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      • 特別權力關係와 基本權

        文龍喆 圓光大學校大學院 1987 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        In this thesis, there is noregulation to recognize special authority relation in our constitution. But as above mentioned, special authority relation should be admitted in order to accomplish particular objects of the nation and to effectively make progross. it seems to be unreasonable to divide fundamental rights into some classes of group and to examine whether the restriction of fundamental rights is possible or not. fundamental rights which is supernational, guaranteed unlimitedly, incapable of beeing limited by means of the amendment of constitution and soon has not clearness because the concept itself vague. Even if the concept is obvious, it is not easy to know that some fundamental rights itself, but think that it is right to examine the restrictive possibility of fundamental rights according to the abject to establish special authority relation. If special authorityrelation is set up according to the regulation of Law, the restriction of Fundamental rights also malkes it arule to be restricted according to the law. But if the purpose to establish special authority relation is reasonable, I think that fundamental rights can be exceptionally limited without the regulation of law. In addition, if special authority relation is set up according to peopl's free opinions, elementary rights will be restricted not following the law. But in this case, the individual does not give up all his right and with in the limits of the purpose for speical authority relalion, the restriction of elementary rights seems to be accepted. In order tp judge whether the infringement of a concrete individual's rights within special authority relation is limited like this or not, we can not at last help depending on the judge of the cohrt.

      • KCI등재

        해양환경 보전 인식 척도 개발 연구

        문용철,김민정,이선주 동북아관광학회 2020 동북아관광연구 Vol.16 No.4

        This study began with the prerequisite motivated by the lack of basic and integrated research on how humans should view the existence of the ocean in order to preserve the sustainable marine environment. In other words, the ocean can be said to be an answer to the fundamental question of what kind of existence is to humans. In order to find the answer to this, the researcher explores the existence value of the ocean by using the Delphi technique and gets the opinions of various experts from diverse fileds such as environment, ecosystem, tourism, and social science and so on. The Delphi survey was conducted through brainstorming and collected by e-mail for about three months from July 3 to 9, 2020. The collected opinions were selected through analysis of mean, reliability, and content validity. Among the initial 42 questions, 6 on the value of the ocean, 5 on marine ecosystems, 3 on the use of marine resources, 6 on marine waste recognition, 2 on marine culture, and a total of 28 questions were drawn, including 3 economic and 3 marine environment governance. The main purpose of the study is to raise the value of the ocean through the conservation awareness scale of the marine environment and to prepare an opportunity for consideration for the harmony between the ocean and humans. 본 연구는 지속가능한 해양환경의 보전을 위해 인간이 해양이라는 존재를 어떠한시각으로 바라봐야 하는지에 대한 기초적이고 통합적인 연구가 미흡하다는 전제에서시작하였다. 즉 해양은 과연 우리 인간에게 어떠한 존재인가에 대한 근본적인 질문에대한 해답이라 할 수 있다. 이에 대한 해답을 찾기 위해 해양 분야의 전문가에서부터환경, 생태계, 관광, 사회 등 다양한 전문가의 의견을 수렴할 수 있는 델파이 기법을이용하여 해양의 존재가치를 탐구하고자 하였다. 델파이 조사는 2020.7.3.~ 9.7일까지 약 3개월 동안 브레인스토밍 및 e-mail을 통해 실시하였다. 수렴된 의견은 평균, 안정도, 내용타당도 분석을 통해 선별하였으며, 분석 결과 초기 42 문항 중 해양의 가치 6문항, 해양생태계 5문항, 해양자원 활용 3문항, 해양쓰레기 인식 6문항, 해양 문화 2문항, 해양경제 3문항, 해양환경 거버넌스 3문항, 총 28개 문항을 도출하였다. 해양환경 보전 인식 척도를 통해 해양에 대한 가치를 제고하고 해양과 인간의 양립을위한 고찰의 계기를 마련하는데 주요 목적이 있다.

      • KCI등재

        농산물 6차산업 판촉행사에서 행사의 이해 및 제품만족, 판촉전략행위, 소비자 행동의도간의 구조관계 분석

        문용철,김민정 한국농촌지도학회 2019 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.26 No.1

        This study aims to examine the structural relationships of the consumers’ understanding on the event, product satisfaction, promotional strategies, and behavioral intention in a promotional event for agricultural senary industry. The study conducted a survey among the participants in promotional events. The result showed that the understanding of promotional event had a positive effect on consumer behavioral intention, which means that the greater the understanding of The senary industry and the purpose of the event, the greater the consumer behavioral intention. The consumer satisfaction on products also had a positive effect on consumer behavioral intention, implying that the consumer behavioral intention increased when their satisfaction in terms of the taste and price of the products is higher. Further, the higher the satisfaction of the promotional strategy, the higher the consumer behavioral intention. Lastly, the promotional strategy played a mediating role between the consumer’s understanding of the event and the satisfaction of the product, and the consumer behavioral intention. The result suggests that the different promotional strategies including discounts, freebies, or free-samples are able to maximize the effect of promotional events through its mediating effect.

      • KCI등재

        해양환경 보전 인식이 해양쓰레기 및 해양환경 태도에 미치는 영향 연구

        문용철 동북아관광학회 2021 동북아관광연구 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to cultivate marine literacy by citizens and to induce the correct value of the marine environment in order to preserve the sustainable marine environment. To this end, the relationship between conservation awareness of the marine environment and attitudes of marine waste and marine environment was tested. As a result of the study, it was found that citizens' perception of marine environment conservation has a significant effect on the cause/recognition and reduction of marine waste. In addition, the perception of marine environment conservation was found to have a significant influence on the beliefs/emotionals and behaviors of the marine environment. Therefore, in order to preserve the sustainable marine environment, it is necessary to establish an educational environment and system that can establish correct values for the marine environment and raise citizens' awareness through cultivating citizens' marine literacy. 본 연구는 지속가능한 해양환경의 보전을 위해 시민들의 해양적 소양을 함양하고 이를 통해 해양환경에 대한 올바른 가치의 인식과 함께 해양쓰레기 및 해양환경 태도의 변화를 유도하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 해양환경에 대한 보전인식과 해양쓰레기 및 해양환경 태도와의 인과 관계 검증을 실시하였다. 연구결과 시민들의 해양환경 보전인식은 해양쓰레기의 원인/인지, 저감에 유의한 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났으며 또한 해양환경 보전인식은 해양환경의 신념/정서, 행동에 유의한 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 지속가능한 해양환경의 보전을 위해서는 시민들의 해양적 소양의 함양을 통해 해양환경에 대한 올바른 가치관을 확립하고 시민의식을 제고할 수 있는 교육환경과 제도의 마련이 절실히 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        반딧불이 생태관광의 매력성과 지역주민의 참여가 지역이미지 및 애호도에 미치는 영향 연구

        문용철 제주대학교 탐라문화연구원 2020 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.63

        This article studies the effects of firefly ecotourism and the participation of locals on building positive image and loyalty of the region. The purpose of the study is to provide basic data for the invigorating local economy through efficient use of ecological resource and greater inducement of locals’ voluntary participation. The results of the study were as follows: First, the attractiveness of ecotourism sites had a positive effect on the image of the region’s nature, the attachment, and the likableness of the region, but the attractiveness of fireflies had a significant influence only on the natural image of the region. Second, the local participation had a significant effect on the positive image and loyalty formation of the region. Third, the local participation played a role as a mediator between the attractiveness of Firefly Ecotourism and regional image. Fourth, the local participation again played a role as a mediator between the attractiveness of Firefly Ecotourism and local loyalty. The above findings suggest that natural environments, culture, experience, and active local participation contribute to the formation of positive local image and loyalty of the region among the visitors, rather than the attractiveness of the firefly itself. Thus, for rural areas to attract visitors and revitalize the local economy, it is important for them to share the local natural environment and culture with visitors and to prepare effective ways for local participation. 본 연구는 반딧불이 생태관광의 매력성 및 지역주민의 참여가 지역의 긍정적인 이미지 및 애호도 형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구로서 지역 생태자원의 효과적인 활용과 지역 주민의 적극적인 참여를 유도하여 지역경제의 활성화를 위한 기초자료의 마련에 있다. 연구 결과 첫째, 생태관광지의 매력성은 지역의 자연이미지 및 지역애착, 지역호감에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으나 반딧불이의 매력성은 지역의 자연이미지에만 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 지역주민의 참여는 지역의 긍정적인 이미지 및 애호도 형성에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 지역주민의 참여는 반딧불이 생태관광의 매력성과 지역이미지 간 매개의 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 지역주민의 참여는 반딧불이 생태관광의 매력성과 지역애호도 간 매개의 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 위와 같은 연구 결과는 반딧불이 자체만의 매력성 보다는 지역의 자연환경과 체험요소, 지역주민의 참여가 방문객으로 하여금 지역의 긍정적인 이미지와 애호도 형성에 기여함을 시사한다. 농촌지역이 방문객을 유치하여 지역경제를 활성화시키기 위해서는 지역의 환경과 문화를 방문객과 공유하고 지역주민의 효과적인 참여 방안을 마련해 나가야 한다.

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