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        알모도바르의 영화 <그녀와 말하세요>와 <귀향>을 통해 본 여성 편향적 서사

        송선기,전희정 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2020 국제문화연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Through these two films of Almódovar, we came to the following conclusion. In the movie Volver, the character Paula kills her stepfather, and her mother Laimunda destroys and disposes of her husband's body. Reimunda's mother, Irene, is not punished for committing a terrible crime of arson and murder by setting fire to a cabin where her husband and neighbor's woman are together. On the other hand, Benigno, the character in Hable con ella, is imprisoned for simple rape and induces the result of suicide, indicating that women's crimes are lenient, but men's crimes are punished with no tolerance. Looking at the process of crime and punishment committed by the male and female characters we discussed through the two films, we can eventually confirm that Almodóvar is fully focused on female-biased narratives through these two films. 우리는 알모도바르의 이 두 편의 영화들을 통해 다음과 같은 결론에 도달하였다. 영화 <귀향>에서 등장인물 파울라는 의붓아버지를 살해하고, 그녀의 엄마 라이문다는 남편의 사체를 훼손하고 유기한다. 라이문다의 엄마 이레네는 남편과 이웃집 여인이 함께 있는 오두막에 불을 질러 방화 살인이라는 끔찍한 범죄를 저지르고도 처벌받지 않는다. 반면에 <그녀에게 말하세요>에서 등장인물 베니그노는 단순한 강간으로 투옥되어 자살이라는 결과를 유도하여, 감독이 여성들의 범죄에는 관대하지만, 남성의 범죄에는 관용 없는 처벌이 내려짐을 알 수 있다. 두 편의 영화를 통해 고찰한 남녀 등장인물들이 저지른 범죄와 처벌의 과정을 고찰해 볼 때, 결국 우리는 알모도바르 감독이 이 두 영화들을 통해서 철저하게 여성 편향적 서사에 집중하고 있음을 확인할 수 있다..

      • KCI등재

        페레다와 아소린의 작품을 통해 본 스페인 정체성

        송선기 한국스페인어문학회 2007 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.44

        El objetivo de este estudio, consiste en observar la identidad regional en La sotileza de José María de Pereda. La realidad social de aquel entonces de España se reflejaba en las obras de los autores realistas o naturalistas. La mayoría de los escritores realistas españoles adoptaron los lugares específicos que conocían bien como los espacios novelescos. A través del análisis del tema planteado sobre La sotileza de José María de Pereda, pudimos llagar a la siguiente conclusión. José María de Pereda acertó al utilizar la impredicibilidad del mar zarandeando los destinos humanos, la historia y las convulsiones sociales, de su ciudad natal. Pereda no elude las descripciones de miseria ni las escenas de violencia ni la pestilencia de algunos ambientes. El autor nos muestra la hermosa naturaleza santanderina y las costumbres de los habitantes de su provincia, paralelamente con la descripción del altibajo de la vida de aquellos personajes. Pereda recreó escenas, tipos y costumbres de su Santander marino, anclándose en las formas de vida del barrio de pescadores. A través de la obra, Pereda nos muestra el amor por su tierra natal santanderina y muestra la identidad regional de Cantabria. Otro objetivo de een dos prosas de Azorín: El paisaje de España visto por los españoles y Castilla. A través del análisis de dos obras de Azorín, también pudimos llegar a la siguiente conclusión. Azorín como otros compañeros de la generación del 98 protesta frente a determinadas situaciones históricas españolas y observa minuciosamente la esencia del espíritu español y la identidad nacional de España.

      • 회화분석을 통한 스페인 문화의 효율적 학습 방안

        송선기,박영미 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2008 국제문화연구 Vol.1 No.1

        En este trabajo proponemos una metodologi'a para la ensen~anza de la asignatura de “Historia de cultura espan~ola” a trave's de las grandes obras pintorescas de autores espan~oles. Aprender una lengua extranjera significa mucho ma's de lo que se cree, por ejemplo, se necesita conocimientos histo'ricos y culturales para entender bien la lengua interesada. De este modo, la ensen~anza de la historia de cultura es una asginatura muy importante para todos aquellos que quieren aprender la lengua. La clase de la histoha de cultura espan~ola suele dividirse en tres secciones: historia, sociedad y cultura, con lo cual se estudia aparte cada seccio'n. Para sacar el mejor rendimiento dida'ctico, aprovecharemos las grandes obras arti'sticas para dar leccio'n de la historia ya que estas obras tiene su marco histo'rico e influencia de la situacio'n social. Las ventajas que podemos sacar de esta metodolgia son siguientes: primero, las ima'genes de obras tratadas-bien por internet o por diapositivospueden dar un ambiente ma's vivo para la clase: segundo, se contribuye tambie'n a la ensen~anza de la lengua espan~ola porque si accedemos a las pa'ginas de web organizadas por los mayores museos, hay que tener conocimientos Iingu¨isticos tales como el vocabulario relacionado con el arte o las expresiones museolo'gicas: tercero, podemos ofrecer un ambiente familiar a los estudiantes acostumbrados a los materiales de imagen; cuatro, adema's de ser instrumento u'til en las universidades, la utilizacio'n de los materiales puede llegar a las escuelas secundarias e incluso al pu'blico para difundir la cultura espan~ola.

      • KCI등재

        카밀로 호세 셀라의 『회양목재』에 나타난 갈리시아의 특징적 요소들

        송선기 한국스페인어문학회 2017 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.85

        As we have seen, Cela’s Madera de boj depicts Galicia’s small cities, Muxia and Cabo de Finistierre, known as Costa de Muerte where he was born and grown up. Detailed description of the adjacent areas of Costa de Muerte, residents’ everyday life, culture and natures are covered in Madera de boj. Enormous stories about sinking ships and the dead in the wrecked ships show that this novel is based on the accumulated data and actual surveys conducted by the author himself. About 300 characters show Galicia’s various manners and customs throughout the whole novel. Cela uses shamanistic factors like myths and legends as the novel’s materials. There are stories about phantoms, devils, witches, and zombies repeatedly appearing in the novel. As the antipodes, there are specific mentions on pilgrimages and the contents of the bible as well. With this, he presents Galacia’s characteristic aspects abundantly through the combination of incompatible these two elements: the Catholic faith and idol worship. Cela motivates readers to capture the series of his affection, concern, identity, and respect for his hometown and folks.

      • Effect of Coke Deposit on the Hydrodesulfurization Activity over CoMo Catalysts Supported on Al-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-48

        송선기,( Murid Hussain ),임선기 한국화학공학회 2007 화학공학의이론과응용 Vol.10 No.1

        Two different mesoporous materials, MCM41(one-dimensional channel) and MCM-48(threedimensional channel), were used as supports for CoMo sulfide catalysts to investigate the effect of different channel connectivity on the catalytic activity of thiophene hydrodesulfurization. The aluminosilicate mesoporous materials (Al-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-48) were prepared through post impregnation of AlCl3 into the siliceous mesoporous materials, MCM-41 and MCM-48, respectively. The aluminosilicatesupported CoMo catalysts showed higher activity than their siliceous counterparts. The acidity of the aluminosilicate supports as measured by NH3-TPD might help to crack the thiophene so as to improve the HDS activity. The CoMo (3:7)/Al-mesoporous materials showed the highest activity up to 10 h for a given Si/Al ratio. It is expected that CoMo catalysts with Co/Mo atomic ratio of 3/7 having three-dimensional mesopore structures would be more useful for HDS process than the same catalysts with one-dimensional mesopore structure.

      • 저작권법과 공정이용 법리

        송선기 한국사립대학교 도서관협의회 2005 사대도협회지 Vol.6 No.-

        저작권법의 목적은 저작권 보호와 공정한 이용에 의한 문화의 향상발전이다. 이를 위한 공정이용 법리가 국제규범과 각국의 저작권법에서 어떻게 나타나고 있는지 살펴보았으며, 향후 저작권법 개정논의에서 고려되어야 할 방향을 제시하였다. The purpose of copyright law is to protect the rights of authors and to promote fair use of works in order to contribute to the improvement and development of culture. This study researched principle of law about fair use of works in international agreements and copyright laws. Also showed the direction to be considered in the discussion of the copyright law amendment about later.

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