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      • 商法上 特別背任罪에 관한 硏究

        이상옥 전북대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Commercial Law has had many changes such as the introduction of the minimum capital system of the corporation the business auditing right of the auditor(1984), the introduction of audition committee(1999) and the establishment of one person company(2001) since it was made in 1962, but few punishment articles have been changed. The special breach of trust on commercial law is the special article over the breach of trust on criminal law, but 구성요건s of both laws are same and the levels of punishment are also same, which means that it is meaningless to distinguish between them. Therefore, it is meaningful to find out the problems of the special breach of trust on commercial law and their solutions. The special breach of trust on commercial law is a crime committed by those who have the company such as 발기인s and directors, and therefore, their crimes influence general people as well as the company and its employees, which means that the crime is more serious than any one in criminal law. Recently, the company is ruled by the board of directors who are engaged in the management of the company rather than bythe general meeting of stockholders. Therefore, the possibility of the director's doing wrong to the company for his or her own interest has become larger. So, six points meed to reform such as subjects, range and punishment are suggested here. Nowadays, the industry is transferring its power from tangible goods to intangible information. Therefore the business secrets of a company are important not only to the company but also to the nation. Chapter One and Two show the general qualities and essence of the special breach of trust on commercial law and that on criminal law. Chapter Three reveals the benefit and protection of the law, subjects, history and structural elements of the special breach of trust on commercial law. Chapter Four has the analysis of the problems with examples related to the special breach of trust on commercial law, and how to reform commercial law.

      • 阿賴耶識의 轉依와 五相 硏究

        이상옥 東國大學校 大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        The research purpose is based on the goal to illustrate the Sam.sa ̄ra and Nirva ̄na[輪廻와 涅槃] leaning against the A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na[阿賴耶識] which is the basic object of all the dharma. In Yoga ̄ca ̄ra School sometimes mind of heart make the object unconsciously. Then Mano-Vijn~a ̄na always roam in the bitterness of world due to raisement of Mano-Vijn~a ̄na full with attachment directed towards A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na. All the things, being staying on Yoga ̄ca ̄ra School[瑜伽行派], taking A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na as dependent factor it can be understood as recognized world. That is to say, all the things which is known as Vijn~aptima ̄tra[唯識] in Yoga ̄ca ̄ra is not exception to it. Nothing but as an expedient Vijn~a ̄na[識] were introduced to sattvas, who do not have perfect knowledge due to the disillusion. For that purpose in the Vijn~aptima ̄tra[唯識] sutra sastra, "Tathagata for the sattvas with the expedient to make realization on emptiness of self and dharma nairatma, had said that there is a Vijn~a ̄na but infact Vijn~a ̄na is not present. "Precisely, Yoga ̄ca ̄ra School[瑜伽行派] is also as was expected had lored the emptiness philosophy of Ma ̄dhyamika School[中觀學派]. There was appearance of people who had graps emptiness wrongly in the emptiness philosophy of Ma ̄dhyamika school[中觀學派], which come to being exist due to the Nagarjuna[龍樹菩薩], Because of those people the buddhist philosophy got drowned in the nihilism. Therefore Yoga ̄ca ̄ra School[瑜伽行派] assumpt the existence of the Vijn~a ̄na in Sam.sa ̄ra[輪廻] to correct the misunderstanding that was created before. That's why A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na[阿賴耶識] is made as the center among the other Vijn~a ̄na and establish it as the dwelling place of all the dharma. In Vijn~aptima ̄tra[唯識] scheme, one Vijn~apti disapears in Ksana[刹那] of its occurrence and is replaces with another Vijn~apti. Present Vijn~apti is different from the next one. There is not a identical vijnapti* which continues to exist before and after a certain moment. Only the passage of the Vijn~apti appears in another form. Therefore, the change of Vijn~apti in Vijn~aptima ̄tra does not mean that a Vijn~apti changes its representation maintaining its substance but that in the passage of Vijn~apti, a vijnapti of a certain moment occurs without relation to linear Vijn~apti. Vijn~apti occurring at every moment includes form of object inside itself. The form of object will belong to one of six cognitive organization staring from the sight. It may be virtue, vice, or even Avy a ̄kr.ta[無記] mind accompanied by various mental processes. Then, when determines these features of Vijn~apti occurring at every instant? A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na is a subconsciousness underlying the cognition possessing the characteristics of virtue, vice and Avya ̄kr.ta. A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na is equipped with potential power which determines the content of Vijn~apti occurring at every moment. It is generally accepted that the Sad-Vijn~a ̄na[六識], six kinds of cognition, is set up with relations between a self as a subject equipped with cognitive organizations and another one as a object recognized by something, that is, with relations between the capturer and the captured, because A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na[[阿賴耶識] has both self and potential power embodying a objective existence in a subject one. Consequently, it is a face of Vijn~apti change to realize the potential power. Vijn~apti change theory is based on the Bi ̄japada[種子說]. A Bi ̄ja[種子] is realized by a special change of Vijn~apti passage because all the elements for existence seem to be melt in Vijn~apti according to the Vijn~apti-ma ̄tra scheme. Vijn~apti vhange in the Vijn~aptima ̄tra[唯識] scheme means that A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na[阿賴耶識] self consciousness and Sad-Vijn~a ̄na[六識] function. A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na is a home for Bi ̄ja of all the being and so it has all the Bi ̄ja[種子]. Provided that Vijn~apti is a result of past kusalam karma[善業] and akusalam-karma[惡業], it causes and makes a Vijn~apti passage at every instant for a man wherever he was born and whatever he does, because Vijn~apti underlies his existence. Therefore, Sam.sa ̄ra[輪廻] survival has A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na[阿賴耶識] in its ground. Etymology of word A ̄laya is formed by the radixes of sanskrit a+Root li. And the literal translation of this word is "the target of that object which create attachment". A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na[阿賴耶識] being object of attachment gives the definition as basic of all the dharmas. Again if we go through the Sarndhinirmocana-Su ̄tra[解深密經], regarding to A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na, Manas-Vijn~a ̄na, which put forth's attachment feeling, became the dwelling object of A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na without ceasing. In the same way, according to Mahayana-Samgraha[攝大乘論], there is also the description of A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na as the basic object of all the dharmas. And if somebody fastly understand and make a fixed principle of it and exterminate from this then one can achieve enlightenment. In another word, the deeds of buddhist merit, which took oneself to Nirva ̄na[涅槃], can be expanded. To escape out from the extermination of transmigration of bitterness that is present in the Sam.sa ̄ra[輪廻] one should destroy the afflicted character of A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na[阿賴耶識]. This is exteiminated due to associated Bi ̄ja[種子] of wholesome dharma influence of karmic seeds upon consciousness. In this way taking fixed opinion means the life, which we live as a sattva-mind must first expand Bij a of wholesome dharma. The Yoga ̄ca ̄ra School[瑜伽行派] describes that sattva are dwelling in the depth of dukkha[苦] due to ignorance of above things. Therefore this thesis explained that at first one should have the knowledge of A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na[阿賴耶識] and also said that by the extermination of A ̄laya-Vijn~a ̄na anybody can attain Nirva ̄na[涅槃].

      • 동화책 활용 활동이 만 3세 유아의 수학개념에 미치는 효과

        이상옥 忠南大學校 大學院 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        동화책 활용 활동이 만 3세 유아의 수학개념에 미치는 효과 이상옥 충남대학교 교육대학원 유아교육전공 (지도교수 반 재 천) 본 연구는 동화책 활용 활동이 만 3세 유아의 수학개념에 미치는 효과와 활동 후 유아 수학개념 효과의 지속성을 알아보는데 목적을 두고 있다. 본 연구의 목적에 따라 동화책 활용 활동이 만 3세 유아의 수학개념에 미치는 효과는 어떠한가? 동화책 활용 활동 후 만 3세 유아 수학개념 효과의 지속성은 어떠한가? 에 대한 연구 문제를 설정하였다. 연구대상은 S시에 지역적 특색, 생활수준, 어린이집 유형이 비슷한 두 어린이집 만 3세 26명 유아를 선정하여 실험집단 유아(13명)는 동화책 활용 활동을 비교집단 유아(13명)는 누리과정 활동자료집에 제시된 활동을 10주간 주 2회씩 총 20회 실시하였다. 측정도구로 황해익, 최해진 (2007)의 유아그림수학능력검사 도구를 사용하여 예비검사, 사전검사, 실험처치, 사후검사 1·2차 순으로 실시했으며 SPSS WIN 22.0 프로그램을 이용하여 t검증, 공변량분산분석, 대응표본 t검증을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 동화책 활용 활동이 만 3세 유아의 수학개념에 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 수학개념의 하위영역인 공간, 측정, 규칙, 자료수집과 결과에서 실험집단이 비교집단보다 통계적으로 유의미하게 나타났으나 수와 연산에서는 유의미한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 실험 후 실험집단 수학개념 효과의 지속성에 대해 살펴보면 사후 1차와 사후 2차 간 수학개념이 꾸준히 지속되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 하위영역인 공간 영역은 점수가 조금 낮아졌으나 수와 연산에서는 점수가 조금 향상되었고, 측정, 규칙, 자료수집과 결과는 점수가 지속되는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구 결과는 수학개념을 보다 의미 있게 증진시켜 유아교육 현장에서 수학교육을 위한 방향에 기초자료를 제공하고 이를 활용할 수 있도록 하는데 의의를 두고자 한다. 주제어: 만 3세, 유아, 동화책, 동화책 활용 활동, 유아 수학개념

      • 『蜻蛉日記』における 助動詞「つ」と「ぬ」の 意味・用法について : A Study on the Meanings and Uses of Auxiliary Verbs Tsu and Nu in Kagerou Diary : 이상옥

        이상옥 성신여자대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        고대일본어의 조동사 「つ」「ぬ」의 차이를 규명하기 위한 연구는 에도시대부터 많은 학자들에 의해 논해져 왔다. 그러나 수많은 학자들의 고찰에도 불구하고 아직까지 명확한 차이를 규명하지 못하고 있는 상태이다. 본고에서는 조동사「つ」「ぬ」에 대한 선학자들의 연구성과를 바탕으로 平安시대의 일기작품인 『蜻蛉日記』에 나타나는 조동사「つ」「ぬ」의 의미․용법을 고찰했다. 첫 번째는,「つ」「ぬ」에 상접하는 동사의 의미를 구분해서, 주로「つ」에 접속하는 동사와「ぬ」에 접속하는 동사를 제시한다. 또한 작품의 문맥이나 장면 내에서 나타나는 주체의 의지성의 유무에 따른 「つ」「ぬ」의 의미에 대해서도 고찰했다. 두 번째는, 사건에 대한 화자의 인식태도에 따라서 「つ」「ぬ」의 의미에 어떠한 차이가 보이는지에 대해 고찰한다. 세 번째는, 아스펙트적 의미에 있어서의 「つ」「ぬ」의 의미․용법을 분석했다. 이상의 연구방법을 통해 「つ」「ぬ」의 차이를 분석한 결과, 「つ」는 주로 의지동사에 접속해서 주체의 의지적 표현을 나타내고, 「ぬ」는 주로 무의지동사에 접속해서 주체의 무의지적 표현을 나타내며, 화자의 인식태도에 있어서의「つ」는 사건에 대해 화자가 주관적, 적극적인 입장에서 서술하는 경우에 쓰이고, 「ぬ」는 사건에 대해 화자가 객관적, 소극적인 입장에서 서술하는 경우에 쓰인다. 아스펙트적 의미에 있어서는「つ」는 동작동사․의지동사에 붙어서 동작과정의 완성을 나타내고,「ぬ」는 변화동사․무의지동사에 붙어서 변화결과의 완성을 나타내는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나「つ」「ぬ」에 상접하는 동사의 의미나 주체의 의지성의 유무, 화자의 인식태도에 의한 연구방법으로는 예외적인 부분이 상당히 보이기 때문에, 「つ」「ぬ」를 분석하는 주요한 판별법이 아님을 설명한다. 이에 반해 아스펙트적 의미에 따른 연구방법으로는 거의 모든 용례를 설명할 수 있고, 따라서 「つ」「ぬ」는 아스펙트적으로 완료의 의미를 나타내는 조동사라는 결론에 이르렀다. 또한 「つ」「ぬ」의 차이를 규명하는데 있어서 가장 난점이었던, 동일 동사가 「つ」「ぬ」에 접속하는 경우, 그 동사의 종류는 타동사보다 자동사가 많으며, 「つ」「ぬ」의 활용형은 「つ」보다「ぬ」가 다양한 활용형으로 사용되었음을 확인했다. Many researchers have attempted to identify differences between Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ), both of which are auxiliary verbs of the ancient Japanese language, since the Edo era. Despite numerous researches, however, definite differences have not been identified yet. On the basis of previous researches on the auxiliary verbs Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ), this study examined their meanings and uses in Kagerou Dairy(蜻蛉日記) written during the Heian era. First, the meanings of verbs combined with Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ) were identified to present verbs combined principally with Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ), respectively, with the meanings of Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ) considered according to the presence of the subject's volition found in the context or scenes of the work. Second, analysis was made to determine how the meanings of Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ) varied according to the narrator's awareness of an event. Third, the meanings and uses of Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ) were analyzed in the aspectual respect. On the basis of the results of this study on the differences between Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ), Tsu(つ) gives the subject's volitional expression usually in combination with a volitional verb and Nu(ぬ) gives the subject's non-volitional expression usually in combination with a non-volitional verb; in terms of the subject' awareness, the former is used for a narrator to describe an event from a subjective and active standpoint and the latter from an objective and passive standpoint. In the aspectual respect, Tsu(つ) expresses the completion of action in connection with action and volitional verbs and Nu(ぬ) expresses the completion of changes in connection with changing and non-volitional verbs. However, since there were exceptional parts for a research on the meanings of verbs combined with Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ), the presence of the subject's volition, and the narrator's awareness, it couldn't be significant discrimination to analyze the two auxiliary verbs. But it could explain almost all uses of them as a research in the aspectual respect; in conclusion, Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ) were auxiliary verbs with the meaning of aspectual completion. When identical verbs were combined with Tsu(つ) and Nu(ぬ), which had been the greatest difficulty in identifying differences between the two auxiliary verbs, the verbs were more intransitive verbs than transitive ones and Nu(ぬ) had more conjugated forms than Tsu(つ).

      • 이동 인터넷 서비스를 위한 IP 이동성 기능 구현

        李相沃 忠南大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Many actual projects tried to deploy NEMO have been conducted by many universities and research institutes in parallel with research efforts such as establishing optimal path, multihoming, nested mobility, and IP security. However, since these projects generally ran over Linux system, it is very difficult for general users who are get used to Windows system to use and manage this system for NEMO environments by themselves. To resolve this concern, in this thesis, we are going to present how to design and implement mobile route under Windows operating system. A newly designed mobile router runs over Windows 2000 and XP. And, it is implemented around Windows Visual C++6.0 and Winpcap (Windows Packet Capture Driver) library for packet driver.

      • 經濟成長水準에 따른 敎育費 投資의 國際的 比較

        이상옥 경북대학교 교육대학원 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        敎育投資에 따른 成果가 個人的으로는 富와 幸福을 가져다 주지만 社會的으로나 國家的으로 볼 때 社會의 富와 經濟의 發展을 가져다 오는 것은 이미 硏究된 바가 있다. 특히 敎育投資의 要因은 人的資本과 物的資本으로 크게 나누어 생각해 볼 수 있지만 모든 敎育活動이 財政的 支援 없이는 이루어질 수 없다는 것을 보면 敎育財政의 重要性을 깨달을 수 있겠다. 그래서 本 硏究에서는 世界各國의 敎育財政에 있어 經濟成長水準別 30個國을 中心으로 最近 10年동안('70∼'80)의 趨勢를 서로 比較 分析하고 또 韓國의 境遇와 比較 分析해 볼 必要性을 느낀다. 위와 같은 必要性에서 도출된 本 硏究의 目的은 아래와 같았다. 1) 經濟成長水準別 國家들에 따른 全體敎育費 規模를 年度別('70 '75, '80)로 그 趨勢를 比較 分析한다. 2) 經濟成長水準別 國家들에 따른 目的別 敎育費의 配分比率을 年度別로 그 趨勢를 比較 分析한다. 3) 經濟成長水準別, 敎育水準別 學生1人當 敎育費의 差를 比較 分析한다. 4) 經濟成長水準別 國家와 韓國의 敎育費 投資 規.模 및 趨勢를 比較 分析한다. 위와 같은 目的을 達成하기 위해 經濟成長水準(先進國, 中進國, 後進國)別로 나누었으며, 이의 基準은 1人當 國民所得이다. 郞 1976年度와 1980年度를 基準으로 해서 '80年度에 4,000$ 以上을 先進國, 4,000$∼400$을 中進國, 400$ 以下를 後進國으로 해서 1次로 選定하고, 다시 '76年을 基準으로 2,000$ 以上을 先進國,2,000$∼300$을 中進國, 300$ 以下를 後進國으로 選定하여 條件이 맞는 國家 30個 國家를 選定하고 韓國을 包含, 全體 31個國을 對象으로 했다. 또한 趨勢把握을 위해 基準年을 1970, 中間年을 1975, 最終年을 1980年으로 定하였다. 그리고 本 硏究에서는 GNP와 人口, 學生數 에 따른 全體敎育費의 關係, GNP와 政府豫算中 全體敎育費의 比率, 目的別 敎育費(人件費, 運營費, 施設費)의 規模와 比率, 學生1人當 敎育費를 中心으로 그 趨勢를 살펴 보았다. 위와 같은 方法으로 하여 本 硏究의 結果는 아래와 같다. 1) 全體敎育費 分析 全體敎育費와 關聯된 變因(GNP, 人口, 學生數)들과 함께 分析하였다. 그 結果 全體敎育費가 다른 變因들보다 그 增加程度가 높았다. 특히 中進國은 '80年度 增加指數가 577로서 빠른 增加趨勢를 나냈다. 이는 全體平均인 498보다 훨씬 높았으며, 이의 原因은 GNP와 學生數의 規模가 增加되었기 때문이라 解釋된다. '80年 資料의 相關係數를 볼 때 GNP와 全體敎育費間에는 .994, 人口와 學生數間은 .825로서 높은 상관이 있었으며, GNP와 學生數間은 .595, 全體敎育費와 學生數間에는 .577로 相關이 있는 것으로 나타났다. '80年 增加指數間의 相關係數를 볼 때 GNP와 全體敎育費間은 .585, 人口와 學生數間은 .423으로 나타났다. 2) 目的別 敎育費 分析 目的別 敎育費는 經常費中 人件費와 運營費 및 施設費로 區分하여 分析했다. 全體的으로 볼 때 人件費의 比率이 全體敎育費의 50% 以上을 차지했다. 經濟成長水準別로 볼 때 先進國이 가장 작은 比率로 人件費에 投資하고 있으며, 다음은 後進國, 中進國의 順으로 높게 人件費에 投資하고 있음이 分析 되었다. 또한 運營費는 先進國이 가장 많은 比率로 投資하고 있으며, '80年으로 갈수록 增加하는 趨勢를 보였다. 後進國은 中進國보다 많은 配分을 하고 있으며 점차 그 規模가 增加하는 趨勢이다. 中進國은 가장 작은 比率로 投資하고 있으며, 그 趨勢를 보면 '70年보다 '80年이 약간 減少되는 比率의 趨勢를 나타냈다. 施設費를 보면 中進國이 가장 높은 比率이다. 그러나 全體的으로볼 때 '70年의 配分比率보다 '80年의 配分比率이 줄어들고 있는 趨勢를 나타냈다. 中進國이 높은 配分比率을 나타낸 原因은 學生數의 增加가 原因으로 解釋된다. 後進國은 가장 낮은 比率로 施設費에 投資하고 있으며, 先進國은 '70年에 높은 比率(21.5%)을 나타냈지만 '80年은 낮은 比率(13.7%)로 配分되었다. 3) 學生1人當 敎育費 分析 學生1人當 敎育費는 敎育의 質的 側面을 나타내는 것으로 全體 敎育費와 學生數의 關聯變因으로 나타난다. 이를 敎育水準別, 經濟成長水準別로 分析했다. 先進國은 '80年에 初等敎育 2,831.0$, 中等敎育 2,451.7$, 高等敎育에 5,138.6$로서 高等敎育에 많은 投資를 하고 있으며, 中等敎育이 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 70年부터 趨勢를 보면 初, 中, 高等敎育에 있어 增加指數가 各各 526, 470, 344로서 初等敎育의 增加程度가 빨랐다. 中進國은 '80年度 初等敎育 173.5$, 中等敎育 402.2$, 高等敎育 1,900.0$로 역시 高等敎育에 敎育費가 높다. '80年 增加指數를 볼 때 各各 440, 301, 264로서 初等敎育에 있어 學生1人當 敎育費가 빠른 增加趨勢를 나타냈다. 後進國은 '80年에 初等敎育 23.6$, 中等敎育 149.4$, 高等敎育 2,406.0$로서 高等敎育水準이 가장 높으며 增加指數를 보면 各各 216, 237, 200으로서 中等敎育이 약간 높지만 全體的으로 볼 때 先進國의 敎育費와는 점차 심한 격차를 보이고 있다. 敎育水準別, 經濟成長水準別 學生1人當 敎育費를 變量分析한 結果 各各의 主效果는 有意한 差異를 나타냈지만, 相互作用效果는 없었다. 敎育水準別로 볼 때 高等敎育과 中等敎育, 高等敎育과 初等敎育間에는 有意한 差를 나타냈지만, 中等敎育과 初等敎育間에는 有意한 差가 없었다. 經濟成長水準別로 볼 때는 先進國과 中進園, 先進國과 後進國間에는 有意한 差를 보였지만, 中進園과 後進國間에는 有意한 差가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 4) 韓國과의 關係 比較 우리 나라의 全體敎育費는 規模에 있어 中進國水準이며, 增加趨勢를 보면 '75年 151로서 中進國의 288보다 낮았으며, '80年 增加指數 741은 中進國 577보다 높았다. 이는 우리 나라의 GNP가 急激한 增加를 보인 것이 原因으로 解釋된다. 目的別 敎育費는 人件費에 대한 配分이 높으며, 中進國水準보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 運營費는 施設費보다 낮은 比率로 分配되었다. 특히 우리나라의 '75年은 아주 낮은 比率(0.4%)이었으나 '80年은 많은 增加(19.3%)를 나타냈다. 이를 中進國과 比較해 볼 때 中進國은 '75年 15.7%, '80年 20.3%에 比해 韓國은 '75年 상당히 낮으며 '80年은 조금 낮다. 施設費는 '75年 25.6%의 높은 比率이었으나 '80年 15.7%는 낮아졌다. 中進國의 '75年 16.0%, '80年 20.6%에 比해 反對 趨勢를 나타냈다. 學生 1人當 敎育費는 '80年에 初等敎育 168.7$, 中等敎育 148.1$, 高等敎育 270.3$로서 敎育水準間에 比較的 큰 差異를 나타내지 않았지만, 增加指數는 各各 639, 578, 278로서 初等敎育과 中等敎育은 急激한 增加를 나타냈으며 高等敎育은 比較的 낮았다. 이를 中進國과 比較해 볼 때 中等敎育에 있어 무려 354.1$의 差異이며 高等敎育은 1,630$程度의 差異를 보여 더 많은 差異가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 1. Objectives and Methods. Educational investment has accelerated the economic growth and the wealth of a nation to socio-economics viewpoint. The elements of educational investment may be widely divided into the human and physical capitals supported by educational expenditures. All educational activities can not be done without any financial supports. It is necessary that this study should make a comparative analysis of the trendency of recent 10 years ('70-'80) with 30 countries classified by the levels of economic growth. The results of this study give up the direction of educational investment in Korea. The purposes of this study caused by the above necessity are as follows: 1) A comparative analysis about the amount of total educational expenditures and it's trend according to countries classified by the levels of economic growth. 2) A comparative analysis about the rate of educational expenditures distribution classified by purposes and it's trend according to countries classified by the levels of economic growth. 3) A comparative analysis about the difference of educational expenditures per student classified by the levels of economic growth, and education. 4) A comparative analysis about the amount and the trends of educational expenditures investment of countries classified by the levels of economic growth and those of Korea. In order to get this purposes, the levels of economic growth are divided into three groups (developed countries, developing and underdeveloped countries) on the basis of per capita G.N.P. It was based upon the years of 1976 and 1980, first in 1980, developed countries with $4000 and more, developing counties with $400-4000, underdeveloped countries with $400 and less are selected and the secondary in 1976, developed countries with $2000 and more, developing countries with $300-2000, and underdeveloped countries with $300 and less are selected. 2. Findings (1) The analysis of the total educational expenditures. It has been analyzed with the variable elements - G.N.P., popullation, the number of students-which are related to total educational expenditures. That results show the total educational expenditures are more higher than any other variables. Especially, the trend of the increase index in developing countries was 577, which represents very fast trend in '80. This means that is more higher than 498 which is the total average and means that it may be caused by the increase of the scale of G.N.P. and the total educational expenditures showed very high of correlation its index 994. And the total educational expenditures and the numbers of student have some correlations each other (.577). The coefficient of correlation of G.N.P. and total educational expenditures in '80, revealed .585 in it's increment index, and that of total educational expenditures and number of student was .340 (2) The analysis of educational expenditures by objectives. Educational expenditures by objectives were such classified as personnel, operational, and facilities expenditures in it's current educational expenditures. As a whole, the rate of personnel expenditures is more than 50% in it's total educational expenditures. When it is classified according to the levels of economic growth, the investment of personnel expenditures rate was the lowest in countries, which is followed by that in underdeveloped countries and in developing countries. In the operational expenditures, it's rate of investment is the highest in developed countries, as in 1980 go by it showed the trend of the increase. The underdeveloped countries took the more distribution in it's investment than that of the developing countries, and it is increasing now in it's amount as time goes on. The developing countries invested the least rate in the operational expenditures, and showed the reduced rate in 1980, than that of in 1970. But the rate of facilities expenditures was the highest in developing countries. In general, but the rate of distribution in 1980 was reduced than that of in 1970. The reason why the developing countries takes much higher rate in distribution is due to the increase in the number of students. The investment of facilities expenditures is the lowest in underdeveloped countries and though it's rate is high (21.5%) in developing countries in 1970, the developing countries took a low distribution (13.7%) in 1980. (3) The Analysis of educational expenditures per student. The educational expenditures per student, which represent the dimension of the quality of education, show the correlated variables of total educational expenditures and the number of student. Developed countries invested 2831$ in primary education, 2451$ in the secondary education, 5189$ in higher education in 1980 by the levels of education. It is clearly shown that it's investment in developed countries is much higher in higher education and is the least in secondary education. The trend of incremental index among primary (526), secondary (470), and higher education (344) has been the fastest in that of primary education since '70, 402.2$ in secondary education, 1900$ in higher education in '80 they also invested the highest educational expenditures in higher education. The trend of increase index in '80 is the fastest in primary education (440) in the it's expenditures per student. In contrast with secondary (301), higher (264) education the underdeveloped countries invested 23.6$, 149.4$, 2,406$ each in primary, secondary, higher education, it's expenditures are the highest in higher educational level, and it's increment index is much higher in secondary education. (237) than that of in primary education (216), higher education (200). But as a whole, it's gap between developed countries and underdeveloped countries was very wide. The results of analysis of variance about educational expenditures per student by the level of education and the level of economic growth, showed meaningful difference in it's main effects each, but there wasn't any interaction effects. There is some meaningful difference between secondary and primary education, and between higher and primary education, but there isn't a meaningful difference between secondary education and primary education. In a comparative analysis by the levels of economic growth, it showed that there was some meaningful difference between developed countries and developing countries, and between developed and underdeveloped countries, but developing countries and underdeveloping countries had not any meaningful difference each other. (4) The relation comparison with Korea in educational expenditures. In the amount of the total educational expenditures, Korea shows the same level as developing countries and is lower (151) than that of developing countries 288 in 1975. And Korea is more higher than that of developing countries 577 in 1980 in the it's increase index. It's causes can be interpreted by the rapidly increase in G.N.P. The distribution of personnel expenditures was high in educational expenditures, by objectives and was much higher than that of the level of developing countries. The operational expenditures was lower distributed than facilities one in its rate. Especially it was very low rate (0.4%) but showed a lot of increase (19.3%) in 1975 in Korea. Compared to developing countries, it's rate was lower in Korea than that of developing countries, 15.7% in 1975, 203.3% in 1980 each, and especially it's rate was very low in 1975 and a little low in 1980. Though Korea had high rate which was estimated at 25.6% in it's facilities expenditures in 1975. It was lower in 1980 which was estimated at 15.7% in 1980. It showed reversed trend when it be compared to the rate of developing countries 16.0% in 1975, 20.6% in 1980. Educational expenditures per student invested 168.7% in primary education, 148.1$ in secondary education, 270.3$ in higher education in 1980. It appeared that there wasn't much difference of educational expeditures in the levels of education. But in the increase index which was 639, 578, 278 each in primary, secondary, and higher education, it's rate showed the rapid increase in primary low in higher education and secondary education and especially it's rate is comparatively student in Korea with developing countries, we could notice that there was considerable difference (354.1$) in secondary education and there was move difference (1,630$) in higher education. 3. Conclusions General conclusions of the findings of the above 30 countries about the comparative analysis of the trendency of educational expenditures investment are as follows: First, the gap of the amount of the total public educational expenditures between developed and underdeveloped countries is getting wider. That is caused by the considerable gap in the amount of G.N.P. and by the steadily increase of students in developed countries on the other side. Second, in educational expenditures by objectives with the levels of economic growth, personnel expenditures is the highest in developing countries (which is followed by that in underdeveloped, in developed countries and) though it is more distribution in 1975 than that of in 1970, it reduces a little in 1980. The operational expenditures is the highest in developed countries. (and next underdeveloped, developing countries are followed by those group.) The facilities expenditures is highest which is followed by that in developed countries. It is getting smaller than that of in 1970. Third, developed countries invest more public educational expenditures in average per student, and investment in higher educational level is the highest (in developed countries) Finally, Korea's the total educational expenditures was more increased in 1980 than in 1970 but the amount of educational expenditure per student in secondary education and higher education is considerably low. Korea has to highten the rate of total public educational expenditures in govermental budget and increase the educational expenditures per student. Though Korea has high distributional rate of the personnel expenditures in 1980, the distribution rate of operational and facilities expenditures was low.

      • 洛東江 下流 流域의 甕棺墓 硏究

        이상옥 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1991 국내석사

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        Earthenware coffins have so far been excavated in 16 areas including Pusan (Koejong-dong, Nopo-dong, Oryundae), kimhae (Yean-ri, Toerae-ri, Yangdong-ri, Hoehyon-ri, Chinal-dong), Hapohon (Chopo-ri, Chang-ri, Ponggye-ri, Pangyeje), Changwon (Sandong-dong, Togye-dong, Tahori in Virchang), and Changnyong (Sa-ri) . The present study covered 97 Earthenware coffins in 14 areas, excepting Koejong-dongs (Pusan) 10 and Togye-dongs(Changwon) 4 pieces whose reports are Unavailable. The researcher reached the following conclusions. In the lower Nakfong River area, Kimhae (36 pieces), Changwon (38) and Hapehon (23) have majorify of coffins. In particular, Changwons Samdong-dong hold 34 urns , from which we may conclude that this ares had the most developed system of funerary urns. These earthenware urns are mainly located in low hilly districts. For instance, relics of Yean-ri, Kimhal are scattered in shell mounds about 60 m above the sea, and those of Samdong-dong, Changwon are sited in plain hills. In Hapchon, coffins of Chopo-ri, Chang-ri and Ponggye-ri are found around a riverside hill in the middle part of the Hwang River. Thus we presume that the ancestors lived on farming (presumably also on fishing) in th lower Naktong River. Then the system of earthenware urns was enjoyed by those farmers and fishers in this area. The urns are believed to have been made from the 1st century B.C. (Kimhals Hoehyon-ri) to the 6th century A.D. (changnyong and Hapchon). Mostly resembling lengthy eggs, the living earthernwares have the designs of parallel, latticed, straw and knife shapes. The earthenwares were made up clay containing quartz, feldspar, sand, etc. Small urns (60-80cm) are largely found in almost all regions in the lower Naktong River, while middle size(90-130cm) urns are Leported in Toerae-ri, kimhae and Samdong-dong, Changwon and large (over 180cm) earthenwares which contained a full-straightened body are excavated in Samdong-dong, Changwon only. Therefore, earthenware coffins were most sophisticated in Changwons Samdong-dong, belonging to the late 2nd-late 3rd century A.D. The direction of the coffins is similar to that of those in other areas of the peninsula. East-to West direction is shown in Kimhaes Toerae-ri and Yean-ri, Whereas south-north and southeast-to-northwest directions arenoticed in other districts. This change reflects the influence of the funeral system of Han dynasty. The two-coffin system was a mainstream, while three coffins were supplemented and the one-coffin system was used as the earthenware coffin system deteriorated. In general, these urns are thought to have been used for oboriginals and children, and for a body-straightened or a second funeral in the case of Samdong-dong, Changwon. The researcher now hopes these results of the study will be of help in comparison with other earthenware coffins and in under standing Korean Funerary urns. He looks forward to the concern and advice from senior and contemporary researchers.

      • 두 대의 카메라를 사용한 이동강구의 표면 검사

        이상옥 대구대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문의 연구는 베어링용 금속 강구의 표면 결함 검사를 위한 시각 시스템 설계와 개발에 목적이 있다. 현재 강구의 검사는 사람에 의한 목시(目視) 검사가 주를 이루고 있으며, 이것은 검사의 신뢰성을 보장하지 못한다. 균일한 품질의 강구를 출하하기 위하여 본 논문에서는 영상 기반 자동검사 시스템을 제안한다. 제안된 시스템은 CCD 카메라 2대를 사용하여, 레일 위를 굴러가는 강구의 90˚이동 거리마다(0˚, 90˚, 180˚, 270˚) 영상을 획득한다. 즉, 각 카메라에서 4장씩, 총 8장의 영상을 획득하여 강구의 결함을 검출한다. 영상획득 시점을 결정하기 위해 포토센서를 레일의 측면에 4조로 설치하였다. 이들 센서는 강구의 특정 위치에서 카메라에 트리거 신호를 주어 영상을 획득하게 된다. 조명은 금속 강구 표면에서의 반사를 줄이고, 균일한 밝기의 조도를 유지할 수 있도록 선정하였다. 또한 70%의 편광판으로 제작한 쉐이드의 사용으로 더욱 밝기를 균일하게 하고, 강구에 배경이 비치는 현상을 최소화 하였다. 결함은 미리 준비된 기준영상과 입력영상의 비교를 통해 검출이 가능하다. 영상의 화소별 최대와 최소 임계값을 설정하여 입력영상의 화소값이 이 임계값 범위를 벗어나면 강구의 결함으로 판정할 수 있다. 여러 종류의 결함에 대한 실험에서 설계된 시스템은 신뢰성 있는 결함 검출이 가능함을 보여 주었다. This paper deals with the design of a vision system for inspecting surface defects of steel bearing balls. Currently, steel balls are inspected usually by human eyes, but this cannot guarantee reliable inspection. To produce steel balls of uniform quality we propose an image-based automatic inspection system. The system designed in this paper takes images of a ball, which is rolling down a rail, at each 90° rotation distance (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°) employing two cameras. Thus, four images by each camera, and eight images in total by both cameras are acquired to detect defects of a ball. To specify exact image acquisition locations, four sets of photo-sensors are installed along the sides of the rail. A sensor sends trigger signal to both cameras when it detects a ball. Illumination is set to reduce the light reflection by the steel ball surface and to maintain uniform brightness around the ball. A shade made by a polaroid glass of 70% light penetration is used to get further brightness uniformity and less scene reflection on the surface of the ball. Defects can be detected by comparing input images with corresponding standard images. Each pixel value of an input image is checked if it is within the range of the maximum and the minimum thresholds which are determined from a number of standard images. The system designed was tested with various kinds of defects in real experiment, and the result was satisfactory.

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