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      • 메타버스(Metaverse) 플랫폼 기반 Co-creation 활성화를 위한 지식재산 이슈

        손수정(Soo J. Sohn) 과학기술정책연구원 2021 STEPI Insight Vol.- No.282

        □ 메타버스 플랫폼의 등장과 성장 ● 1950년대 우주를 향한 도전은 2020년대 들어, 새로운 가상의 확장된 우주를 향한 도전으로 확대되면서 연구계와 산업계 모두 디지털 전환 관점에서 관심 고조 ● 메타버스(Metaverse)에 대한 명확한 개념정의는 없으나, 일반적으로 현실의 정보를 가진 디지털 세상으로 해석되며, 초월의 Meta와 우주의 Universe가 결합 - 현실세계 정보(data)를 기반으로 현실세계와 연동을 위한 디지털 기술을 통해 초월적 가상공간에서 다중의 사용자가 다양한 연결 구조 및 관계를 형성 - 2020년대 들어, 5G 인프라, 디지털 기술의 발달이라는 기술적 전환과 글로벌 팬데믹에 따른 비대면 문화 확대라는 사회적 전환이 맞물려 관심 및 시장 확대 - 메타버스 구현의 유형은 가상세계(Virtual Worlds), 증강현실(Augmented Reality), 라이프로깅(Lifelogging), 거울세계(Mirror Worlds) 등으로 구분 * 1992년 Neal Stephenson의 소설 ‘Snow Crash’ 속 주인공은 현실에서는 빚과 노동의 삶이지만, 3차원으로 구현된 가상세계 ‘Metaverse’에서는 뛰어난 해커이자 검객의 삶을 사는 것으로 묘사 ● 디지털트윈(Digital Twin)은 물리적 존재와 가상의 존재가 데이터, 소프트웨어로 연결되어 현실의 상황을 가상의 존재로 시뮬레이션함으로써, 비즈니스 가치 제공 - 혁신과정의 다양한 상황에 대한 검증 및 분석, 예측, 예방 등을 최소한의 위험부담으로 진행하려는 목적을 갖고 거대산업, 규제집중 분야에 적합한 메타버스의 일환 ● 메타버스 활성화를 위해 다양한 지식재산의 결합이 요구되며, 생태계의 중심축(community, contents, commerce, virtual currency)과 인증체계(NFT) 필요 ● 메타버스는 게임 및 마케팅 중심으로 활용되고 있으나 집단지성 기반의 실증, 데이터 시뮬레이션 기반 예지정비 등 제조 방식의 전환 및 생산성 향상 기대 * 디지털 휴먼, ‘Lil Miquela’(LA출신 19세 여성)는 시공간의 제약 없이 모델, 패션디자이너, 뮤지션, 사회운동가 등 다양한 활동을 하며, 2019년 한해 140억 원의 수입 창출 - 사고위험 등 실증에 제한이 큰 자율주행자동차, 대규모 시스템 연계가 필요한 우주, 항공, 에너지 등 물리적 제약 및 규제 등으로부터 자유로운 혁신 시도 □ 기술사업화 Co-creation 제약 해소를 위한 메타버스 플랫폼 접근 ● 혁신 환경의 급격한 변화는 기술사업화 과정에 보다 다양한 주체, 재원 등이 결합해서 함께 추진하는 집단지성 ‘Co-creation’ 모델에 대한 요구가 확대 ● 타겟목표(사회문제, 난제, 거대과학 등) 기반으로 연구계, 산업계, 수요계, 정부 등이 연결된 공동혁신 구조로 불필요한 과정 최소화하는 R&I(Research&Innovation) 접근 ● 그러나 실패위험, 협력기반 및 실증기반 제약, 규제덤블 등의 제한 요인들은 Co-creation의 필요에도 불구하고, 실질적인 과정 도입 및 수행을 제한 ● 메타버스의 등장은 제기된 제한 요인들을 해소하고, 물리적 · 시간적 제약없이 다양한 지식재산의 결합 및 작동 실험을 통해 주어진 타겟목표에 이르는 Co-creation 기회 제공 [그림본문참조] □ 메타버스 플랫폼 접근에 있어서 직면하는 지식재산 이슈 ● 현실세계 법규와 디지털 세계 법규와의 연계, 즉 메타버스 내에서 생성, 거래되는 지식재산에 적용 가능한 법적 권리 부여 및 보호 장치에 대한 논의 필요 ● 국지적 성격을 갖는 현실세계 법규들이 글로벌 통합세계로 존재하는 디지털세계로 적용하기 위해 필요한 조치, 글로벌 공동의 기준 설계 등에 대한 논의 필요 ● 현실세계 법규인 저작권, 산업재산권, 개인정보보호법, 부정경쟁방지법 등의 디지털 세계로의 적용에 따른 충돌 해소 방안 및 새로운 보호 솔루션 등의 필요 ● 메타버스 플랫폼 상의 Co-creation에 참여하는 혁신 주체로서 디지털휴먼(AI)이 갖는 지식재산 결과물에 대한 권리, 공동연구진으로서의 관계 정립 논의 필요 □ 정부의 적정 역할 및 기대 ● 기존 혁신환경에서 제기된 시장실패 영역에 대한 대체 경로로서 연구계와 산업계의 관심과 노력이 확대되는 시점에서 정부는 이들의 니즈 확인 및 지원 필요 - 혁신주체들이 메타버스 기반 새로운 동력 및 경쟁력을 확보할 수 있도록 시장이 요구하는 법규제 및 가이드라인 설계, 글로벌 공동대응 참여 등 범정부 역할 필요 - 그럼에도 불구하고, 중앙정부와 지방정부가 거시적인 거버넌스 구조의 설계 및 연계없이 분산된 접근을 한다면, 글로벌 경쟁력 확보는 어려운 상황을 초래 과제 1. 가상자산의 생성과 보호 ● 디지털세계로 확장된 개인 자산의 권리 형성 및 보호, 현실세계의 법규와의 연계 등을 위한 글로벌 공동의 논의 및 글로벌 표준가이드라인 설계 ● 디지털세계로 확장된 개인정보, 기업정보(기업 기밀), 국가정보(국가 안보) 등에 대한 보호 및 부정적 활용에 대한 제재 조치 설계 과제 2. 지식재산의 융복합과 보호 ● 메타버스 구현을 위한 다양한 지식재산의 결합, 혁신 주체로서 사람과 디지털 휴먼의 결합, 물리적 국경 없는 결합 등에서 고려해야하는 지식재산 규정 정비 ● 현실 세계의 지식재산을 가상세계 속에서 교차 활용시 적용 가능한 법규제 정비 ● 국지적 성격을 갖는 지식재산 관련 법규들이 메타버스 세상과 연동될 때 필요한 관련 법규, 기준 등에 대한 설계와 이를 위한 메타버스 상의 글로벌 협의체 조성 과제 3. 통합된 가상의 실증환경 조성과 보호 ● 성공적인 혁신을 위해 중요한 중개연구, 실증연구 등에 대한 인식에도 불구하고 이들이 갖는 불확실성, 위험성 등은 실질적인 수행을 지연 또는 제한 ● 메타버스, 디지털트윈 등은 필요에도 불구하고 시도되지 못했던 대규모 통합형 실증환경 조성을 가능하게 하며 이는 R&D생산성 뿐 아니라 난제해결에 기여 ● 그러나 해킹에 따른 대상 또는 데이터의 소멸, 부정적 활용 등으로 인해 초래될 수 있는 국가적, 국제적 위기상황에 대한 방어수단 확보를 위한 기술 및 제도 설계 □ Emergence and growth of the metaverse platform ● A pioneering mission of space conquest in the 1950s has now transitioned into a greater challenge of exploring the emerging virtual space in the 2020s. From the perspective of digital transformation, a far widened scope of this new mission now attracts heightened interests of stakeholders from both research community and industries. ● Metaverse is a portmanteau, combining the prefix ‘meta’ and the world ‘universe’ and is generally understood as a concept that refers to a digital reality. - The technological transition of the 2020s led by the advancement of 5G infrastructure and digital technologies along with the societal transition towards a contactless society driven by the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened interests in the metaverse and has expanded the metaverse market. ● Currently, the metaverse is mostly used by gaming companies and marketers. But it is expected to be used to transform the conventional manufacturing methods through digital twin-enabled testbeds and simulation-based planned maintenance planning. □ Co-creation based on the metaverse platform ● The rapidly changing innovation environment has increased the need for a collective intelligence-based co-creation model that integrates a wide range of innovation stakeholders and funding sources into the technology commercialization process. ● A collective intelligence-based co-creation model is a kind of a co-innovation model designed to achieve shared targets (e.g. societal issues, unsolved problems, and mega science) by linking various innovation stakeholders such as research institutes, industries, users, and the government while minimizing unnecessary processes. ● Despite the need for a co-creation model, such barriers as risks of failure, limited cooperation and testbed infrastructure, and regulatory thicket make it difficult to introduce and execute practical processes. ● Against this backdrop, the metaverse is expected to be functioning as a platform for co-creation, where stakeholders work together to achieve the shared targets as it enables them to address these barriers, combine an array of Ips, and run the test operation of these IPs without any physical or temporal limitations. □ IP-related issues facing the metaverse ● It is necessary to discuss how to link the real world regulations with those of the digital world. This will also entail discussions on the legal rights and protective measures applicable to IPs to be created and transacted within the virtual world of the metaverse. ● It is also necessary to explore how to design global norms or common standards that make the locally enforced real world regulations applicable to the globally integrated digital world. ● Discussions need to be made on the recognition of the intellectual property rights of AI-powered digital humans as co-creators on the metaverse platform as well as their rights as co-researchers. □ Government’s expected roles ● The government needs to participate in the international discussions on the recognition and protection of personal property rights in the expanded digital world and their linkage with the real world regulations. It also needs to join the international efforts of designing global standard guidelines. ● It is also recommended that the government refine its IP regulations that need to be considered when an array of IPs are combined to create the metaverse and the real and digital humans are linked together as innovation actors of the virtual world without physical borders. For this purpose, the government also needs to launch a global coordination entity operating in the metaverse. ● The government is also required to design technologies or systems that can protect the country’s interests from national or international crises to be possibly caused by the destruction or the malicious use of the metaverse or digital

      • 실증 기반 기술사업화 효율성 제고 방안

        손수정(Soo J. Sohn),이세준(Se-jun Lee),우청원(Chungwon Woo),김명순(Myungsoon Kim) 과학기술정책연구원 2019 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        This study examines how to improve the efficiency of technology commercialization through the role of demonstration in the R&D cycle. The main research question is “whether study on demonstration as a bridge between technology and market for technology commercialization is properly conducted?” The sub-questions include 1) the importance of study on demonstration, 2) the characteristics of demonstration by technologies, 3) the adequacy of demonstration level in terms of R&D scale, and 4) the essential resources and systems for demonstration. This study examines the concept, institution, plan, and government projects of R&D demonstration through literature reviews. Then the study analyzed characteristics of R&D demonstration through case studies in different technology fields, and in-depth written interviews with researchers experienced demonstration projects in those fields. The definition of demonstration is the repeated process of identifying and responding R&D achievement to various situation that may occur under the actual environment that could be applied, then supplementing the technical limitations and verifying. So far, demonstration in public R&D has been carried out in terms of increasing R&D efficiency, but budget of demonstration has greatly fluctuated depending on the method of increasing efficiency. Researchers experiencing demonstration projects expressed difficulties in finding and matching with technology demanders, securing specialized projects for demonstration, and lacking adequate resources. As a detailed examples, this study examined sectoral case studies of autonomous vehicles, energy, chemical and environmental industries, and defense and aviation industries, also case studies by countries in the US, Germany, China, Japan and the Netherlands. The policy recommendations based on results of this study are as follows. First, the linkage of demonstration projects and R&D achievements must strengthen. Specific measures include preliminary pre-testing, expansion of follow-up demonstration projects on R&D achievements that are likely to be commercialized, improvement of performance evaluation indicators suitable for demonstration, and incorporating demonstration into the R&D stage. Second, a competition system for demonstration should be established. In order to allow different approaches and to provide opportunities for the development of various solutions, the competition system presents minimum level of expected results and allow the next level of demonstration through the gate upon arrival. Third, mid- and long-term collaborative demonstration by multiple actors should support. If excessive time and cost is needed, multiple stakeholders would work together to prevent the disconnection between R&D and technology commercialization. Fourth, it is necessary to establish a platform for conducting demonstration projects and to specialize the workforce. It is essential to support the demonstration execution platform considering the characteristics of each technical field and to improve the expertise and treatment of technicians in order to cultivate professionals for demonstration.

      • 지식재산 정책 거버넌스의 재정비

        손수정(Soo J. Sohn),목은지(Eunji Mok) 과학기술정책연구원 2022 STEPI Insight Vol.- No.299

        ⦁The maintenance of the intellectual property environment has been the cornerstone of industrialization, operating as a major system that drives industrial transformation and growth. - Historically, the shift in intellectual property hegemony led to the shift in the power of industrialization, and it is evaluated that the creation of an environment for intellectual property served as a major input resource for economic growth as the basis for industrialization. - As the driving force for national development has shifted to an economic system that relies on knowledge, major innovative countries have paid attention to intellectual property. ⦁Intellectual property will be used as a weapon in the countrys trade and related disputes, and will function as the most powerful weapon in the global innovation game. - Therefore, the strengthening of intellectual property capacity is an essential task that must be examined for innovative growth and entry and subsist in the global value chain. ⦁The intelligent digital innovation environment where awareness is expanded along with the development of related technologies and policy attention is concentrated. - In particular, the formation of an intelligent digital manufacturing ecosystem, the convergence of knowledge, and the disappearance of boundaries are major challenges that innovation activities are faced. ⦁In addition to digitalization, external shock factors affecting innovation activities such as climate change, technological hegemony, and COVID-19 are expanding ⦁This Insight aims to suggest the necessity and direction of change in intellectual property policy governance. ⦁Intellectual property-related policies serve as a channel from one industry to another and serve as a tool for innovation in a specific industry to spread to other industries. ⦁Unless industry-related intellectual property policies are linked among departments dealing with industrial policies, synergistic effects of industrial innovation cannot be expected. ⦁Therefore, this Insight examine whether the current structure is suitable for this connection. ⦁We would like to suggest the need for efficient redesign of governance, securing global leadership based on internal capabilities. ∎Policy Recommendations 1. Amend ‘Framework Act on Intellectual Property’ ⦁The Act should understand and reexamine the IP environment required in the era of digital transformation. ⦁Required provisions for digitization and policy efficiency are enacted, and existing provisions are amended. 2. Elevate the Council to the Central Administrative Agency ⦁It has responsibilities and authority as a central administrative agency. ⦁It coordinates the policies of each ministry and leads the key agenda for the national IP competitiveness. 3. Appoint the IP Special Advisor ⦁The Advisor leads the national vision for the enforcement of intellectual property rights and advises the President. ⦁The Advisor is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the pan-ministries engaged in intellectual property policy.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 한국 동물대체시험법검증센터의 설립 및 국제협력

        손수정 ( Soo Jung Sohn ),차혜진 ( Hye Jin Cha ),이용경 ( Yong Kyung Lee ),염영나 ( Young Na Yum ),한순영 ( Soon Young Han ) 한국동물실험대체법학회 2010 동물실험대체법학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Korean Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (KoCVAM) was founded in 2009 as part of the Division of Toxicological Screening and Testing, Department of Toxicology Evaluation and Research at the National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, affiliated with the Korea Food and Drug Administration. According to the Article five of the Korea Laboratory Animal Act, establishment of policies and their execution on the development and approval of alternative test methods are specified as duty of the commissioner of KFDA. KoCVAM was founded based on this law. The mission of KoCVAM are 1) promoting the 3Rs in regulatory science for the safety assessment, 2) evaluating the usefulness and limitations of alternative test methods, and 3) promoting cooperation both nationally and internationally to achieve international harmonization. In this paper we introduce KoCVAM`s organization and describe KoCVAM`s international activities.

      • Rat에서의 Octylphenol의 독성동태 연구

        손수정(Soo Jung Sohn),강현구(Hyun Gu Kang),이선우(Sun Woo Yi),서수경(Soo Kyung Suh),박인숙(In Sook Park),안미령(Mee Ryung Ahn),최홍석(Hong Seok Choi),조재민(Jae Min Cho),손동환(Dong Hwan Sohn),유태무(Tae Moo Yoo),양지선(Ji Sun Yang) 한국환경성돌연변이발암원학회 2001 한국환경성돌연변이·발암원학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        4-tert-octylphenol (OP) is a surfactant additive widely used in the manufacture of a variety of detergents and plastic products. Also, OP is known to have estrogenic activity by interacting with development and functions of endocrine system. This study was carried out to obtain toxicokinetic parameters of OP in male<br/> Sprague-Dawley rats. Male rats were administered OP, by either single oral (gavage) applications of 50, 100 or 200 mg/kg body weight. or a single intravenous injections of 1, 5 or 10 mg/kg body weight. Blood samples taken at several time intervals after administration were obtained from the femoral artery. Analysis of blood samples for OP was performed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The detection limit of OP was 1.9 ng/ml at SIM (selected ion monitoring) mode of GC/MS. Calibration curve for analysis of the concentrations of OP in plasma was (OP/butylphenol peak area ratio) = 0.0294 × (plasma conc.) + 0.028 (r²= 0.9991). The OP plasma concentration was 3921 ng/ml immediately after single intravenous application, decreased rapidly within 45 min, and was detectable at low concentration up to 6 hr after application. When administered orally in rats (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg), OP was detected in the blood early after gavage administration, indicating the rapid initial uptake from gastrointestinal tract, with Tmax obtained from 0.67~0.83 hr. Using the AUC (area under the curve) of plasma concentration vs. time, low oral bioavailabilities of 1.2, 5.0 and 5.3% were calculated for the 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg groups, respectively.

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