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      • KCI등재

        김병욱의 시에 나타난 세계 인식 고찰

        맹문재 한국문학이론과비평학회 2013 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.60 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the theme of Kim, Byeong Wook's Poetry. Kim, Byeong Wook has written modernistic poems in the Liberation period, which was an extraordinary time in this country's modern history. The period was just a little over three years, but it was an important period not only in this country's modern history but also in the modern history of Korean literature. In this period,this poet, Kim, Byeong Wook tried to build new poetry by the contemporary identity within the Korean literature, which matters most. Kim, Byeong Wook‘s poetry aimed for sense of unease, individual consciousness and scientific creative method of poetry by pursuing various abstract images and poetic languages like those of Kim, GyungRin, who didn't agree on social concerns. Looking through his poetry and his course of life, we are able to guess that there are a lot of passions for ideology, whether is for leftism or rightism. In this respect,we are able to compare leftism with rightism of this poet in that period. The poets of right-wing ideology devoted themselves almost to nature, but the poets of left-wing ideology devoted themselves almost to social problems, especially national liberation. From these circumstances, we can analogize the meaning of Kim, Byeong Wook‘poetry. He plays an important role to bridge the modernism of Kim, GiRim in 1930's with the Modernism of the national liberation period through the Sinsiron. Eventually we are able to conclude that Kim, Byeong Wook‘s poetry showed the strong ideology and the sharp awareness of the age. 김병욱은 한국 시문학사에서 오랫동안 함몰된 시인으로 그의 전기적인 면이나작품에 대한 본격적인 논문이 한 편도 없다. 그렇지만 해방기의 모더니즘 시 운동을 정확하고도 풍요롭게 정리하기 위해서는 그의 작품 세계 전반을 살펴볼 필요가있다. 이 논문에서는 그의 작품에 나타난 세계 인식을 세 가지로 나누어서 살펴보았다. 김병욱이 추구한 시 세계로는 우선 시대적 불안 의식을 들 수 있다. 조국이 광복되면서 민족 구성원들은 진정한 민족 국가 건설을 이루는 토대로 친일 문제 해결과 토지 개혁 등을 기대했다. 그렇지만 실제로는 이루어지지 않고 정치적으로 매우 혼란했는데, 김병욱은 그와 같은 시대 상황을 반영하고 나선 것이다. 또한 김병욱은 개인의식을 확대해서 민중들을 인식했다. 그와 같은 데는 김기림이 민중을 역사의 주인으로 만들고자 한 데서 영향을 받았다. 김기림은 1946년에열린 제1회 전국작가대회에서 민족 국가 건설의 역사적 과제를 민중들과 함께하려는 의지를 천명했다. 김병욱은 그와 같은 역사 인식을 개인의식의 확대 차원으로수용한 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 김병욱은 과학적인 시학을 추구했다. 이 세계를 객관적이고 과학적인 자세로 인식하려는 것은 1930년대의 김기림의 시세계부터 시작된 한국 모더니즘 시의 한 특성이다. 김병욱 역시 작품의 현대성을 획득하기 위해 과학적인 방법으로 창작하는 면을 보였다.

      • 김수영 시인의 연보 고찰 (1) ― 출생에서부터 일본 유학까지

        맹문재 한국시학회 2021 한국시학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.6

        This paper is a full scale review of the poet Kim Soo-youngs life in celebration of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Compared to Kim Soo-youngs influence in Korean modern poetry history, his life report theorem has many limitations. Therefore, Kim Soo-youngs history from birth to Joyang Kindergarten, Keimyeong seodang, Eouidong Public School, Seonrin Commercial School, and studying in Japan was studied through a factual data. In this paper, the testimony of Choi Ha-rims A critical biography of Kim Soo-young Lee Young-juns compilation book, Kim Soo-youngs Complete Collection (1–2), Park Su-yeon and seven others “I will be the most miserable man in the world” , and Kim Hyun-kyung, the wife of Kim Soo-young. As a result, many parts of Kim Soo-youngs life report were revised or supplemented. Kim Soo-young was born on November 27, 1921, at 158 2Jeongmok, Jongro, Gyeongseongbu, to his father Kim Tae-wook and mother Ahn Hyung-soon. Kim Soo-youngs original form is 171 Myodong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, and his family register is 166 Jeongmok, Jongro, Gyeongseongbu. In 1928(age 8), Kim Soo-young entered Euidong Public School(now Hyoje Elementary School). Kim Soo-young participated in a sports day in the fall of 1934 and began to sick after eating bananas. Therefore, Kim Soo-young could not attend the graduation ceremony. Kim Soo-young barely recovered his health at the age of 15 in 1935 and entered Sunrin Commercial School. He graduated from Sunrin Commercial School in 1941(21 years old) and studied in Japan in early 1942. Kim Soo-youngs choice to studying in Japan was influenced by Lee Jong-gu. Another person who influenced Kim Soo-youngs study abroad is Ko In-sook. Kim Soo-young prepared for the university entrance exam, but failed to pass it. Kim Soo-youngs worries deepened after failing the entrance exam. Therefore, he snooping around theatrical venues, cinemas and bookstores, and began writing poems. In the situation of the Pacific War caused by Japan, Kim Soo-young could no longer stay in Japan and returned to Joseon. While studying in Japan, Kim Soo-young experienced the absurdity of Japan, and realized the sorrow and love for overcoming it.

      • KCI등재후보

        김기림의 문학에 나타난 여성 의식 고찰

        맹문재 한국여성문학학회 2004 여성문학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        Kim, kirim was a poet, critic, novelist, dramatist and essayist who tried not only to evaluate but surmount Korean literature, receiving western literary theory. He was not a formalist or a technician but he was interested in language and its expression. Being educated, women in 1930s had a kind of modernistic consciousness than former women because they could read the ladies' magazines and contact with western culture. Nevertheless, they were a kind of minorities compared with men. It was because that Confucian ideas and restraints of the times were so strong. About 1930s, Japan, considering Chosun as their food suppliers as well as market for their products, began to exploit Chosun. It results in the failure of accomplishing women's subjective life in Chosun. By 1940s, Kim, kirim's understanding of women couldn't extend since he could no longer believe in the possibility of transforming reality through reasonal principle. In the historical context in which no one could see the future prospect, it was difficult to try to extend his cognition of women. 김기림은 서구의 문학이론을 받아들여 기존의 한국문학을 극복하려고 했던 시인이고 비평가였다. 또한 한국문학사에서 제외되고 있지만 인정할 만한 소설가였고 극작가였으며 수필가였다. 김기림은 언어와 표현력에 지대한 노력을 기울이면서 1930년대의 시대상황을 담으려고 했다. 그가 시, 소설, 희곡, 수필, 비평 등에서 내보인 여성의식 역시 그 산물이다. 김기림이 살아가던 1930년대의 여성들은 근대교육을 받고 여성잡지를 읽고 각종 서구문화의 접촉을 통해 이전 시대의 여성들보다 근대의식을 가졌지만, 여전히 남성들에 비해 사회적 약자의 위치에 있었다. 그것은 기존의 남성 지배적인 유교규범이 워낙 견고했기 때문이었고, 그리고 일제 강점기라는 시대적 제약 때문이었다. 일제 강점기에는 근대화의 주체자가 어디까지나 일제였으므로 조선의 여성들에게 자유와 권리는 없었다. 김기림은 기존의 문학 규범이나 가치에 얽매이지 않고 여성의식을 주체적으로 그리는 것이 시대를 반영하는 데에 기여하는 모더니즘 문학이라고 생각했다. 그렇지만 1940년대에 들어 김기림은 여성의식을 더 이상 확대시키지 못한다. 작품에 여성이 등장하지만 현실을 변화시킬 수 있다는 믿음으로 연결시키지 못했기 때문에 여성의식을 지속시키지 못한 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        노동시에 나타난 근로기준법 인식 고찰

        맹문재 한국문학이론과비평학회 2019 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.85 No.-

        The Labor Standards Act specifically stipulates wages, working hours, safety, health, and disaster compensation. However workers are not properly protected because users often ignore or distort. It was not established and maintained at the level of social environment or corporate ability during the Korean War, but the climate is still continuing. This paper examines such aspects through the beginnings of workers’ poets such as Park No-hae, Baek mu-san, Yuk bong-su, Choi Myung-ja and Song Kyung-dong. The Labor Standards Act requires that wages be secured in that they are a resource that guarantees the basic life of workers, and thus the minimum limit of wages is set and the user is complied with. Working hours are also important for workers along with wages, and in order for workers to live a human life, they need to guarantee wages, but proper working hours should also be prepared. However, users lack awareness of wages and work hours are not properly maintained in the workplace. Workers are those who sell products called labor, so if they lose their health or suffer a disaster, they will have difficulty in survival. However, the user does not compensate properly to make up for the management loss caused by the worker and performs the dismissal. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare safety and health measures for workers and strongly demand compensation for industrial accidents. The labor poetry examined in this paper desperately reflects this reality. Workers such as Park No-hae, Baek mu-san, Yuk bong-su, Choi Myung-ja and Song Kyung-dong are informing them of the wage problems, labor time problems, safety and health problems, and industrial accidents experienced in their workplaces. They are accusing workers of poor working environment. In a huge capitalist society, it is pursuing social solidarity as well as protecting the rights of workers who have labor force as the only means of sales. 1953년 5월 10일 제정된 우리나라의 근로기준법에는 노동자의 임금, 노동 시간, 안전 및 보건, 재해 보상 등을 상세하게 규정하고 있지만 사용자가 무시하거나 왜곡해서 적용하는 경우가 다반사여서 노동자들을 보호하지 못하고 있다. 한국전쟁 당시 사회적 환경이나 기업의 능력을 벗어난 수준에서 제정되는 바람에 제대로 지켜지지 않았는데, 그 풍토가 아직까지 이어져오고 있는 것이다. 이 논문에서는 그와 같은 면을 박노해, 백무산, 육봉수, 최명자, 송경동 등의 노동자 시인들이 창작한 시작품을 통해 살펴보았다. 임금은 노동자의 생활을 보장하는 기본 자원이라는 점에서 확보가 필수적이다. 그리하여 근로기준법에는 임금의 최저한도를 정하여 사용자가 책임지도록 규정하고 있다. 노동 시간 또한 노동자에게는 중요한 사항이다. 노동자가 인간다운 삶을 영위하기 위해서는 임금뿐만 아니라 적정한 노동 시간도 보장되어야 한다. 또한 노동자는 노동력이라는 상품을 판매하는 존재이므로 건강을 잃거나 재해를 입는 경우 삶의 어려움을 겪을 수밖에 없다. 그렇지만 사용자는 이와 같은 인식이 부족해서 임금이 보장되지 않고, 노동 시간이 작업 현장에서 지켜지지 않고 있다. 해당 노동자로 인해 발생된 경영상의 손실을 만회하려고 재해를 보상하기는커녕 해고까지 단행한다. 노동자의 안전 및 보건 대책을 마련하고 산업재해에 대한 보상을 요구할 필요가 있는 것이다. 이 논문에서 살펴본 노동시는 이와 같은 현실을 절실하게 반영하고 있다. 노동자 시인들은 자신의 작업장에서 체험한 임금 문제와 노동 시간 문제, 안전과 보건 문제, 산업재해 문제 등을 구체적으로 알리고 있다. 자본주의 사회에서 노동력을 유일한 판매 수단으로 가지고 있는 노동자들이 자신의 권익을 지키는 것은 물론 사회적 연대까지 추구하고 있는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        단재 신채호의 아나키즘 문학 운동: 중국 지우들과의 관계를 중심으로

        맹문재 한국동서비교문학학회 2023 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.- No.66

        In this paper, Shin Chaeho’s pursuit of the anarchist movement in solidarity with close Chinese friend during the Japanese invasion war was examined along with his literary work. Shin Chaeho moved to Cheongdo in 1910 and continued his independence movement in China until his death on February 21, 1936 in Yeosun Prison, so the anarchist movement he pursued is noteworthy. Shin Chaeho was not a compromise, such as preparation or diplomacy, but directly resisted Japanese imperialism. Shin Chaeho pursued Korean’s independence as well as the liberation of the people through the anarchist movement. It aims for a world in which the absolute freedom and community values of the people are realized after national liberation. Shin Chaeho joined the anarchist Eastern Alliance in Beijing and Tianjin, and was at the forefront of the anarchist movement, announcing the Declaration of the Revolution and the Declaration of the Korean Revolution, declaring a revolution by the people. It is also confirmed in novel such as “The Battle of Dragon and Dragon”, in works of poetry such as “sword fight”, “Song of Mugunghwa”, and “Song of Cicada”, which showed the victory of the popular revolution. “The Battle of Dragons and Dragons” is a novel written by Shin Chaeho during an anarchist movement with close Chinese friend in Beijing, and actively pursued anarchist ideas. Shin Chaeho’s anarchist thoughts also appear in the market “Song of Cicada”, which consists of six series. Cicadas sings about a world where there is no coercive ruler as well as a class that suppresses individuals. In addition to countering Japanese oppression, it is also pursuing a world in which individual freedom and community values are realized after the liberation of Korean.

      • KCI등재

        정선아리랑 가사에 나타난 여성의 사랑 고찰 - 여성이 부르는 가사를 중심으로 -

        맹문재 한국여성문학학회 2014 여성문학연구 Vol.32 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to interpret Jeongseon Arirang from the aspects of love, romantic love and passionate love. One of the most fundamental functions of the words of Jeongseon Arirang is about singing songs in order to communicate with lovers. Jeongseon Arirang shows how people interpenetrate into other's mind by representing various aspects of their life, that is work, hardships, sorrow, yearning, and love. Thus, the words of Jeongseon Arirang are related to women's love. Through the song, Jeongseon Arirang, we can understand various patterns of Jeongseon people, or their society, nature, life, and love. Jeongseon Arirang has been sung not only by men of Jeongseon region but also by women in general. In this sense, Jeongseon Arirang can be said to record the life and love of Jeongseon people as a whole. The Jeongseon Arirang embodies the various content of bitter feelings of, for example, the wounds of love, separation, uneasiness of life, poverty, sexual desire and so on. With this, these words reveal the reality and wisdom of common people's life and love. Therefore, the words of Jeongseon Arirang are inseparably related to people's life and love. That means that when we listen to or sing Jeongseon Arirang, we should consider the situation of Korean women. Jeongseon Arirang is a folk song which is sung from generation to generation by spoken language. The history of Jeongseon Arirang dates back to the times even before Chosun Dynasty. The fundamental feature of folk song reflects people's pain, sorrow, and love. This study is to analyzes the words of Jeongseon Arirang, and finds the love and sexual appetite theme of men and women that dominates the song. 이 논문에서는 여성이 부르는 정선아리랑의 가사 중에서 여성의 사랑을 노래한 것들을 고찰했다. 그동안 정선아리랑에 대해서는 그 유래, 배경, 형식과 율격, 주제, 특성, 다른 아리랑과의 비교, 음악 및 무용의 측면, 전승 및 국제화 문제 등의 연구가 있었지만 가사 자체를 심도 있게 고찰한 것은 부족했는데, 이 논문에서는 가사들을 해석하면서 여성의 사랑 양상을 살펴본 것이다. 그 결과 여성이 부르는 정선아리랑의 가사는 낭만적 사랑과 열정적 사랑을 노래하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이와 같은 모습은 특별한 사람의 발견보다 특별한 관계를 중요하게 추구하는 합류적 사랑으로 나아가지는 못했지만 봉건적 가부장제의 질서에 맞서는 것이어서 주목되었다. 정선아리랑의 가사에 나타난 여성의 사랑 양상을 집중적으로 고찰한 이 논문이 정선아리랑의 내용 및 주제를 이해하는 데 기여할 수 있기를 기대한다.

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