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        2002 년도 지역지리학의 발전과 지역개발을 위한 심포지움

        박태화(Tae Hwa Park) 한국지역지리학회 2002 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        한국 지역연구의 전통적인 방법론은 지리적 사상이나 사회적 철학에 의해서 다음과 같이 시대별로 변화되어 왔다. 고려시대에는 자연의 위대한 힘에 발복을 기원하는 풍수 지리적 사고에 의해서 환경결정론 내지는 환경론적 접근방법으로 보인다. 조선시대에서는 국가체제가 정비되고, 중앙집권적 왕권이 강화되면서 발간된 많은 관찬 및 사찬지리서는 통치에 필요한 고을의 지리적 사실을 백과사전식으로 기술하고, 특정한 속성을 부각시키는 개성 기술적 접근방법을 도입하였다. 조선후기에는 일부 實事求是 및 經世致用의 學을 주장하는 실학자들에 의해서 전국을 답사하면서 자연과 인간의 상호작용에 의한 지역의 차이를 기록한 지리서들을 과학적 내지는 법칙추구적 계통지리학을 태동시켰다. 여기에는 자연의 영향에 따른 인간심성 형성으로 다양한 사회적 환경까지 창조한다고 보고, 이를 지역기술에 도입함으로서 세계적인 시야에서 볼 때도 앞선 연구방법론으로 볼 수 있다. The traditional methodology of Korean regional studies had been shifted by geographic thoughts and philosophy as follows; Environmentalism or Environmental determinism stemming from geomancy were dominant methodology in the Korea era. An idiographic approach was introduced based on the encyclopedic description of geographic factors of villages for the centeralization of power in the Chosun era. A systematic geography that pursues scientific laws of regional differences which results from the interactions of human and nature had emerged through field works of some practical school in the later Chosun era.

      • KCI등재

        부산시 해운대 신시가지의 성격

        박태화(Tae Hwa Park) 한국도시지리학회 2000 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The intent of this study is to make clear the natures of the new town of Ja-Dong, Haeundae-Gu districts which were planned and constructed outside of the built-up area in the east of Pusan. As of 2000, it has 30,964 households and 104,701 population. Main observations can be summed up as follows. First, since residential areas and neighborhood facilities have been laid out well and harmoniously, life in the new town is convenient. But the congestion of population, the lack of open-spaces and cultural facilities do not meet the need of an ideal new town. Second, in terms of the flow of residents, 69% of the residents have immigrated from other areas of Pusan. A larger number of the householders(60%) have their places of work in the urban area of Pusan(except 29% in HaeundaeGu). Most of selectively purchased commodities(86%) and valuable articles(65%) of the residents were bought in the urban core area. In sum, the ratio of selfsufficiency in the new town is relatively low. In the fomation of the residents, the householders are consisted of young couples, the higher educated people, the white workers. Except the middle income earners, these phenomena show the very nature of the new town. Third, in the degree of satisfaction of the life environment, 74% of the residents consider the dwelling environment of the new town is good.

      • KCI등재

        한국 , 중국 , 일본 3 국 지붕의 변천

        박태화(Tae Hwa Park) 한국도시지리학회 2002 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        The roof style of three countries tells that they belong to the same cultural realm in which their roof styles consist of Uchingak, Matbe and P’aljak roofs. ① In China, the Uchingak roofs are unique with a high dignity, and are used for the roofs of main palaces and buildings of the royal palace. In Korea and Japan, they are mainly used for the houses of the people with demoted roofs ② In Korea, the Matbe roofs have a high dignity and are used for the roofs of public buildings such as the royal ancestral shrine, a memorial hall for the great scholars, and an ancestral shrine of the noblities. In Japan, they are used for the roofs of the Jinja(a temple of Japanese gods) with peculiar ornaments. ③ In Japan, the P’aljak roofs, they are used for the roofs of the imperial palace and major castles with a high dignity of multiple floor structure. In Korea, they are used for the royal audience chamber and main buildings of palace and also used for the houses of the rich farmer.

      • KCI등재

        맞배지붕 민가의 사진에 의한 연구

        박태화(Park Tae Hwa) 한국사진지리학회 1998 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        This study analyzes regional differences and plane figure styles of roofs through the examination of photographs of the existing Matbe roofed houses. The results of the observations are as follows. `The roofs with straight styled - shape can be divided into the simple Matbe roof, the attached Matbe roof, and the staired Matbe roof. In the case of the simple Matbe roofed houses, their plane is small and their roof height is low. In the case of the two other ones, the attached Matbe roof and the low staired Matbe roof are connected at the side gable to prevent wind and rain. The rectangular styled houses have two kinds of the Matbs roof. One is the case in which the height of the roof ridges of the main part, the connecting part, and the lower connecting part is low in order. The other is the case in which the height is same. The former case remains in the Yongnam region a lot, and the latter case, a variety of the former, exists in other regions a few. Besides, in the Ch`ungch`ong the Matbe roof is used together with the P`aljak roof in a house, and it is mingled with the Uchingak roof in the Honam region. In terms of the plane figure style, the ◎ and ◎ shape have two kinds:$quot;the main part-main room$quot; type and $quot;the connecting part-main room$quot; type. The ◎ shape and the winged ◎(◎) shape have $quot;the main part-fIoor$quot; type, $quot;the connecting part-main room,$quot; and $quot;the lower connecting part-stable$quot; type. This kind of houses seem to be a prototype of Ttuljip preserved largely in the Andong sphere.

      • KCI등재

        영남지방 지명에 관한 연구

        박태화(Tae Hwa Park) 한국지역지리학회 1999 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 영남지방의 지리적 성격이 상이한 창녕군, 봉화군, 남해군의 촌락명을 분석하였다. 지명의 명명은 인간의 환경지각의 결과이고, 또 지명에는 그 당시의 문화가 각인되어 있다고 본다. 그래서 지명이 포함하고 있는 주요 지리적 개념, 지명의 어구조, 개념구성의 결합관계 등을 구명하여 지역차를 고찰한 것이다. 첫째 지리학의 개념별로 보면 산지지역인 봉화군은 자연에서, 평야지역인 창녕군과 도서지역인 남해군은 인문에서 인식한 촌락명이 상대적으로 많아 지역차를 보인다. 둘째 지명 어구조의 전·후어에서 전어는 주로 작명으로 사용된 고유명인데, 촌락의 문화경관, 위치, 변천을 설명하고 있다. 후어는 지명을 분류하는 유형명으로 촌락의 자연환경, 촌락 공동체 표현을 위하여 사용되었다. 셋째 개념 구성은 봉화군은 자연 그대로, 창녕군은 자연과 인간의 상호작용 과정, 남해군은 상호작용의 결과가 인식, 명명되어 역시 상이한 지역성을 보이고 있다. This is a study on village names in a plain region of Changnyeong-Gun, a mountain region of Bonghwa-Gun and an island region of Namhae-Gun. The three regions differ in geographical features. The data are based on 455 village names in Changnyeong-Gun, 552 village names in Bonghwa-Gun and 275 village names in Namhae-Gun found in the 1 : 50,000 topographic map. The method of this study is to analyze the word structures of village names in the five basic concepts in geography : Man-Land(Natural Environment and Human Activities). Spatial Relation, Distribution, Region and Transition. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. Naming of villages are related to Natural Environment(41%), Human Activities(23%). Region(17%). Spatial Relation(13%), Distribution(5%), and Transition(3%). Of these six factors, Changnyeong-Gun is relatively dominant in village names related to Spatial Relations, Region and Transition : BonghwaGun Natural Environment and Namhae-Gun Human Activities and Spatial Relations. But the three Guns are absolutely dominant in village names related to Natural Environment and Human Activities. 2. A village name is divided into the specific name part(given name) and the generic name part(classified name). Names related to Human Activities, Spatial Relations, Distribution and Transition are more frequently found in the specific name part. Therefore, they are used as the given name of a village name. Whereas names related to Natural Environment and Region are more frequently found in generic name part, which means that they are used as the classified name of a village. 3. The word structure of a village name usually has two parts a frontal part(given name) and a rear part(classified name). The two parts have a particular pattern in the geographic concept when they are combined. 1) In the village names related to <Natural Environment> in their frontal part of the word structure, <Natural Environment(Natural Environment - Natural Environment)> is more frequently combined as their rear part in Bonghwa-Gun, <Human Activities> in Namhae-Gun and <Region> in Changnyeong-Gun. 2) In the village names related to <Human Activities> in their frontal part of the word structure, <Natural Environment> is more frequently combined as their rear part in Changnyeong-Gun, <Human Activities> in Namhae-Gun and <Region> in Bonghwa-Gun. Accordingly, Man(Human Activities) - Land(Natural Environment) can be considered the most important concept in the naming of villages, because the concept is most frequently used in the word structures of village names.

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