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      • KCI등재

        효과적인 건전성 관리를 위한 유도탄 CBM+ 적용 방안 연구

        이연호,김성목,김지원,정재우,박정원,김용수 한국군사과학기술학회 2024 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        The objective of condition-based maintenance plus(CBM+) is to improve the availability and maintenanceefficiency of missiles, bolstering national defense capabilities. This study proposes an application of CBM+ toenhance the reliability and the safety of missiles, which are the devices typically stored for long durations. CBM+does not only contribute to defense capabilities, but it also aims to reduce maintenance costs. This study focusesparticularly on the dormant stage of the missile life-cycle, in which various failure modes and environmentalimpacts on failure mechanisms are investigated. The effectiveness of maintenance strategies and the implementationof CBM+ is evaluated using simulation data.

      • KCI등재

        저탄소녹색성장론에 나타난 이명박정부의 국가-시장-사회관계

        이연호 한국의회발전연구회 2010 의정연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 저탄소녹색성장전략의 분석을 통해 이명박 정부 하에서의 국가-시장-사회관계를 분석하고 있다. 전체적으로 이명박 정부의 정치경제발전모델이 자유주의적임을 부정하기는 어렵지만 순수하게 신자유주의적이라고 보기는 어렵다. 부분적으로 중상주의적 요소가 강하게 남아 있다. 아울러 국가와 시장 간의 관계는 원칙적으로는 서로 일정거리를 유지하는 객관적인 성격을 가지고 있으나 녹색산업분야에서는 친산업·친기업적 요소가 강하게 존재하고 있다. 국가-사회관계는 갈등적이고 배제적이다. 이러한 관점에서 볼 때 이명 박정부의 민주주의모델은 법적·제도적인 것이고 참여민주주의적 모델과는 거리를 두고 있다. 결국 사회배제적이고 친산업/친기업적 속성을 내포하는 한 시민사회세력의 반발에 직면하여 지속가능하지 못하게 되는 한계에 봉착하게 될 개연성이 높다. The study examines the state-market-society relationship with the analysis of the Lee Myong-bak government’s ‘low carbon green growth strategy’. The politico-economic development model of the Lee government is, by and large, liberal. But it also contains mercantilistic axioms. In the area of green industry, the relationship between the state and market is of pro-industry and pro-business, despite its overall orientation of arms-length relationship. The state-society relationship is mutually excluding and even conflictual. In this light the democratic model of the Lee government is legal-institutional rather than participatory.

      • 새마을運動과 經營 및 技術의 變化

        李延鎬,夫光植,金鍾震 慶北大學校 産業開發硏究所 1974 硏究報告 Vol.2 No.-

        It has ever been one of the bottlenecks of economic development that agricultural development has fallen behind in comparison with the epochmaking industrial growth of Korea since the 1960's. To break such a bottlenck and to strive for a well balanced economic development, we should innovate the structure of agricultural management and technology. Being based on the idea that the spiritual foundation is enlightened through the improvement of surroundings, the object of the New Village Movement lies in building up the villages so that everybody in Korean Rural areas can live a better life by increasing their income. The farm household income consists of the agricultural income and the non-agricultural one. In order to increase Korea's agricultural income in connection with the problem of self-supply of provisions, the improvement of management structure and technological innovations in agriculture should be promoted as soon as possible by the New Village Movement, because it is one of the most important aims of the Movement. In chapter one, we have described the general introduction of the New Village Movement and our survey. The New Village Movement, through the quickening stage in April, 1970, the experimental stags in 1971, the basic firing stage in 1972, and the self-help and cooperation stage in 1973, has developed successfully, and the basis of faithful organization and permanency has been constructed. From now, on the basis of these, we have worked out the plan for the self-help development stage (1974-1976) and the self-reliance accomplishment stage (1977-1981). We have considered the great result of the Movement to the stage of base formation in the second chapter, and how the impact and influence on agricultural management and the technological change has affected the Movement till 1973 in the third and fourth chapters. In analyzing "How much did this increase the agricultural income?" and "What are the results of management and technological development?", the results are as follows. a) In comparison with 1970, agricultural income substantially increased 5% in 1971, and 11% in 1972. This figure is the 3-year moving average, the result of 1973 may be included, and this rule is applied to the following. b) In considering the agricultural income, the efficiency of agricultural management and technological improvement increased 5.4% in 1971 and 5.6% in 1972, compared with the former year, these have annually been increasing since the beginning of the Movement. c) The efficiency of agricultural management and technological improvement at the ratio of input-output (constant price, 1970) is 0.3% (1966-'69), 4.5% (1970), 5.5% (1971) and 7.4%(1972). d) Compared with the former year, the change ratio of land productivity increased to 5. 4% in 1971, and 5.6% in 1972, and also labor productivity was 6.1% in 1971 and 11.5% in 1972. Capital productivity decreased to 4.0% in 1971 and 5.6 % in 1972. e) The annual increasing rates of land productivity and labor are much more than offset by the diminishing rate of capital, and that is the reason why we can get the results stated above. The changes of agricultural management and technology that have brought about the results stated above, are mainly caused by the impacts and influence of the Movement. That is, for example is brief, as follows: 1. The improvement of labor system. A part of the family labor has turned, partly as much as possible, from a conventional exchange of work to cooperative labor or union labor. The colective farms of whole nationals' 330,000 Jeongbo (1973, 330,000ha) is operated by the union labor, this tendency should be increased yearly. 2. The improvement of the managerial system. Since the beginning of the Movement, farmers have been cultivating crops and farm animals with high income. The number of farm households which are cultivating in a specialized occupation has been increasing, and so has the number of side job and diversified farm households. 3. The improvement of the structure of agricultural receipts and expenditures. The farmers have come to have a strong conviction that they can do anything if they have the will to do it. Through cooperative labor, the pool system and the joint feeding system the production cost has been reduced, while the farming income has been increased. 4. The improvement of artificial farming technology. Through the improvement of rice seeds, reasonable fertilization, etc., the rice yield per 10a (1/10ha) has been increased from 341㎏ (1970) to 356㎏ (in 1973). The Tongil variety especially made it possible to produce 520㎏ per 10a, and this variety directly affects the improvement of farming technology in Korea. 5. The improvement of expedient utilization technology. The arrangement of the productive foundation undertaken by the Movement has accelerated the mechanization of Korean agriculture. During the past three years, for example, more than 4,000 hand tractors (cultivators) have been supplied and have been used by the farmers in Gyeongbug Province for agricultural production. 6. The improvement of systematic technology. The collective farming farmers deeply showed the improvement of systematic technology. With artificial farming technology and the expedient utilization of it-cooperative labor, pool system, joint, feeding system and cooparative trad-the income of small-scale farmers increased through such systematic farming operations. In this fact, the. Advantage of Scale is deeply expressed. As mentioned above, the improvement of farming technology and the development of farm management were advanced through the past three years' Movement but only partly achieved from the view point of national or Provincial development, and not be in the Innovation Stage yet. The agricultural income is still lower than industrial income, and the average farm income is only 60%, compared with the average. In considering this, we promote not only non-agricultural income but also agricultural income-the promotion of productivity is much more important for the modernization of Korean agriculture. The establishment of the agricultural foundation, soil improvement, farmland and farm road arrangement, irrigation and drainage facilities must be achieved completely before any others for land productivity. It is necessary to fertilize with compost, silicic acid and lime for the organic matter and ph of the farm land in barren land. We must improve better seeds for the taste of the people and good yield, and by the recent news the Korean Government is planning to organize the Seed Supply Center for better and new seeds. This is a way for improvement of land productivity. Fixed capital must invest more for the improvement of labor productivity, in order to purchase and provide implements and agricultural facilities, under the condition of long term loans at lower interest to the farmers continually. Now, the cultivating, spraying and thrashing works is are well mechanized but, seeding, planting and harvesting must be improved from now on, and the mechanization of present power technological systems should be complete. from the seeding to harvesting processes, and also, cheap and effective small types of agricultural machines must be supplied to small scale farmers for labor productivity. The decrement of capital productivity may be recovered from the enlargement of collective farms and the abolishment of the upper limit system of farm areas and upgrading the enterprising farms. Today, our Governmental farming guidance is too much devoted to the guidance of technological improvement only, and neglects that of agricultural bookkeeping and managerial ability, and this tendency must be readjusted. Our present farmers must calculate and compare the input and output of their farm management exactly like Homoecomicus, and this is one of the ways to improve capital productivity. For the excellent method of improvement in agricultural productivity, the system of the upper limit farm area should be readjusted to the optimum scale, the large scale farm management, which combined with extensive farm land and fixed capital should be raised up with the self-supporting farm household together. If not only self-supporting farm groups but also large scale farm management groups and family farm management groups are farming collectively, the Advantage of Scale should be realized. This is one of the ways to the structural improvement of agriculture. The Office of Rural Development is proceeding to survey the whole country's soil and is now making a Korean oil Map for the utilizable agricultural land Master Plan. To select the crop for a suitable land category, this map will be available when completed, and the establishment of well planned areas for agricultural industry will stand on a strong scientific foundation. If this Project becomes known to everybody, Korean agriculture will march into the Innovation Stage, and the dream of our agricultural modernization will come true. Then innovation will be moved up in the near future by the active New Village Movement continuously, because the Movement accelerates the scientific farming as well as the cooperative spirit and s systematic technology.

      • KCI등재후보

        지역별 복지 및 사회적 특성에 따른 사회적 기업 결정요인 분석

        이연호 한국지방행정학회 2013 한국지방행정학보 (KLAR) Vol.10 No.1

        This study analyzes the determinants of social enterprises by regional welfare and social characteristics, employing panel data analysis. Regional welfare characteristics considered include recipients of national basic livelihood assistance, disabled enrollees, aging rate, registered volunteers, and ratio of financial welfare budget in total regional budget. Variables in regional social characteristics include financial autonomy rate, women’s economic activity participation rate, suicide rate per one hundred thousand people, and GRDP per capita. Major findings are as follows. Among explanatory variables, percentage of registered volunteers and disabled enrollees, the degree of financial autonomy, and GRDP per capita have statistically significant positive effect on the proportion of social enterprises in the considered region. These results imply that the central and local governments need to consider carefully welfare and social characteristics of each region when formulating their support programs and development policies for social enterprise.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 노인학대상담원의 직무만족과 영향요인

        이연호,김태영 고려대학교 정부학연구소 2010 정부학연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 국가가 전문기관에 위임하여 운영하고 있는 노인보호문제의 실효성을 제고하기 위하여 시도되었다. 중앙 및 지방 노인보호전문기관을 통하여 수행되고 있는 노인문제 대처의 핵심에 노인학대상담원제도가 존재한다는 사실에 근거하여 상담원제도 운영의 실효성 제고를 위한 실증연구가 추진되었다. 상담원의 직무환경 및 기타 제도적 변수들이 직무만족에 영향을 미칠 것이고, 이는 결국 상담원제도 운영의 실효성을 저하시킬 것이라는 전제 하에 그들의 직무만족을 제고시킬 요인을 확인하는 것이 연구의 일차적 관심이다. 실증분석결과 상담원의 직무에 대한 가치부여 정도와 직무환경, 제도적 요인이 중요한 변수라고 확인되었다. 다양한 설문을 간소화시킬 목적으로 요인분석을 수행하였고, 이에 기초하여 반복적 회귀분석을 수행한 결과 최종적으로 적어도 인과관계 측면에서는 사회적 관심, 업무수행의 합리성, 교육개선 측면에서는 의미 있는 결과를 발견하지 못하였다. 예측대로 근무여건이라고 할 수 있는 직무환경, 직무가치 및 상담원제도의 역할 및 공헌 등에 대한 인식이 상대적으로 중요한 요인으로 확인되었다.

      • 특집 - 빛과 건축 : 신앙으로 본 빛과 건축 ( Light and Architecture in the Religion )

        이연호 대한건축학회 1992 建築 Vol.36 No.5

        1) 신구약 성경에는 약 170군데에 걸쳐서 '빛'에 대한 말씀이 기록되어 있다. 그런데 대부분이 '명사'로서 쓰여졌다. '동사'로 쓰여진 곳은 약 20군데밖에 되지 않고 더욱이 '형용사'로 쓰여진 곳은 지극히 적다. 2) 그 내용을 보면 하나님과 그리스도를 상징하는 데 '빛'으로 표현된 것들이 있다. 예를 들면 '여호와는 나의 빛이요'(시 27:1), '저는 돋는 해 아침 빛같고'(삼하 23:4) '빛이 세상에 왔으되...' (요 3:19) 등과 같이 하나님과 그리스도의 속성(屬性)을 비유적으로 표현했다. 3) 성경에 기록된 '빛'은 믿는 성도 즉 택함을 받은 하나님의 자녀들에 대한 호칭으로 쓰여졌다. 예를 들어 '너희는 세상의 빛이라'(마 5:14) 또는 '너희는 다 빛의 아들이요'(살전 5:5) 등이다. 이와 같이 신자의 특색 중의 하나가 빛의 생활을 하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Labor and Politics in East Asia: The Case of Failure of the Encompassing Labor Organization in Korea

        이연호,정석규,장해현 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2008 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.32 No.3

        Olsonian theory supposes that when labor unions are organized in an encompassing manner at the industrial and national levels, they can better prevent collective action problems and bring about more stable industrial relations. This theory regards the encompassing labor organization as a positive institution. However, the Korean case shows that the institutionalized tripartite talk did not contribute to establishing stable. In some respects, the situation only became worse. The proposition of the encompassing organization of labor holds only a weak theoretical and empirical relevance, at least in the case of Korea. The Korean case suggests that the optimistic propositions of encompassing organizations of labor need a careful reassessment.

      • KCI등재


        이연호,임유진 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2010 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.34 No.3

        With the successful economic development of the East Asian tigers, it has been taken for granted that insulating the policy process from social influences results in better policy outcomes. However, empirical studies conducted since the 1990s on both developing and developed countries cast doubt on this assumption. Instead, good governance has emerged as an alternative to enhance the government’s policy outcomes and engineer sustainable development, which is defined as the formal and informal institutions in which the state, market,and civil society form an egalitarian network to make and implement policies in a democratic and transparent manner. The three variables of the governance model—namely, social trust, local governance, and transparent and open policymaking—could enhance the policy process in the era of democratization. Using a case study of the Korean government’s selection process for finding a radioactive waste repository site, the authors empirically show that the governance approach generates successful policy outcomes in the era of democratization.

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