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        경험수집 소비행동에 대한 통합적 연구

        이수 ( Sue Hyun Lee ),이유재 ( Youjae Yi ) 한국소비자학회 2014 소비자학연구 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구에서는 경험수집 소비행동에 대한 이해를 높이기 위해 경험수집 현황, 유형, 주요 동기, 가치, 그리고 경 험수집 단계와 확산과정 등을 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위해 3차례의 문화기술적 면담(ethnographic interview)과 3차례의 서술형 설문조사를 순환적으로 실시하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경험수집을 해본 비율은 물질수집과 비슷했지만, 현재도 수집을 하고 있는 경우는 경험수집(76.0%)이 물질수집(58.7%)에 비해서 높았으며, 수집을 중단한 적이 있는 비율은 경험수집(67.4%)이 물질수집(93.6%)보다 낮았다. 경험수집 중단 이유로는 경제적, 시간적 제약이 가장 많이 언급된 것에 비해서, 물질수집 중단 이유로는 의미/재미가 없다고 느껴지게 되었다는 점과 경제적 제약, 공간 부족문제가 많이 언급되었다. 둘째, 경험수집의 유형은 체험(여행, 식당/카페 방문, 레저/스포츠 활동), 관람(영화, 공연, 전시회/박물관 등), 자기개발(스펙 쌓기와 관련된 경험)의 세 가지로 나눌 수 있었고, 이 중 소비자들이 가장 많이 하는 경험 수집은 ‘체험’과 관련된 것이었다. 셋째, 경험수집 동기는 크게 ‘나의 성장’, ‘삶의 즐거움’, ‘사회적 관계에서의 만족’의 세 가지로 나눌 수 있었는데, 이 중 ‘삶의 즐거움’의 비중이 가장 높았으며, 물질수집과 가장 차이가 나는 동기는 ‘나의 성장’이었다. 넷째, 험수집의 만족도가 물질수집의 만족도에 비해 높았으며, 물질수집과 차별화되는 경험수집의 가치는 ‘내적 성장’, ‘추억의 보존’, ‘정서적 만족’, ‘타인과의 긍정적 관계 형성’ 등의 순서였다. 특히 경험수집의 동기로서는 부각되지 않았던 ‘추억의 보존’이 두 번째로 중요한 가치로 나타났는데, 경험수집에서 좋았던 기억을 추억으로서 보존할 필요가 있다는 생각을 하게 될 때 물질수집이 경험수집의 보완재 역할을 하게 된다는 점에서 특히 주목할 만하다. 다섯째, <수집할 경험의 선정/계획 ⇒ 경험수집 ⇒ 수집한 경험의 보존(추억) ⇒ 수집한 경험의 공유>의 4단계로 이루어지는 경험수집은 축적될수록 만족도가 높아지며 끊임없이 가치가 창출되는 동태적 행동이다. 현재의 경험수집 행동과 만족도는 과거의 경험에 대한 추억과 미래의 경험수집에 대한 계획으로부터 전후방적인(forward-backward) 영향을 받는다. 따라서 경험수집을 한 번 시작하면 지속할 가능성과 더 다양한 분야에서 경험수집을 할 가능성이 높아진다 .여섯째, 사회의 변화에 따른 개인적 수요의 증가와 매스미디어와 SNS를 통한 관심의 증가로 인해 경험수집은 앞으로 더욱 확산될 것으로 전망된다. 소비자들이자신의 경험을 주변 지인에게 공유하고, SNS/온라인 커뮤니티 등을 통해 불특정 다수에게 공유함으로써 경험수집 행동이 더 확산되는 데 영향을 미칠 뿐 아니라 사회적 학습, 대리 만족기회 제공, 긍정적 피드백을 통해서 행복감, 뿌듯함, 즐거움 등을 전파하는 선순환적인 매커니즘을 형성하게 된다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로, 소비자행동 관점에서 연구의 이론적 및 실무적 시사점을 검토하고 향후 연구방향을 제시하였다. Experience collecting behavior is a large-scaled phenomenon that can be observed easily. However, there has been little research regarding experience collecting behavior. Therefore, this study examines the current situations, types, major motivations, values, processes and diffusion of experience collecting behavior. For this purpose, the authors conducted three rounds of ethnographic interviews and three rounds of descriptive surveys rotationally in order to gain a deeper understanding of experience collecting behavior. The results of the research can be summarized as follows. First, the rate of respondents who have collected experiences at least once appears to be similar with the ratio of respondents who have collected objects at least once. However, in terms of the current collection, the ratio of the experience collection (76.0%) is much higher than the one of the object collection (58.7%). In case of ever stopping the collecting process, the ratio of the experience collection (67.4%) is much lower than the one of the object collection (93.6%). The experience collecting process was stopped mainly due to problems such as the economic or time-related limitations, whereas the object collecting process was stopped mainly because it no longer provided any kind of meaning/fun or there were economic and spacerelated limitations. Second, the experience collection can be classified into three types including ‘direct experience’ (such as travels, visits to extraordinary restaurants/cafes, and leisure/sporting activities), ‘watching experience’ (at such places as movies, concert halls and exhibition centers/museums) and ‘personal development experiences’ (such as the development of personal skills useful for employment). Among such categories, ‘direct experience’ is the one which consumers tend to carry out the most. Third, the motives of experience collection can be classified into ‘personal growth,’ ‘pleasure in life’ and ‘satisfaction in social relations.`` Among these three categories, ‘personal growth’ can be seen as the category with the biggest difference compared to object collection. Fourth, the values of the experience collection, which are different from the ones of the object collection, include ‘the intrinsic growth,’ ‘the preservation of memories,’ ‘the emotional satisfaction’ and ‘the formation of positive relations with others.’ In particular, ‘the preservation of memories,’ which has not been mentioned as the motivation of experience collection, is regarded as the second important value. When it is necessary to preserve good memories in the experience collecting process, object collection can play the role of a complementary good for experience collection. Fifth, experience collection can be regarded as a dynamic behavior which increases the level of satisfaction and creates values based on the level of accumulation. The current experience collecting behavior and the related level of satisfaction are subject to the forward and backward influence of the memories related to the past experience and the plans for the experience collection in the future. Last, once the experience collecting process is started, it is likely that the process is continuously carried out in more fields due to its high values and utility. Moreover, as consumers share their experience with their friends and other unspecified people through the SNS or online communities, the experience collecting behavior is spread more. This study discusses the theoretical and practical implications in terms of consumer behavior and suggests directions for future research.

      • KCI등재

        항만분권의 핵심의제는 무엇인가? : 프랑스 항만법전에 대한 시맨틱 네트워크 분석을 중심으로

        이유현 ( Lee Youhyun ),서인석 ( Seo In-seok ),정수 ( Jeong Su-hyun ) 한국지방행정연구원 2019 地方行政硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        본 연구는 한국보다 일찍이 항만분권에 대한 논의를 진행하고, 이를 실현하기 위한 수단으로 수차례의 법제 개혁을 단행한 프랑스의 항만분권 관련 법제를 분석하여, 향후 한국의 항만분권을 추진하기 위한 탐색적 연구의 목적을 가진다. 프랑스를 비롯한 국외 항만분권의 유형을 체계적으로 검토하고, 프랑스의 항만분권의 실현수단이었던 법제개혁에서 핵심적인 역할을 수행한 지방의 책임과 자유에 관한 2004년 8월 13일의 법, 항만개혁에 관한 2008년 7월 4일의 법, 공화국의 새로운 국토조직에 관한 2015년 8월 7일의 법(NOTRe법)에 대한 시맨틱 네트워크 분석을 통해 항만분권의 주제어에 대한 근접중심성을 분석하였다. 분석결과 지방자치단체, 결정, 협정, 권한이양, 레지옹, 관리, 유지, 개발, 소유권, 분권, 법 적용 등의 단어가 항만분권과정에서의 핵심적인 주제어로 분석이 되었으며, 그 외에도 지역연합, 레저, 양허계약, 국가 공용항만용지 등의 주제어가 핵심적인 주제어로 부상하였다. 분석결과를 토대로 한 정책적 함의로는 항만 권한에 조사와 적정한 권한 이양에 대한 재검토, 지역간 협력, 법제개혁을 통한 항만분권 추진 등이 제시되었다. 향후 항만분권의 논의에서는 본 연구의 결과인 핵심의제들을 토대로 항만 주변 지역들이 동반성장, 지역 특색을 반영한 특화 항만으로 발전시켜 새로운 측면에서의 혁신과 경쟁력을 확보하기 위해 지속적인 노력을 기울일 필요가 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the port decentralization in France, which was implemented through several legal reforms earlier than South Korea. The semantic network anlaysis was conducted with the French port law to analyze the process of French port decentralization: law of August 13, 2004 , the law of 4 July 2008, the Act of 7 August 2015. The word such as local governments, decisions, agreements, transfer of authority, residence, management, maintenance, development, ownership, decentralization and legal use were analyzed as key words in the port decentralization. The policy implications based on the results were three points : investigating the transfer of authority, promoting port decentralization through regional cooperation and legislative reform. It is necessary to make continuous efforts to secure innovation and competitiveness by developing the ports regions and reflecting regional characteristics on port management in further port decentralization discussion

      • 비선형해석을 통한 기존 학교 건축물의 내진성능 평가

        이유현(Lee, Yu-Hyeon),이수헌(Lee, Swoo-Heon),이희두(Lee, Hee-Du),신경재(Shin, Kyung-Jae) 대한건축학회 2017 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.37 No.1

        After the Gyeongju earthquake, many of earthquake shelters were designated as school buildings. However, the ratio of designed for seismic of domestic school buildings is only 22.8%, and it is necessary to secure the seismic safety of those. Therefore, in this paper, a target building was selected before the seismic design criteria was established and the seismic performance of the building was evaluated. After the evaluation, reinforcement of the building was carried out using seismic retrofit systems which was previously tested. For this purpose, the evaluation was carried out using OpenSees program and the reliability of the seismic retrofit systems was also verified. In this way, we can more precisely reproduce the response of the building in case of actual earthquake and predict damage of the earthquake in the future.

      • 국내 청정 수상태양광 발전을 위한 분석적 전략 : SWOT-AHP분석을 중심으로

        이유현 ( Lee Youhyun ),김경민 ( Kim Kyoungmin ) 한국물환경학회 2020 한국물환경학회·대한상하수도학회 공동 춘계학술발표회 Vol.2020 No.-

        The aim of our study is to identify the priorities in the development of floating solar PV, and to suggest possible eco-friendly strategies using the SWOT-AHP method. The floating solar PV garnered attention for its ecological perspective; habitat for fish, prevention of the loss of water, reduction of insolation. Our study analyzed the priorities in planning the future solar PV strategies based on the opinions of 27 experts. Our results indicate that the government should expand governmental support while emphasizing the benefit of floating solar PV in that it causes less environmental damage compared to onshore solar PV. In addition, the government should properly deal with the public-private conflict toward the installation of floating solar PV. Floating solar PV itself has not reached a mature technological and institutional stage, but floating solar PV could be an option or alternative for saturated onshore solar PV facilities for cleaner production in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        배출권거래제 도입의 정책형성과정 연구 -옹호연합모형(ACF)과 사회연결망분석(SNA)를 중심으로-

        이유현 ( You hyun Lee ),권기헌 ( Gi heon Kwon ) 한국정책학회 2013 韓國政策學會報 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 배출권거래제 도입의 정책형성과정을 Sabatier의 옹호연합모형(ACF)과 신문기사를 이용한 사회연결망분석(SNA)을 통해 분석한 연구이다. 배출권거래제 정책의 도입은 환경과 시장가치의 충돌이라는 근원적 불변의 속성을 가진 갈등의 문제와 약 15년이라는 긴 정책형성기간을 고려할 때 Sabatier의 옹호연합모형(ACF)에 적실성을 갖고 있다. 본 연구는 Lasswell의 정책형성과정을 정책정보기, 정책건의기, 정책갈등기, 정책처방기의 4시기로 발전시켜 각각의 시기에서 나타나는 ACF상의 역동적 외향요인, 상대적 안정변수, 정책하위체제의 구조(중심성과 밀도, 연합의 구성), 정책산출물의 시기별 분석을 통해 최종적인 배출권거래제 정책이 형성되는 과정을 심도 있게 분석하였다. 특히 정책하위제체 분석에 있어서의 사회연결망분석(SNA)의 적용은 기존 ACF연구의 한계를 보완하여 실증적인 연구를 진행할 수 있게 하였다. This study analyzes the policy making process of the Korean Emission Trading Scheme using Sabatier's Advocacy Coalition Framework(ACF) and Social Network Analysis(SNA). During the policy making process of Korean ETS, the environmental value and the market value of the underlying invariant properties of the two coalitions ;pro-environment coalition and pro-market coalition, have provoked severe conflicts for more than 15 years. Considering the long duration of the conflicts and the clash of the two coalitions, Sabatier's Advocacy Coalition Framework(ACF) has methodological relavance to this highly controversial issue. This study developed Lasswell's policy making process theories into four categories; policy information period, policy suggestion period, policy conflict period, and policy action period. Concerning the ACF, dynamic factors, relatively stable variables, the structure of policy sub-system(degree centrality, closeness centrality, density, and the composition of coalitions) are used for analyzing the policy making process and with the analysis of policy outcomes from each four periods, final policy formation was comprehensively analyzed. Also additionally using the Social Network Analysis(SNA), this study tempted to overcome the existing limits of past ACF studies by using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies within.

      • KCI우수등재

        원형개구부가 있는 강판 전단벽 시스템을 적용한 학교 건축물의 내진성능평가

        이유현(Lee, Yu-Hyeon),이수헌(Lee, Swoo-Heon),이희두(Lee, Hee-Du),신경재(Shin, Kyung-Jae) 대한건축학회 2018 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.34 No.1

        After the Gyeongju earthquake, school buildings were designated as earthquake shelters. However, the ratio of designed for seismic of domestic school buildings is only 23.2% in Korea, and it is necessary to secure the seismic safety of those. Therefore, in this paper, a target building was selected before the seismic design criteria was established and the seismic performance of the building was evaluated. After the evaluation, reinforcement of the building was carried out using seismic retrofit systems which was previously tested. For this purpose, the evaluation was carried out using OpenSees program and the reliability of the seismic retrofit systems was also verified. In this way, we can more precisely reproduce the response of the building in case of actual earthquake and predict damage of the earthquake in the future.

      • 은퇴 예정자들의 물리적, 심리적 스트레스 완화를 위한 주거 치유 가이드라인에 관한 연구 - 홍콩 ArchSD ‘Elderly-friendly Design Guidelines’를 중심으로 -

        이유현(Lee, You-Hyun),김석경(Kim, Seok-Gyeong) 한국주거학회 2023 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        Prospective retirees at the turning point from middle-aged to old-aged suffer from anxiety about job loss and reduced activity due to physical changes. Therefore, this study attempts to present housing therapy design elements that can reduce physical and psychological stress experienced by retirement. The main method of this study is literature review. First, stress was categorized and classified by analyzing previous studies and literature data on the stress experienced by prospective retirees. Second, based on supportive design theory proposed by Ulrich(2001), the consideration in residential area of Hong Kong’s ‘Elderly-friendly Design Guidelines’ was analyzed, and housing therapy design elements for stress relief were extracted. Third, the previously proposed interior guidelines for the elderly and extracted elements are compared and analyzed to verify the validity of each element.

      • KCI등재

        다층 FCAW가 적용된 SS400 맞대기 용접이음부의 기계적 특성 파악을 위한 열탄소성 변형 수치해석

        이유신 ( You-shin Lee ),황세윤 ( Se-yun Hwang ),선치웅 ( Chi-woong Seon ),이장 ( Jang-hyun Lee ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2017 공학기술논문지 Vol.10 No.1

        This paper presents a numerical procedure to investigate the mechanical strength of SS400 structure joined by multi-pass FCAW. Therefore, an efficient three-dimensional welding simulation model was suggested to predict a mechanical properties of welded structure and investigate its welding deformation, when the multi-layer FCAW method was applied to the butt jointed SS400 panel. This model also is presented in order to get the profile of residual deformation and stress. To define heat source model of FCAW, the welded SS400 specimen with 2-pass FCAW was observed and the heat affected zone was measured. Throughout the consideration of results by the suggested computational simulation, the efficient welding simulation and mechanical characteristics of the specimen are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스와 한국의 공공의료서비스 전달체계 비교분석

        이유현(Youhyun Lee),이채정(Chae-jeong Lee) 한국비교정부학회 2021 한국비교정부학보 Vol.25 No.3

        (Purpose) This study aims to present the direction of future public healthcare service delivery systems through in-depth comparative analysis in France and Korea. Through this paper, we aims to understand how government and market relationships are established to provide social services in the two countries. We also expect to be able to identify its differential characteristics. (Design/methodology/approach) A two-step qualitative approach is conducted. First, the research examines the commonalities and differences of the public healthcare service delivery system in France and Korea, which are considered as social insurance-based welfare states. Second, the study evaluates the role of the state-to-market among countries with similar social welfare systems. For the comparison, Germany and Japan, social insurance-based welfare states, are chosen as the comparative groups. (Findings) The characteristics of the public healthcare service delivery system in France and Korea are analyzed. Additionally, the level of government intervention in the public healthcare service delivery systems is measured. According to the analysis, France has a low rate of self-charge, and the proportion of healthcare, public hospitals, and public beds among public funds was high. Therefore, France is more of a complete government intervention model. Subsequently, in Korea, the percentage of self-payment was high, and the percentage of healthcare, public hospitals, and public beds was low among public funds. Thus, Korea is close to a complete market intervention model and has the opposite public healthcare service delivery system compared to France. (Research implications or Originality) This study presents some rationales for expanding public hospitals and beds in align with the reinforcement of the publicness of health service. The two-stage qualitative analysis methodology identified the characteristics of the public healthcare service delivery systems of both countries.

      • 주거 안전 취약 계층의 주택 개선 필요 사항 및 수리 지원 사업의 수요에 관한 연구

        이유현(Lee, You-Hyun),김석경(Kim, Suk-Kyung),박진슬(Park, Jin-Seul),장유진(Jang, Yu-Jin),임하라(Yim, Ha-rah),최재(Choi, Jae-Hyeon),정지민(Jeong, Ji-Min),정종대(Jung, Jong-Dae),이은주(Lee, Eun-Joo) 한국주거학회 2023 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.35 No.2

        To improve the poor living conditions of semi-basement dwellings, Seoul has been offering various house repairing support programs. The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of repairing support projects for vulnerable housing groups. In-depth interviews were conducted with 186 semi-basement residents from July 24, 2023, to October 3, 2023. The study was carried out through a content analysis. Major findings were: 1) The number of respondents who have experienced flooding is 38.17%, of which the majority of respondents have experienced flooding until recently. 2) The problems caused by outdated semi-basement living units were ranked in the order of plumbing, interior finishing, and water leakage, with 18% of residents responding that ‘humidity’ was the most discomforting issue. The majority of respondents had no experience in applying for or utilizing the support programs or had negative perceptions for the programs, and they indicated that official programs for protecting tenants are strongly needed.

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