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      • KCI등재

        The Strategic Gambit: How U.S. Allies’ Rapprochement with Adversaries Influences American Support

        이진명 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2023 평화학연구 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper aims to test whether U.S. allies can bolster deterrence of U.S. alliances by bringing about rapprochement with their rivalries. The argument presented here entails that defender’s military support to its protégé depends on whether the protégé mobilizes the strategic option to retaliate against the defender if it is abandoned by the defender. Direct evidence to support the argument is revealed in the results of analyses over the entire period 1816-2014. Particularly during the Cold War, the U.S. allies are much more likely to bolster the deterrence of U.S. alliances by building up rapprochement with challengers. Yet, during the period 2001-2014, there is little evidence that U.S. bilateral allies could induce the U.S. support. Rather, U.S. bilateral allies having close trade ties with challengers are far more likely to be targets of dispute initiation. These findings have significant practical implications for Korea. First, in a strategic move to protect its interests, S. Korea should pursue comprehensive ties with its northern counterpart, as a hedge against the potentially unreliable relationship with the U.S. Second, as S. Korea persistently relies on the security assurances of the U.S. and the rearmed Japan, it unknowingly exposes itself to a treacherous game in which the great powers readily sacrifice its interests, people, and territories, all in the name of preserving a delicate balance in the region. Finally, the realization of a fully armed and reunited Korea stands as the essential factor in neutralizing the shared common interests of the great powers on the divided Korean Peninsula, strategically countering their hegemonic ambitions.

      • KCI등재

        SLM공정에 의해 제조된 316L 스테인레스 스틸 격자구조체의 압축 거동 평가

        이진명,이정음,김지훈,김상우 대한금속·재료학회 2020 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.58 No.4

        Lattice structures are multi-functional materials with various advantages such as high specific stiffness, high energy absorption capacity and good thermal management capability. Recently, the development of manufacturing technologies using metal powders has facilitated fabrication of complex products; consequently, interest in lattice structures has grown. In this work, two kinds of lattice structures, pyramidal and tetrahedral, were designed and fabricated via a selective laser melting (SLM) process using stainless steel 316L powder. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and optical microscope (OM) results revealed that lattice structures with various unit cell sizes and angles of inclination can be manufactured using SLM without the need for additional support structures. However, many unmelted and partially melted particles were observed on the surface of the lattice structures, which caused dimensional errors related to the struts. This research examined the effects of topology and unit cell design parameters on the macroscopic compressive behavior of lattice structures. Compressive characteristics, including elastic modulus, initial peak stress, strain energy absorption and mean stress, were evaluated through uniaxial compression tests. Lattice structures with the same relative density exhibited excellent elastic modulus, initial peak stress, energy absorption and mean stress results at inclination angles of 45–50°. These characteristics showed a tendency to increase with increasing relative density at the same inclination angle. The experimental results suggested these design parameters are the main factors influencing the mechanical characteristics of lattice structures.

      • KCI등재

        방동수(方東樹)의 한학상태(漢學商兌) 에 내재한 통경치용(通經致用) 사상

        이진명 한국철학사연구회 2023 한국 철학논집 Vol.- No.78

        Fang Dongshu (方東樹, 1772∼1851) was a literary figure and thinker of Dongcheng School in the Late Qing Dynasty. He took the lead in preserving the Chengzhu School and their teachings. He led the confrontation against the Qianjia School in the Han-Song Dispute, and he is the author of Discussion of Chinese Classic School’s Problem (漢學商兌), which can be said to be the masterpiece of the Tongcheng School. Discussion of Chinese Classic School’s Problem is a philosophical book of re-criticism that criticizes Chinese studies in reverse while defending the negative effect of Songxie, which were criticized by scholars of Neo-Chinese Classics(Hanxie). First, there is a criticism that Songlu has a problem of disregarding phrases and exegesises and discussing the scriptures with empty words. Second, there are criticisms that Songlu neglects the authenticity of Confucian scriptures. Third, there is a criticism that it is difficult to escape from a suspicion of Buddhist. In response to this, Fang Dongshu set up the concept of Confucian Practicality and laid the groundwork for a counterargument to the issue of Neo-Chinese scholars(Hanxie). According to Fang Dongshu sincerely doing truthful things is truthful adoptation of Confucoan classic to everyday life, and meaning is formed only when seeing reason with the heart or loyalty. Fang Dongshu argued against Gu Yanwu (顧炎武, 1613∼1682), Hui Dong (惠棟, 1697∼1758), Dai Zhen (戴震, 1724∼1777), Qian Daxin (錢大昕, 1728∼1804), Jiao Xun (焦循, 1763∼1763) 1820), and Ruan Yuan (阮元, 1764∼1849), etc., thoroughly refuted the position of Anti-Songxie scholars in the camp of Neo-Chinese classics. Fang Dongshu stood up against Neo-Chinese Classics(Hanxie), which was the trend of the times, with the spirit of guardian toward Chengzhu School and the confucianism that was unchanging for eternity. Fang Dongshu left an outstanding book called Discussion of Chinese Classic School’s Problem to announce the revival of late Qing’s Chengzhu School, but at the same time exposed the limitations of the times called feudal conservatism. 방동수(方東樹, 1772∼1851)는 청대 동성파의 문학가이자 사상가이다. 그는 정주이학을 종지로 삼아 그 학술을 지키는 데 앞장섰다. 한송지쟁에서 건가학파를 반대하여 대립을 이끌었으며 동성파의 대표적 학술저서라 할 수 있는 한학상태 를 지은 장본인이다. 한학상태 는 한학가들이 문제로 삼아 비판한 송학의 폐단에 대해 송학의 폐단을 비호하면서 한학을 되레 역으로 비판하는 재비판 성격의 철학서이다. 첫째, 송유는 장구(章句)와 훈고(訓詁)를 경시하고 공언으로 경전을 논의하는 문제를 지녔다는 비판이 있다. 둘째, 송유는 고거(考據)를 경시하여 유가경전의 진위 문제를 변론하지 않는다는 비판이 있다. 셋째, 정주이학은 종지에서 빠져나와 불교에 출입한다는 오해를 벗어나기 어렵다는 비판이 있다. 방동수는 이에 대해 통경치용(通經致用)이라는 개념을 설정하여 한학가의 문제제기에 반론의 토대를 마련한다. 방동수에 의하면, 진실한 일을 진실로 행하는 것(實行實事)이 바로 치용이며, 마음으로써 이치를 보거나 통경으로써 의리를 보는 것도 치용을 위한 과정일 때 비로소 의미가 형성된다는 것이다. 방동수는 고염무(顧炎武, 1613∼1682)⋅혜동(惠棟, 1697∼1758)⋅대진(戴震, 1724∼1777)⋅전대흔(錢大昕, 1728∼1804)⋅초순(焦循, 1763∼1820)⋅완원(阮元, 1764∼1849) 등 한학 진영 학자의 반송학적 입장을 주도면밀하게 반박한다. 방동수는 정주이학을 향한 위도사상과 만고에 불변하는 유가의 통경치용사상으로써 시대의 대세인 고증학에 맞섰다. 방동수는 한학상태 라는 걸출한 저서를 남겨서 만청의 정주이학의 부활을 알렸지만, 동시에 봉건적 보수성이라는 시대적 한계도 노출한다.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 대학(大學) 의 지위 동요와 반(反)형이상학적 인성론의 등장 — 진확(陳確, 1604-1677)의 사상을 중심으로 —

        이진명 동양철학연구회 2023 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.115 No.-

        진확은 변혁기에 활동했다. 그 시기는 중국문명이 전통에서 근대적 성격으로 이전되는 시기였다. 진확은 유종주(劉宗周)의 제자답게 육왕심학의 수정주의 입장을 취한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 여타 학인과 다른 개성을 유감없이 발휘한다. 우리는 진확 사상의 특이점을 반형이상학, 탈권위, 평등의 진리관, 존천리멸인욕 개념의 신안(新案) 정초, 공사관(公私觀)에 대한 신안 정초 등으로 파악할 수 있다. 이 중 형이상학에서 이탈하는 학술로의 도전은 진확의 지대한 공헌이며, 육왕심학 진영에서 제기한 보기 드문 고전 문헌(경전)에 대한 도전이기도 하다. 따라서 진확의 「대학변(大學辨)」은 경학사의 관점에서 보더라도 심학진영에서 세운 드문 성취에 속한다. 진확은 51세가 되었던 1654년부터 대학변 을 저술하여 대학 은 성경(聖經)이 아니라고 주장했다. 실제로 진확에 의해서, 대학 이라는 전적에는 사료 문제, 정주이학 진영이 격상시킨 정치적 목적, 선학(禪學)과 유사한 문제, 실천론에 대한 취약성 등 많은 문제점이 노출되었다. 진확은 대학 의 비판을 통해서 새로운 시대를 이끌 수 있는 추동력을 얻고자 했다. 진확의 대학 비판은 존리멸욕의 심성론에 대한 반기로 이어진다. 즉, 진확의 반형이상학적⋅반이학적 성격은 존리멸욕(存理滅欲)에 대한 독자적 견해에서 두드러진다. 진확에 의하면, 인욕과 천리는 한 몸에서 일어나는 양상이다. 인욕이 바르고 타당하게 쓰이면 그것이 바로 천리이다. 진확에 의하면, 욕이란 사람과 사회, 세계에 흘러서 멈추지 않는 활력이며, 개체와 집단의 보존을 위한 본능이다. 이러한 본능(욕구능력)은 도덕능력에 의해 적절하게 제어될 수 있다. 필자는 진확에 의해서 중국사상사가 전통적 학술의제에서 나아가 근대적 시야를 확보했다고 파악한다. The era in which Chen Que faced was a turning point of change. It was a time when Chinese civilization moved from tradition to modernity. Huang Zongxi(黃宗羲, 1610∼1695), Fu Shan(傅山, 1607∼1684), Gu Yanwu(顧炎武, 1613∼1682), Wang Fuzhi(王夫之, 1619∼1692), Yan Yuan(顔元, 1635∼1704), Tang Zhen(唐甄, 1630∼1704) and Zhang Dai(張袋, 1597∼1684) presented ideas, concepts, and propositions that were significantly different from the previous ones. In the field of ideology and culture, he also presented early Enlightenment innovations. Their new thought was the force that made Confucianism enter the modern era from tradition, and it was an opportunity to open the prelude to the modernization of ideology and culture. Chen Que is also a thinker born in such an atmosphere of the times. As a disciple of Liu Zongzhou(劉宗周, 1578∼1645), Chen Que takes the position of revisionism of the Lu Wang Mind School. Nevertheless, he regretfully demonstrates his personality different from other scholars. We can identify the singularity of Chen Que's ideology as anti-metaphysics, de-authority, the view of truth of equality, the foundation of the new plan of the concept of honor the decree of heaven, contain the desires of human, and the establishment of the new plan between public and private views. Among them, the challenge to the academic field that breaks away from metaphysics is a great contribution to truth, and it is also a challenge to the rare classical literature (scriptures) raised by the camp of the Lu Wang Mind School. Therefore, Chen Que's Asking to Great Learning (大學辨) belongs to the rare achievement established by the Lu Wang Mind School faction even from the viewpoint of history of study of the Confucian classics. In 1654, when he was 51 years old, Chen Que wrote Asking to Great Learning and presented an unconventional claim that Great Learning is not the Bible. According to Chen Que, many problems such as the issue of historical records, the political purpose elevated by the camp of Chengzhu School, problems similar to Zen Buddhism, and the vulnerability of practical theory are exposed in the historical record of Great Learning. Chen Que tried to gain a driving force to lead a new era through criticism of Great Learning. Chen Que's criticism of Great Learning leads to a rebellion against the theory of the honor the decree of heaven, contain the desires of human. In other words, Chen Que's anti-metaphysical and anti-physical character stands out in his independent view on the theory. According to truth, human desire and the principle of heaven are aspects that occur in one body. If human desire is properly and properly used, that is the principle of heaven. Similarly, there is human desire in the principle of heaven, so there is no need to clearly divide the two. Also, according to the truth, lust is the vitality that does not stop flowing through people, society, and the world, and is an instinct for the preservation of individuals and groups. These instincts (capacities for desire) can be appropriately controlled by moral capacities. I understands that the history of Chinese thought has secured a modern perspective from the traditional academic agenda by Chen Que.

      • KCI등재

        Is Liberal Peace Likely in Nuclear Asymmetry?

        이진명 한국국제정치학회 2015 The Korean Journal of International Studies Vol.13 No.1

        This paper mainly aims to address the question of whether liberal peace is likely in situations of nuclear asymmetry. I assume that a non-nuclear state enters into a trade alliance with a nuclear state to obtain security that the nuclear state is capable of offering. I further assume that a nuclear state enters into trade linkages with a non-nuclear state to obtain trade gains. When nuclear and non-nuclear states engage in disputes, the two states lose security or trade gains. Accordingly, while states in nuclear asymmetry are highly conflict-prone, economic ties in nuclear asymmetry could promote peace by promoting the sharing and exchanging of both economic and security gains. Based on these assumptions, I construct primary hypotheses in a situation of nuclear asymmetry and test these during the period of 1950-2001 under analysis by adopting a logit statistical model. The results support that economic relations in situations of nuclear asymmetry have a significant effect in reducing the likelihood of dyadic disputes, but only when the trading linkages are especially valuable and extensively and mutually dependent. To capture negative evidence, I also construct and examine a rival hypothesis that trade linkages in situations of nuclear symmetry are less likely to lead to reduced conflict. Overall, as expected, the results reveal that economic relations in nuclear symmetry have an insignificant effect on conflict.

      • KCI등재

        HAZOP 분석 자동화를 위한 객체지향 모델링

        이진명,허보경,황규석 한국산업안전학회 1998 한국안전학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis is one of the safety analysis method that is used in the chemical complex, because it can systematically identify causes and consequences of all the deviation that could occur. Since this method needs to hire specialized experts, it is costly and time-consuming. Therefore HAZOP Expert System has been developed to automate this analysis. This approach introduced object-oriented method and knowledge representation which is hierarchical tree of units to supply flexibility in the system, functional semantic network, propagation equation and rule-chaining method to set up the expert system for automating HAZOP analysis.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        누두흉에 대한 Ravich 수술과 흉골 반전술의 비교연구

        이진명 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1993 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.26 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the early results by the operative methods in 36 patients with pectus excavatum during the period August 1989 to August 1993. We underwent Ravitch`s operation in 15 patients [mean age : 11.0], which consists of subperichondral resection of all deformed cartilages, anterior wedge osteotomy and fixation in place with wire sutures of the sternum, and sternal eversion operation in 21 patients[mean age : 5.3], which consists of en-bloc resection of deformed sternum and cartilages, tailoring of the costal cartilages and shaping of the sternum and fixation of sternum and cartilages. Early results were satisfactory in 93% [Excellent 93%] for Ravitch`s operations and in 100% [Excellent 90% and Good 10%] for sternal eversion operations. But late results by sternal growth will be necessary longer follow-up.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        절제된$N_2$ 폐암환자의 생존율 분석

        이진명,박승일,손광현,Lee, Jin-Myeong,Park, Seung-Il,Son, Gwang-Hyeon 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1993 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.26 No.12

        Mediastinal lymph node involvement [N2 disease] is generally accepted as an important factor influencing the outcome of patients with lung cancer.The long-term survival rates of completely resected patients with N2 disease are frequently reported from 15% to 30%.To improve the management and the outcome of patients with resectable N2 disease, we analyzed the survival rates and the prognostic factors for resected N2 lung cancer. Between August 1989 and September 1993, we experienced 27 patients with N2 disease of 115 surgically treated lung cancer at the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Asan Medical Center, Ulsan University Medical School. Of these 27 N2 disease 4 had only an exploratory thoracotomy, and 23 underwent pulmonary resection by pneumonectomy[15], bilobectomy[3], lobectomy[4] and sleeve lobectomy[1].All of resected 23 patients received postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy[3], radiotherapy[2] or combined chemo-radiotherapy[18].Complete follow-up was obtained in 23 patients and median survival was 22 months and overall 1-year and 2-year survival rates by Kaplan-Meir method were 65 % and 45 %, respectively. Survival differences according to histology, tumor location, number of positive nodal station and operative method were not significant, statistically. Conclusively, we think that in resectable N2 lung cancer, complete tumor resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection, and postoperative adjuvant therapy should be done to improve the survival.

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