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      • KCI등재

        주산기 주요 감염질환의 예방 및 관리

        박채연,조현진 한국모자보건학회 2020 한국모자보건학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        Perinatal infection is the leading cause of fetal and neonatal mortality and is directly related to childhood morbidity. Perinatal infections cause abnormal growth, delayed development, and many other clinical problems in newborns. In particular, TORCH syndrome can cause serious fetal and neonatal health problems through vertical infection, and timely diagnosis and treatment through regular antenatal examinations are important. There are no therapeutic options or vaccines for parvovirus or cytomegalovirus. Therefore, prevention is the most important method. In the case of toxoplasmosis, prenatal education is important because it can be prevented through hygiene management, although there are therapeutic drugs. Syphilis has a high prevalence, so early diagnosis is important. Rubella and varicella zoster infections can lead to fatal results in vertical transmission to the fetus. Therefore, preconception vaccination should be performed. Women with herpes simplex, which has a high prevalence in the community, need to be mindful when choosing a childbirth method by evaluating the infection through regular prenatal care to prevent vertical infection. Seasonal flu is rarely transmitted vertically to the fetus, but the morbidity and mortality risk to the mother is higher than that of the general population. Thus, prevention through vaccination is important. Lastly, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection has yet to be well studied, although the mother's morbidity and mortality are similar to those of the general population and there is no evidence of vertical infection. Since the findings of the effects on the mother and fetus are limited, transmission should be prevented through social distancing and personal hygiene practices.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 FPS 게임의 몰입도 증가를 위한 UI 디자인 연구 - 콜 오브 듀티: 모바일을 중심으로 -

        박채연,김지윤 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.8

        This study proposes an optimized UI design to increase the immersion of mobile FPS games played in first person. To this end, based on the research of Fagerholt and Lorentzon, who analyzed game UI design in depth, we studied game UI elements that increase player immersion and provide an optimized game experience. The research subject of the thesis was selected as the current UI of the popular mobile FPS game Call of Duty: Mobile, and it was classified based on the 6 elements of immersion related to the game UI. Finally, through a hybrid design proposal that balances diegetic UI and non-diegetic UI, a plan to increase player immersion and improve user experience was presented.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 스페인 시의 문체를 나타내는 용어의 문제 - 신고전주의와 전기낭만주의의 관계를 중심으로 -

        박채연 한국스페인어문학회 1999 스페인어문학 Vol.14 No.1

        Intentamos averiguar las viscisitudes de las corrientes poe′ticas de la literatura espan~ola del siglo XVIII centrando especialmente en el problema de sus etiquetas y su periodizacio′n. Primero estudiamos lo que Cueto muestra como el desarrollo de la li′rica dieciochesca en su Bosquejo histo′rico-cri′tico..., ya que ha sido el punto de partida de los estudios posteriores sobre el tema de la poesi′a dieciochesca. Segu′n e′l, i) la decadencia poe′tica ya veni′a producie′ndose a fines del siglo anterior. Corresponde al reinado de Felipe V (1700-1746) y supone el imperio de la falta de inspiracio′n y del mal gusto literario, siguiendo los este′riles modelos del peor barroquismo: alambicadas meta′foras, juegos pueriles de forma, etc. ii) Un segundo momento es la renovacio′n del gusto poe′tico, ma′s o menos coincidente con el reinado de Fernando VI(1746-1759), representada por La Poe′tica de Luza′n. iii) Es la e′poca, correspondiente a los primeros an~os del reinado Carlos III(1759-1788), de triunfo de la imitaio′n francesa y el filosofismo. iv) Es el momento del prosai′smo, ma′xima enemiga de la buena poesi′a, dentro del reinado de Carlos III. v) Finalmente, ya en el reinado de Carlos IV(1788-1808), una etapa caracterizada por el descenso del prosaismo y la aparicion de votes poeticas que caminan por nuevos derroteros estilisticos sin duda ma′s pro′ximo al ideal anticlasicista de Cueto. Los cri′ticos de hoy tambie′n coinciden en dividir el siglo XVIII en dos mitades: la primera es la e′poca de posbarroquismo en la que persiste los gustos barrocos degenerados. Esta′ representada por poetas como Gabriel A′lvarez de Toledo(1662-1714), Eugenio Gerardo Lobo(1679-1750), y Torres Villaroel(1694-1770). A mediados del siglo florece la poesi′a del estilo rococo′ que consiste en la estilizacio′n y el aligeramiento de las formas y motivos barrocos. Una serie de ingredientes propios de la cultura dieciochesca(anacreontismo, bucolismo, sensualismo) cristalizan en unos motivos poe′ticos muy definidos(el amor, la belleza femenina, la naturaleza) tratados en un tono fri′volo, alegre y despreocupado. Los poetas representantes son Jose′ Antonio Porcel(1715-1794) y conde de Torrepalma(1706-1767). Y entrando en la de′cada 70 se triunfa de los ideales prototi′picos de la Ilustracio′n que, proyectados en la creacio′n li′rica, generara′n temas, formas y modos de estilo nuevos, resultado de un concepto, tambie′n nuevo, de la poesi′a como expresio′n del espi′ritu renovador, e′tico y utilitario del siglo. La publicacio′n de La Poe′tica de Luza′n en el an~o 1737 hace brotar las nuevas tendencias del siglo. En cuanto a la etiquetacio′n de las nuevas corrientes, Joaqui′n Arce propone el te′rmino poesi′a ilustrada para definir la nueva actitud intelectual y e′tica que forma el sustrato ideolo′gico de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Segu′n el, la poesi′a ilustrada es la poesi′a con claridad, es decir, sin complicaciones provocadas por el use de las figuras exageradas. La poesi′a ilustrada se bifurca en su manifestacio′n, pues razo′n y sentimiento son dos ingredientes fundamentales de la filosofi′a ilustrada. Mientras la poesi′a neocla′sica se basa en el racionalismo ilustrado, el sensualismo se representa por el prerromanticismo. Las dos tendencias poe′ticas discurre intercruzando en las de′cadas finales del siglo. La poesi′a neocla′sica aspira a la restauracio′n de los valores prototi′picos del verso cla′sico: rigor poe′tico, decoro verbal, armoni′a. Lo que supone una tendencia a las formal me′tricas puras y contenidas, a la seleccio′n le′xica, al orden sinta′ctico, a los valores ri′tmicos del verso, es decir a una li′nea compositiva muy diferrente al gusto prerroma′ntico por la ruptura y la agitacio′n me′trico-sinta′ctica. La li′rica prerroma′ntica es la poesi′a efectista que pretende reflejar en su forma los efectos de la conmocio′n pasional como i′ndice de

      • KCI등재

        건물과 수목의 그림자에 의한 도시의 열 분포 산정 및 저감효과 연구

        박채연,이동근,윤준하 한국환경복원기술학회 2018 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        Mapping radiation heat flux of urban area is essential for urban design and landscape planning. Because controlling urban geometry and generating green space are important urban design strategies for reducing urban heat, urban planner and designer need to recognize the micro urban heat distribution for adequate urban planning. This study suggests a new methodology for mapping urban radiation heat flux in a micro scale considering buildings and trees’ shade. For doing that, firstly, we calculate net radiation for each urban surfaces (building, road (not shaded, building shaded, tree shaded), ground (not shaded, building shaded, tree shaded), tree (not shaded, building shaded)). Then, by multiplying the area ratio of surfaces to the net radiation, we can obtain the radiation heat flux in micro-scale. The estimated net radiation results were found to be robust with a R² of 90%, which indicates a strong explanatory power of the model. The radiation heat flux map for 12h 17 th August explains that areas under the building and tree have lower net radiation heat flux, indicating that shading is a good strategy for reducing incident radiation. This method can be used for developing thermal friendly urban plan.

      • KCI등재

        미시적 규모에서 수목의 열섬저감효과

        박채연,이동근,김호걸,종훈 한국인간·식물·환경학회 2016 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Urban Heat Island has become a serious problem in urban area. Tree is considered as effective measure for mitigating urban heat. The purpose of this study is reviewing urban heat island mitigation effect of tree, focusing on evaluation indices related to temperature reduction. We selected 49 previous studies and classified studies considering type of site and variables related to mitigate urban heat. Studies were classified as tree, vegetation, green roof/wall and green area. Variables of each group were categorized as space, function, individual and environment variables. Each study site showed different mitigation effects and considered different variables. Therefore, plans or designs for green area in urban area should consider differences among sites and use integrated evaluation indices including humidity and wind speed for mitigating urban heat.

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