인재의 유치를 위해 최근 독일이 취해 온 제도적?정책적 접근에 관해 살펴보고 그로부터 시사점을 도출하는 데에 목적을 둔다. 흔히 가장 개방적이라 평가받는 블루카드 제도가 시행에 들어간 2012년 8월 전후 이래 정부차원에서 수립된 제도와 정책 및 민간기구차원에서 제안된 촉진책 등이 연구대상이다. 먼저 우수인재에 대한 개념정립으로, 독일에서 일반적으로 받아들여지는 체류법을 위시한 독일법령에 근거하여 고급 및 전문인력을 제시한다. 고급인력 유치정책으로는, 연구와 혁신의 진작을 목표로 연방교육연구부 지원 하에 운영돼오는 두 인터넷포털(‘독일에서의 연구’와 ‘유라제스 독일’)을 제시한다. 이어 전문인력 유치에 관련하여서는, 블루카드 제도 및 2012년 6월 세 연방부처가 공동으로 구축?운영해오고 있는 두 종합정보포털(‘전문인력공세’와 ‘독일에서 꿈 실현하기’)에 주목한다. 또한 2013년 5월 베르텔스만 재단이 새 이민정책으로 제안한 흑?적?황 카드를 분석하여 미래 독일 이민정책의 방향을 가늠해본다. 마지막으로 이상의 논의가 한국에 주는 교훈 내지 시사점을 도출한다. This study aims at understanding Germany’s recent efforts to promote brain-gain from outside EU countries and tries to find lessons for Korea from the German case. German initiatives include not only policies and institutional arrangements by the federal government of Germany, but also policy suggestions by private sectors such as organizations of industrial firms and foundations. For this, conceptualization of brains from abroad in German immigration policies is firstly discussed. Two types in which ‘the highly qualified’ and ‘the highly skilled’ are included. Germany’s recent efforts to encourage excellent foreign scholars as ‘the highly qualified’ to migrate into Germany for continuous researches are particularly discussed. Regarding ‘the highly skilled,’ the Blue Card Germany, and 2 state-sponsored internet portals are addressed. Also, private sector’s initiatives such as the Black-Red-Gold Card of Bertelsmann Foundation are also separately discussed for a possible notion of future policy. Finally this study draws lessons and implications from the German cases for Korea.

      • 부시행정부의 대 중국 위협인식과 중-미관계 전망

        이진영 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2001 유라시아연구 Vol.1 No.2

        이 글은 부시행정부의 중국 정책을 중국 위협론의 재등장이라는 측면에서 고찰하고 있다. 기존의 중국 위협론이 가지는 쟁점을 6가지로 정리한 후, 부시 행정부에서 이런 중국 위협론의 요소가 어떻게 정책결정자들의 인식에 존재하고 있는가를 설명하고 있다. 클린턴 정부와는 달리 전통적 보수주의에서 접근하는 부시정부의 대외 정책은 확산보다는 국가이익의 유지, 보호에 기본 목적을 두고, 이상주의적인 모험과 과격성을 배제하고, 철저하게 절제하면서 신중하게, 그리고 온건하게 그러나 미국의 이익이 침해되었을 때는 단호하게 반응하는 성격을 가지고 있으며, 중국 정책에서도 중국을 전략적 경쟁자로 인식하여, 지역내의 세력으로 성장하지 못하도록 봉쇄하는 정책을 형성하고 있으며, 이런 태도에는 신중국 위협론에 대한 인식이 그 기저에 놓여있다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 미국의 인식은 부시 행정부에서 쉽게 변화할 가능성은 없어 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 민족 정체성과 통일을 위한 '열린 민족' 개념에 관한 연구

        이진영 연세대학교 통일연구원 2001 통일연구 Vol.5 No.1

        This article discusses concept of 'nation' in Korea, and suggests that a form of 'open nation' should be introduced for the future reunification process.In the global era, nation-state system is being eased in witnessed.Also, attributes of identity such as ethnicity, localism, gender, and religion become more important.This trend is now coincided with a democratic development of a society. Korea is a divided country and las almost 7 million overseas Koreans scattered around the world.Yet, a clear definition of the Korean nation has not been scrutinized.There are two schools in the formation of 'nation': perrenialists and modernists.Although modernist position is more persuasive in Korean case, perrenialists' view has been emphasized in North and South Korea due to the political situation.Using the modernist view of nation, a tolerant and open concept of nation should be introduced for future Korea.With this, we can achieve the goal of democratic society which embraces various identities inside the society and also includes the other Koreans such as North Koreans and Overseas Koreans.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 재외동포정책 : 재외동포법 개정의 쟁점과 대안 Issues and Implications

        이진영 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2002 한국과 국제정치 Vol.18 No.4

        Decision (November 29th 2001) of "constitutional discord" by the Constitutional Court of Korea towards the Act on the Immigration and Legal Status of Overseas Koreans of 1998 resulted a hot debate again on the policy of the Koreans abroad. According to the decision, the legal provision excluding overseas Koreans who moved to China and the former Soviet Union before 1948 and their descendants from receiving legal benefits is unconstitutional and the provision will remain effective only through 2003. The Act divides Koreans abroad into Korean citizens living abroad and Koreans with foreign citizenship. It grants various benefits to them while staying in Korea and the right to get jobs and do business in Korea. The question of The Act is an indicator of the legal, political, societal and even conceptual discrepancies of the South Korean society. Issues related to the Act can be divided into four categories; 1) immigration and legal status, 2) foreign intervention, especially China's deep concern, 3) labour market, and 4) existence of The Act itself. This paper discusses these issues above and adds some more normative questions on the policy towards the Koreans abroad. These are mainly conceptual issues related to ethnicity and nationality. Also, a positive way of inter-relations among the ethnic Korean groups in the world is addressed. These issues are fairly new in the Korean academic circles. Therefore, the basic studies are woefully inadequate. Meanwhile, development of the issues are moving faster and faster. Legal, political, economic, social and industrial relations approaches are being developed in recent years. But, it is very rare to see the development in a wider sense such as an international or an East Asian context. In coping with issues arising from the encounters with foreign workers as well as ethnic Korean migrators in their country, South Koreans have begun to rethink about their concepts of nation and ethnicity. As their society becomes rapidly open in the context of globalization, South Koreans are trying to find a solution to embrace national unity as well as global standard at the same time. Here, nationalism and globalism cannot contradict each other. However, to accept an ethnocentric view on nationalism is likely to cast away the notion of global standard in South Korea. Thus, the case of Chosonjok in Korean society is a good indicator to see development of the society, internally as well as internationally.

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