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        ${\ll}$상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$ 태양병(太陽病) 제강(提綱)의 침구학적(鍼灸學的) 분경(分經) 및 정증(定證)의 운용(運用) 방법론(方法論)에 관한(關) 연구(硏究)

        백성욱,손성철,이준범,황민섭,윤종화,Back, Song-ook,Son, Seong-cheol,Lee, Jun-beom,Hwang, Min-seob,Yoon, Jong-hwa 대한침구의학회 2005 대한침구의학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        Objective : The following study was undertaken in order to seek the acupuncture operation method of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun(傷寒論)${\gg}$ Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng(六經辨證). Methods : Based on the documents quoted in ${\ll}$Sang Hang Za Bing Lun Xu Wen(傷寒雜病論)${\gg}$ of "Zhang, Zhong-Jing(張仲景)", the relativity of the theory of Jing-Mai(經脈) and Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng of convalescence, and from the Liu-Jing-Bing(六經病), the origin and implication that caused Tai-Yang-Bing(太陽病) to form was studied on the basis of acupuncture medicine publications and the commentary writing of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$. Results : 1) ${\ll}$Sang Ham Lun${\gg}$ Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng has succeeded and was developed based on Liu-Jing-Fen-Zheng(六經分證) of ${\ll}$Su Wen Re Lun(素問 熱論)${\gg}$. In addition the summary of Liu-Jing-Bing became the general principle of Fen-Jing(分經) and Ding-Zheng(定證) that may be applicable to Fenghan(風寒), Wenre(溫熱), Lili(疫疾) and Zabing(雜病). 2) Most commentators of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$ in the Song, Ming and Ching Dynasties of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$ interpreted the Tai-Yang-Bing in physiological and pathological aspects of Rong-Wei(榮衛) as the disease of the bladder meridian that oversees the skin of the human body. 3) From the Liu-Jing-Bing of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun)${\gg}$, the region of acupuncture treatment of Tai-Yang-Bing is treated with the needle from the point of view of Bing-Zheng-Lun-Zhi(辨證論治) with the basis of the important region of acupuncture of the small intestine meridian bladder meridian and governor vessel. ${\ll}$상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$ 태양병(太陽病) 제강(提綱)의 침구학적(鍼灸學的) 분경(分經) 및 분증(分證)의 운용(運用) 방법(方法)을 연구(硏究)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. ${\ll}$상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$의 육경변증(六經辨證)은 ${\ll}$소문(素問) 열론(熱論)${\gg}$의 육경분증(六經分證)을 기본(基本)으로 하여 계승(繼承)하여 발전(發展) 되었다. 2. 태양병(太陽病) 제강(提綱)은 풍한(風寒), 온열(溫熱), 역병(疫病) 및 잡병(雜病)으로 인해(因) 태양경(太陽經)으로 이환(罹患)되는 증상(症狀)의 분경(分經) 정증(定證)의 강영(綱領)이 된다. 3. ${\ll}$상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$ 주석가(注釋家)들은 태양병(太陽病)의 제강(提綱)을 인체(人體)의 피부(皮膚)를 주관(主管)하는 족태양승광경(足太陽勝胱經)의 영,(榮) 위기(衛氣)의 생리(生理) 병리적(病理的) 방면(方面)으로 해석(解釋)하였다. 4. 태양병(太陽病)의 진구(鎭灸) 치료(治療)의 혈위(穴位)는 수 (手) 족태양경(足太陽經)과 독맥(督脈)의 요혈(要穴)을 중심(中心)으로 '관기맥증(觀其脈證) 지범하역(知犯何逆) 수증취혈(隨證取穴)' 하는 변증논치(辨證論治)의 관점(觀點)으로 용침(用鍼)한다.

      • KCI등재

        ${\ll}$상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$ 태양병(太陽病) 제강(提綱)의 침구학적(鍼灸學的) 분경(分經) 및 정증(定證)의 운용(運用) 방법론(方法論)에 관한(關) 연구(硏究)

        백성욱,손성철,이준범,황민섭,윤종화,Back, Song-ook,Son, Seong-cheol,Lee, Jun-beom,Hwang, Min-seob,Yoon, Jong-hwa 대한침구의학회 2005 대한침구의학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        ${\ll}$상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$ 태양병(太陽病) 제강(提綱)의 침구학적(鍼灸學的) 분경(分經) 및 분증(分證)의 운용(運用) 방법(方法)을 연구(硏究)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. ${\ll}$상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$의 육경변증(六經辨證)은 ${\ll}$소문(素問) 열론(熱論)${\gg}$의 육경분증(六經分證)을 기본(基本)으로 하여 계승(繼承)하여 발전(發展) 되었다. 2. 태양병(太陽病) 제강(提綱)은 풍한(風寒), 온열(溫熱), 역병(疫病) 및 잡병(雜病)으로 인해(因) 태양경(太陽經)으로 이환(罹患)되는 증상(症狀)의 분경(分經) 정증(定證)의 강영(綱領)이 된다. 3. ${\ll}$상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$ 주석가(注釋家)들은 태양병(太陽病)의 제강(提綱)을 인체(人體)의 피부(皮膚)를 주관(主管)하는 족태양승광경(足太陽勝胱經)의 영,(榮) 위기(衛氣)의 생리(生理) 병리적(病理的) 방면(方面)으로 해석(解釋)하였다. 4. 태양병(太陽病)의 진구(鎭灸) 치료(治療)의 혈위(穴位)는 수 (手) 족태양경(足太陽經)과 독맥(督脈)의 요혈(要穴)을 중심(中心)으로 '관기맥증(觀其脈證) 지범하역(知犯何逆) 수증취혈(隨證取穴)' 하는 변증논치(辨證論治)의 관점(觀點)으로 용침(用鍼)한다. Objective : The following study was undertaken in order to seek the acupuncture operation method of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun(傷寒論)${\gg}$ Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng(六經辨證). Methods : Based on the documents quoted in ${\ll}$Sang Hang Za Bing Lun Xu Wen(傷寒雜病論)${\gg}$ of "Zhang, Zhong-Jing(張仲景)", the relativity of the theory of Jing-Mai(經脈) and Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng of convalescence, and from the Liu-Jing-Bing(六經病), the origin and implication that caused Tai-Yang-Bing(太陽病) to form was studied on the basis of acupuncture medicine publications and the commentary writing of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$. Results : 1) ${\ll}$Sang Ham Lun${\gg}$ Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng has succeeded and was developed based on Liu-Jing-Fen-Zheng(六經分證) of ${\ll}$Su Wen Re Lun(素問 熱論)${\gg}$. In addition the summary of Liu-Jing-Bing became the general principle of Fen-Jing(分經) and Ding-Zheng(定證) that may be applicable to Fenghan(風寒), Wenre(溫熱), Lili(疫疾) and Zabing(雜病). 2) Most commentators of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$ in the Song, Ming and Ching Dynasties of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$ interpreted the Tai-Yang-Bing in physiological and pathological aspects of Rong-Wei(榮衛) as the disease of the bladder meridian that oversees the skin of the human body. 3) From the Liu-Jing-Bing of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun)${\gg}$, the region of acupuncture treatment of Tai-Yang-Bing is treated with the needle from the point of view of Bing-Zheng-Lun-Zhi(辨證論治) with the basis of the important region of acupuncture of the small intestine meridian bladder meridian and governor vessel.

      • KCI등재

        고대(古代)의 경복진단법(經服診斷法) 중 십이경맥(十二經脈) 맥진(脈診)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        임성철,손성철,이경민,황민섭,김갑성,윤종화,Lim, Seong-cheol,Son, Seong-cheol,Lee, Kyung-min,Hwang, Min-seob,Kim, Kap-sung,Yoon, Jong-hwa 대한침구의학회 2002 대한침구의학회지 Vol.19 No.5

        Objective : The study of relations between twelve meridians and pulse diagnosis Method : The possiblity of pulse diagnosis on the pulse points(脈動處) of each meridian through the scription of $\ll$Maek beop(脈法)$\gg$ $\ll$Nae kyeong(內經)$\gg$ and $\ll$Nan kyeong(難經$\gg$ Result : The comparative pulse diagnosis method(比較脈診法) in the scription of $\ll$Mack beop$\gg$ progressed to the five Jang bu maek(五臟脈) in the scription of $\ll$Young chu : Sa gi jang bu byeong hyeong(靈樞 邪氣臟腑病形)$\gg$ in accordance with the progress of pulse diagnosis and the theory of medicine. Conclusions : The comparative pulse diagnosis method in the scription of $\ll$Mack beop)$\gg$ progressed to the five Jang bu maek(五臟脈) in the scription of $\ll$Young chu : Sa gi jang bu byeong hyeong$\gg$ and the moxibustion and Pyum bup(貶法) in the scription of $\ll$Mack beop$\gg$ altered to acupuncture therapy on the five shu points(五輸穴)

      • KCI등재

        요통과 비만과의 상관성에 관한 연구

        박상동,이아람,황종순,손성철,송인광,김경호,Park, Sang-dong,Lee, A-ram,Hwang, Jong-soon,Son, Seong-cheol,Song, In-kwang,Kim, Kyung-ho 대한침구의학회 2003 대한침구의학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between the Obesity and the prevalence of LBP. Methods: From February 2001 to April 2001 we studied body composition, Body Mass Index, Basal Metabolic Rate, Obesity Degree, Waist Hip Ratio, percent body fat and muscular form of 40 patients with LBP and 40 patients with Internal disease, who visited Dong-Guk University Bundang Hospital by using Inbody 3.0. Results: 1. Sexual ratio in this study is 1:4(male:female). 2. Fluid, protein, mineral mass and BMR in patients with LBP are lower than those in patients with Internal disease, but percent body, WHR and obesity degree with LBP are higher than those in patients with Internal disease. 3. LBP prevalence is shown to rise with increasing WHR. 4. LBP prevalence is shown to rise with decreasing BMR. Conclusions: Patients with LBP are obeser than patients with Internal disease. LBP prevalence is shown to rise with increasing WHR in statistics. But LBP prevalence is shown to rise with decreasing BMR in statistics.

      • KCI등재

        《 難經 》의 臟腑虛實에 따른 鍼灸補瀉法에 關한 硏究 : 體質針 原理에 關한 硏究(Ⅰ)

        윤종화,김주경,손성철 대한침구학회 2001 대한침구의학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        Obejective : Based on 《sixty-ninth Nan》 (《難經·六十九難》) the interpromoting of the five element's balance method to discuss following "when deficiency than should strengthen mother and when excessive than eliminate son" theories. Method : This strengthening and eliminating method is based on Jang-bu organ's balance method when "east is excessive (liver excessive (肝實 )) and west is deficiency (lung deficiency (肺虛))" then "eliminate the south and strengthen the north "'s method. Results : The seventy-fifth Nan (《難經·七十五難》) explains" son effects mother's excessive and mother effects son's deficiency " theory where it balance method of the inter-overacting five elements controlling Jang-bu organ's differentiations. The eighty-first Nan (《難經·八十一難》) explains strengthening-eliminating method of "lung excessive and liver deficiency." Since there are two different perspective of seventy-fifth and eighty-first Nan, we must compare and discuss to make right point of view. Conclusion : the treatment method in 《Nan kyoung sixty ninth nan》 could be understood as a view of five element constitutional theory (五行體質理論), the treatment method in 《Nan kyoung seventyty-fifth nan》 of eleminating fire and strengthning water in case of liver excess and lung defficiency and the treatment method in 《Nan kyoung eighty-first nan》 of strengthning liver and eleminating lung in case of lung excess and liver defficiency could be understood as a view of the yin-yan constitutional theory (陰陽體質理論).

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