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      • KCI등재

        일본어 사죄표현에 나타난 전략 및 사회적 관계의 유형별 사용양상 - 「すみません」「ごめんなさい」의 차이를 중심으로 -

        손동희 한국일본어문학회 2024 日本語文學 Vol.100 No.-

        This study conducted a comparative analysis of the usage patterns of the Japanese apology expressions "sumimasen" and "gomen nasai." Specifically, it was observed that "gomen nasai" is predominantly used in "responsibility types" and "explanation types," whereas "sumimasen" tends to be used in other types. This distinction also manifests in social relationships, highlighting the importance of selecting the appropriate apology expression based on the situation and interpersonal relationship. The aim of this study was to enhance understanding of the nuanced distinctions between these two expressions and to provide clear usage guidelines for Japanese learners. However, due to the limited analysis of strategy types, future research is called upon to conduct a more comprehensive analysis of apology expressions' use across a wider range of social contexts and situations.

      • KCI등재

        벅아이 코퍼스에 나타난 동기관 비음 앞양순 및 치경 폐쇄음의 상대적 실현

        손동희 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.1

        벅아이 코퍼스에 나타난 동기관 비음 앞양순 및 치경 폐쇄음의 상대적 실현손 동 희* 요약: 본 연구는 단어 경계상에서 동기관 비음 앞 양순 폐쇄음 및 치경 폐쇄음의 상대적 실현양상에 대해 조사하였다. 이를 위하여 첫째로 조음점(양순 대 치경) 및 유무성(유성 대 무성)에 기반한 2x2 형태의 카테고리가 고안되었으며, 둘째로 각 카테고리의 조건에 부합하는 다수의 두 단어 조합이 벅아이 코퍼스에서 추출되었다. 최종 105개의 두 단어 조합에서 Praat 프로그램을 활용하여 스펙트로그램 및 파형이 검토되었으며, 이는 기술 및 추론통계로 분석되었다. 분석결과는 비강파열이 모든 상황 하에 가장 우세한 형태임을 보여주며, /t/+/n/ 상황에서는 성문음화가 우세함을 보여준다. 또한 치경 폐쇄음은 양순 폐쇄음보다 좀 더 다양하게 실현되었는데, 이는 치경 폐쇄음의 무표성에 기인한 것으로 보인다. 또한 무성 폐쇄음은 유성 폐쇄음에 비해 종성 성문화가 더 잘 일어나는 것으로 나타났다. 추론통계 결과는 이러한 결과들이 유무성의 여부에 따라서는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있으나, 조음점에 따라서는 그렇지 못함을 보여준다. 본 연구는 기존 문헌에 잘 다루어지지 않은 동기관 비음 앞 폐쇄음의 실현양상을 포괄적으로 제시하였으며, 향후 연구를 위해 다수의 통찰력 있는 권고사항을 제시한다. 핵심어: 양순 폐쇄음, 치경 폐쇄음, 동기관 비음, 비강 파열, 성문음화 □ Received: Jan. 31, 2022, Revised: Feb. 9, 2022, Accepted: Feb. 20, 2022* Professor, Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon(육군3사관학교 영어학과 교수, Email: dqxdad@gmail.com) Comparative Realizations of Bilabial and Alveolar StopsBefore Homorganic Nasals in the Buckeye CorpusDonghee Son Abstract: This study examined comparative realizations of bilabial and alveolar stops before homorganic nasals, over a word boundary context. For this purpose, first, a 2x2 category was devised based on the place of articulation (bilabial vs alveolar) and voicing (voiced vs voiceless), and second, several two-word combinations which meet the criteria were extracted from the Buckeye Corpus of conversational speech. A total of 105 two-word combinations were finally analyzed with Praat software in terms of their spectrograms and waveforms, and the results were analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistics. The overall results showed that nasal plosion was the predominant form in most cases, and glottalization in /t/ + /n/ context. Alveolar stops showed greater diversity than bilabial stops due to their unmarkedness. Voiceless stops underwent more coda-glottalization than their voiced counterparts. The inferential results showed that there were statistically significant differences based on the voicing, but not on the place of articulation. The current study presented comprehensive realizations of both stops before homorganic nasals, which were not well documented in the literature, then provided several insightful recommendations for further studies. Key Words: Bilabial Stops, Alveolar Stops, Homorganic Nasals, Nasal Plosion, Glottalization

      • KCI등재

        한・일 사죄전략의 대조연구- 체면(face)의 관점에서-

        손동희 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2018 외국학연구 Vol.- No.46

        This paper presents a study of the focus on apologetic strategies, based on the influence of 'face' between the speaker and the hearer in a conversation. It studied that 'the speaker's lead in an unpleasant situation' and 'the hearer's lead in an unpleasant situation' by setting discourse structure. Let arrange used strategies as ‘reason/excuse’ ‘explanation’ ‘admit responsibility’ ‘self-condemnation’ and then the influence of 'Degree of Familiarity’s effect' and 'Politeness’s effect' are affected by use of the strategies. 'A supplementary strategy' in case of 'reason・excuse<explanation< self-condemnation<admit responsibility’ has confirmed that the speaker’s face is threatened and the hearer’s face is protected in Korean. In Japanese, 'reason・excuse<explanation=self-condemnation<admit responsibility’ has confirmed that the speaker’s face in threatened. However, because in the case of 'other-initiation', the results were extracted only from the recognition of responsibility. Thus, in Korean and Japanese, there was a difference in the relationship between the face of the speaker and the hearer in using the strategies.

      • KCI등재

        한・일 사죄에 대한 응답전략의 사용양상 -체면과의 관련성을 통해서-

        손동희 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2021 외국학연구 Vol.- No.57

        This study analyzed the response strategies for apologies in Korea and Japan. 'the apology speaker's lead in an unpleasant situation' and 'the apology hearer's lead in an un pleasant situation' by setting Discourse structure.  In addition, the response strategy was divided into positive, neutral, and negative, and subdivided into consideration, consent, withhold, avoidance, rejection, and criticism. As a result, in the case of Korea, 'the leader of the apology speaker’s unpleasant situation' was in the order of positive>negative>neutral, the degree of face damage of the apology speaker was 'low>high>middle', and the restoration of the relationship was 'O>X>Neutral' in many cases where the relationship was restored. However, the relationship between the two cannot be restored because the 'the hearer's lead in an unpleasant situation' is 'negative>positive>neutral', and the face damage of the speaker of the apology is 'high>low>medium' and the restoration of their relationship is 'X>O>neutral'. In Japan, in the case of 'the speaker's lead in an unpleasant situation' the loss of face of the speaker was 'positive> neutral = negative', and 'the hearer's lead in an un pleasant situation' was 'positive > negative and neutral'. Therefore, the face of the apology speaker can be seen as 'O>Neutral=X', 'O>X>Neutral', and in all of these cases, it can be seen that the relationship is often restored. Therefore, it can be seen that the face of the apology speaker is restored as the apology hearer responds more positively, and their relationship with each other is also restored.

      • KCI등재

        한국 탄소배출권시장 가격결정체계의 학습효과 연구

        손동희,전용일 한국환경경제학회 2018 자원·환경경제연구 Vol.27 No.4

        We analyze the learning-by-doing effects of the allowance pricing system on the Korea's emission trading scheme. The price of allowance (Korean Allowance Unit) is influenced differently by internal market factors and economic conditions variables in the first (January 2015 to June 2016 ) and the second commitment year(January 2016 to June 2017). The prices and transaction volumes of complementary credits (KCU and KOC) as well as economic conditions variables (such as call rate, exchange rate, stock price) are statistically significant only for the second commitment year. Thus, the learning-by-doing effect makes the market participation decision on K-ETS market more efficient in the second commitment year, adopting the previous experience and knowledge in the K-ETS market. The factors estimated significantly in both commitment periods include the institutional binary variable for requiring the submission of the emissions verification reports issued both on February and March. 2015년 1월부터 시행된 시장기반 온실가스감축수단인 한국 탄소배출권시장의 가격결정체계와 2차 이행연도로의 진행과정에서 발생하는 학습효과에 대하여 고찰한다. 분석결과, 1차와 2차 이행연도 간에 차이점이 존재하는 것으로 추정되었다. 장내요인의 경우, 2차 이행연도에서는 1차 이행연도에서 추정되지 않았던 KCU와 KOC 가격·거래량 변수가 유의하게 추정되었다. 또한, 대내외 경제상황 변수의 경우, 1차 이행연도에서는 모든 변수들이 유의하지 않았으나, 2차 이행연도에서는 금리, 환율, 주가변수에서 통계적 유의성이 확보되었다. 이는, 1차에서 2차 이행연도로 진행하면서 시장운영자인 정부와 시장참여자인 기업들이 1차 이행연도에서의 경험과 지식을 바탕으로 2차 이행연도에서의 배출권 관련 의사결정을 보다 효율화하는 학습효과에 기인한다. 한편, 중점분석대상인 KAU15와 KAU16 가격에 대하여 공통적으로 유의미한 설명변수로는 각 배출권의 이행연도 이듬해 2월과 3월의 명세서 작성 및 제출에 대한 제도이항변수가 존재하였다.

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