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        中宗代 ‘灼鼠의 變’과 政治的 陰謀의 성격

        金燉(Kim Don) 한국사연구회 2002 한국사연구 Vol.119 No.-

        The 'Mouse Roasting Scandal' is a trivial offence in which the tails of two mice were roasted by someone in the palace. But the scandal was accepted as a magic, which aimed to curse the crown prince. The crime was to be sentenced to death. King's mother sent a memorandum in which she explained the situation concerning the scandal and by this letter was suspected Ms. Park the concubine of the king as the instigator without any crucial evidence. For it was believed until then that she had felt angry at the maltreatment of her status and was supposed to be the most beneficiary of the prince's probable death, As a result she was sentenced to being a commoner and her son was stripped of his royal peerage. After three years Jongik Lee a confucian scholar appealed to the king concerning the scandal. He urged that when Jung Shim was the left prime minister, he took a bribe from the deposed concubine and the real instigator of the scandal should be Hee Kim the son of Anro Kim, who had the political hegemony in his hands at that time, It is necessary to find out the results of the appeal. Shim was sentenced to death after the debate in the criminal department. Lee was sentenced to be exiled and to be poisoned to death. This was a rare condemnation compared with other cases. But Hee Kim was set free. These results suggest that the scandal might not be a simple happening but a fragment of dark and deep conspiracy involving the conflict between the old-new ministries and the appointment of the next king. For in Lee's letter there were a lot of secrets and important issues unaccessible to the scholars like Lee. Another scandal happened in May 1533. It was called 'Wooden Idol Scandal.' The shape of the prince's head was carved on the top part of wooden idol and the curse was written on lower part of it. When it was found, Ryo Hong the son in law of Ms. Park was accused of having made it. Although there was no evidence relating to him. Ms. Park and her son was condemned to die. Their penalty was due to the supposition that the probable death of the prince should bring great advantage to them. But it was a serous misunderstanding to believe that Ms. Park would become queen and her son be crown prince despite of their social status. For first of all we can find out that such promotion was impossible considering the rigid status and the order of succession of that time. It is well known that the removal of Ms. Park and her son was favorite factor to the 'Soyun' faction, to which belonged the queen Moonjung and the crown prince too. But there was not positive reason to remove Ms. Park for the benefit of the faction and Won Hysong Yun the leader of the faction did not appear on stage un til the 28th year of king Jungjong. So it is most probable that they might be interested in the scandal but didn't have to participate in the scandals. In sum we may conclude that Anro Kim's faction be the conspirator of a series of scandals. and the scandals are judged to have been small fragments of a big political conspiracy.

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        宣祖代 沈義謙ㆍ金孝元의 갈등 요인 檢討

        金燉(Kim Don) 역사교육연구회 2001 歷史敎育 Vol.79 No.-

        The division between East Group and West Group and the making of the two factions(1575) are accepted as a turning point in the political history of the Chosun dynasty. The situation was caused by the personal enmity of the two politicians, Shim, Eui-Gyeom and Kim, Hyo-Won. It is recognized that the former person represented the established power and the latter the rising power. And some nowaday scholars have tried to explain the situation by arguing that the each one represented the opposite inclination. Doubting these explanations I try to research the real situation and the relationship of the two politicians in this article. This analysis is essential in order to understand the factional politics or the politics of literati after king Seon-Jo. Shim, Eui-Gyeom was a relative of the queen but didn"t behave like an autocratic lord. Moreover he protected the new literati from the oppression in the later period of king Myeong-Jong. In stead of these facts, he depended on the relativity of the royal family in order to reform the rotten bureaucracy. This action was hated by the young literati and he was accepted as a factional leader by them. Concerning the problem of recommendation for a magistrate, there is no certain evidence that Shim had opposed the promotion of Kim to a higher magistrate. Kim"s comrades only guessed the delay of his recommendation had been caused by the opposite faction, the West Group. On the other side, it was possible that the recommendation of Shim, Chung-Gyeom to that magistrate might be cancelled by Kim, Hyo-Won, for the former one was a relative of the queen. But there"s no evidence that Kim participated in that action positively. Nevertheless the two factions had in mind commonly that the other faction tried to do harm to their own faction and blamed the other without recognizing the merits or the achievements of the other side. Later Shim, Eu-gyeom and Kim, Hyo-won were degraded to provincial magistrates and had no opportunities to lead the faction in the capital. But they were blamed as the first factionalists. In sum the obstinate opposition and some misconceptions were the causes of the first factional division of the Chosun Dynasty.

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        전자칠판과 스마트폰을 기반으로 한 강의 및 학습시스템 개발

        김돈한(Kim, Don Han) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2013 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.13 No.-

        본 연구에서는 단초점 프로젝터와 전자칠판이 설치된 강의실과 스마트폰을 기반으로 강의 및 학습시스템을 개발하고 시스템의 성능평가를 실시하였다. 테스트는 다음과 같은 항목을 중심으로 이루어졌다. 첫째, 전자칠판이 설치된 강의실에서 교수자가 녹화한 강의동영상을 스트리밍 서비스가 가능한 형식으로 인코딩하여 서버에 전송가능한가? 둘째, 교수자용 PC에서 출석체크를 위해 생성한 QR코드를 학습자용 스마트폰에서 인식하여 출석인증처리가 가능한가? 셋째, 스마트폰을 통해 교수자가 업로드한 강의 동영상을 학습자용 모바일 단말기에서 스트리밍하여 시청이 가능한가? 넷째, 학습 데이터의 저장 및 관리가 유기적으로 동작하는가에 두고 실시되었다. 개발된 강의 및 학습시스템의 동작 테스트 결과 상기에서 설정한 각 테스트 항목에 대해 전반적으로 유의미한 결과를 얻었다. 향후 본 연구를 통해 개발된 강의 및 학습시스템이 실제의 수업현장에 적용된다면, 기존의 단말기별 전용코덱사용으로 인한 제약, 교수자 자신의 강의 동영상 인코딩 작업에 따른 어려움, 강의동영상의 일방향적 서비스로 인한 교수자와 학습자 사이의 상호작용 단절과 같은 사용상의 문제점을 개선하여 보다 높은 수준의 학습효과를 거둘 수 있는 학습보조도구로서의 역할이 기대된다. This study proposes a new learning system that incorporates a short focal length projector and an electronic white board in the classroom. We developed an integrated framework with the use of smart phones by students and tested the performance of the system. In this study, four aspects were tested: First, transferability of the instructor’ lecture videos from the classroom with the e-board to the students’ mobile phones, second, availability of attendance check by the scanning function of the student’s smart phone using the QR code generated in the instructor’s computer, third, possibility of viewing streaming videos uploaded by the instructor on students’ smart phones, finally, fluency of the data archival and management of instruction data. The analysis results demonstrated significant findings to confirm the positive potentials of smart phones in the classroom as effective learning tools. When successfully adopted, the proposed system can overcome technical limitations of the previous mobile devices and to effectively assist learning and instruction in the future classrooms.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        직감적 범주화를 이용한 계층적 감성평가방법

        김돈한 ( Don Han Kim ) 한국감성과학회 2009 감성과학 Vol.12 No.1

        인간은 주변 환경 속에서 경험하는 다양한 사물이나 대상을 유사관계를 기준으로 범주화 하고 평가하는 인지적인 활동을 하고 있다. 이것은 인간을 둘러싼 모든 환경적 요소를 자신에게 의미있는 개념 단위로 이해하기 위한 필수적인 수단이라고 할 수 있다. 일반적으로 SD법(Semantic Differential Method)으로 대표되는 종래의 감성평가방법에서는 계측대상을 `집단적인` 경향으로 간주하여 독립적으로 평가판단을 하도록 요구하여 왔다. 그러나 이와 같은 SD법만으로는 인간의 유연한 유사성 판단능력을 평가에 반영하기에는 불충분하다. 이에 본 논문에서는 자극의 직감적 범주화와 각 범주 내에서의 대표-비대표사례의 유사성 판단을 기초로 한 계층적인 감성평가방법을 제안하였다. 제안한 평가방법의 유효성 검증을 위하여 감성적 소구력이 높은 장신구의 스캔화상을 실험자극으로 선정하여 감성평가실험을 실시하였다. 실험결과 직감적 범주화 작업, 대표사례의 선출, 대표사례의 평가득점을 비대표사례의 초기값으로 설정한 계층적인 감성평가방법은 종래의 SD법을 보완할 수 있는 감성평가방법으로서의 근거가 마련되었다. Categorization in a vital means for dealing with the multitudes of entities in the world surrounding people. Among others, the perceptual and the evaluative similarities factors strongly affect categorization. The conventional SD-type procedure are insufficient in this regard, since it requires an individual subject to make isolated judgments about each stimulus to identify categorization in terms of a group tendency. It disregards the individual categorization in which the similarities are of great importance. Thus in this study the phased emotional evaluation method is suggested based on the intuitive categorization of stimuli and on the similarity judgement of representative/non-representative case in each category. To verify the effectiveness of the suggested evaluation method the scanned jewelry images are selected as test stimuli for emotional evaluation experiment. As a result of the evaluation experiment, the conventional SD-type procedure is complemented by the emotional evaluation method in phases of the task of intuitive categorization, the selection of the representative images and the setup of the evaluation score of the representative images to internally supplied anchors of evaluating non-representative images.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        색채조화의 정량적 감성평가에 기초한 이미지 검색법

        김돈한 ( Don Han Kim ),정재욱 ( Jae Wook Jeong ) 한국감성과학회 2012 감성과학 Vol.15 No.1

        본 논문에서는 사용자의 감성적 요구에 적합한 이미지를 탐색한 후 문-스펜서(P. Moon&D. E. Spencer)의 색채 조화론에 기초하여 조화의 정도가 가장 높은 이미지들을 순위별로 제시하는 이미지 검색법을 제안하였다. 이미지 검색은 키워드로 주어진 감성어휘와 관련된 색채성분이 가장 많이 포함된 이미지 화상을 검색하여 미도(Aesthetic Measure)를 계산한 후 순위별로 제시하는 방법으로 이루어진다. 문-스펜서의 색채 조화론을 적용한 이미지 검색법의 타당성을 검증하기 위하여 200개의 샘플 이미지를 대상으로 시스템이 제시한 미도순위와 사용자 만족도 평가에 의한 순위를 비교하였다. 분석결과 15개의 감성어휘별로 시스템이 출력한 이미지들의 미도 순위에 대한 실험 참가자들의 평균 만족도는 7점 척도 중 5.0으로 나타났다. 또한 시스템이 산출한 이미지들의 미도 순위와 설문 참가자가 평가한 만족도 순위 사이와의 일치 여부를 알아보기 위해 상관분석을 실시한 결과 감성어휘 ``Clear``를 제외한 14개의 어휘 모두에서 상관계수 0.5 이상의 양호한 정적상관을 보였다. 이와 같은 연구결과로부터 문-스펜서의 색채 조화론을 바탕으로 제안한 감성검색법이 이미지 데이터베이스와 같은 시각자극의 검색에 있어서도 사용자의 감성을 적절히 반영할 수 있는 가능성을 확인하였다. This paper proposes a Image retrieval system that searches the closest images to the user`s emotional need and displays images with higher ratings of color harmony from Moon-Spencer`s Color Harmony Theory first. Once an emotional adjective is placed, the system searches for images with colors that contain more elements derived from Aesthetic Measure results and displays in such order. In order to test reliability of the proposed emotion retrieval method based on Moon-Spencer`s Color Harmony Theory, this study compared the order of Aesthetic Measure results with the user satisfaction ratings using 200 sample images. The analysis demonstrated that the participants` average satisfaction on 15 emotion adjectives selected for the study was 5.0 on a 7-point Likert scale. Correlation analyses were performed to test the consistency the orders between Aesthetic Measure values and user satisfaction ratings. Positive correlations above R=.5 were observed in all 14 emotion words except "Clear". These findings prove the potential of the proposed emotion retrieval system based on Moon-Spencer`s Color Harmony Theory to effectively reflect user emotion in such visual stimulus search as image database.

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