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      • KCI등재

        복숭아 ‘미홍’의 토양 수분 스트레스에 따른 생리반응

        권용희(Yong Hee Kwon),이재만(Jae Man Lee),한현희(Hyun Hee Han),류수현(Suhyun Ryu),정재훈(Jae Hoon Jeong),도경란(Gyung-Ran Do),한점화(Jeom Hwa Han),이한찬(Han-Chan Lee),박희승(Hee-Seung Park) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2016 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        복숭아 ‘미홍’ 품종의 토양 수분 스트레스에 의해 나타나는 지상부의 생리적 반응을 구명하기 위해 본 연구를 수행하였다. 잎의 변색, 위조, 낙엽의 순서로 침수와 무관수에 의해 반응이 나타났으며 가지의 기부에서 시작되어 선단부로 확대되었다. 가지의 길이 및 직경 생장이 두 처리구에서 모두 감소되었고 침수에 의한 낙엽이 심하게 발생되었다. 침수에 의해 뿌리의 수분 흡수와 잎의 광합성과 호흡이 감소되었다. 잎의 엽록소가 두 처리구에서 모두 감소되었다. 침수처리구에서는 육안으로 변화가 없던 잎에서도 엽록소가 감소한 것이 해부학적으로 관찰되었다. 전분은 침수와 무관수에서 모두 감소되었고 탄수화물은 침수처리구의 뿌리에서 감소되었다. 침수는 수분의 흡수나 이동이 불량해지고, 광합성능력의 감소와 낙엽이 발생되었다. 결국 저장양분이 부족해져 고사되거나 내한성 약화로 저온피해의 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단되었다. 복숭아 재배에서 수분 스트레스에 의한 피해를 방지하기 위해 관수에 유의하고 배수시설을 설치하여 토양조건을 개선하는 것이 요구된다. The present study was conducted to characterize physiological responses of aerial part according to soil water stresses in ‘Mihong’ peach trees. Discolorations, wilting and falling of leaves were observed in chronological order as response for waterlogging and no irrigation and the phenomena started from basal to end of shoots. Shoot growth in elongation and thickness decreased and fallen leaves were severe in waterlogged trees. Function of water uptake by roots and photosynthesis and leaf respiration decreased by waterlogging. Leaf chlorophyll contents decreased in both treatments. In waterlogging treatment, decrease of chlorophyll was observed in normal leaves with waterlogging using light microscopy. Starch content was lower in both treatment and carbohydrate content was lowerin root with waterlogging. These results demonstrated that waterlogging weakened the function of soil water uptake and movement and decreased photosynthesis and fallen leaves. Finally the peach trees would wither or suffer low temperature damage through the shortage of reserve accumulations. We suggested that waterlogging damage in peach trees could be reduced to take notice of irrigation and install drainage facility to improve soil condition.

      • KCI등재

        Y자 수형의 ‘신고’와 ‘황금배’에서 착과량 조절에 따른 과실 특성 변화

        권용희(YongHee Kwon),박요섭(YoSup Park),박지은(Ji-Eun Park),박희승(Hee-Seung Park) 한국원예학회 2011 원예과학기술지 Vol.29 No.6

        ‘신고’와 ‘황금배’의 과실 특성간 관계를 파악하고 착과량 조절에 의한 과실의 특성 변화를 알아보고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. ‘신고’는 평균 과중이 672.0g이었으며 601-750g의 과실이 33.8%로 가장 많았으며 ‘황금배’는 평균 과중 477.5g이었고 401-600g의 과실이 72.5% 생산되었다. ‘신고’는 300g 이하부터 1kg 이상까지 넓고 고르게 분포하였으며, ‘황금배’는 생산되는 과중 분포가 좁았다. ‘신고’의 당도와 당산비는 과중, 종경 및 횡경과 정의 상관을 나타내었으나, ‘황금배’는 과중과 횡경에서만 당도와 낮은 상관을 나타내었다. 각 품종의 과중별 품질은 ‘신고’의 경우 451g 이하의 과실은 당도가 낮고 400g 이하의 과실은 경도가 낮았으며, ‘황금배’는 과중에 따른 품질 차이를 보이지 않았다. ‘신고’의 과실 크기는 과육의 크기에 영향을 받았으며 과중이 클수록 과육 부위가 차지하는 비중이 높았다. ‘신고’에서 약하게 적과하면 과실의 과중, 당도와 당산비가 낮았고 경도가 높았으며, ‘황금배’는 적과가 약한 경우 과중과 당도가 낮았다. ‘신고’는 모든 적과 수준에서 처리에서 과중이 클수록 당도가 높았으며 특히 ‘적과 약’에서는 450g 이하의 과실 또한 당도가 낮아 품질이 불량하였고, ‘황금배’는 모든 적과 수준에서 과중에 따른 품질차이는 나타나지 않았다. 따라서 ‘신고’는 적과수준에 따라 과중이 작은 과실의 생산이 가능하지만 품질 감소가 불가피하여 중소과 생산은 어려울 것으로 판단되었으나, ‘황금배’는 품질의 하락없이 적과 수준 조절을 통한 중소과 생산이 가능할 것으로 기대되었다. This study was carried out to understand the characteristic relations fruit changes caused by adjusting the amount of the fruit load in ‘Niitaka’ and ‘Whangkeumbae’. The average fruit weight of ‘Niitaka’ was 672.0 g and the amount of fruit in the range of 601-750 g was the highest, accounting for 33.8% of the production and as for ‘Whangkeumbae’, the average fruit weight was 477.5 g and fruit in the range of 401-600g accounted for 72.5% of total production. The weight of the ‘Niitaka’ was evenly distributed in each range from below 300 g to over 1 kg and the percent of the regular shaped fruit in ‘Whangkeumbae’ was high as the distribution range of the fruit weight was narrow. The brix degree and the soluble solid content (SSC)/acidity ratio of ‘Niitaka’ had a significantly positive correlation with the fruit weight, the length, and the diameter of the fruit. The brix degree also had a positive correlation with weight and diameter of the fruit for ‘Whangkeumbae’. As for the difference in fruit quality accor ding to fruit weight for each variety, the brix degree was low in ‘Niitaka’ that were below 451 g and the fruit firmness was low in fruits weighing under 400 g. There was no difference according to fruit weight in ‘Whangkeumbae’. The fruit size was impacted by the fleshy part and the ratio of fleshy part was higher as the fruit size became larger. The weight of the fruit, brix degree, and the SSC/acidity ratio were low while the firmness was high in light thinning treatment for ‘Niitaka’ and in the case of ‘Whangkeumbae’, the fruit weight and brix degree were both low in light thinning treatment. The brix degree was higher in bigger sized fruit in all thinning intensity for ‘Niitaka’, the case in light thinning treatment especially where the quality was poor due to low brix degree in fruits that weighed less than 450 g, on the other hand, there was no difference in the quality due to the fruit weight among the thinning intensity for ‘Whangkeumbae’. Therefore, it is possible to produce smaller sized fruits in ‘Niitaka’ by controlling the thinning intensity, as it is inevitable to result in lower quality fruits, however, it is projected that we can produce small to mid-sized fruits in ‘Whangkeumbae’ by controlling the thinning intensity without causing the decline in fruit quality.

      • KCI등재

        의식 저하로 내원한 중독 환자들에 대한 호기말 이산화탄소분압 관찰의 효과

        권용희 ( Yong Hee Kwon ),소병학 ( Byung Hak So ),정원중 ( Won Jung Jeong ) 대한임상독성학회 2021 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Purpose: This study aimed to analyse the effect of End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) monitoring on patients who had been poisoned and presented in the emergency department with decreased consciousness. Methods: The data of patients over 18 years old presenting with poisoning from 2016 to 2020 was collected from the emergency department. We retrospectively analyzed their medical records, and defined patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 9 or less as having decreased consciousness. We divided the patients into two groups, one with ETCO2 monitoring and the other without, and the difference between the two groups was compared. Results: 168 patients participated in this study and 83 (49.4%) of them belonged to the ETCO2 monitoring group. In this group, the interval between arterial blood tests was statistically significantly longer and the rate of intubation was lower. In addition, in the monitoring group, the incidence of pneumonia and the rate of poor prognosis was not significantly higher. Conclusion: Although ETCO2 monitoring does not directly affect the prognosis of poisoned patients with decreased consciousness, it should be actively done as it can help to adequately treat patients while avoiding invasive techniques or unnecessary intubation.

      • 다문화교육과 국제이해교육, 반편견교육, 세계화교육의 비교 연구

        권용희(Kwon, Yong-hui) 대구가톨릭대학교 다문화연구소 2016 다문화와 인간 Vol.5 No.2

        본 논문은 다문화교육에 관하여 세계사적 관점과 지역적 특수성을 종합적으로 고찰하여 한국사회가 지향해야할 다문화교육에 대해 도출하고자 했다. 세계사적 관점에서 다문화교육과 국제이해교육, 반편견교육, 세계화교육의 발생배경 및 핵심가치, 교육목적, 교육대상 등에 대해 유사성과 상이성을 비교해 봄으로써 ‘네 교육’의 개념을 규명하고자 했다. 이를 바탕으로 지역적 특수성 측면에서 한국사회에 수용된 ‘네 가지 교육’을 시대적 배경과 조화시킨 맥락에서 정부정책과 학계에 수용된 양상을 살펴 비교·분석하고자 했다. 세계사적 관점에서 ‘네 가지 교육’은 국제사회의 정세나 자국내 사회적 영향을 받으며 지향하는 가치관에 따라 모습을 달리하며 등장했음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 한국사회에 수용된 ‘네 가지 교육’은 개념들은 국제정세의 변화와 한국사회의 시대적 배경과 지역적 변천과 조응하여 국제사회에서 유통되고 있는 모습과 다른 양상으로 유통되고 있었다. 한국에서의 수용 양상은 ‘네 가지교육’들이 서로 교육목적에서 부분적으로 중첩되어 있거나 셋 이상으로 상호 긴밀하게 연관되어 있는 모습을 확인 할 수 있었다. 앞으로 한국사회가 추구해야 할 교육은 국제이해교육에서 요구하는 평화를 기반으로 다양한 가치와 문화 교류를 확장하여 삶의 영역을 더욱 풍성하게 하고, 반편견교육과 다문화교육에선 추구하는 민주주의 가치를 존중하여 자유와 평등의 보편적 인간애를 실천 하면서 세계화교육에서 지향하는 세계인류의 공영을 위한 지속가능한 발전을 도모할 수 있는 교육으로 설정되어야 한다. In this article, consider the world history and regional perspectives synthetically on multicultural education and draw about multicultural education that Korean society should aim. Investigated concept of ‘four education’ by comparing similarities and differences about Multicultural education, international understanding education, antibiased education, background and core value of globalization education, educational purpose, educational object from World history perspective. Based on this, tried to compare and analyze the aspects of government policy and academic acceptance in the context of well match ‘four education’ historical backdrop accepted in Korean society in terms of regional specificity. World history perspective ‘four education’ comfirms that situation of international society or be influenced by social within national and should aim to values Appeared differently. The concept of ‘four education’ embraced in Korean society was circulated in a different way from that of international society, in accordance with the change of international situation and the background and regional change of Korean society. Aspect of acceptance in Korean society was confirmed that ‘four education’ are over three closely related to each other in educational purpose or either partially overlapping. Education to be pursued by Korean society in the future should be set will expand the range of values and cultural exchanges based on the peace required by the international understanding education and enrich the area of life and will practice the universal humanity of freedom and equality by respecting democratic values pursued in anti-biased education and multicultural education. Education to promote sustainable development for global humanity that is aimed at globalization education.

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