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      • 食道上皮細胞의 Cell Cycle 과 Circadian Rhythm

        吳廷大,朱剛 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1975 慶北醫大誌 Vol.16 No.1

        1. 생후 제1일 Shaver종 백색 leghorn 숫병아리 식도상피세포는 그 활동이 circadian rhythm을 나타내었 다. 2. 이들 세포집단의 활동은 오후주사군과 오전희생군에서 매우 활발하였다. 3. 표지지수는 주사군에서는 오후군(21.8%)이 오전군(10.0%)보다 약 2배 정도 높았고 희생군에서는 오전 군(19.8%)이 오후군(11.2%)보다 훨씬 높았다. 4. 표지세포수는 주사군에서는 오전군과 오후군 모두 22시에서 최고치였으며 희생군에서는 오전군에서 10시, 오후군에서 23시로 불규칙 했으며 전체적으로는 bimodal distribution을 나타내 었다. 5. DNA합성기(S기)는 희생군에서 오전군은 8.0시간인데 비해 오후군은 10.3시간으로 연장되었고 주사군 에서는 오전군이 8.2시간, 오후군이 8.8시간으로 별 차이가 없었다. 따라서 동일개체의 동일한 조직세포 라 할지라도 실험조건에 따라 S기에 상당한 차이를 볼 수 있다. 6. G_2기(분렬전기)는 희생군의 오전군이 3.7시간으로 나머지 3군(2.6~2.8시간)보다 연장 되었다. 7. 세대시간(T_G)은 주사군에서는 오전군(82.0시간)이 오후군(40.3시간)보다 약 2배 정도 길었으며 희생 군에서는 오후군(91.6시간)이 오전군(40.0시간)보다 2배이상 길었다. 8. 세포분열은 종자층과 극층에서만 볼 수 있었으며 시간 경과에 따른 표지세포나 분열세포의 이동은 없 었고 분열세포의 수가 많았으며 특히 군집을 이루고 있어 앞으로의 검토가 필요하다고 사료되었다. Most studies on various tissues of cell cycle are done at a time of day that is convenient for the investigator, not the animal; yet, during cell cycle studies in our laboratory, a significant variation has been noted in labeled mitotic figures according to the injection time of ^3H-thymidine and time difference the sacrifice of animals with a 24-hour period. The purpose of the present investigation was, firstly, to find out if there are diurnal variations in the number of DNA-synthesizing cells at the different injection times, occuring midway through the dark phase of a 12-12 light-dark cycle-a lighting regimen not too different from that used in many research vivariums; secondly , to see if there are any influences on cell cycle due to randomly set up ^3H-thymidine injection times and sacrifice times. One day postnatal male chicks were divided into four experimental groups, and AM and PM sacrifice groups. Of the injection groups, AM chicks were treated intraperitoneally with ^3H-thymidine at 6:00 AM and PM chicks at 3:00 PM respectively, and at the beginning of every hour, 3 chicks were sacrificed. In the sacrifice groups, at the beginning of every hour, starting from 5:00 AM and 2:00 PM, three chicks were treated ^3H-thymidine and all the chicks were sacrificed at 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM next day. Each esophagus was removed and subjected to autoradiography to determine the cell cycle and its parameters. The results were summarized. (1) Proliferation activity of esophageal epithelial cells revealed distinct circadian rhythmicity. (2) Proliferation activity was predominant in the AM sacrifice and PM injection groups. (3) Labelling indices of the AM and PM injection groups were 10.0% and 21.8%. In the sacrificed groups, the labelling indices were 19.8% in the AM group and 11.2% in the PM group. (4) The number of labelled cells were the highest at the 10 PM in injection groups and were highest at the 10 AM and 11 PM in the sacrifice AM and PM groups respectively. (5) The duration of S phase was 8.2 hours in the AM injection group and 10.3 hours in the PM injection groups. In the sacrificed groups there was no significant difference between AM and PM groups. (6) The duration of G_2 phase was 3.7 hours in the AM sacrifice group and 2.6 hours in the PM sacrifice group. In the injection groups, there was no significant difference between AM and PM groups. (7) The duration of T_G was 82.0 hours in the AM injection group and 40.3 hours in the PM injection group. In the sacrifice froups, the duration of T_G was 40.0 hours in the AM group and 91.9 hours in the PM group. (8) Mitoses could be found only in germinal and spinous layers and mitotic cells appeared to have a tendency to be crowded in some areas.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        $CCl_4$ 에 의한 간손상 모델 실험동물에 있어서 cyclohexane 투여가 혈청 glutathione S-transferase 활성에 미치는 영향

        오정대,윤종국 한국환경보건학회 2003 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        To evaluate the effect of cyclohexane(CH) treatment on the serum levels of glutathion S-transferase(GST) activity in liver damaged animals, damaged liver was induced with pretreatment of 50% $CCl_4$ dissolved in olive oil (0.1 m1/100g body weight) intraperitoneally 17 times every other day. To $CCl_4$-treated rats, CH (1.56 g/kg body weight, i.p) was injected once and then the animals were sacrificed at 4 hours after injection of CH. The $CCl_4$-treated animals were identified as severe liver damage on the basis of liver functional findings, 1,e, increased serum levels of alanine aminotransferase(ALT), alkaline phosphate(ALP) and xanthine oxidase(XO) activities. On the other hand, $CCl_4$-treated animals injected with CH once($CCl_4$-pretreated animals) showed more decreased serum levels of ALT and XO, and more increased those of ALP rather than $CCl_4$-treated animals. In case of comparing the GST with ALT activity in liver, both $CCl_4$-treated and pretreated animals showed similar changing pattern of enzyme actvity. Especially $CCl_4$-pretreated animals showed significantly increased serum level of GST actvity compared with the $CCl_4$-treated those, whereas those of ALT showed reversed tendency. In aspects of GST enzyme kinetics, $CCl_4$-pretreated animals showed higher Vmax of liver GST enzyme than $CCl_4$-treated animals. In conclusion, injection of CH to the liver damaged rats led to enhanced liver damage and more increased activity of serum GST which may be chiefly caused by the enzyme induction.

      • KCI등재

        건강행위실천과 대사증후군

        오정대,이상엽,김윤진,조병만,이정규,김영주 대한가정의학회 2009 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.30 No.2

        Background: Life style has been shown to improve risk factors comprising the metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a prime candidate for lifestyle modification utilizing the tools of exercise, nutritional therapy and so on. Therefore, we examined the prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to health behaviors. Methods: A total of 1,240 adults were recruited into this cross-sectional study. The subjects were examined on body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure, and lipid profile. Medical history was reviewed and daily calorie intake was examined by food frequency questionnaire. Six healthy behaviors, sleeping hours, smoking, drinking, exercise, calorie intake and body weight of subjects, were examined. Each healthy behaviors were categorized into three groups. Metabolic syndrome as diagnosed by ATP Ⅲ criteria. Results: The study subjects consisted of 57.1% men and 42.9% women. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 14.3%. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was lower in the group with good healthy behaviors. The subjects with more good healthy behaviors had a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome than those with less good healthy behaviors (0, 50.0%; 1, 41.0%; 2, 30.6%; 3, 13.8%; 4, 8.5%; 5, 5.3%; and 6, 4.3%). Relative to the subjects with high good health behavior score, those with low good health behavior score were at significantly increased risk of metabolic syndrome (odds ratio = 4.25, 95% CI 2.97-6.08). Conclusion: The subjects with much more good healthy behaviors had a substantially lower risk of being diagnosed with the metabolic syndrome compared to those with lesser good healthy behaviors. This finding suggests that lifestyle modification may be appropriate as the first-line intervention to metabolic syndrome. 연구배경: 대사증후군의 예방 및 치료에 생활습관 교정이 강 조되고 있다. 이에 건강행위 실천 개수에 따른 대사증후군의 유병률 차이를 알아보았다. 방법: 2006년 1월부터 2006년 12월까지 일개 대학병원 건강 증진센터를 방문한 수진자 중 20세 이상의 성인 1,240명을 최 종 연구대상으로 하였다. 대사증후군의 진단기준은 modied ATP Ⅲ 정의를 사용하였고, 그 중 허리둘레 기준은 한국인의 기준에 따랐다. 생활습관은 수면시간, 흡연상태, 음주습관, 운 동, 열량섭취, 체중의 6항목으로 설정하였다. 수면시간은 6시 간 이하, 7-8시간, 9시간 이상으로, 흡연상태는 비흡연군, 과 거 흡연군, 현재 흡연군으로, 음주는 비음주군, 적절음주군, 과 음군으로, 운동은 하루 30분 이상씩 일주일에 3일 이상 규칙적 으로 운동하는 군, 그 이하의 운동을 하는 군, 비운동군으로, 열 량섭취는 권장열량 이하를 섭취하는 군, 권장열량보다 10% 이 하를 초과 섭취하는군, 권장열량보다 10%를 초과하여 과잉 섭 취하는 군으로, 체중은 정상 체중군, 과체중군, 비만군으로 건 강행위 항목을 각각 3개의 그룹으로 분류하여 대사증후군의 유병률을 비교하였다. 결과: 비흡연군, 적절음주군 및 비음주군, 규칙적인 운동을 하 는 군, 권장열량 이하를 섭취하는 군 및 비비만군에서 대사증 후군의 유병률이 유의하게 낮았다. 건강행위 실천개수가 증 가할수록 대사증후군의 유병률이 감소하였다(0개 50.0%, 1 개 41.0%, 2개 30.6%, 3개 13.8%, 4개 8.5%, 5개 5.3% 및 6개 4.3%). 남자, 여자 및 전체에서 건강행위가 3개 이하인 군에 비해 건 강행위가 4개 이상인 군에서 대사증후군을 가질 교차비는 각 각 3.70 (95% 신뢰구간; 2.31-5.92), 3.54 (95% 신뢰구간; 1.91- 6.59) 및 4.25 (95% 신뢰구간; 2.97-6.08)이었다. 결론: 평균 이상의 건강행위를 실천하는 군이 그렇지 않은 군 에 비해 대사증후군의 유병률이 유의하게 낮았다.

      • 靈樞·五禁에 對한 硏究

        吳政大,李南九 東新大學校 2002 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Young chu O-Gum(五禁) explains five taboos, five wrestings, five overflows, five reverses and nine propriety, because O-Gum(五禁) appear frist in these terms, it may be named O-Gum(五禁). It can be divided four chapters by contents. In the first chapter, it is describe there are five taboos, five wrestings, five overflows, five reverses and nine proprieties in acupuncture, and summary about these terms, it comes under general remarks. In the second chapter, O-Gum(五禁) written in the first chapter is explained concretely. It is called O-Gum(五禁) that inappropriate date and inappropriate body region in using acupuncture, it is describe when acupuncture some region, do not acupuncture in the day having it's Gan-Ji(干支). In the third chapter, there explains five wrestings, it is emphasized never use reductive method in condition of five wrestings. In the forth chapter, there explains five reverses, presented symptoms called five reverses are generally contrary to pulse and symptoms, or serious symptoms able to threaten human life.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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