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      • “글로벌 명품시장개발”에 따른 M.I.P 디자인 연구 : 제주 동문시장 중심으로

        신장섭 제주대학교 산업대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        “디자인은 소통이며 생활이다“라고 論者는 감히 정의한다. 소통의 사전적 의미는 “어떠한 것이 막히지 않고 잘 통 한다”라는 뜻을 가지며 영문으로는 communication & life 직역하면 의사전달과 삶이라는 뜻 이 된다. 그러나 論者가 말하는 소통과 생활이라는 단어에는 단순히 그러한 뜻만 있는 것은 아니다. 혼자만의 언어가 아닌 사람 대 사람, 사람 대 자연, 사람 대 물질의 장벽이 없는 Image language이며 사람이 어떠한 대상에게 삶속에서 표현 할 수 있는 가장 기본적인 것에서부터 가장 진보된 것까지 모 든 것을 아우르는 정신의 언어인 것이며 대중 속에서 공감을 양분으로 살아있 는 언어인 것이다. 문명의 발달과 더불어 사람의 욕구증대는 더 많은 소통을 촉발 시키며 이는 디자인의 발전과 필요성을 증폭시키고 있다. 일예로 SNS를 통한 사람들의 원 활한 소통을 위해 많은 새로운 디자인이 창조되어 사용되고 있다. 그러나 몇백년의 역사를 가진 사람들의 소통의 공간, 과거와 현재를 이어주 는 소통의 공간인 시장은 이러한 문명의 발달로 인해 점점 설 곳을 잃어가고 있다. 지역의 전통문화와 사람들의 생활문화가 고스란히 담겨있는 재래시장은 점차 대형마트의 편리함과 서비스에 밀려 대중적 소통의 공간에서 멀어지며, 냄새나고 낙후된 꺼려지는 공간으로 자리 잡고 있다. 역사가 없으면 현재도 미래도 없다는 상투적인 말에 앞서 재래시장은 시대 의 흐름에 순응하여 변화해야 하며 변화 속에서 역사와 문화를 공존시켜 감성 을 자극하는 전통시장으로서 관광의 명소로 자리해야 한다.해외여행을 가면 그 곳의 전통시장은 전통과 문화를 오감으로 느낄 수 있 다. 그래서 대단히 인기 있는 관광코스로써 많은 관광객들의 소통의 장이 되 어지고 있다. 실제로 외국에는 세계적 명소시장을 육성하여 외국 관광객이 지 역 전통시장을 방문하여 쇼핑과 여행국의 향토성을 이해하고 즐기는 사례가 점점 늘어나고 있다. 우리나라 역시 국가적 차원과 지방자치단체에서 지역진흥과 도심활성화를 위해 전통시장을 위해 많은 노력을 하고 있다. 2008년부터 관광과 쇼핑이 가능한 문화관광형시장을 육성하여(매출 5.3%, 고객 9.0% 증가) 소기의 성과를 거두고 있으며1) “글로벌 명품시장“을 육 성하고 지원하고 있다. 이러한 노력에 필수적으로 적용되어져야 하는 것이 아이덴티티 디자인이다. 시장은 대중들의 소통의 공간이기 때문에 마케팅과 통합브랜드의 계획이 없는 시설적 외향적의 현대화로는 사상누각 일뿐이라는 것은 많은 시행착오들이 말 해 주고 있다. 단순히 대형마트를 모방한 시장의 현대화는 시장과 대형마트의 비교만을 증식시키고 있다. 시장은 단순히 장을 본다는 개념에서 벗어난 대형 마트와의 경쟁대상이 아닌 다른 개념으로써의 공간으로 인식되어진 차별화가 필요하다. 관광객에게는 지역문화와 역사가 공존하며 지역민에게는 정감과 가슴으로 소통 할 수 있는 유니버셜디자인이 적용된 종합문화공간으로 자리 잡아야 할 것이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 현대인들의 향유욕구를 충족 시켜주는 종합문화공간 인 전통시장으로의 발전과 진정한 글로벌명품시장에 있어 기초가 되어야 할 시각아이덴티티의 개념을 적립하고 전통과 문화이미지를 재확립하는 통합아이 덴티티 프로그램을 연구하여 재래시장활성화를 위한 전통시장으로써의 변화와 오프라인상의 SNS(Social Network Services)로써 대중들과의 소통의 공간 으로 만들고자 한다. The author defines "Design is communication and life." Communication is defined in a dictionary as 'well connected without blocking'. However, communication and life mentioned in this study is not just containing such simple meaning. It is an image language communicating between people, people and the nature and people and materials without barriers. It is a language of spirit contains everything from the most basic element to the most advanced elements expressed in people's life and it is a language alive that obtains nutrients from sympathy of the public. Together with development of civilization, the increased demand of people stimulates more communication and enhances necessity of design development. For example, many designs have been created and used to promote smooth communication between people through SNSs. However, a traditional market, which plays roles as a place of communication between people and connects the past with the present, is losing its place according to development of civilization. A traditional market, which keeps local traditional life culture intact, has been excluded from public communication places and recognized as a smelly and retarded place to be avoided due to failure in competition with convenience and service of large discount stores. Even if the well known phrase 'There is no the present and the future without the history' is not considered, a traditional market should be changed in harmony with change of time and positioned as a tourist attraction that stimulates emotion of people by mixing the history and the culture. When travelling overseas, we may feel the culture and the tradition in a traditional market of a country through our five senses. Therefore, a traditional market is a good tourist attraction and a communication place for tourists. In fact, countries foster a global known traditional market to attract foreign tourists and make them understand and enjoy their locality. In Korea, many efforts have been made to promote a local area and activate a city center including fostering traditional markets both in the national and local government level. Korea has achieved some visual results by promoting culture and tour combined markets, which allows conducting tour and shopping at one place since 2008 (Sales increased by 5.3% and the number of visitors increased by 9.0%)57). In addition, it fosters and supports a 'global luxury market'. Identity design is an inevitable element in enhancing such efforts. As a market is a communication place of the public, modernization of facility appearance without a marketing and integrated branding plan is just a building built on sand, which is proven by many trials and errors. Modernization of a traditional market imitating large discount stores is just encouraging comparison between them. Therefore, escaping from simple shopping concept, it is necessary to differentiate traditional markets from large discount stores as different space, rather than competitors of large discount stores. For tourists, a traditional market shall be a total cultural place adopting universal design where local culture and history coexist and local residents communicate each other with their emotion and heart. Therefore, this study establishes a concept of visual identity, which is the foundation to develop a traditional market to a total cultural place and a true global luxury market in order to meet enjoyment needs of modern people and investigates integrated identity programs, which help reestablish tradition and cultural image in oder to achieve activation of traditional markets and change them to communication places with the public as offline SNSs (Social Network Services).

      • 高等學校學生들의 職業에 關한 價値觀 硏究

        신장섭 全南大學校 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis is aimed to define the conception of value about boy students' vocations in the high school at present, and to offer basic materials to be accomplished correct guidance of their courses in the future. So I research what differences in their conception of value of value are existed by the types of school and individual human nature. I suppose that there may be a difference between the process of vocation selection and their vocational conception of value due to the types of school and individual human nature, refer to a theoretical background and theses of precedent researchers, use papers of question which is made by the researcher, and enforce a question researching. The researched data was dealt with by the using of computer. The statistic methods by the computer was handled by a degree of educated inspection through X²(Chi-square) method. I have a conclusion for the vocational conception of value in the boy students of the high school according to the types of school and individual human nature by the above mentioned researching. 1) Even though their protector engaged themselves in agricultures and fisheries vocation, they want their children to engage in and they themselves want to engage in a special line of business or administrative management vocation regardless of their individual human nature and types of school (humanities school, vocational school). 2) We attach more importance to aptitude than honor or income in the motive to a vocation selection, and human being's personality, aptitude, is the most relative character in vocation. If the aptitude reveals the personality of success in a special vocation and the ability for solving the problems to a concrete task. This is very desirable tendency. 3) The vocation selection is not only influenced by the various and complex factors but also hindered by misguided view of education or vocation. So to be understood rightly about the vocation, educational considerations or endeavors are devoted all our energies for the students to make a decision their rational courses through systematic guidence of their courses in the high school. 4) They have the group-cetral view of value in vocational view of value, but about 50% of the whole students respond to that are a noble and a humble in vocation unexpectedly. This phenomenon means that there is a view of value hindering development as yet. 5) Almost high school students have the idea that if they will graduate from the university they will get a excellent vocation. As the increase. But if the school teaches the method how to live their lives effectively though they do not graduate from the university, I think that overheated educational zeal will be dampened in some degree.

      • Code transformation techniques to enforce security policies for memory protection

        신장섭 서울대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Computer memory is a critical component in computer systems that needs to be protected to ensure the security of computer systems. It contains security sensitive data that should not be disclosed to adversaries. Also, it contains the important data for operating the system that should not be manipulated by the attackers. Thus, many security solutions focus on protecting memory so that sensitive data cannot be leaked out of the computer system or on preventing illegal access to computer data. In this thesis, I will present various code transformation techniques for enforcing security policies for memory protection. First, I will present a code transformation technique to track implicit data flows so that security sensitive data cannot leak through implicit data flow channels (i.e., conditional branches). Then I will present a compiler technique to instrument C/C++ program to mitigate use-after-free errors, which is a type of vulnerability that allow illegal access to stale memory location. Finally, I will present a code transformation technique for low-end embedded devices to enable execute-only memory, which is a strong security policy to protect secrets and harden the computing device against code reuse attacks. 컴퓨터 메모리는 컴퓨터 시스템의 보안을 위해 보호되어야 하는 중요한 컴포넌트이다. 컴퓨터 메모리는 보안상 중요한 데이터를 담고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 시스템의 올바른 동작을 위해 공격자에 의해 조작되어서는 안되는 중요한 데이터 값들을 저장한다. 따라서 많은 보안 솔루션은 메모리를 보호하여 컴퓨터 시스템에서 중요한 데이터가 유출되거나 컴퓨터 데이터에 대한 불법적인 접근을 방지하는 데 중점을 둔다. 본 논문에서는 메모리 보호를 위한 보안 정책을 시행하기 위한 다양한 코드 변환 기술을 제시한다. 먼저, 프로그램에서 분기문을 통해 보안에 민감한 데이터가 유출되지 않도록 암시적 데이터 흐름을 추적하는 코드 변환 기술을 제시한다. 그 다음으로 C / C ++ 프로그램을 변환하여 use-after-free 오류를 완화하는 컴파일러 기술을 제시한다. 마지막으로, 중요 데이터를 보호하고 코드 재사용 공격으로부터 디바이스를 강화할 수 있는 강력한 보안 정책인 실행 전용 메모리(execute-only memory)를 저사양 임베디드 디바이스에 구현하기 위한 코드 변환 기술을 제시한다.

      • 金壽民의 「箕東樂府」 硏究

        신장섭 건국대학교 1993 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Myung-Eun(明隱), Kim Soo-Min(金壽民) was a writer in the late period of Lee dynasty and lived a typical life of the scholar without applying the civil service examination and keeping his own integrity as a man of virtue throughout his whole life. His study and literary works are based upon Seongri Hak, the main ideas of which are self-cultivation of the mind, learning in the recluse and just behavior. Myung-Eun's "Kidong Yuefu"(箕東樂府) and the kinds of Youngsa Yuefu(詠史樂府) are unique literary forms which reflected the national consciousness and were developed in the late period of Lee dynasty when the criticism against conventional systems and ideas spreaded, and the new recognition about our historical realities and academic concerns about our history and literature arose very high. Thus, Myung-Eun's "Kidong Yuefu" was written as a response to this historical request. This work uses historical figures and tales, legend and mythology as its materals, and shows the dignity of our people and author's integrity as a man of virtue. The number of poems in this work is much more than that of other Youngsa Yuefu writers'. It is partly because he could contact more materials than other writers before him. However, this is more likely to prove that he consciously tried to, through correcting distortion of history and reviewing the men of historical importance, give the following genetations the correct view of our history. The source of his work is our history and , it seems, he tried to construct his work positively. In this respect, "Kidong Yuefu" is thought to have the following characteristics: First, while the figures in the kinds of Youngsa Yuefu are too fictive and legendary on account of being emphasized too much on their greatness and heroic behaviors, however, in Myung-Eun's work their stories are expressed realistically without fictive construction. Second, he never failed to specify the sources of the passages which he borrowed from other writers' poems or essays. And he was also considerate as to explain clearly the jumps of logic in the borrowed passages. Third, to make the description of the figures more objective, he added to his work 'Gal(碣), Myung(銘), Jemoonm(祭文), Hangjang(行狀) written by Uam(尤庵), Yulgok(栗谷) and Toegae(退溪). His acceptance of those respected scholars' works shows that his view of great figures and history accords to the ones of them and he tried to describe justly without his own prejudices. Lastly, he tried to correct his contemporary people's wrong views of our history through literary works. In Kidong Yuefu, Myung-Eun's literary technics were not restricted by the model of Dang(唐) and Song(宋), and exerted the literary experiments very freely in the areas of materials, literary form and style beyond the limits of chinese poems. Unlike those positive writers who avoided fictive or unreasonal elements, he addmitted such unofficial history as legend and mythology and approached them with the attitude of official history. His efforts is considered of significance in that his historical approach toward them discovered some new aspects of our life. Myung-Eun's philosophy is based on the ideas of justice, independence and loyalty, and is well shown in "Kidong Yuefu". Through his work he enriched our chinese literature in the late Lee dynasty , and made a step forward in making chinese literature our own national literature. Though these poems were written in chinse characters, the intention of haveing written this work arose from the national consciousness, the tradition of Youngsa Yuefu since Shim Kwang-Se's(沈光世) Haedong Yuefu, to make his descendents recognize our history rightly, and aspire to the modernization of our people's consciousness. Considering these facts, "Kidong Yuefu" can be regarded as a very valuable literary work in our national literature.

      • 마르코프 모델을 이용한 블루투스 ACL 패킷의 성능분석에 관한 연구

        신장섭 韓國産業技術大學校 産業技術大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        블루투스를 이용한 무선 환경에서의 휴대기기의 전원관리는 휴대기기의 사용시간을 연장하기 위해 매우 중요하게 다루어지고 있다. 휴대기기의 전원관리는 정보의 전송과 수신 중에 발생하는 패킷 에러에 의해 많은 영향을 받는다. 따라서 패킷의 손실률에 따른 패킷의 효과적인 복구를 위한 연구가 진행되고 있으며, 무선 환경에서 패킷 손실률에 따른 휴대기기의 전원 사용량에 관한 연구도 다양하게 진행되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 블루투스를 이용한 무선 환경에서 파일 전송시간과 채널 접근시간을 이용하여 블루투스의 ACL 패킷의 성능분석을 하였다. 블루투스를 이용한 무선 환경은 Marcov 확률모델을 이용하여 모델링 하였으며, 모델링 과정에서 얻어진 수식을 이용하여 ACL 패킷의 수학적 모델을 제시하였다. ACL 패킷의 성능 분석은 에러 정정기능을 포함한 DH패킷과 DM패킷만을 이용하였다. 패킷의 성능 분석을 위한 기준은 휴대기기의 전원관리 기준인 파일의 전송시간과 채널의 접근시간을 이용하였다. 블루투스의 무선 환경이 이상적인 경우는 DH 패킷이 DM 패킷에 비해 파일 전송시간이 작게 나타났으며, 신뢰도가 낮은 무선 환경의 경우는 페이로드 데이터에 에러 정정기능이 포함된 DM 패킷의 파일 전송시간이 작게 나타나는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 마지막으로 에러 발생률이 일정한 무선 환경에서 고정 인덱스 방식과 가변 인덱스 방식의 비교 시뮬레이션을 통해 가변 인덱스 방식이 고정 인덱스 방식에 비해 파일 전송시간이 효과적으로 절감되는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. In this thesis, the performance of ACL(Asynchronous Connection Less) packets of Bluetooth in evaluated, using the file transmission time and the channel access time in the radio environment of Bluetooth. The radio environment of Bluetooth use the model of Marcov probability. The mathematical model of ACL packets using the numerical formula that is focused on the modeling process is proposed. The performance analysis of ACL packets of the DH packet and the DM packet including error correction function is executed. The transmission time of a file and access time of a channel used the standard format for performance analysis of the packets. The DM packet file transfer time of DR packet is small in the ideal radio environment. The error of the file transmission time is less when the DM packet including the error correction function is used in the radio environment than the existing model, Finally, the fixing index way and the variableness index way is simulated and compared each other. The variableness index way of the file transmission time show the best performance.

      • 循環 굵은骨材의 混入率에 따른 콘크리트와 異形鐵筋의 附着擧動

        신장섭 忠南大學校 産業大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, mixed recycled coarse aggregate(RCA) was produced by mixing two types of RCA from waste concrete in order to evaluate a new method of RCA production. Bond strength between reinforcing bars and RCA concrete was qualitatively evaluated as a part of continuous studies to establish design code of reinforced concrete structural members using recycled aggregate. For practical application, specimens were manufactured with the ready mix RCA concrete. Parameters investigated include: concrete compressive strength (i.e 21, 27 and 40MPa), replacement levels (i.e 0%, 30%, 60% and 100%), bar position (i.e vertical and horizontal) and bar location (75 and 225mm). For the pull-out test, each specimen was in the form of a cube, with each side of 150mm in length and a deformed bar, 16mm in diameter, was embedded in the center of each specimen. From the test results, the most of HT type specimen with compressive strength of 21 and 27MPa showed lower bond strength than the ones provided in CEB-FIP and considered in reinforcement location factor(α=1.3). It was reasoned that bonded area of top bar specimen was reduced at the soffit of reinforcement because of bleed water of fresh concrete. Therefore the reinforcement location factor in current KCI design code should be reviewed and modified.

      • 인지욕구의 고저에 따른 결론의 명시성과 주장의 질이 설득에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        신장섭 중앙대학교 신문방송대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 연구 참여자의 인지욕구 수준에 따라 광고에 있어서 결론의 명시성과 주장의 질에 따른 광고효과를 보는데 있다. 연구 결과, 먼저 인지욕구 수준에 따른 결론의 명시성 효과를 보면, 고 인지욕구 참여자들은 명시적 결론의 광고보다는 암시적 결론의 광고를 훨씬 더 선호하는데 반해 저 인지욕구 참여자들은 암시적 결론의 광고보다 명시적 광고를 더 선호하고 있다. 다음으로 광고 주장의 질 효과에서는 참여자의 인지욕구 수준에 관계없이 모두 약한 주장의 광고보다는 강한 주장의 광고를 모두 선호하는 것으로 나왔다. 그러나 인지욕구 수준에 따른 결론의 명시성과 함께 주장의 질 효과를 보면, 고 인지욕구 참여자들은 광고 주장의 질이 강하든 약하든 간에 관계없이 모두 명시적 광고보다 암시적 광고를 선호하는데 비해, 저 인지욕구 참여자들은 주장이 강할 때만 암시적 결론의 광고보다 명시적 결론의 광고를 선호하고 광고 주장이 약할 때는 결론의 명시성 형태간의 선호에 차이가 없다.

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