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      • 道路 비탈면의 植栽工法과 視覺的 選好度 分析에 關한 硏究

        金東贊,金亨律 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1992 연구논문집 Vol.45 No.1

        All surfaces of cut-fill slopes should be revegetated with suitable species as soon as possible after construction, To stubilize the cut-fill slopes of roadsides should be considerded The factor of stabilization as well as landscape conservation especially, To develope the fundamental models suitable for slope stabilization and scenic ettcet improvement of the road side slopes, We established suitable rehabilitation method applicable to each pattern of roadside slopes lying upon fundamental notions and suggested objective basic data for the environmental design through The quantitative analysis of the visual quality and Vegetation Survey of sloops. For This Visual preference measured by questionnaires were evaluated by R ranking ordering methods, paired comparision method and multiple repression. The main results obtained may be summarized as follows : 1) In general, due to unsuitable treatments and Constructions to The man-made bare slope characteristic of the road side, the treatment aims for stabilizing and improving the scenic beauty of the slopes have not been Successfully reached unified method 2) b fundamental models for the roadside slope treat ment have been reviewed and could be edaptable to the lands cape management purposes 3) The fundamental models are the model of forest scenery match plantation, roadside scenery establishment, denuded land rehabilitation, rock slope greenification, absolute stabilization, and environmental plantation belt establishment, respectively 4) The high Value af preference for the dominant and high rising of visual stability by construction was obtained in Group I (soding), The naturalness in Group Ⅱ (secding) and the texture and mass of tuees in Group Ⅲ (planting) 5) In the result of multiple regression, the degree of visual satisfaction was markedly influenced by the change of natural landform by slopes and seasonal impression in slope for three groups tested, Especially the harmony between construction and Vegetation in Group I, the texture of ground covers and free in Group Ⅱ and the aesthetic of planting in Group Ⅲ positively affected as the important Variables.

      • KCI등재

        집회현장에서의 경찰채증에 관한 입법적 제언

        김형율(Kim Hyeong Yul) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2013 경찰학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        When public peace and order was in serious danger or the crime occurred in massive unlawful violent assembly and demonstration, the police has taken shooting and recording to understand the situation and to collect the evidence of guilty. But progressives civic groups have long insisted that such measures of the police have no plain legal basis under existing law. I agree with their opinion on the matter partially. but, Today the mankind society lives under the disclosure to all types of danger unknowingly. In the circumstances, if we do not broadly interpret the individual empowerment clauses in the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers or do not authorized the police to his own discretion, the police can not prevent new patterns of danger despite the hazard to the public and system very soon. This is also true in assembly and demonstration. To prevent serious danger in public peace and order and to collects the evidence of guilty, the police must take such measures in massive unlawful violent assembly and demonstration. Therefore, Article 2, No 6, of the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers must be interpreted broadly as the general empowerment clause. As a result, the shooting and recording of the police in massive unlawful violent assembly and demonstration have legal basis on this regulation. First of all, an authority rule for the shooting and recording of the police in assembly and demonstration should be established in the Law on Assembly and Demonstration.

      • KCI등재

        업무방해죄에 있어서 업무의 개념

        김형율(Kim Hyeong Yul) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2011 경찰학연구 Vol.11 No.2

        When people fought against governmental authority by power, the police booked them on suspicion of disturbance crime of affairs, not obstruction crime of the performance of official duties. because as behavior types the former included the word “power”, while the latter included only the word “assault and threat”. and the police interpreted that the word “affairs” in disturbance crime of affairs included the word “official duties” in obstruction crime of the performance of official duties. but recently The Korea Supreme Court judged that could not agree with the police`s opinion. I think The Korea Supreme Court judged illogical in some viewpoint of literally and unitedly interpretation of the word “affairs”, the need for protection of the performance of official duties, a gap of behavior types between disturbance crime of affairs and obstruction crime of the performance of official duties, the meaning of law-making in obstruction crime of the performance of official duties, cases of The Japan Supreme Court's ruling, difficulty in the performance of official duties at the scene of the accident etc. Thus, to punishment for obstruction of the performance of official duties by power, we have to enact the word “power” as behavior types in obstruction crime of the performance of official duties. Before the word “power” enact, the word “affairs” in disturbance crime of affairs must be interpreted that included the word “official duties”.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 상경차단조치의 적법성에 관한 연구

        김형율 ( Hyeong Yul Kim ) 한국경찰학회 2010 한국경찰학회보 Vol.12 No.3

        과거부터 경찰은 대규모 불법폭력시위로 변질될 우려가 있어 집회및시위에관한법률에 따라 금지통고를 하였으나 이를 무시하고 강행되는 서울 등지에서의 집회·시위에 한해 예외적으로 비교적 소규모의 집회참가자들을 출발 현지에서부터 제지하여 참가자 수를 줄이는 조치(상경차단조치)를 해 왔고 그때마다 그 조치에 대한 적법성 논란이 있어 왔다. 이에 대해 2008. 11. 대법원은 "시간적·장소적으로 근접하지 않은 다른 지역에서 이에 참가하기 위해 출발 또는 이동하는 행위를 함부로 제지하는 것은 경찰관직무집행법 제6조 제1항에 의한 행정상 즉시강제인 경찰의 제지범위를 명백히 넘어서는 것이어서 허용될 수 없다"고 최초로 판시한 이래 지금까지도 그 태도를 유지해 오고 있다. 그러나 예상하지 못했던 새로운 형태의 위험이 계속 나타나고 있는 오늘의 상황에서 판례의 태도처럼 경찰권 발동의 근거규정을 좁게 해석하거나 경찰의 재량을 거의 인정하지 않는다면 경찰은 가까운 장래에 위해가 발생할 충분한 개연성이 존재함에도 불구하고 그 위해방지 업무를 제대로 수행할 수 없게 되는 상황이 발생할 여지가 매우 크다. 이에 본 연구에서는 위와 같은 문제의식하에 판례의 태도를 비판적으로 고찰해 보고 현행법 하에서의 바람직한 해석방향 및 향후 입법적 해결방안을 모색하고자 하였다. When massive unlawful violent assembly and demonstration was scheduled to be held shortly, the police has taken implement a measure that is block coming up to the Seoul from starting point to reduce the assembly and demonstration scale. According to The Korea Supreme Court Attitude, the rules immediate compulsion in police are provided in the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers. but Article 6, Section 1, of the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers is based on insufficient evidence as ``the police containment tactics`` and Neither is any of the legislation. Today the mankind society lives under the disclosure to all types of danger unknowingly. In the circumstances, if we do not broadly interpret the individual empowerment clauses in the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers or do not authorized the police to his own discretion, the police can not prevent new patterns of danger despite the hazard to the public and system very soon. Therefore, we have to not only broadly interpret the individual empowerment clauses but also enact the general empowerment clause in the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers Law. Before the general empowerment clause enact, Article 2, No 5, of the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers must be interpreted broadly as the general empowerment clause.

      • KCI등재후보

        거주자 선호를 고려한 아파트 수경시설에 관한 연구

        김동찬,이경남,김형율 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 2007 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        Lately, peoples are interested in delightful resident space, consumer's demands of residential space qualities are increased. Following this trend, nature is used to decorate outdoor space. Especially, water is used in many ways, because the water gives visual beauty and comfort with nature. It also affects to the beauties of city for creating delightful environment of city. This study researches and analysed waterscape facilities' character and residents' preference about waterscape facilities in apartment area. Based on the cases of Seoul metropolitan, current trend of waterscape facilities' character was analysed by setting the criteria of waterscape facilities in apartment area. It is possible for this study to grope planing direction of waterscape facilities in apartment areas.

      • KCI등재

        배산(杯山) 연주정(聯珠亭) 12경(景)의 경관상(景觀相)과 표현미학적(表現美學的) 특질(特質)

        노재현 ( Jae Hyun Rho ),박율진 ( Yul Ji Park ),김형율 ( Hyung Yul Kim ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2008 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        전라북도 익산시 모현동 소재 배산과 이 곳 정상에서 조망되는 경관상인 연주정 12경에 대해 문헌 및 고지도 분석, 그리고 현장 조사를 통해 배산의 명칭과 연상 이미지를 정리하고, 「景」에 내재된 형식성과 상징성 분석과 해석을 통해 연주정 12경의 표현미학적 특질을 탐구한 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 배산의 異名은 고지도와 고문헌상의 표기로 볼 때, 19C 중반을 전후하여 다양한 이칭으로 불렸던 것으로 보이며, 栢山, 尺山, 沃城山, 于樂岩 등으로 ‘동일한 대상에 대한 다른 명칭(이칭)’은 배산에 대한 이 지역 사람들의 우호감과 친근감의 또 다른 표현이자 경관 이미지의 표출로 나타나고 있다. 2. 연주정 12경의 「열둘」은 배산 정상의 ‘땅(연주정)’을 중심으로 十二支를 방위에 대응시킨 상징적 표현으로 보이며, 節氣와 時刻까지도 표현함에 따라 向別 배분을 근간으로 시간적 규칙성을 보이는 독특한 외형적 「景」의 표현으로 보인다. 3. 연주정 12경의 경관 내용은 호수, 산과 들, 연꽃, 대나무, 기러기 등의 지형과 생물 요소 그리고 달, 낙조, 구름, 눈 등의 계절 풍토 요소가 포함되어 있으며, 배(만선의 기쁨, 귀환), 벼이삭(풍년) 그리고 종소리(고요, 삼라만상의 휴식) 등의 의미적 풍물 요소를 망라하고 있다. 4. 연주정 12경은 조망적 시선 연계는 보이지 않고 있지만 동쪽에서 1경을 시작하여, 북쪽에서 12경을 마치는 형식적 완결성을 보여주고 있으며, 전해지는 바와 같이 동서남북별로 각 3개경의 포치를 이루고 있으나, 제영의 구성상 瀟湘八景의 原型景觀 요소가 부분적으로 표현되고 있다. 5. 연주정 12경은 春秋景이 주가 되지만 사계절 아름다움은 물론 晝景과 夜景 그리고 夕景 등 시각의 배분까지를 고려한 의지가 보이며, 조선조 사대부들에게 계절 변화의 자연적 이치에 대한 몰두는 자연에서 性情을 도야한다는 성리학적 인식론과 관련 있을 것으로 추론된다. 6. 節氣 早見表를 통해 유추해 볼 때 연주정 12경은 4계절 12절기 경물에 대한 계절적 감각이 의도적으로 묘사되고 있으며, 한편으로 四時八景圖의 경관이미지를 시로 재현하고자 한 의도가 엿보인다. 7. 연주정 12경은 절기, 시각, 방향 그리고 원근적 대비뿐만 아니라 감각, 색채, 높이, 재료, 의미 등에 대한 극적 대비 효과와 아울러 유사성 원리를 교호 반복표현함으로써 조망 방향은 물론 경물과 계절 그리고 시각적 다양함과 변화를 통조하고자 하는 표현미학적 속성이 잘 표출되고 있다. 본 연구의 핵심이 되는 연주정의 초기 건립 과정과 이후의 변모 과정에 대한 신뢰할만한 자료 획득이 불가능한 상태에서 익산군지 등 근세 자료에 의존하여 연구 진행이 된 점은 본 연구의 크나큰 한계일 수 있으므로, 이에 대한 자료 발굴 등을 통해 연주정의 전통 누정으로서의 가치 획득을 추구하기 위한 후속 연구의 필요성을 느낀다. This study arranges the name and associating image of Baesan(杯山) located in Mohyeon-dong, Iksan-city, Jeollabuk-do and Yeonjujung Sipikyung(聯珠亭 12景) viewed from its summit through reference literature and analysis of an old map and field research, explores the expression aesthetic characteristic of Yeonjujung Sipikyung through the formativeness and symbolism immanent in 「景」(Kyung)」and reaches following findings. 1. The alias of Baesan, if it is reviewed from old maps and reference literature, is regarded to have been referred to as various names before and after the mod 19C, such as Baeksan, Cheoksan(尺山), Okseongsan(沃城山), Woorakam(于樂巖) etc., where ``other name(nickname) to a same object`` is another expression of friendship and intimacy to the community people, indicating the expression of Kyung. 2. 「12」 of Yeonjujung Sipikyung is seen as a symbolic expression corresponding Twelve earthly branches to a direction focusing on ``the earth`` of the Baesen summit, and as it expresses even season and time, it seems to be the expression of a unique external 「景」(Kyung)」showing a directional distribution and a temporal regularity. 3. The landscape content of Yeonjujung Sipikyung covers topographical and biological factors such as a lake, mountain, field, lotus, bamboo, wild goose, and seasonal and climatic factors such as the moon, sunset, cloud and snow etc., including meaningful climatic factors such as a ship(the joy of a full ship, return), an ear of rice(a year of abundance), and a bell sound(silence, rest of all nature). 4. Yeonjujung Sipikyung does not display the connection of viewing sight, but shows external completeness starting 1 kyung from the east and ending 12 kyungs at the north, as handed down, it composes of the wide arrangement of each 3 kyung by all directions, but in its poetical composition, it relatively particially expresses the archetypical scenic factors of ``Eight Scenes of So-Sang(瀟湘八景)``. 5. Yeonjujung Sipikyung highlights Spring & Autumn Landscape(春秋景), but manifests a will taking into account even distribution of time such as the beauty of four seasons, daytime landscape, night landscape and evening landscape and so on, and it is inferred that absorption in the natural principle of seasonal change in illustrious officials in Joseon Dynasty will be related to Confucian epistemology that we should cultivate our character in nature, so Yeonjujung Sipikyung is estimated to have been created at the end of Joseon Dynasty to say the least. 6. If it is inferred through ``The subdivisions table of 12 solar terms(節氣 早見表)``, Yeonjujung Sipikyung intentionally describes seasonal sense to 4 seasons and 12 subdivisions of seasons, on one hand, reveals an intention to reproduce the landscape image of ``Painting of Eight Scenes to Fore season(四時八景圖)`` in Chinese poetry. 7. Yeonjujung Sipikyung dramatically contracts subdivision time of seasons, direction and perspective comparison, and dramatical contract effect to sense, color, height, materials and meaning, and in addition, harmonizes the principle of a similarity well, where it expresses variety and change including the expression aesthetic attribute generally controlled inside them.

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