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        성호현 ( Sung Ho Hyun ) 한국일본어교육학회 2021 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.98

        ‘-si souda’ is one of the Japanese inferential modality forms which was known as a manner expression. The goal of this study is put on reexamining and supplementing the form in a little different sight from previous sutdies. Many previous studies had thought ‘-si souda’ was one of ‘evidential judgement’ which is a subtype of cognitive modality. However, because the previous studies on ‘-si souda’ generally focused on the meaning of manner expression, the analysis of the of inferential meaning had not been fully performed. This study examined the various usages of ‘-si souda’, paticularly related on inferential meaning, and reached the following results. Firstly, it was clarified that ‘-si souda’ has distintive feature of inferential meaning which is very close to the typical inferential form ‘darou’, while ‘-si souda’ mainly expresses the manner or appearance in its usage. Such characteristics, I think, proves that ‘-si souda’ is not a plain manner expression, but has also the meaning of complete inferential meaning. Secondly, It was clarified that has very close relation with its central meaning of manner. While typical evidential judgement as ‘youda’ and ‘rasii’ are centered on the judgement based on the existence or recognition, evidential characteristics of ‘-si souda’ is not based on the truth of the appearance of the situation. The form rather placed the point on the describing of the existence or appearance. Thirdly, when we consider that ‘-si souda’ has the dual characteristics, that is, inferencial and evidential judgement, ‘-si souda’ can be placed between evidential judgement of ‘youda’ and ‘rasii’ and inferential modality of ‘darou’ in the epistemic modality system.

      • KCI등재

        ‘-겠-’과 ‘(-을)것이다’의 추정 용법과 주관성에 대하여

        성호현(Sung Ho-hyun) 한글학회 2018 한글 Vol.- No.321

        본고는 추정 형식 ‘-겠-’과 ‘(-을)것이다’의 의미 · 기능을 진정 추정으로 규정하여, ‘모양이다’, ‘듯하다’, ‘것 같다’ 등과 같은 의사 추정과 구분하였다. 다만 선어말어미로서의 ‘-겠-’은 부분적인 의사 추정 형식의 속성을 고려하여, 의사성 진정 추정으로 규정하였다. 이것은 국어 추정 형식의 새로운 체계 수립과 두 형식의 문법적 자리매김을 의미한다. 그리고 두 추정 형식 사이에 나타나는 의미 또는 주요 용법상의 특징적 변별성과 두 형식의 주관성 정도와의 관련성을 규명하여, ‘(-을)것이다’가 ‘-겠-’보다 주관성 정도가 높은 것을 입증하고자 하였다. 문법적 특성과 관련하여, ‘(-을)것이다’는 선어말어미 ‘-겠-’과 달리, 추정의 보조용언임을 밝혔다. 이것은 문법성 지위의 규정 없이, ‘-을 것이-’로 표현해 온 일반적 인식에 대한 하나의 해답이다. 본고는 두 추정 형식을 대상으로, 우선, 서법의 개념, 사태 인식 또는 초점 부여의 차이 등과 관련된 주관성 및 그 정도의 차이를 밝히었고, 추정의 근거, 추정의 방법, 추정 부사와의 공기 관계 및 사태 성립에 따른 확신도의 차이 등, 다양한 용법상의 차이와 주관성 정도의 관련성을 규명하고자 하였다. 이런 과정에서 확인되는 ‘(-을)것이다’의 추론성, 확신성, 논리성 등이 본고가 규정한 또 다른 보조용언 ‘것이다’의 본래의 ‘확인’의 의미와 관련되어 있음도 살펴보았다. 이러한 일련의 논의를 통해서 진정 추정의 ‘(-을)것이다’가 의사성 진정 추정 ‘-겠-’보다 상대적으로 주관성 정도가 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. This paper intented to clarify the difference between the subjectivity of ‘-gess-’ and that of ‘(-eul)geosida’, both of which have the common meaning of inference in Korean language. Korean modality of inference can be classified into two types, real inference as the two forms and evidential inference as ‘deushada’, ‘moyangida’, etc.. ‘-gess-’ is specialized in the sense that it could be positioned between the real inference and the evidential inference. ‘-gess-’ is an prefinal ending. But it is not clear what ‘(-eul)geosida’ is. This paper proposed that ‘(eul) geosida’ is a kind of auxiliary verb which has primarily the meaning of confirmation and developed into the meaning of inference. Analysis of the subjectivity of the two forms in this paper is based on some objective observations related to the concept of modality and some others. Analysis and test on the above basis make it clear that the two inference forms show clear difference in subjectivity. The result is that ‘(-eul)geosida’ is higher than ‘-gess-’ in the speaker’s subjectivity.

      • KCI등재

        의사 추량 형식의 일한 대조 연구 - 「ようだ」「らしい」와한국어 대응 형식을 대상으로 -

        성호현 ( Ho Hyun Sung ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.91 No.1

        본고는 종래 모달리티 체계에 있어서,의사 모달리티로 규정되어 온 대표적 추량 형식 「ようだ」,「らしい」와 추량 의미 및 용법상의 특성에서 이와 가장 유사한 한국어 형식「것같다」,「듯하다」, 「모양이다」,「-나/가보다」를 중 심으로 ,대조언어학적 관점에서 추량 의미 및 용법상의 공통점과 차이점을 규명 하는데에 목표를 둔다. 종래의 많은 대조 연구에도 불구하고, 아직 양언어의 추량 의미 및 용법상의 異同에 대한 정밀한 대조연구는 미진하다. 본고는 특히 기존의 대조 연구에서 간과되었던 양언어의 변별적의미 특성의 규명과 함께, 그러한 차이가 발생하는 이유 또는 배경에 대해서 고찰해 보았다. 이를 위해서 본고는 각각의 추량 형식의 본래의 의미특성을 고려해 보았다. 또한 이것이 개 별형식의 추량 의미와 어떻게 관련되는가를 살펴보면서, 이러한의미 특성이 양 언어 형식의 추량 의미의 특성과 형식 간의 차이를 규명하는 데 어떻게 기여하 는지를 규명해 보았다. 고찰 결과 기존의 대조 연구에서 중시한 「판단 근거」 라는 기준만으로는 양언어의 추량 의미나 용법의 대응 관계를 밝히는 데 한계가 있다는 점을 지적했다. 이에 본고는 양 언어 간의 추량 용법상의 차이가 나타나 는 배경과 관련하여, 양 언어 형식이 담당하는 기본적 추량 의미의 특징적 차이 가 각 형식의 어휘성 의미와 밀접하게 관련되어 있다는 사실을 언급했다. 그리 고 이러한 어휘적 의미의 차이가 형식 간에 나타나는 변별적 용법의 이유를 규명하는 데 기여함을 언급하였다. 그리고 본고는 양 언어간의 앞서 언급한 추 량 의미 기능 및 통어적 특성의 차이를 토대로 개별 추량 형식에 작용하는 화자 의 주관성 개입 정도에 있어서 차이를 보인다는 전재 아래, 양 언어의 대조에 적용해 보았다. The goal of this paper is put on the contrasitive study of Japanese inferential form ``youda`` and lasii, and Korean forms which are corresponding`` to them respectively in their inferential meaning and usages. Particularly this paper aimed at the analysis of the distinctive feature of meaning and of each form and the difference of usages between them. This paper examined same kind of contrastive studies which many researches have shown until now. This paper can find that previous studies have left many problems untouched or unsolved, inspite of their valuable achievements. To reach the goalthis paper focused on two aspects. One is the analysis of the meaning of each inferential form and to find the distinctive feature of its inferential meaning, under the assumption that the meanings are closely related to each other. And the other is the analysis of subjectivity reflected on each inferential form and the contrast of the corresponding inferential forms of both languages. Because subjectivity is a concept of degree, the degree acting on each form is variable according to the different forms. The result of this analysis is that corresponding forms of the two languages have very distinctive correspondency as well as distinctive differences, and the subjectivity acting on each form could be roughly shown as follows:geosgatda < deushada < youda < moyangida/gaboda<rasii

      • 소성변형 부위에서의 피로크랙전파

        성호현,송일규,국정한 한국기술교육대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        In this study, the behavior of a fatigue crack propagation near the expanded hole was investigated in terms of the plastic deformation and position of hole with respect to the propagating crack tip. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. The crack propagation rate is high when the crack tip approaches the hole but the retardation effect becomes prolonged when the crack tip is at the very vicinity of the hole. 2. The proper expansion of the hole seemed to play an important role for the retardation of the fatigue crack propagation rate. It is found that 5% of plastic deformation in mild steel show the best effect of the fatigue crack retardation.

      • 이종 재료 접합부의 응력확대계수

        김문기,국정한,유중학,성호현 韓國技術敎育大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        In this study, fracture aspects for dissimilar materials welded by right and left or up and down in symmetry are examined by using Finite Element Method(FEM) in case that holes exist at up and down in symmetry for the center of crack, and the results of this study are as follows ; 1. When the strength(E₁) of a material with a center crack is lower than that (E₂) of the dissimilar material which is welded by right and left in symmetry, the crack propagation rate decreases by about 25%, while it increases by about 20% when the E₁ is higher than E₂. 2. When the E₁ is lower than the E₂ which is welded by up and down in symmetry, the crack propagation rate decreases by about 25% while it increases by about 75% when the E₁ is higher than the E₂. 3. The value of K₁/K?? is constant up to 2.0 in which is the ratio (a/R) between crack length and hole radius, and the value is decreased or increased a little above 2.0. It is regarded that a phenomenon of crack closure is applied according to the welded type of dissimilar material. In addition, It is noticed that retardation effect of crack propagation is changed greatly according to the distributed position of dissimilar material.

      • SS400강 용접부의 파괴인성치에 관한 연구

        국정한,송일규,김봉중,오세용,성호현 한국기술교육대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        In this work, we studied the mechanical properties, structure and the stress intensity factor of the welded areas which were annealed from 500。C to 900。C with an interval of 100。C. The main results are as follow. 1. The as-welded specimen showed the highest tensile strength and yield point. The tensile strength and the yield point decrease as the annealing temperature increased from 500。C to 900。C, and they became smaller in the order of deposited metal, heat affected zone and base metal. 2. The hardness was maximum at about 9 mm from the welding center line, and it decreased drastically in the heat affected zone located between 9∼15mm from the center line. 3. The elongation decreased in the order of base metal, the fusion zone and heat affected zone while it increased as annealing temperature increased. 4. The stress intensity factor(S. I. F.) declined as the length of notch increased and it became smaller in the order of fusion zone, base metal and heat affected zone. This is because fracture toughness is affected by brittlization at heat affected zone as well as the initiation and propagation of cracks.

      • 용접입열량에 따른 CO₂용접부의 기계적 특성에 관한 연구

        국정한,성호현 한국기술교육대학교 2001 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        ABSTRACT In this study, we investigate the welding characteristics, mechanical properties, stress intensity, fracture strength, and microstructure in the fusion zone of SS400 steels which were welded at four different heat inputs(10, 15, 20, and 25 KJ/cm) using either the flux cored wire (FCW) or solid wire (SW) in the CO2 welding system. Based on arc's stability, spatter, thinned-slag detachment, and bead apperance results, the mechanical properties of the FCW were much better than those of the SW. They decreased as heat increased. The increase of heat input and notch depth result in a decrease of the impact energy.

      • 이종재료 접합부 선단의 크랙 전파 거동

        국정한,성호현,송일규 한국기술교육대학교 1997 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        In this study, the crack behavior around the bonded dissimilar materials is analyzed by using by Finite Element Method(FEM) in case that it approaches or passes through the bonded line perpendicularly. The analysis criterion is based on the energy(△U) when the crack progresses or passes through the bonded line. The variables are the width of dissimilar material and distance from the crack tip to the bonded line. Values of E(Young's modulus), V(Poisson's ratio) and △U(Energy) for base material are different from those(E', V', △U') for dissimilar material. The outcome of this study is obtained by comparing △U with △U'

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