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      • KCI등재

        논토양(土壤)의 탈질작용(脫窒作用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -제(第)4보(報) 토양유기물함량(土壤有機物含量), 온도(溫度), pH, 질소비종(窒素肥種) 및 시비량(施肥量)이 탈질작용(脫窒作用)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        이상규,김승환,박준규,안상배,Lee, Sang Kyu,Kim, Seung Hwan,Park, Jun Kyu,An, Sang Bae 한국토양비료학회 1987 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        담수상태(湛水狀態)의 논토양중(土壤中) 유기물함량(有機物含量), 온도(溫度), pH 질소비종(窒素肥種) 및 시비량등(施肥量等)을 달리했을때 탈질작용(脫窒作用)과 탈질량(脫窒量)을 알고저 질내(窒內)에서 항온시험(恒溫試驗)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 담수상태(湛水狀態)의 논토양(土壤)에서 탈질량(脫窒量)에 관계(關係)가 큰 요인(要因)은 토양유기물함량(土壤有機物含量) > 항온온도(恒溫溫度) > pH가(價) > 질소비종(窒素肥種) > 질소시비량(窒素施肥量)의 순(順)으로 컸다. 2. $N_2O$ gas의 생성량(生成量)은 토양유기물함량(土壤有機物含量) 3.0%인 토양(土壤)에서 항온온도(恒溫溫度) $20^{\circ}C$, pH 6.0일때 $KNO_3$ 20mg/100 토양(土壤) 시용구(施用區)에서 가장 많았다. 3. $N_2O$ gas 1 mole 생성(生成)하는데 소모(消耗)되는 탄소(炭素)는 전체평균(全體平均)이 0.5 mole 이였으며 탄소량(炭素量)이 제일(第一) 많이 요구(要求)되는 경우는 토양유기물함량(土壤有機物含量) 1.0%인 토양(土壤)에서 류안(硫安) 10mg/100g 토양(土壤) 시용시(施用時)(1.06 mole)였으며 제일(第一)적은 탄소요구(炭素要求)의 경우는 유기물함량(有機物含量) 3.0%인 토양(土壤)에서 $KNO_3$ 20mg/100g 토양(土壤) 시용시(施用時)(0.13 mole)였다. 4. Michealis-Menten의 효소반응식(酵素反應式)에서 유도(誘導)된 $N_2O$ gas의 V/2가(價)는 유기물(有機物) 1.0% 토양(土壤)에서 $(NH_2)_2CO$ 시용시(施用時) 550, $KNO_3$ 시용시(施用時)는 $1100N_2O{\mu}g/100g$ 토양(土壤)이였고 3.0%인 토양(土壤)에서 $(NH_4)_2SO_4$ 시용시(施用時)는 $490N_2O{\mu}g/100g$ 토양(土壤)이였으며 $KNO_3$ 시용시(施用時)는 시비량(施肥量)이 증가(增加)할수록 V/2가(價)는 계속 증가(增加)되었다. A series of laboratory experiments were carried out to find the effects of soil organic matter contents, soil temperature, pH values, kinds and amount of nitrogen fertilizers on the denitrification-$N_2O$ gas evolution-. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Denitrification rate, amount of $N_2O$ gas evolution, was influenced the order of organic matter contents>soil temperature>pH values>kinds of N-fertilizer>levels of N-fertilizer. 2. The highest dentrification rate was observed in organic matter content of 3.0%, pH values at 6.0 with application of $KNO_3$ at levels of 20 mgN/100g soil. 3. For the evolution of I mole $N_2O$ gas, averaged carbon consumption was obtained as 0.5 mole in all these experiment condition. However, the highest carbon consumption rate was obtained in organic matter contents for 1.0% with application of $(NH_4)_2SO_4$ at levels of 10 mgN/100g soil (1.06 mole) while lowest carbon consumption rate was obtained in organic matter contents for 3.0% with application of $KNO_3$ at levels of 20 mgN/100g soil (0.13 mole). 4. According to Michaelis-Menten's equation, the V/2 values for evolution of $N_2O$ gas was estimated by progress curve. The results obtained was as 550 ug for $(NH_2)_2CO$ and 1100 ug $N_2O/100g$ soil by application of $KNO_3$ in organic matter contents of 1.0% soil. On the other hand, when the application $(NH_4)_2SO_4$ the V/2 values of $N_2O$ gas was obtained as the amount of 490 ug/100g soil while V/2 values of $N_2O$ gas by application of $KNO_3$ was on the linear line in soil organic matter contents of 3.0%.

      • 정신과 자문이 의뢰된 내과 환자들의 추적치료 결정요인

        이상규,김도훈,손봉기,Lee, Sang-Kyu,Kim, Do-Hoon,Son, Bong-Ki 한국정신신체의학회 1998 정신신체의학 Vol.6 No.2

        This study was performed to identify the significant variables affecting Follow-up after psychiatric consultation in General medical units and the trends of psychiatric consultation at the Hallym University hospital in Chunchon. Subjects of this study were 107 patients from April 1, 1998 to August 31, 1998, who were referred for psychiatric consultation during hospitalization. The results were as follows ; 1) Referral rate of General medical units was 7.5% and ordered Gastroenterology, Cardiology, nephrology, Other part. 2) The rate of total follow-up was 58% and the rate of No-follow-up was 42%. 3) In the cases of referral timing over admission 8th days, the days hospitalized after consultation performed were lengthened, significantly. 4) Common reasons for no follow-up of consultation were 'early- discharge' and 'patient's unwillingness to psychiatric reconsult. 5) Significant variables affecting follow-up were 'treatment recommendation', 'concordance with psychiatric drug recommendation', 'concordance with laboratory recommendation', 'total days hospitalized', 'Days hospitalization after consult was performed' and 'referral reason'.

      • KCI등재

        폐광산의 토양오염영역 및 폐기된 광미의 탐지

        이상규,황세호,이태섭,Lee, Sang Kyu,Hwang, Se Ho,Lee, Tai Sup 대한자원환경지질학회 1997 자원환경지질 Vol.30 No.4

        This paper presents the geophysical applications to the environmenml problem in an abandoned mine area. We would like to focus our attention on the mapping of the soil contamination and the detection of the buried mine tailings. For mapping the soil contamination. measurements of both in-situ magnetic susceptibility (k) and terrain conductivity were carried out. In-situ magnetic susceptibilities of the contaminated soil due to the acid mine drainage show higher values than those of the uncontaminated area. However. those data do not show the correlation with the degree of the soil contamination observed on the surface. The least-squares fitted formula obtained with the measured insitu magnetic susceptibilities is $k=4.8207{\times}W^{0.6332}$, where W is the $Fe^{+2}$ weight percentage. This weight gives most effect to magnetic susceptibility of the soil. Lateral variations of the soil contamination in the shallow subsurface can be detected by the electrical conductivity distributions from EM induction survey. TDIP (Time Domain Induced Polarization) and EM induction surveys were conducted to detect the buried mine tailings. From the results of TDIP, the spatial zone, which shows high chargeability-low resistivity, is interpreted as the buried mine tailings. Therefore, it is concluded that it is possible to discriminate the spatial zone from the uncontaminated ground.

      • KCI등재

        제주도(濟州道) 화산회토양(火山灰土壤)의 미생물상(微生物相)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        이상규,서장선,문재현,송창훈,Lee, Sang-Kyu,Suh, Jang-Sun,Mun, Jae-Hyun,Song, Chang-Hun 한국토양비료학회 1988 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        제주도전토양(濟州道田土壤)의 미생물(徵生物)의 종류(種類)와 분포(分布)가 토양(土壤)의 종류(種類) 및 작물재배방법(作物栽培方法)에 따라서 어떻게 상이(相異)한가를 알고저 실내시험(室內試驗)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 세균수(細菌數)는 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壤)의 윤작재배지토양(輪作栽培地土壤)에서 많고 방사상균(放射狀菌)과 사상균(絲狀菌)은 화산회토양(火山灰土壤)의 단재배지토양(單栽培地土壤)에서 많은 결과(結果)를 보였다. 따라서 세균(細菌)에 대한 사상균(絲狀菌)의 비율(比率)은 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壤)의 윤작재배지토양(輪作栽培地土壤)에서 현저(顯著)히 적었다. 2. 세균(細菌)의 분리동정결과(分離同定結果) 세균(細菌)의 종류(種類)는 대부분(大部分)이 단간(短稈)의 Gram 음성균(陰性菌)이 주종(主種)을 이루었으며 전체(全體) 세균(細菌) 중(中) Rhizobium spp와 Flavobacterium spp. 가 차지하는 비율(比率)이 가장 높았다. 3. 사상균(絲狀菌)의 종류(種類)는 주로 Aspergillus spp. Fusarium spp. 및 Penicillium spp가 가장 많았으며 특(特)히 비화산회토양(非火山灰土壤)의 윤작재배지(輪作栽培地)에서 현저(顯著)하였다. 4. 제주도전토양(濟州道田土壤)의 미생물수(徵生物數)와 종류(種類)는 육지(陸地)의 경제작물재배토양(經濟作物栽培土壤)의 미생물수(徵生物數)에 비하여 세균(細菌)은 10~100배정도(倍程度) 그리고 사상균수(絲狀菌數)는 2배정도(倍程度) 적었다. 그리고 세균(細菌)과 사상균(絲狀菌)의 종류(種類)가 현저(顯著)히 단순(單純)하였다. A laboratory experiment was conducted to find out the number of soil microorganisms, identification and enumeration of soil microbial species on the mineral and volcanic ash soil with different cropping system of the Jeju Island. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The number of bacteria was high in mineral soil with rotation of upland crops than that of volcanic ash soil with continuous cropping system. 2. According to identification of soil bacteria, the most of bacteria were composed to short rod with Gram negative. Among the bacteria species, Rhizobium spp. and Flavobacterium spp. were most high population in both of mineral and volcanic ash soil. 3. The number of fungi in mineral soils were reduced by the rotated cultivation of upland crops but no significant differences were observed in volcanic ash soil with continuous cropping system. On the other hand, Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., and Penicillium spp. were most high population in both of mineral and volcanic ash soil. 4. Comparing of the number and species ot microorganism to the cash crops soil in main land, about 10 to 100 times for bacteria and more than two times for the number and species of fungi were lowered in Jeju Island soil.

      • KCI등재

        거짓비늘증후군에서 안압 상승의 위험인자

        이상규,백남호,Sang Kyu Lee,Nam Ho Baek 대한안과학회 2009 대한안과학회지 Vol.50 No.1

        Purpose: We evaluated the short and long-term changes of intraocular pressure (IOP) and studied its risk factors in pseudoexfoliation (PEX). Methods: A total of 40 eyes that had been newly diagnosed with PEX from January 1, 1995 to December 31, 2007 were included in this study. Age, gender and accompanying systemic disease were recorded. In addition, the age, gender, number of antiglaucoma eye drops, history of cataract operation, and history of systemic disease were evaluated as risk factors for IOP elevation during the follow-up periods. Pre and post cataract operation IOP was checked to evaluate the effect of the cataract operation on IOP. Results: The risk factors for IOP elevation in patients newly diagnosed with PEX were old age and female gender. After treatment, a long follow-up period and number of eyedrops were risk factors for IOP elevation. The cataract operation had a one year IOP control effect, especially in cases where the pre operative IOP was greater than 21 mmHg. Over the long term, however, the IOP control effect of cataract surgery could not be determined. Conclusions: IOP increased as result of increased patient age. Phacoemulsification was a protective factor for IOP elevation and may be a good method for short-term IOP control.

      • 영아 및 소아기의 장간막 및 대망낭종

        이상규,박동원,장수일,Lee, Sang-Kyu,Park, Dong-Weon,Chang, Soo-Il 대한소아외과학회 1998 소아외과 Vol.4 No.1

        Mesenteric and omental cysts are rare lesions in childhood. These cysts are morphologically and pathologically similar to lymphangiomas that occur in other parts of the body. From 1980 to 1997, 8 children were diagnosed and treated for mesenteric or omental cysts. Their ages ranged from 18 days to 6 years. There were 5 boys and 3 girls. The main presenting symptom was abdominal pain. Operative procedures were complete cysts excision, complete excision with intestinal resection, or complete excision with intestinal resection and colostomy. Accurate preoperative diagnosis was possible with the current ultrasonographic imaging techniques. Complete excision of the lesion was possible in all patients and results were excellent.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        전라북도(全羅北道) 공무원(公務員)의 체격(體格)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        이상규,Lee, Sang-Kyu 대한예방의학회 1976 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.9 No.1

        A study was conducted on 2,210 officials in Jeonbug Province to check out their physical growth, development and nutritional state during the period June 1st 1975 to August 31, 1915. As the results of this study, the following conclusions were reached: 1. Physical measurement a. Body height: The mean body height of male was $166.8{\pm}4.6cm$ and that of female was $156.3{\pm}4.9cm$. The highest value of mean body height was $167.1{\pm}3.9cm$, showing by male of administrative job. The lowest valthe of that was $165.7{\pm}5.2cm$, showing by the male functional job, while the difference of body height was not significant in female. b. Body weight: The mean body weight of male was $61.5{\pm}4.6kg$ and that of female was $51.2{\pm}3.9kg$. The administrative job heavier than functional job of male by type of job, while that of female of functional job heavier than administrative job. c. Chest-girth: The mean chest-girth of male was $90.8{\pm}3.2cm$ and that of female was $83.6{\pm}3.6cm$. 2. Physical growth and developmental state a. The relative body weight was normal in male except the young man under 25 years, while that of female was under the level of standard. b. The relative chest-girth was showed standard values by all age group of officals. c. The Rohrer and Kaup indices were showed standard values except under 19 years officials and 30 to 34 years female officials. 3. Vervaeck index for nutritional status was appeared normal in male but under the values of standard in female.

      • KCI등재

        답전(畓田) 윤환시(輪換時) 작부체계(作付體系)와 토양미생물상(土壤微生物相) 변화(變化)와의 관계(關係)

        이상규,윤세영,김승환,Lee, Sang-Kyu,Yun, Sei-Young,Kim, Seung-Hwan 한국토양비료학회 1992 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        답전윤환토양(畓田輪換土壤)에서 작부형태(作付形態)를 달리하여 작물을 재배했을 때 토양미생물상(土壤微生物相)의 경시적변화(輕時的變化)와 토양화학성분(土壤化學成分)과의 관계를 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 작물재배 기간 중 미생물상의 변화는 휴한지(休閑地)와 수도 및 대두 연속재배지(連續栽培地)에서 세균과 방선균수는 5월부터 8월까지 현저한 증가를 보였으나 사상균수는 감소되었다. 2. 대두연속재배구에서 Gram 음성균(陰性菌)인 Pseudomonas- 및 Rhzobium속 세균수가 그리고 Gram 양성균(陽性菌)인 Bacillus subtilis의 증가를 보였으며, 휴한지(休閑地)에서는 Agrobacterium속 세균수의 증가를 보였다. 3. 감자 및 배추 연속(連續) 재배구(栽培區)에서 Fusarium-, Rhizoctonia-, Phoma속의 토양(土壤) 병원성(病源性) 사상균(絲狀菌) 수(數)가 증가되었으며, 특히 전(全) 사상균(絲狀菌) 수(數)에 대한 토양(土壤) 병원성(病源性) 사상균(絲狀菌)의 비율이 현저히 증가되었다. 4. 토양(土壤) 미생물(微生物) 분석(分布) 중 세균 및 방선균 수는 토양 양이온 중(Ca+Mg)/K 비율과 정(正)의 상관관계(相關關係)를 그리고 사상균(絲狀菌) 수(數)와의 부(負)의 상관관계(相關關係)를 보였다. A field experiment was conducted to find out the influence of cropping systems under rotation of paddy-upland soil on soil microorganisms with specific reference to cations concentration in the soil. The results obtained was summarized as follows. 1. The number of soil bacteria and actinomycetes increased in fallow, continuous cultivation of rice and soybean while the number of fungi decreased. 2. Gram negative bacteria as Pseudomonas spp. and Rhizobium spp. remarkably incerased with increasing Gram positive bacteria of Bacillus subtilis in continuous cultivatio of soybean. 3. The relative population of soil born plant pathogen such as Fusarium spp. Rhizoctionia spp. and Phoma spp. to the total soil fungi was high in cultivation of potato and Chinese cabbage. The ratio of soil plant pathogen to the total soil fungi was high in cultivation of potato with Chinese cabbage. 4. The number of bacteria and actinomycetes was positively correlated with ratio of Ca+Mg/K in soil while negatively correlated with soil fungi.

      • KCI등재

        Associated Nitrogen Fixation in the Rhizosphere of Rice in Saline and Reclaimed Saline Paddy Soil -1. Enumeration of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria associated in histosphere of grasses and rice

        이상규,서장선,고재영,Lee, Sang Kyu,Suh, Jang Sun,Ko, Jae Young 한국토양비료학회 1987 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in the histosphere associated with grasses (Gramineae, Caryphyllaceae, Crucifereae) and rice cultivars in saline and reclaimed saline paddy soils were varied with species and rice cultivars. The fraction of aerobic heterotrophic $N_2$-fixing bacteria to the total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria were averaged to eighteen percent in the histosphere of grasses and rice. Acetylene reducing activity of these bacteria were ranged from 1 to 24 n mole/tube/hr. Most of the bacteria strains were predominated of hydrogen utilizing bacteria. The majority of these bacteria were closed to Pseudomonas, Azospirillum, Klebsiella and Agrobacter.

      • 선천성 횡경막 이완증

        이상규,박동원,장수일,Lee, Sang-Kyu,Park, Dong-Weon,Chang, Soo-Il 대한소아외과학회 1998 소아외과 Vol.4 No.1

        신생아 및 영아에서의 횡격막 이완증은 일반적으로 드문 질환으로 인식되어 있지만 이에 대한 정확한 진단과 적절한 원인별 처치의 필요성은 널리 알려진 사실이다. 최근 저자 등은 5 례의 선천성 횡격막 이완증을 경험할 수 있었고, 전 례 모두 수술이 적응되었다. 전 례 모두 생후 2개월 미만의 영아였고 모두 남아였다. 이완 부위는 전 예에서 좌측 횡격막이었다. 증상은 3례에서 호흡기 증상이 있었고 소화기계 증상은 없었으며 나머지 1례에서는 체중 증가불능 이 외는 무증상이었다. 전 예에서 방사선학적 변화가 저명하였고, 횡격막의 절정은 제 3에서 제 5늑간에 달하였다. 수술 술기로 저자 등은 경복부 접근 방법에 의한 횡격막 습벽 봉합술을 선호하였으며 수술 결과는 임상적으로나 방사선학적으로 우수하였다. Although diaphragmatic eventration in newborn infants is generally regarded as a rare condition, the need for accurate diagnosis and appropriate intervention according to the etiological factors is well known. Recently the authors experienced five consecutive cases of diaphragmatic eventration below the age of two months(one to 55 days) requiring surgery. All were in males, and were left sided. Respiratory symptoms were present in 4 patients, and one patient showed inability to gain weight. Diaphragms were elevated to the level of the third to fifth intercostal spaces. Diaphragmatic plication through the abdomen gave excellent results. There was no postoperative mortality.

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