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      • KCI등재후보

        사회복지실천에 있어서 종교와 영성의 의미와 역할에 대한 고찰

        손신(Shin Son),신효진(Hyo-jin Shin) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2010 신학논단 Vol.59 No.-

        ??This study aims to provide justification about the inclusion of spiritual/religious content in social work practice and education. Subsequently, this justification gives the practitioners an alternative means to both pre-pare them to work effective and ethically with the clients and to be fully engaged in their missionary tasks and social responsibilities as christians.<br/> ??Despite the primary identification with voluntary helping activities embracing Christianity in the early social work profession, the past century reflect the fluctuation in the profession's position on incorporating spiritual/religious content into the social work curriculum and the field of practice. Underprepared professionals who are unaware of the diversity of spiritual and religious elements have continued to struggle in addressing spiritual/ religious issues caused by the lack of the required guidelines for assessments, intervention decisions, and action strategies.<br/> ??In order to better understand this dilemma, in this study, the authors takes a broad look at the Four major developmental phases of social work profession, and then, continues to go into some depth regarding the specific practice methods and skills, utilizing spirituality as one major source of strength for social work practitioners to use in their work with clients in the he1p/change process. As is apparent throughout this study, these are paradigm shift in the traditional model to include the spiritual/religious aspects of healing, giving special attention to respect for spiritual and religious beliefs as significant environmental resources and strengths as well as ways of appropriately incorporating missionary activities into professional social work practice. ??This study aims to provide justification about the inclusion of spiritual/religious content in social work practice and education. Subsequently, this justification gives the practitioners an alternative means to both pre-pare them to work effective and ethically with the clients and to be fully engaged in their missionary tasks and social responsibilities as christians.<br/> ??Despite the primary identification with voluntary helping activities embracing Christianity in the early social work profession, the past century reflect the fluctuation in the profession's position on incorporating spiritual/religious content into the social work curriculum and the field of practice. Underprepared professionals who are unaware of the diversity of spiritual and religious elements have continued to struggle in addressing spiritual/ religious issues caused by the lack of the required guidelines for assessments, intervention decisions, and action strategies.<br/> ??In order to better understand this dilemma, in this study, the authors takes a broad look at the Four major developmental phases of social work profession, and then, continues to go into some depth regarding the specific practice methods and skills, utilizing spirituality as one major source of strength for social work practitioners to use in their work with clients in the he1p/change process. As is apparent throughout this study, these are paradigm shift in the traditional model to include the spiritual/religious aspects of healing, giving special attention to respect for spiritual and religious beliefs as significant environmental resources and strengths as well as ways of appropriately incorporating missionary activities into professional social work practice.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회와 함께 하는 교회의 실천 모델과 사례분석

        손신(Shin Son) 한국기독교학회 2011 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.77 No.-

        This article reviews the current community involvements and the specific activities of the selected churches which have either implemented or involved in the successful community development or social welfare programs for their respective communities. Four churches selected and introduced in this article are well known for their community programs which "start where the people are" in identifying needs and discovering intervention strategies and activities. Upon analysis, Jack Rothman`s three models of community practice and the comparatively new community liaison model were utilized. Each church was separately reviewed and analyzed based on the principles and strategies of each community practice model. Religious institutions are credible and in many neighborhoods are the oldest established institutions. They offer hope to many in today`s dismantled neighbors that are pervaded by hopeless, doubt, and materialism. Church has space and volunteers and, as helping organizations, reach large number of individuals. Church represents a potentially productive avenue into the disadvantaged areas and their residents. They should function as social centers and educational facilities and their member should be the core components and leaders of their own communities.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성의 사회문화적 적응과 종교의 역할 -다문화선교를 중심으로

        손신 ( Shin Son ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2014 복음과 선교 Vol.28 No.-

        A society co-existed with various cultures, languages, customs, and the ways of living in one country, so-called Multi-cultural Society, used to be one of the most urgent problems the western world had to face at the end of 20th century. However, at some point, the wave of changes into “multi-cultural society” hit South Korea as well. In few years, the subject of multi-culture has become one of the most important topics in our society South Korea has become a society where cannot survive without depending on the childbirth and the labor force of foreign workers. We cannot make the globalization we want, only with our own power and things. But we still insist on unilateral globalization, only focusing on Korean culture and stuffs. Our attitude toward solving the problems of multi-cultural families has not been able to break away from one-sided thoughts like, “how can we make them adjust to our culture more quickly?” or “what’s the most effective way to get the labor force needed from foreign workers? The ultimate purpose of programs and services for multi-cultural families should be to help marriage migrant women and their family members, so they can live a valuable life as members of our society. This means the shift of paradigm that the married migrants become ones communicating with the local communities, make their own voice, and be able to find their existence as productive members of communities. With this paradigm shift in mind, this study examined the role of church activities in enhancing social cultural adjustment abilities among married immigrant women. More than two hundred married immigrant women residing in Kyung-gi Do were surveyed. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis are used to analyze the study questions. The findings revealed that married immigrant women were more likely to participate in church activities if they were highly educated, had high Korean-language skills, experienced more economic hardships, and had higher social-cultural adjustment capacities. Based on the findings, the contribution of this study and implications for programs and practice were discussed in married immigrant women’s empowerment in church activities. In addition, Few cautions and principles that needed to be considered for the ministries with multi-cultural families were suggested. These suggestions included securing professionalism, maintaining durability, setting directionality, securing connections, promoting education within a church, and developing programs that can be actually helpful to multi-cultural families outside the church community. It was particularly emphasized that The education for multi-cultural families should be done in two ways: One is to educate the already existing members of church. The education about multi-cultural families’culture to get rid of any repulsion and stereotype, and motivate the members to get engaged into the ministry is important. The other is the education for married immigrant women outside the church. The ministry has to take responsibility over the education of Korean culture, the social welfare system, the family system, and religion not only for married immigrant women inside the church but for those outside the church.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 학교에 대한 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 대한 연구 : 종교재단과 비종교재단 학교의 청소년 집단 비교를 중심으로

        손신 ( Son Shin ) 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2018 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.38 No.-

        이 연구는 청소년의 학교에 대한 만족도에 영향을 미치는 개인적 특성과 환경적 특성 요인을 알아보고 종교재단학교 청소년집단과 비종교재단학교 청소년 집단 간의 주요변인에 대한 차이점을 검증하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 본 조사에서는 한국청소년정책연구가 주관한 ‘2015 아동·청소년인권실태조사’자료의 대상인 전국에 재학 중인 중학교와 고등학교 학생 7,406명을 대상으로 한 이차자료를 분석하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인구사회학적 측면에서 남학생보다는 여학생이, 고등학생 학생보다 중학생이, 학업성적이 높을수록, 경제수준이 높을수록 학교생활만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 개인적 요인과 환경 요인의 측면에 있어서도 그 결과는 선행연구의 보고들과 대부분 일치하고 있다. 개인적 요인의 측면에서 신체가 건강할수록, 정신건강이 양호할수록, 자기개념이 높을수록 학교만족도가 높음을 알 수 있었고, 환경적 요인에 있어서도 의사결정시 부모가 자녀의 의견을 존중할수록, 선후배로부터 폭력을 덜 경험할수록, 차별 경험이 적을수록 학교만족도가 높음을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 종교 재단 학교 유무에 따른 청소년 집단 간의 주요변인들의 차이검정 결과 통계적으로 두 집단 간에 유의미한 차이를 보여주는 변인으로 신체건강과 학교만족도가 도출되었다. 그런데 흥미로운 사실은 서론에서 연구자가 주장한 가설과는 정 반대의 결과나 나왔다는 점이다. 학교생활만족도와 신체건강의 집단 간 평 균이 모두 비종교계 학교가 더 높은 것으로 나왔으며 이 결과는 통계적으로 도 유의미한 차이인 것으로 검증되었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 종교재단 학교의 종교관련 교육에 있어서의 함의를 논하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the personal and environmental factors that affect the satisfaction of adolescents with their schools and to examine the differences between the main variables of the religious foundation school youth group and the non-religious foundation school youth group. For this purpose, secondary data was analyzed for 7,406 middle school and high school students in Korea who were subjects of the 2015 Child and Youth Human Rights Survey data of the Korea Youth Policy Research Institute. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, in terms of demographic and sociological aspects, female students were more likely to be satisfied with school life and receive higher the grades than their male counterparts. The higher the student’s economic level the more they showed high school life satisfaction. Second, in terms of personal factors and environmental factors, the results are mostly consistent with those of previous studies. In terms of individual factors, the better the student’s physical health, mental health and self-concept, the higher their school satisfaction. In the environmental factors, the more parents perceived their children’s opinions, the less violence they experienced from their school friends, and the less they experienced discrimination, the higher their school satisfaction. Third, as a result of a statistical analysis comparing students of religious and non-religious schools, two statistically significant variables were verified, Which are physical health and school satisfaction. However, the interesting fact is that it came out the opposite result from the hypothesis claimed by the researcher. School-life satisfaction and physical health group.

      • KCI등재후보

        사회복지학 전공 대학생들의 종교와 영성관련 교육과정의 필요성과 인식에 대한 연구

        손신 ( Shin Son ) 아세아연합신학대학교 신학연구소 2016 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.28 No.-

        이 연구는 사회복지학과에 재학 중인 학생들을 대상으로 사회복지실천과 교육에 있어서 종교와 영성의 역할과 중요성에 대한 인식조사를 통해 사회복지 실천 및 교육 분야와 다문화 사회복지 분야의 함의를모색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 본 조사에는 비확률적 임의표집방법을 통해 2개 대학으로부터 모집된 315명의 사회복지학과 대학생들이 참여하였으며, 자기기입식 설문지가 활용되었다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 조사의 연구대상인 사회복지를 전공하고있는 학생들의 대다수는 사회복지사가 종교와 영성의 긍정적인 역할과 부정적인 역할을 사정할 수 있는 능력을 갖추어야 함은 물론, 클라이언트의 종교적 신념체계를 이해하고, 타 종교에 대한 지식과 이해를 보유하고 있어야 한다고 응답하였다. 둘째, 클라이언트의 문제해결을 위한 핵심적인 내적 자원으로서의 영성을 역량강화에기여하는 인간의 가장 기초적인 부분으로 인식하고 있었다. 셋째, 종교를 가진 사회복지 전공 학생의 경우 반수 이상이 선택과목인 다문화과목은 물론, 필수과목인 인간행동과목, 그리고 실천론 과목에 종교와 영성에 관한 내용이 포함되어야 한다는 의견을 피력하였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 사회복지실천과 교육에 있어서의 함의를 논하였다. This research studied on the roles of religion and spirituality in the practice and education of social welfare from the perspectives of social work students in universities. The research questions are: first, the students’ personal religious and spiritual belief, secondly students’ perceptions about the role of religion and spirituality in social work practice, thirdly students`` opinions about the inclusion of religion and spirituality in the social work curriculum. The convenient sampling method was used and 315 students’ questionnaires were collected from two universities in Korea. The study results include: first, students thought social workers need to be able to assess the negative or positive role of religion and spirituality in their clients, secondly students perceived that religion and spirituality are the inner resource of clients`` empowerment. Thirdly ‘Cultural Diversity’, ‘Human Behavior’, ‘Social Work Practice’ courses were mostly recommended to include religion and spirituality issues in social work curriculum. Social work practice and educational implications were discussed based on the findings.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성의 사회적 자본이 다문화 지향성과 한국사회적응에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        손신(SON Shin),신효진(SHIN Hyo-Jin) 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과 문화연구원 2017 장신논단 Vol.49 No.4

        본 연구의 주목적은 결혼이주여성들의 사회자본, 다문화 지향성, 그리고 한국사회 적응간의 구조적 인과관계를 분석하는 데 있다. 본 연구의 또 다른 중요한 목적은 위의 세 변수들 간의 구조적 인과관계에 미치는 종교의 조절효과를 검증하는 것이었다. 본 연구를 위해서 여성가족부가 실시한 ‘2015년 전국 다문화가족실태조사’ 자료를 활용한 2차자료분석을 실시하였으며, 표본가구(27,120가구) 중 65.8%인 17,849가구의 응답자 중 활용 가능한 17,109가구의 결혼이주여성 자료가 사용되었다. 연구문제 검증을 위해서 SPSS Statistics 21.0 및 Amos 21.0 프로그램을 사용하여 빈도분석, 기술통계, T검증, 경로분석, 다중집단분석의 통계기법이 사용되었다. 본 연구의 주요 결과들은 다음과 같다. 종교 활동을 하는 결혼이주여성들은 하지 않는 결혼이주여성들에 비해 높은 사회적 관계망, 다문화지향성, 생활만족도를 보였으며, 건강상태는 낮은 것으로 나타났다; 사회자본은 다문화지향성에 긍정적 영향을 미친다; 사회자본은 한국사회적응에 긍정적 영향을 미친다; 다문화 지향성 또한 한국사회적응에 긍정적 영향을 미친다; 종교의 조절효과가 검증되었는데, 종교 활동을 하는 집단보다 하지 않는 집단에게 있어서 사회적 관계가 가족관계에 미치는 영향력이 통계적으로 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과들을 바탕으로 결혼이주여성들의 사회자본의 확충과 다문화 지향성의 고양을 위한 정책 및 프로그램 제언과 제안을 하였다. This study was conducted with a purpose to analyze the structural relationship among social capital, multicultural acceptability, and the social adjustment of married immigrant women. Another important purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of religious activities in the structural relationship among these three variables mentioned above. Secondary data(the nationwide multicultural family survey in 2015) of Seventeen thousand one hundred nine married immigrant women conducted by Korean Statistical Information Service was utilized in this study. PASW 21.0 and Amos 20.0 were used for statistical analysis such as frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, T-test, path analysis and structural equation analysis. The results are as follows. Married immigrant women involved in religious activities reported more social network, higher levels of multicultural acceptability and life satisfaction, and lower level of health condition than the counterpart group; social capital has a positive(+) effect on multicultural acceptability, social capital has a positive(+) effect on the social adjustment, and multicultural acceptability also has a positive influence on the social adjustment; the moderating effect of religious activities was also examined. Base on the findings, the contribution of this study and implications for policy and programs were discussed in terms of developing social capital and expanding multicultural acceptability for married immigrant women.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 실천가의 종교적 영성이 직무착근도에 미치는 영향 ‐ 다문화 역량의 매개효과를 중심으로

        손신(SON, Shin),신효진(SHIN, Hyo-Jin) 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과 문화연구원 2020 장신논단 Vol.52 No.5

        본 연구는 다문화 실천가들의 영성, 다문화 역량과 직무착근도 간의 인과관계와 경로를 파악하였다. 연구대상은 경기도지역 다문화가족지원센터 및 건강가정다문화가족지원센터에 근무하는 175명의 사회복지사와 다문화실천가이다. 자료는 구조화된 설문지를 사용하여 수집하였고, SPSS Statistics 26.6 및 AMOS 21.0을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과 종교적 영성은 다문화역량과 직무만족도에 직접적인 영향을 주지는 않았으나, 실존적영성에 영향을 줌으로써 간접적으로 다문화역량과 직무착근도에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 다문화역량은 직무착근도에 직접 영향을 미쳤으며, 실존적 영성은 다문화 역량과 직무착근도에 직접적 영향을 미쳤다. 즉 다문화실천가의 직무착근도를 높이기 위해서 다문화실천가의 영성의 향상과 다문화역량의 향상이 필요하다는 것을 말하며, 이를 위한 프로그램 개발과 정책적 함의가 제시되었다. This is a path analysis study for multicultural practitioners’ spirituality, multicultural competence, and job embeddedness. The survey was performed on 175 social workers and multicultural practitioners working at multicultural centers in Gyeonggi-do. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using AMOS 21.0. and SPSS Statistics 26.0. Based on the path model religious spirituality did not show direct effect on multicultural competence and job embeddedness, but by an indirect effect on existential spirituality, it showed a statistically significant effect on multicultural competence and job embeddedness. Multicultural competency showed a direct effect on job embeddedness, and existential spirituality had a direct effect on multicultural competency and job satisfaction. Based on findings, the contribution of study and implications for policy and practice were discussed in increasing multicultural practitioners’ job embeddedness through programs to enhance their spirituality and cultural competence.

      • 잃어버린 자들을 위한 복음서 -누가복음의 기독교 사회복지적 적용

        손신 ( Shin Son ) 아세아연합신학대학교 신학연구소 2015 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.24 No.-

        As Jesus proceeds ‘on his way’ through Galilee and eventually to Jerusalem, Jesus continues to make sure the radically inclusive nature of his ministry, and at virtually everystep along the way he faces resistance from the scribes and Pharisees. Their main complaint is that Jesus consistently places the extension of healing, repentance, and forgiveness to the outcasts over the observance of Mosaic law. Thus he extends forgiveness to a paralyzed man despite the objections of the scribes and Pharisees that only God can forgive sins (Luke 5:21). At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus faces the opposition of his hometown people (Luke 4:16-30). He preached a synagogue sermon claiming that he is the fulfillment of Isaiah: He will preach good news to the poor, release the captives, give sight to the blind, free the oppressed and proclaim that the time of God’s favor has come. At first people in Nazareth greet this message with enthusiasm (Luke 4:22). However, once they recognized Jesus’ intention that he plans to extend God’s favor to gentiles, a crowd hustled him to the edge of nearby cliff to lynch him (Luke 4:29). Prior to the full accomplishment of God’s saving purpose, how should Luke’s readers live? Luke answers this question by showing that they should follow Jesus along “the way” of God as the Lord Jesus taught it (Luke 20:21). Following “the way” apparently involved adopting a certain way of living that Jesus marked out both in his teaching (Luke 20:21) and in his example of following the hard but necessary path to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), the geographic center of God’s saving purpose. His followers should take up their crosses daily and follow him along this demanded road (Luke 9:23). Luke is particularly concerned that the followers of Jesus be inclusive in their relationships with others, handle their possessions carefully, and devote themselves to persistent prayers. Just as Jesus came to seek and save what was lost (Luke 19:10), his followers should extend salvation to the poor, the sinner, and the people with different ethical backgrounds. Then, who are specifically those lost? This paper tries to answer this question from the perspective of Christian social welfare, especially in terms of conservatism and liberalism.

      • KCI등재

        노인직업훈련프로그램 참여요인에 관한 연구

        손신(Son, Shin),신효진(Shin, Hyo-jin) 호남대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2011 인문사회과학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        본 연구는 노령자들이 은퇴 후 노동활동에 다시 참여할 경우 그 결정에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인들은 무엇인가에 대한 답변을 미국 뉴욕의 장노년층 대상 직업훈련 프로그램에 참여하는 55세 이상의 한인 및 흑인 노령자 집단과 노동활동에 종사하고 있지 않는 한인 및 흑인 노령자 집단 간의 비교연구를 통해 알아보고, 이에 대한 연구결과를 바탕으로 노인대상 직업훈련프로그램 개발을 위한 임상적, 정책적 논의를 제공하는 것이 그 목적이다. 이를 위해 비확률적 표집방법을 통하여 모집된 총 290명의 55세 이상 노령자들 (한인 132명, 흑인은 158명)이 본 연구에 참여하였으며, 자기기입식 설문지를 사용하여 집단면접 형태로 설문조사가 진행되었다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저 사회인구학적 변수의 영향력을 살펴보면 전체 응답자의 경우 연령이 낮을수록, 교육수준이 높을수록, 영어구사능력이 우수할수록, 가계총수입이 낮을수록, 그리고 총 가계수입에 자신의 수입이 포함되지 않을수록 직업훈련에 참여할 확률이 높아지는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 일의 목적 변수들과 일의 중요성 변수가 포함되었을 경우는 연령이 낮을수록, 교육수준이 높을수록, 영어구사능력이 높을수록, 수입에 기여하지 않을수록, 일을 중요한 것으로 여길수록 프로그램 참여가능성이 높은 것을 보고되었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 은퇴노인을 대상으로 하는 직업훈련 혹은 고용 프로그램에 대한 사회복지적 함의를 논하였다. The present study examined the factors contributing to the decision of older adults over the age of 55 to return to the labor market after retirement. In this study, one hundred thirty two older Korean-American adults and one hundred fifty eight African-Americans were recruited and completed self-administrated questionnaires. The findings were as follows. First, when only socio-demographic factors were considered in the analysis, adults on the low end of the age spectrum were more likely to participate in the program. They were also more likely to participate in the program if they were highly educated, had high English-language skills, had low household income, did not contribute to the household income, and valued the meaning of work in their lives. This trend remained true even when the remaining socio-demographic factors were added into the analysis.

      • KCI등재후보

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