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        김인천,나성웅 충남대학교 공업교육연구소 1995 論文集 Vol.18 No.1

        In this paper, two efficient block motion estimation algorithms are presented. First, a new pixel decimation technique is introduced which selects a pixel with maximum deviated value from the subblock mean. The selected pixels well represent the characteristics of the image bolck such as edge and texture region. Using these pixels makes the pixel decimation technique more efficient than doing uniformly selected pixels. Simulation results show that the proposed method is superior in performance to the standard method and also that of Liu and Zaccarin. Second, a modified multistep search algorithm is presented of which first step is the comparision of the mean and the variance instead of the conventional searching. Simulation results show that the proposed method is slightly better in PSNR than the conventional multistep search algorithm with less computational complexity.

      • KCI등재

        프라하 기능주의언어학파의 ‘언어문화이론’ -양층언어(Diglossia) 속에 내재한 표준어 규범의 문제-

        김인천 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2009 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.23 No.1

        Prague Linguistic Circle was interested in the question of Language Culture, as a topic issue of Czech linguistic situation in the beginning of 1930s. In order to cultivate Standard Czech, they addressed primarily the unstable Czech language situation and founded the Theory of Language Culture. The theory aimed at removing mandatory language rules which Czech linguistic purists formulated in 1890s and at codifying the norm of standard language which adequately reflects contemporary language custom. The key principles of the theory such as language custom, language norm and codification etc. focused on consolidating prestige of standard language. Under consideration that only standard language is assumed to support linguistic uniformity and stability and to promote language culture of a language community, the theory took a serious view of functions of standard language, in this context the theory is sometimes labeled as the theory of standard language. The linguistic synchronicity which serves as a basic framework of the theory worked as a criterion for determining linguistic purity and accuracy, it showed however the rigidity of the theory since it confined the temporal scope to the recent 50 years’ language custom and limited the norm of Standard Czech to the Czech used mainly in ‘Good authors’ literature’. The linguists of the Prague School laid stress on the functional stylistics of standard language. This idea was based on the assumption that the only standard language performs the most effective function communication among all the other variants of the language. This demonstrates the fact that the theory is characterized mainly by functionalism. In the tradition of the theory of language culture, however, the codified norms of modern standard Czech still rely primarily upon the custom of written language rather than that of spoken language and consequently the written form of the language is not actively used by Czech native speakers. The chronic problem of language situation in Czech Republic, so called ‘Czech Diglossia’ is recently growing worse. 1930년 대 초반에 프라하언어학파는 ‘언어문화(Language culture)’의 문제를 언어학 연구의 화두로 삼으며, 체코 언어사회 내에서 이미 오랫동안 불안정한 지위를 차지해 왔던 표준체코어를 육성할 이른바 ‘언어문화이론(Theory of Language Culture)’을 주창한다. 이 이론은, 1870년대에 체코어 보호의 목적으로 언어순수주의에 의해 만들어진 인위적인 언어규칙들을 제거하고 당대의 언어관습을 충분히 반영한 표준어규범의 성문화를 그 주요 목표로 삼았다. 이 이론의 핵심 원리들인 언어관습, 언어규범, 성문화 등은 한 언어권 내에 사용되고 있는 다양한 층위의 언어들의 육성보다는 특별히 언어의 통일성과 안정성을 중시하는 표준어의 우월적 지위를 확보하는 데 초점을 맞추었다. 이 이론은 표준어만이 한 언어공동체의 수준 높은 언어문화를 이끌어 갈 수 있다고 보았는데 바로 이런 이유 때문에 언어문화이론을 표준어의 이론으로 부르기도 한다. 언어문화이론의 기본 골격을 이루는 언어의 공시성(Linguistic synchronicity) 원리는 언어의 순수성과 정확성을 결정짓는 하나의 규준으로 작용하였지만, 언어 공시성의 시간적 범위를 ‘최근 50년간의 언어관습’으로 제한하고 그 기간 동안에 훌륭한 작가의 명작에 사용된 체코어를 표준어의 규준으로 삼게 함으로써 이론의 경직성을 보여주었다. 이 학파는 또한 한 민족의 여러 가지 언어변이형 중에서 오직 표준어만이 다양한 의사소통의 분야에서 대표적 기능을 수행할 수 있다고 보고 표준어의 기능적 문체를 중시하였는데, 이는 프라하언어학파의 기능주의적 학풍을 잘 드러내주는 증거라 할 수 있다. 그러나 언어문화이론의 원리에 따라 성문화된 표준어의 규범들은 사실 구어보다는 문어의 언어관습에 의존함으로써 체코어화자로 하여금 표준어를 적극적으로 사용하도록 유도하는 데 결국 실패하였다. 이러한 사실은 오늘날도 여전히 체코의 언어사회에 진행되고 있는 양층언어상황(Diglossia)에 의해서도 입증될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        현대체코어의 격 체계와 탈굴절화(Deflexivization) 현상

        김인천 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2020 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.44 No.3

        The Case system of Czech shows very complicated inflectional morphology in that it has 7 Case paradigms with various endings according to three genders and two numbers. Contemporary Czech demonstrates the tendency toward the deflexivization in the Case system: in the process of language development, relevant semantic features and syntactic roles to individual case disappear or are merged into other Case functions. In this respect, most Slavic languages are assumed to demonstrate this tendency as well in that analytical tendencies are the ones which are leading to a decrease of morphemes in a language. As a distinct example of deflexivization in Czech Case system, we discuss the pervasive use of the accusative case within the verb argument structures where the accusative argument substitutes for the bookish and archaic genitive argument in the object position. As another important point of deflexivization, I introduce the popular use of Genitive Case instead of the typical the Possessive adjectives to express the possession in Czech. Czech natives prefer this simpler form of Case ending than the Possessive adjectives. They are supported by the general tendency to use of more explicative and exact expression of the meaning and by concrete needs of such explicitness. 체코어는 슬라브어를 포함한 여러 굴절어 가운데 격 체계가 가장 복잡한 언어 중 하나로 잘 알려져 있다. 7개의 전통적인 체코어의 격 체계를 지탱하고 있는 개별 격들의 고유의 기능들은 언어 발달의 과정에서 사라지거나 다른 격으로 병합되는 등 일정한 탈굴절화 경향이 나타나고 있다. 이러한 경향은 굴절성이 높은 제(諸) 슬라브어에 전반적으로 나타나는 ‘언어의 분석화’라는 광의의 접근을 가능하게 한다. 체코어에서 매우 활발히 진행 중인 탈굴절화는 격 체계 변화의 구조화 즉 통사화의 경향과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 의미적 유표성이 현저한 생격, 여격, 호격, 조격과 같은 소위 ‘주변격(Peripheral Cases)’을 통사 구조상 핵심에 해당하는 주격이나 대격과 같은 구조격으로 대체하는 경향이 이에 해당하는데 그 중에서 생격으로 실현되던 술어의 직접목적어의 논항이 대격으로 대체되는 언어 체계의 변화가 이 연구의 논의의 주요 대상이다. 체코어 격 체계의 탈굴절화는 모국어 화자가 구어 환경에서 추구하는 언어표현의 명시성과 정확성 그리고 단순성과 통일성의 결과로 추정된다. 언어의 효율적 사용을 지향하는 이와 같은 화용론적 지배원리는 향후 체코어의 언어체계 내적 변화를 이끌어 갈 것이라고 예상한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Specific Diglossia in Czech -A Tension between Standard and Substandard-

        김인천 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2008 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.41

        This paper deals with sociolinguistic issues of the Czech language situation which is defined in terms of diglossia. Czech diglossia shows some specific aspects in that there is a serious discrepancy between Standard Czech and Everyday Spoken Czech and status of Spoken Standard Czech has been challenged by Common Czech in public communication. The sphere of these language varieties and the hierarchy between their layers can be observed within the stratification of contemporary Czech in this work. To consider the diachronic view of the problem, the discussion of the origin of Czech diglossia and the theory of language culture founded by the Prague Linguistic Circle in 1930s should be taken into account. Finally it is useful to examine linguistic features of Common Czech as compared with the language data of its counterpart, Standard Czech.

      • KCI등재

        Types of Free Dative in Czech and Implications for Simplex Classification

        김인천 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2008 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.21 No.1

        Case is the linguistic category hardly defined in a clear notion. Chomsky's approach to case is still dominant in recent trends of linguistics. Treatment of case in this framework is restricted almost entirely to discussions of syntax and is not considered under cognitive semantics or pragmatics. Free dative is the grammatical category which is involved in the semantics or pragmatics than structural configuration. This dative is not governed by its case assigner and its overt use in the sentence is motivated semantically or pragmatically: dativus ethicus as one of the uses of free dative is the typical example of strong dependence on semantics and pragmatics. There are various types of the free dative in Czech and in some cases it is difficult to recognize the boundary line between governed dative and free dative. This study tries to formulate the systematic classification of the types of free dative. To minimize the vagueness this paper suggests the simplex classification: Empathic dative vs. Non-empathic dative. It provides semantic and syntactic foundations for upholding the dichotomy. The final chapter discusses free word order within clitic clusters which is typical of the free dative. Case is the linguistic category hardly defined in a clear notion. Chomsky's approach to case is still dominant in recent trends of linguistics. Treatment of case in this framework is restricted almost entirely to discussions of syntax and is not considered under cognitive semantics or pragmatics. Free dative is the grammatical category which is involved in the semantics or pragmatics than structural configuration. This dative is not governed by its case assigner and its overt use in the sentence is motivated semantically or pragmatically: dativus ethicus as one of the uses of free dative is the typical example of strong dependence on semantics and pragmatics. There are various types of the free dative in Czech and in some cases it is difficult to recognize the boundary line between governed dative and free dative. This study tries to formulate the systematic classification of the types of free dative. To minimize the vagueness this paper suggests the simplex classification: Empathic dative vs. Non-empathic dative. It provides semantic and syntactic foundations for upholding the dichotomy. The final chapter discusses free word order within clitic clusters which is typical of the free dative.

      • KCI등재

        Syntactic Changes in Verbal Subcategorization in Contemporary Czech - Czech Norms as Reflected in Contemporary Czech Dictionaries

        김인천 한국슬라브어학회 2012 슬라브어연구 Vol.17 No.1

        Flektivní jazyky vyjadřují mnoho syntaktických vztahů v rámci slova, změnou jeho tvaru. Ve starších etapách vývoje česká jména vyjadřovala syntaktické funkce pouze pádovými koncovkami. Avšak užívání pádových podob s předložkami se postupně podstatně zvýšilo a vykazuje určitou tendenci koexistovat s bezpředložkovými variantami. Tuto koexistenci, v současné češtině celkem běžnou, označujeme jako konkurenci mezi předložkovými a bezpředložkovými konstrukcemi. Vycházíme z předpokladu, že se v současné češtině předložkovým konstrukcím dává přednost před bezpředložkovými, protože jsou podporovány obecnou tendencí k přesnějšímu a výstižnějšímu vyjadřování významu i konkrétními potřebami takové výstižnosti. Některé typy předložkových konstrukcí se jeví jako inovace a bývají považovány za porušování českého jazykového úzu a následně hodnoceny jako chyby, jiné pronikají do českého jazykového úzu a postupně se přizpůsobují normě. Je tedy důležité předložit současnou normu variantních konstrukcí lexikograficky vybraných sloves. Podrobnější rozbor konkurence mezi předložkovými a bezpředložkovými slovesnými konstrukcemi, který by přinesl přesnější popis vývoje dané tendence a umožnil jisté zobecnění, zůstává důležitým úkolem našeho dalšího výzkumu.

      • KCI등재

        Possessor dative construction in Czech: A mismatch between phrasal semantics and clausal syntax

        김인천 한국슬라브어학회 2013 슬라브어연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Czech is a typical example of a language with external possessive construction. The PD is separated from the DP-internal possessee and assigned two different theta-roles, [POSSESSOR] and [AFFECTEE] from the different argument positions. The challenge is to understand the mechanisms that make this dual functioning possible. In this paper, two theoretical operations have been provided to explain this kind of mismatch between syntax and semantics: possessor raising vs. control of PRO. This paper argues for control-style analysis of Czech possessor dative construction. If the PD is considered a result of raising, then the movement immediately violates the ordinary rule of raising because the extracted possessor receives a new and different θ-role of [AFFECTEE] of the verb,which consequently violates θ-Criterion. On the other hand, within the control dependency, the θ-role can be assigned in the higher position of the dependency and PRO is controlled by a binding relationship. It applies in a plausible way to Czech external possession associated with inalienability which requires possessor affectedness. The co-occurrence of PD with the DP-internal possessor strongly supports a straightforward account of a control-style PD. The ellipsis possibility of DP-internal possessor has also been used to support [AFFECTEE] theta-role of the PD.

      • 체코어 접어(Clitics)의 어순 제약

        김인천 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2003 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.12 No.1

        In many of the free word order languages, it is not uncommon to find fixed ordering in a specific position of the sentence. By internal specification of that position and some constraints, these languages exhibit the typical properties of their syntax. In this context, this paper investigates the second position phenomenon, mainly within the clausal level in Czech. Slavic languages are different in conceptualizing of that position and constraints on it, even though they show general character in cliticization. To examine the extents to which Czech obeys or violates the general assumption proposed by Franks, this paper focuses on the ordering constraints on internal clitic clusters. Given this consideration, we expand our analysis to the three selected constructions: coordinate clauses, subordinate clauses and infinitival complement clauses. Introducing five types of the infinitival complement clauses, we test whether clitic climbing is obligatory or optional in these constructions and expect that this kind of classification could serve to build a new approach to clitic phenomenon in Czech. In this present paper, we do not provide exhaustive research into an intensive analysis of each specific construction in Czech. 비록 자유어순을 갖는 언어일지라도 문장의 특정 위치에 한하여 고정적 분포현상을 보이는 요소들이 존재할 수 있다. 일반적으로, 이들 언어들은 그 고정 위치의 내부구조를 세분화하고 그 자리에 분포할 수 있는 구성성분들의 순서를 제약함으로써 그 언어가 갖는 전형적인 통사적 속성을 드러내기도 한다. 이와 같은 맥락에서, 본 논문은 체코어에 나타나는 제 2 위치의 현상을 절 (clause)이라는 층위 (clausal level)에 국한하여 고찰하고자 한다. 슬라브 언어들 (Slavic languages)은 접어 (clitics)를 문장의 두 번째 자리에 배치시키는 일반적인 특징을 보임에도 불구하고 접어의 개념화와 그리고 다양한 형태의 구문에서 접어들의 배치를 제어하는 제약들이 서로 상이하다는 점이 주목할 만하다 하겠다. 본 논문은 일차적으로 Franks攀 Franks, S., 2000, 120攀攀가 제안한 대명사 접어 (pronominal clitics)의 어순제약들을 체코어가 어느 정도로 준수하는지에 대해 논의하고 이차적으로는 접어그룹 (clitic cluster)들이 선별된 구문들 (예: 대등 접속문, 종속 접속문 그리고 부정사 보문절) 내에서 어떤 형태로 실현되며 또 어떠한 요인들이 그 어순을 제어하는지 고찰하고자 한다. 무엇보다도 본 논문은 접어인상 (clitic climbing)의 의무성 및 수의성의 유무에 따라 5 가지 유형의 구문을 소개하며 이와 같은 분류가 체코어에 나타나는 접어 현상에 대한 또 다른 접근방법을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대해 본다.

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