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        국내 컨테이너 하우징의 실태조사를 통한 개선방향연구 - 수도권 지역의 12개 사례를 중심으로 -

        유해연,박연정,윤중,Yoo, Hae-Yeon,Park, Yeon-Jeong,Yoon, Jung-Yeon 한국주거학회 2012 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.6

        In foreign countries, the use of containers has already been stabilized with their advantages utilized in various forms. Containers are also utilized in Korea as various forms of architecture, but domestic container buildings have poor public consciousness so as to be limitedly utilized as temporary structures based on economic efficiency. Besides, there is the lack of research and development on them. Particularly, despite the advantages of containers as housing facilities, the use of containers as short- or middle-term temporary housing is limited and does not spread. Also, compared to general housing, containers have lower quality of physical environment and even frequently bring about negligent accidents such as fire and electric shock. Thus, this study intends to identify the actual condition of using container houses, the problems in using them, and the direction of improving their residential environment. For this purpose, it analyzes the present condition and characteristics of domestic container housing, and derives conclusions from the focus group interview with 23 residents who have lived in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do for over a year about such survey items as daylighting, ventilation, privacy condition, water service and sewerage, insulation, soundproofing, view, and room scale.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국내 스마트도시재생지역의 리빙랩의 지속가능한 운영방안 연구

        유해연,정지원,김하영 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.9

        There is increasing demand for a specific direction of the ‘smart-city regeneration project’ that is spreading along with the urban regeneration New-Deal. This can be seen as a limitation in the uniform application of technology without considering the unique characteristics of a region. Therefore, this study analyzed cases of areas where a smart-city regeneration project is underway and proposes a continuous operation direction for the future through the case of operating a Living-Lab. First, a theoretical study related to smart-city regeneration was conducted. Second, smart-city regeneration and the use of a Living-Lab through the project were analyzed. Third, implications were derived through overseas living-lab case analysis. Finally, a direction for living-lab operation in an urban-regeneration area of domestic smart-cities is proposed. The result of the study shows that clear guidelines for the operation of smart-city regeneration are needed. Second, it operates a Living-Lab with various stakeholders(residents, public institutions, research institutes, etc.) and collects opinions. Third, infrastructure is built so that it can spread out of a region without being limited to regional boundaries. Finally, smart-technology is applied by considering the characteristics and problems of the region. 도시재생 뉴딜사업과 함께 확산되었던 '스마트시티 재생사업'의 구체적인 방향에 대해 요구가 증가하고 있다. 이는 지역의 고유 특성을 고려하지 않고, 획일적인 기술 적용에 다른 한계로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 2017년이후 스마트도시재생 프로젝트로 선정되어, 사업이 진행 중인 지역의 사례를 분석하고 리빙랩을 운영하고 있는 사례를 통해, 향후 지속적인 운영 방향을 제안하였다. 이를 위한 연구 절차로 첫째, 스마트시티 재생과 관련된 이론 연구를 진행하였다. 둘째, 스마트시티 재생사업과 사업을 통한 리빙랩 활용 사례를 분석하였다. 셋째, 해외 리빙랩 사례 분석을 통해 시사점을 도출했다. 끝으로, 국내 스마트시티 도시재생지역의 리빙랩 운영 방향을 제안하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 스마트시티 재생사업의 운영에 대한 명확한 가이드라인이 필요하다. 둘째, 다양한 이해관계자들(주민, 공공기관, 연구기관, 민간기업 등)과 함께 리빙랩 등을 운영하며 의견을 수렴한다. 셋째, 지역경계에 한정을 두지 않고, 지역 밖으로도 확산될 수 있도록 기반 시설을 구축한다. 끝으로, 지역의 특성을 고려하고 지역의 문제점에 초점을 맞춰 스마트 기술을 적용한다.

      • KCI등재

        수도권 브랜드아파트의 단위세대평면 계획특성 연구

        유해연,정지원,김하영 SH공사 도시연구원 2022 주택도시연구 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 브랜드아파트의 특성을 분석하고, 향후 공동주택의 설계 방향을 제시하는 것이다. 아울러 공공주도형 아파트의 종류가 늘어난 만큼 공공주도형 아파트에 입주할 수요자들의 요구를 단위계획에 반영하기 위해 민간 아파트의 특성을 파악하도록 했다. 이번 조사에서는 건설사 브랜드아파트 중 H브랜드(현대), X브랜드(GS), P브랜드(대우), T브랜드(포스코)과 R브랜드(삼성)이 2015년부터 2021년까지 브랜드별로 H브랜드 9건, X브랜드 27건, P브랜드 16건, T브랜드 8건, R브랜드 9건, 69건을 분석했다. 브랜드별 공통유도 측면을 요약해 향후 공공주도형 아파트 단위계획에 반영될 수 있는 주요 특징을 도출한다는 측면에서 가치를 부여할 수 있다. 특히 공공주도형 주택은 가격이 저렴하고 공간이 균일해 가구 거주자의 패턴과 사회환경 변화에 신속하게 대응하지 못하고 있다. 이 시점에서 한국 브랜드 아파트의 단위 가구 계획 규모를 살펴보고 특성을 분석함으로써 향후 시사점을 도출할 수 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        재개발 지역의 노후건축물 기록화 과정 및 가치요소

        유해연,양지원 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.36 No.11

        The value and meaning of the recording of buildings are already being discussed. However, there is a lack of research on the meaning andspecific progress of the recording projects. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to organize the process and methodology of recording thephysical characteristics of buildings in redevelopment areas. The cases of recording selected in this study derived three value factors: history,architecture and social aspects. First, the historical value of the buildings subject to survey was derived through a preliminary survey. Second,the technical features of modern buildings were derived through actual measurements. Third, the social value that the surveyor could find inthe process of manually surveying inside the building was derived, different from other actual measurement methods. This study wasconducted as follows. First, we looked at the current status of records and prior research in the redevelopment areas. Second, the historicalvalues and characteristics of the urban Hanok and the rice cake alleys in the Yeongcheon Redevelopment Area were analyzed. Third, theactual measurement of major buildings was conducted according to the recording method. Finally, the value of the building and thecharacteristics of the area were derived through the recording. 건축물의 기록화에 대한 가치와 의미는 이미 논의되고 있다. 그러나, 기록화사업의 의미와 구체적인 진행과정에 대한 연구는 부족하다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 재개발지역 내 건축물의 물리적 특성을 기록하는 과정과 방법론 정리하는데 있다. 연구의 진행 첫째, 국내외 재건축 지역 내 기록화 현황 및 선행연구를 살펴보았다. 둘째, 영천재개발지역의 도시형한옥과 떡 골목에 대한 역사적 가치와 특징에 대해 분석하였다. 셋째, 기록화 수법에 따른 주요 건축물 실측을 진행하였다. 넷째, 기록화를 통한 건축물의 가치와 지역의 특성을 도출하였다.

      • KCI등재

        소블록단위 저층집합주거단지 계획연구

        유해연,심우갑 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회논문집 Vol. No.

        Low-rise residential blocks are meaningful for cities not only as balanced development and diversity of urban landscape but also as alternative spaces enabling cities to respond to changes quickly. Also, they are the places of settlement containing dwellers’ lives gradually evolved. Therefore, the necessity of regeneration policies to maintain and develop low-rise residential blocks has come to the fore. For the regeneration of low-rise residential blocks in cities, this study aims to suggest ‘Planing Guideline of Small-Unit Low-Rise Residential Block’ reflecting residential environment of '1st Common Residential Areas' in Young-dong district, Gangnam-gu. The direction of low-rise residential block planning is suggested with three steps: 1.Collective housing typology considering residential density 2.Improvement of architectural institutions reflecting residential environment 3.Combination of buildings considering residential area land use. In spite of differences in residential environments, Courtyard-type(Block-type) and Rowrise-type(Urban Townhouse) have been picked as the most suitable collective housing types for small-scale blocks. When collective housing types are applied to the planning of small-unit blocks, piths of buildings above 1.0H, parking spaces above 1.3 per unit and outdoor space ratio above 40% can be achieved,which are enough to be encouraged. Based on the results above, this study seeks after combination method of buildings suitable for residential land use by planning collective housing complexes for each small-scale blocks.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 하노이시의 주상복합아파트 계획특성 연구

        유해연,최지혁,조종주,Yoo, Hae-Yeon,Choi, Ji-Hyuk,Cho, Jong-Ju 한국주거학회 2013 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.2

        Since the 21st century, major cities in Vietnam faced housing shortage and there was a lack in office spaces. As a result, construction companies from over seas provided mixed-use apartment as a new type of urban housing. A large number of mixed-use apartments are built in big cities such as Hanoi and Ho-chi-minh City. However, research on mixed-use housing in Vietnam is insufficient. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of mixed-use apartments and have an effect on the development of urban housing in Vietnam. This study focuses on examining the planning characteristics of mixed-use apartments in Hanoi. The research will be based on 10 mixed-use apartments that are already built or expected to be built in a few years. Therefore, this study starts by looking into the history of the Vietnamese urban housing. The study focuses on the transformation of urban housing since 2000. Then, the study will mainly focus on examining the mixed-use apartments in different aspects, in order to analyze the planning characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 노후주거지 재생을 위한 근린재생 프로그램 연구

        유해연,조훈희,Yoo, Hae-Yeon,Cho, Hun-Hee 한국주거학회 2013 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.6

        There is a growing tendency within old towns to analyze spatial characteristics to initiate various sustainable development programs and systems to make high-quality small-medium local cities. Professional research institutions in Korea are looking for new guidance into making housing regeneration policies and for trying to merge different functions. But there is a lack of research on support indicators and legal systems for residents. The purpose of this study will analyze the support systems and indicators of France for declined residential blocks in urban. Because the government of France have developed the policy for declined housing blocks. And they are establishing support systems to improve the quality of the residential environment and the resettlement of existing residents. First, this research study the condition of declined housing blocks in Paris. Secondly, support systems and policies of PNRU and PNRQAD are investigated and analyzed. Finally, cases by PNRU and PNRQAD are analyzed to derive the strength of this system. As a result, the following implications are derived. 1) the strengthening of social support, 2) the establishment of specialized national institutions and indicators, 3) increasing citizen participation, 4) Sustainable research program for neighborhood regeneration.

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