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      • KCI등재

        19세기 말-20세기 초 병인론의 전환과 도시위생

        박윤재(Park, Yun Jae) 도시사학회 2017 도시연구 Vol.- No.18

        1882년 김옥균이 치도론을 제시했을 때, 그 주장에 영향을 준 병인론은 장기설이었다. 그는 전염병의 원인으로 독기를 지목하였고, 도시위생을 위해서는 분뇨 처리를 통해 독기를 제거하는 청결사업 그리고 도로 정비를 의미하는 토목사업을 진행해야 한다고 주장했다. 김옥균의 도시위생론은 청결과 토목에 대한 구상을 포괄하고 있다는데 의미가 있었다. 박영효 역시 장기설이 기본이 된 병인론을 가지고 있었다. 문제는 더러운 기운이었다. 박영효는 오물을 제거하는 청결사업, 가옥 구조의 개선과 도로의 정비를 포함하는 토목사업을 제안하고 있었다. 유길준도 김옥균, 박영효와 마찬가지로 장기설을 공유하고 있었다. 다만, 그는 도시위생을 실현하는 과정에서 청결사업과 토목사업을 분리하기 시작했다. 1890년대 세균설이 한국에 수용되면서 장기의 정체가 냄새와 공기로 구체화되었다. 공기를 청결하게 유지해야 하는 이유는 그 속에 세균이 들어 있기 때문이었다. 청결의 대상도 구체화되었다. 장기설이 주도적일 당시에는 오물이나 분뇨 정도가 청결의 대상이었다면, 세균설이 확산되면서 청결의 대상이 종이와 헝겊, 먹거나 사용할 수 없는 야채와 볏짚 등 구체적으로 지목되었다. 세균설은 구체적인 방역이 가능하게 된 기반이었다. 하지만 대상이 구체화되면서 장기설이 제기했던 토목 분야의 개선은 관심의 대상에서 사라지기 시작하였다. 실제로 1900년대를 거치면서 치도사업에서 청결과 토목은 분리되고 있었다. 세균은 오물에서 발생하기 때문에 그것만 제거하면 되었다. 병인론의 전환은 도시위생의 범위를 구체화시켰지만, 동시에 축소시켰다. In 1882, Kim Ok-gyun proposed Chidoron, which is a theory of road improvement; miasma theory was the etiology that affected his proposal. He argued that miasma is the cause of infectious diseases. This theory of urban sanitation by Kim Ok-gyun is meaningful because it includes ideas related to both cleanliness and civil engineering. According to this theory, not only is the cleanliness project represented by human waste treatment, but also, it can be classified as a civil engineering project which includes road maintenance that has to be implemented to achieve urban sanitation. Pak Yeong-hyo also asserted an etiology that is based on miasma theory. He argued that the problem was dirty miasma. Pak Yeong-hyo proposed a cleanliness project that removed garbage and a civil engineering project that included improvements of the housing structures and road maintenance. Yu Kil-chun also accepted a miasma theory similar to Kim Ok-gyun and Pak Yeong-hyo. The difference was that Yu Kil-chun began to distinguish between a cleanliness project and a civil engineering project in the process of achieving urban sanitation. Following the introduction of germ theory in Korea in the 1890s, the substance of miasma became specified as odors and air. Maintaining clean air became important because germs exist in the air. The target of cleanliness has been subsequently specified. Following the spread of this germ theory, substances like paper and clothes or vegetables and rice straw that could not be eaten or used, were pointed out as being the specific targets of cleanliness. The germ theory provided a basis for specific preventive measures. At the same time, however, improvements in the field of civil engineering, which has been suggested by the miasma theory, disappeared as a point of interest. In fact, cleanliness and civil engineering became separated in a road improvement project that emerged over the 1900s. Because germs develop in garbage, removing garbage was the main solution. While the change of etiology specified the coverage of urban sanitation, it also diminished its coverage at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 한의학의 재건과 한의사제도의 성립

        박윤재 ( Yun Jae Park ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2011 동방학지 Vol.154 No.-

        국민의료법 논의과정에서 한의학은 논쟁의 중심에 있었다. 보건부가 제헌국회에 제출한 ``의사 및 치과의사법``은 한의사를 배제하였다. 보건부는 한의학이 경험의학이고, 따라서 과학적 의학으로 평가하기 어렵다는 입장이었다. 보건부안이 법률로 채택될 경우 한의학은 사라질 수밖에 없었다. 하지만 한의학을 지지하는 여론에 힘입어 보건부안은 폐기되었고, 대신에 문교사회위원회가 자체적으로 입안한 ``의사 및 의업(醫業)법``이 상정되었다. 한의사들은 이 안이 한의사를 포함하고 있는 점에서는 평가를 하였지만, 자신들을 서양의사와 동등한 의료인으로 인정하지 않는 점에 대해서는 불만을 토로하였다. 제2대 국회로 이월된 의료법 논의에서 한의학의 과학성 여부는 다시 토론의 핵심이 되었다. 비판자들에게 한의학은 서양의학의 기초 분야를 포함하지 않은 비과학적 의학이었다. 하지만 반대 의견 역시 강했다. 수천 년을 이어진 한의학의 역사가 거론되었고, 일제의 탄압 대상이었던 만큼 민족 부활의 상징으로 발전시켜야 한다는 주장이 제기되었다. 한의학의 실용성도 지목되었다. 한약은 국가와 국민 경제에 이익이 될 수 있다는 것이었다. 그러나 한의학에 가장 우호적인 요인은 부족한 의료현실이었다. 서양의사들이 대도시를 중심으로 개업하고 있고, 한의사들이 농촌지역의 주요 의료인력으로 활동하고 있는 현실은 한의학에 우호적인 여론을 낳는 배경이 되었다. 무의촌 해결이 가장 중요한 의료문제로 대두되는 상황에서, 더욱이 국회의원들이 자신의 지역 이해를 대변할 수밖에 없는 상황에서, 한의학 배제는 추진하기 힘든 시도였다. 결국 제2대 국회는 1951년 의사와 치과의사를 제1종, 한의사를 제2종, 보건원, 조산원, 간호원을 제3종 의료업자로 나눈 국민의료법을 통과시켰다. In the process of forming the National Medical Act, at the heart of the debate was Oriental Medicine. "The Medical Doctor and Dentist Law" presented by the Department of Health to the National Assembly denied the professional legitimacy of Oriental medical practitioners. The Department of Health was critical of Oriental Medicine, believing it to be empirical medicine; thus, Oriental Medicine struggled to be seen as scientific medicine. Had the plan of the Department of Health been adopted, Oriental Medicine would have disappeared. However, the plan of the Department of Health failed due to public opinion supporting Oriental Medicine, and instead of the plan, the Educational Affairs and Society subcommittee submitted "the Medical Doctor and the Medical Profession Law," which they had drafted autonomously. Oriental medical practitioners welcomed the latter plan because it included them, but they also complained that it did not recognize them as health care providers on par with Western medical practitioners. In the debate over the National Medical Act, which progressed on to the second National Assembly, at the heart of the discussion was whether or not Oriental Medicine was scientific. For critics, Oriental Medicine was unscientific medicine that did not include the basics of Western medical science. However, opposing views were also strong. Supporters of Oriental Medicine drew attention to its thousands-year-old history, some suggesting that because Oriental Medicine had been an object of oppression under Japanese rule, it had to be developed as the symbol of national resurrection. The practicality of Oriental Medicine was also mentioned, as herbal medicine could serve to the benefit of the national economy. However, the poor medical service environment was the most favorable factor for the continuation of Oriental Medicine. The reality that Western medical practitioners were practicing medicine in big cities like Seoul, leaving Oriental medical practitioners to treat people as the main medical human resources in agricultural districts, made public opinion to be in favor of Oriental Medicine. As decreasing the number of doctorless villages was emerging as the most urgent medical issue, and moreover as most congressmen had to represent the interests of the electorate, it was impossible to eliminate Oriental Medicine. Ultimately, the second National Assembly passed the National Medical Act in 1951, which presented Western medical practitioners and dentists with a Type 1 license; Oriental medical practitioners with Type 2; and health nurses, midwives and nurses with Type 3.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선총독부의 지방 의료정책과 의료 소비

        박윤재 ( Park Yun Jae ) 역사문제연구소 2009 역사문제연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Since the beginning of the colonial ruling, the Joseon Government- General promoted a policy of expanding medical service provision to the local regions. The establishment of the Jahye Euiwon medical center, and the dispatching of public medical practitioners in the 1910s, were part of that policy. And in the following decades, the number of local medical centers increased. Yet in the 1920s, the colonial government decided a course correction, and modified its previous policy to actually decrease the financial burden put upon the government`s fiscal status. As a result, Oriental medicine that had been ignored for some time, started to get attention in the 1930s. Compared to Western medicine, it took lesser cost to spread and implement them in local regions. In spite of increase in the overall number of medical facilities, local population was still agonizing over the insufficiency of such medical support. Compared to the situation in the Japanese mainland, and also Taiwan, another country that was colonized by Japan, Korea`s situation was fairly poor. And the medical centers established in local regions were not that much accessible, from the local residents` point of view. Provincial medical centers practiced medicine based upon their own pursuit of profits, and public medical practitioners were also independent doctors who had to pursue their own interest. In order to enhance the healthcare level of the local residents, the implementation of a basic medical system was argued as well. The overall idea behind that argument was to abolish the public medical practitioner system, and station sanitary technicians at every police station, and then launch a national healthcare insurance system for the residents in agricultural and fishing areas. Yet the Government-General maintained their position, and only continued to increase the number of medical centers and public medical practitioners. It was because they figured that increasing facilities and entities would actually cost less than launching an entire insurance system. To the Joseon Government-General, the issue of medical support, was only a matter of provision(rather than a matter that should be considered through the recipients` perspective).

      • KCI등재

        한말 일제 초 대형 약방의 신약 발매와 한약의 변화

        박윤재(Park, Yun-jae) 한국역사연구회 2013 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.90

        Large pharmacies established before and after the year 1900 composed a representative phenomenon which changed the practice of herb medicine, the core of traditional Oriental medicine. Unlike prior pharmacies, they were characterized by mass manufacturing and sales. Expansion of sales networks by establishing local branches and newspaper advertisement were changes which enabled mass production. External changes surrounding traditional medicine sales were taking place. Large pharmacies began to manufacture new medicines different from traditional herb medicines. The Western medicine of which the accommodation started in the late 19th century was an element that enabled the manufacturing of new medicines. Accommodation of Western medicine, more specifically Western drugs, continued by utilizing Western medicinal ingredients. Large pharmacies developed new medicines which added new ingredients to existing herb medicinal stuff. Traditional names like Whan, Dan, San, and Su were used for new medicines, but they had different ingredients. A domestic change was happening in herb medicine. Western doctors from Western medical educational institutions such as Jejung-weon Medical School and Governmental Medical School aided such change by combining themselves with large pharmacies. Accommodation of Western medicine by herb medicine, more specifically, its utilization of Western medicinal ingredients continued during the Japanese occupation period. Superficially, medical policy of the colonial government which was to pursue Western medicine but could not help utilizing traditional Oriental doctors was the background for such trend. Traditional Oriental doctors were forced to obtain knowledge of Western medicine, more specifically, pharmacology, and the probability of using knowledge of Western medicine for the manufacturing of herb medicines become higher. The result were analyses of drugs and extraction of main ingredients through the utilization of chemistry.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근현대 도시위생사 연구의 성과와 전망

        박윤재(Park, Yun-jae) 도시사학회 2020 도시연구 Vol.- No.23

        1880년대 초반 개화파가 피력한 치도론은 한국 최초의 도시위생론으로 주목받았다. 치도사업의 연장선상에서 1890년대 후반 서울에서 도시개조사업이 진행되었다. 목적은 한국을 부국강병한 국가로 만드는데 있었다. 조선 말기와 식민지시기는 근대라는 점에서 연속된다. 식민권력은 상하수도와 같은 기반시설을 확대했다. 하지만 한국인들이 이런 확대에 전적으로 동의했는지는 의심스럽다. 상하수도 설치와 같은 사업이 주로 일본인 거주 지역을 중심으로 시행되었기 때문이다. 도시 내부에 민족에 따른 이중 구조가 형성되었던 것이다. 하지만 도시 내부구조의 다양화와 시간의 흐름에 따른 변동도 나타나고 있었다. 도시에서 위생과 미화를 위해 진행해야할 가장 중요한 작업은 청소이다. 1930년대를 지나면서 청소작업의 대상지역이 식민지 조선 전체를 포괄하게 되었다. 분뇨처리의 경우 1910년대 무상수거, 유상처분 방식이 자리잡았고, 1920년대 안전하게 비료로 이용할 수 있는 과학적 기반이 마련되었다. 도시위생사 연구의 확대를 위해서는 도시 공간을 구성하는 다양한 요소에 주목해야 한다. 위생은 전방위적으로 구현된 가치였기 때문이다. 개별적인 소재를 넘어 도시 전체를 포괄하는 구조에 대한 고민도 필요하다. 방역체계는 하나의 예이다. 외적 요인에 대한 고려도 필요하다. 선언적으로 한국인의 주체성을 주장하기보다 한국의 근대화에 서양이 미친 영향력을 구체적으로 고려할 필요가 있다. 위생시설과 전염병의 관계를 고찰하기 위해서는 의료에 대한 관심이 필요하다. 자료의 활용과 관련하여 의료인들의 연구를 직접 인용할 필요가 있다. 도시위생사 연구의 심화를 위해서는 전통과 근대에 대한 이해가 필요하다. 시기적으로 근대임에도 불구하고 실질적으로 전통이 활용되는 경우가 있었다. 전통이 후진적이라는 규정은 일방적이고 자의적이다. 하지만 근대에 대한 비판적 접근이 전통의 장점 발견, 그 복원으로 나아가는 것은 다른 편향이다. 식민지시기 도시위생을 이해하기 위해서는 종합적인 관점이 필요하다. 식민성과 근대성에 대한 동시적 고찰이다. 식민지근대성에 대한 고찰이라고 바꿔 말할 수도 있다. Much attention was focused on the Chido (governing streets) theory, which was set forth by the Gaehwapa (an Enlightenment party) in the early 1880s, as the first urban sanitation theory in Korea. As an extension of the Chido project, the urban renewal project was conducted in Seoul in the late 1890s. The purpose was to make Korea a rich and strong nation. The late Joseon period and the colonial period were continuous in that they were modern. The colonial authority expanded the infrastructure such as the water supply and sewage systems. However, it was doubted that Koreans fully agreed with this expansion. This was because the project of installation was conducted mainly around Japanese residential areas. This meant a dual structure was formed according to nationality inside the cities. However, there was also variation shown as the urban inner structure was diversified and time passed. The most crucial work to be conducted for sanitation and beautification in cities was cleaning. After the 1930s, the target area of cleaning work included all colonial lands of Korea. For excrement treatment, free pickup and paid treatment were established in the 1910s, and a scientific basis that could safely use excrement as fertilizer was finally settled in the 1920s. It was necessary to focus on various elements that comprised the urban space to expand the study on the history of urban sanitation. This was because sanitation was the value implemented omni-directionally. It was also necessary to consider a structure that covers all cities beyond individual locations. The epidemic prevention system was one of the examples. The consideration on external factors was also needed. It was necessary to consider the impact of the west on Korea’s modernization in detail rather than claiming the Koreans’ pride in a proclaiming manner. To discuss the relationship between hygienic facility and infectious diseases, attention on medical studies was needed. In relation to the use of data, studies of medical personnel were needed to be directly cited. To deepen the research on the history of urban sanitation, an understanding on the concept of tradition and modern is required. Despite that the time was modern, tradition was often used practically. The theory that tradition was less advanced was unilateral and arbitrary. However, the discovery of tradition and advancing to the recovery by the critical approach to the modern time was another bias. It was necessary to have comprehensive viewpoints to understand urban sanitation in the colonial time. It was simultaneous discussion on coloniality and modernity. It may be interpreted to the discussion on colonial modernity.

      • 교사-유아 애착안정성과 유아의 자기조절력이 또래유능성에 미치는 영향

        박윤재 ( Park Yun-jae ) 동국대학교 교육연구소 2021 교육연구 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구에서는 교사-유아 애착안정성과 유아의 자기조절력이 유아의 또래유능성에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 만 3-5세 유아-교사 190쌍이었다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 20.0 프로그램을 활용하여 빈도분석, 기술통계분석, 상관분석, 위계적 회귀분석이 이루어졌다. 연구결과로는 첫째, 주요 연구변인 간의 정적 상관관계가 각각 유의하였다. 둘째, 교사-유아 애착안정성과 유아의 자기조절력이 유아의 또래유능성에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 유아의 또래유능성에 대한 상대적 영향력은 유아의 자기조절력이 교사-유아 애착안정성에 비해 큰 것으로 예측되었다. 본 연구결과는 결론적으로 유아의 또래유능성을 효율적으로 발달시키기 위해서는 유아의 자기조절력을 발달시키는 데 교사와 부모의 노력이 필요하다는 점을 시사한다. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of teachers-young children attachment security and children's self-regulation on their peer competence. The subject of this study were 190 young children- and their teachers in kindergartens and preschools located in Seoul city. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 20.0 to calculate descriptive statistics and T-test, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows. First, there were significant positive correlations between teachers-children attachment security, children's Self-regulation and the children peer competence. Second, there were significant effects of teachers-young children attachment security and children's self-regulation on the young children's peer competence.

      • KCI등재

        특집논문 2 : 해방 후 한국 조산제도의 성립과 변화: 원로 조산사들의 구술을 중심으로

        박윤재 ( Yun Jae Park ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2008 연세의사학 Vol.11 No.2

        Korean Government proclaimed in 1951 a medical law in which midwife was prescribed as a third official medical personnel. Anyone who wanted to be a midwife should either graduate from nurses` school or pass the examination for the licence. In 1962, the midwifery system experienced a big change which demanded the applicant to receive another one year`s apprenticeship in appropriate hospital. Adding one year without tangible reward was regarded as wasting time for the applicant so that it is pinpointed as a main reason of the decline of midwife in Korea. After the revision of medical law in 1973, midwife could open her own maternity house, before that time she should visit pregnant woman`s house. The declining speed was accelerated after medical insurance system was inaugurated in 1977, because, thanks to the lowered treatment fee, pregnant women more easily went into medical center for giving a birth. In 1997, due to the revision of medical law, applicant for midwife should pass the national examination, after finishing one year`s apprenticeship.

      • 특집논문 2 : 원로 산부인과 의사들이 기억하는 가족계획사업

        박윤재 ( Yun Jae Park ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2009 연세의사학 Vol.12 No.2

        It is generally accepted that the Family Planning Program in Korea, which began in the early 1960s, was the most successful program in the world’s history. Some claim that, thanks to the program, Korea was able to become a developed country in a very short time. Korean obstetricians, though the extent of intervention differed, took part in this program, importing new sterilization knowledge and performing tubectomy and vasectomy. They were a key factor leading to the success of the program. When Korea began to have one of lowest birth rates, some critics blamed the program for this difficult situation. However, the older obstetricians generally agreed on the inevitability of the program considering the poor economic conditions and traditions that encouraged women to have many children. Before the program, they said, abortion was carried out without discipline, which considering that knowledge and tools for contraception were very scarce, was in some sense unavoidable. They insisted that the program meant that Korean woman no longer needed to go through such a difficult experience.

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