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      • 건설공사의 공정률에 대한 제도 및 산정방법 개선방안

        안성복 서울시립대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Abstract Improvement of Institution and Calculation Method for Construction Progress Rate Ahn Sung-Bok Graduate School of Urban Science University of Seoul Construction work has characteristics that it is large size compare to other industries, takes long time to completion and enormous costs are invested as a single product. Due to these characteristics, the constructor or the business operator makes great efforts in the cost management and the progress management of the project. Particularly, the progress management is important in the construction work, which has long production time, and the progress rate is an important evaluation factor for the construction progress management. However, there has been long dispute between the business operators related to whether the calculation of progress rate, which indicates the progress of the construction, is objective. The conflict and the dispute not only with the business operator (employer) and the constructor but also with the sales contractor, who bought the building, are occurring continuously. Nevertheless, in the current system, no official and public standard to calculate the progress rate is enacted. Therefore, different results are come out depending on whom to calculate, for which the dispute occurs and is often leaded to legal action. In this study, to minimize the dispute between the business operator and the sales contractor, the institutional improvement measures of progress rate and the calculation method using the performance recognition criteria are suggested. The summary of the contents and results of this study are as follows. First, the institution related to the progress rate in the domestic construction, the calculation method of progress rate and the amount of completed work were analyzed. Second, the calculation method of progress rate and the amount of completed work implemented in the private and the public constructions were analyzed. In addition, to analyze the dispute occurred by the progress rate, the precedents of supreme court , the Inquiry and Reply of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, etc. were examined. Based on them, the problems were drawn and the improvement direction to improve them was established. Third, to draw the institution of progress rate and the improvement measure of calculation method, the questionnaire survey was performed from 40 working staffs who are working in the business operators, construction project managers, and the constructors. Fourth, based on the questionnaire survey results, the improvement measures in the aspects of institution and the calculation method were suggested. For the improvement measure in the aspect of institution, the 5 measures including the enactment of standard progress rate calculation method were suggested. The measure in the aspect of calculation method was suggested by dividing it into the calculation technique and the performance recognition criteria. Finally, through the expert interview, the validity, appropriateness and the applicability of the institutional improvement measure related to progress rate and of the improvement measure of calculation method were verified. The institutional improvement, calculation technique and the performance recognition criteria suggested in this study have meaning that they can be used as basic criteria to calculate the progress rate in the construction project. In addition, it is expected that they would contribute to reduction of social conflict and dispute between the business operator and the sales contractor due to progress rate and to securing the consistency of progress rate calculation at the working level. In the meantime, since the progress rate calculation method and the performance recognition criteria suggested in this study were prepared by selecting the representative item in the construction works, additional research on the detailed items in the construction work, civil work, electric work, etc. are deemed to be necessary. And since the study was performed based on the questionnaire survey, the improvement measure suggested in this study are needed to be verified and complimented empirically by applying them in the site operations. 국문초록 건설공사의 공정률에 대한 제도 및 산정방법 개선방안 안 성 복 서울시립대학교 도시과학대학원 건설공사는 타 산업에 비해 대규모이며 완공까지 장기간이 소요되고, 단일생산품으로는 막대한 비용이 투입되는 특성을 갖고 있다. 이러한 건설공사의 특성으로 건설회사나 발주자는 프로젝트의 원가관리와 진도관리에 많은 노력을 하고 있다. 특히 진도관리는 생산기간이 긴 건설공사에서 매우 중요하며 공정률은 공사의 진도관리에 있어서 중요한 평가요소다. 하지만 공사의 진척도를 표시하는 공정률 산정에 대한 객관성 여부와 관련하여 사업자간의 분쟁이 오래전부터 있어왔다. 시행자(발주자)와 시공사 관계뿐만 아니라 건축물을 분양받은 분양계약자도 갈등과 분쟁이 계속 발생되고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 현행 제도상으로는 공정률 산정에 대한 공식적이고 공인된 표준 산정방법이 제정되어 있지 않다. 따라서 산출자마다 다른 결과가 산정되며, 이로 인해 분쟁이 발생하고 법적 소송 까지 진행되기도 한다. 본 연구에서는 공정률로 인한 시행자와 분양계약자 간 분쟁을 최소화하기 위하여, 건설공사의 공정률에 대한 제도적 개선방안 및 성과 인정기준 등을 활용하는 공정률 산정방법 개선방안을 제안하였다. 본 연구의 연구내용 및 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 선행연구 고찰을 통하여 현재 국내 건설공사의 공정률 관련 제도, 공정률과 기성고의 산정방법을 분석하였다. 둘째, 민간공사, 공공공사에서 시행하고 있는 공정률과 기성고 산정방법을 분석하였다. 또한 공정률로 인하여 발생된 분쟁사례 분석을 위하여 대법원 판례와 국토교통부 질의회신 등을 검토하였다. 이를 토대로 문제점을 도출하고 이를 개선하기 위한 개선방향을 설정하였다. 셋째, 공정률에 대한 제도 및 산정방법 개선방안 도출을 위하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사는 발주자, 건설사업관리자, 시공사에 근무하는 실무자 40명을 대상으로 실시하였다. 넷째, 설문조사 결과를 토대로 제도적 측면과 산정방법 측면의 개선방안을 제안하였다. 제도적 측면의 개선방안은 표준 공정률 산정방법 제정을 비롯하여 5가지를 제안하였다. 산정방법 측면의 개선방안은 산정기법과 성과 인정기준으로 구분하여 제안하였다. 마지막으로 전문가 면담을 통하여 공정률 관련 제도적 개선방안과 산정방법 개선방안의 타당성, 적정성 및 활용 가능성을 검증하였다. 본 연구에서 제안한 제도적 개선사항과 산정기법 및 성과 인정기준은 건설현장에서 합리적 공정률 산정을 위한 기본기준으로 사용할 수 있다는데 그 의의가 있다. 또한 공정률로 인한 사업주체와 분양계약자 간의 사회적 갈등과 분쟁을 줄이고, 실무적으로 공정률 산출의 일관성을 확보하는데 기여하기를 기대한다. 한편, 본 연구에서 제시하는 공정률 산정방법의 성과 인정기준은 건축공사 중 대표성 항목을 선정하여 제시하였으므로, 건축공사의 세밀한 항목, 토공사, 전기공사 등에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 그리고 설문조사를 토대로 연구를 진행하였기 때문에, 본 연구에서 제안한 개선방안을 현업에서 적용하여 실증적으로 검증 및 보완할 필요가 있다.

      • 전기도금방법에 의한 나노선의 공동 억제

        안성복 忠南大學校 大學院 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        We studied electrical properties of electroplated Co thin films, which can be used for a new interconnect material in semiconductor devices. We observed a strong correlation between the thickness, surface roughness, resistivity and the concentration of an organic additive. We demonstrated a successful filling of trench patterns by using an optimized electrolyte composition.

      • 1907년 대 부흥을 통하여 본 바람직한 한국교회 영성운동

        안성복 아세아연합신학대학교 일반대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to suggest an ideal spiritual movement of Korean churches with a sound definition of spirituality and theological grounding on spiritual development through 'the Great Awakening in Pyungyang' in 1907. The first part of this study is devoted to the biblical, chronical, and scholarly definitions of spirituality. Spirituality is a spiritual direction that encourages us to take Jesus Christ as a role model and helps us form a vertical relationship with God and a horizontal relationship with people in general. Spiritual development could be seen when you discard the self-centered self and accept the other-centered self in its place. Biblically, the former is called the old self ,which should be destroyed and the latter the new self, which should be strengthened. The following part deals with the spiritual movement that swept through Korea by inquiring into 'The Great Awakening in Pyungyang' in 1907. Korean churches grew spiritually due to christians' active participation in bible classes and prayer meetings and spreading God's words to non-believers. It was a great accomplishment that could only be achieved by the altruistic life; by harmonizing a GOD-centered life and an others-centered life. Korean churches, today, have been stagnant both in quantity and quality because there has been no spiritual development of late. I really hope we have great awakening in Korean churches once again like the one we had in 1907. It would only be possible by realizing the others-centered life with bible studies , prayers ,and by spreading GOD's words through the world.

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