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        벨지움의 중등학교 지리교육 내용과 교사양성제도

        곽철홍(Chul Hong Kwak) 한국지역지리학회 2000 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        본 연구는 벨지움의 프랑코폰 공동체를 사례로 중등학교 지리교육의 내용과 교사양성의 실태를 일반 교육체제의 범주에서 고찰하였다. 중등학교 제1단계에서는 주당 2시간씩 환경교육을 학습하는데 그 내용은 생활주변의 지리적 지식을 관찰 정리하는 것이고, 제2단계에서는 주당 1시간씩 세계 지리를 학습하며 특히 유럽과 러시아에 큰 비중을 둔다. 제3단계에서는 자연지리와 인문지리를 계통적으로 학습한다. 교실수업에서 사용하는 공식적인 교과서는 없고 교사가 텍스트를 준비하여 학습에 임하고 있으며 학생 중심의 탐구식 수업이 보편적으로 이루어지고 있다. 하급중등교사는 교육 전문학교에서 복수전공교사로 양성되는데 지리교사는 생물·화학·지리교사 또는 역사 사회·지리교사의 유형으로 양성되며, 상급중등교사는 종합대학의 교직과정부에서 단일전공교사로 양성된다. 중등학교 현직교사를 공식적인 실습지도교사로 임용하고 교생들의 책임수업과 평가를 합리적으로 관리하는 등 교육실습이 효과적으로 이루어지고 있으며, 학과 교수들은 교사자격 취득을 위한 심사에서 합격기준을 강화함으로써 교사의 질적 향상에 크게 기여하는 것으로 생각된다. 이러한 내용들의 상당 부분은 우리 나라의 지리교육과 교사양성에서 참고할 가치가 있다고 생각한다. This study aims to make a research on the secondary school education of geography and the system of teacher training in Belgium, focused on the case of Francophone Community. What has been made clear by this research can be summed up as follows. The first two years of the secondary school offer two hours of `environment education`, per week, which can be categorized into the learning of living geography, in that at this stage students learn how to observe the geographic phenomena in their daily life and pigeonhole them. The two years of the second stage of the secondary school offer one hour of `world geography` which actually is focused on the district of Europe and Russia. The two years of the third stage of the secondary school offer an advanced course of geography which aims to teach systematically the physical geography and the human geography. A remarkable change in geographic education in Belgium is that in the wake of the Revision Act of the secondary school education, textbooks were replaced by other teaching manuals adapted to the regional condition by the teachers. This may result in a wide gap of achievements in geography according to the conditions of educational establishments. Another notable change is that the stress of geographic education tends to be placed on the ability of acquiring practical geographic knowledge rather than the geographic information itself. And it is also another marked tendency that most learning activities in geography class are conducted on the basis of student-centered and the method of investigation. Teachers of the lower secondary schools in Belgium are trained in the School of Education as multi-major teachers, such as a teacher for biology-chemistry-geography or a teacher for history-sociology-geography. Teachers of the higher secondary school education are trained in the Department of Teacher Education in universities as solo-major teachers in that they are required to know more deeply to teach an advanced course of geography in the higher secondary schools. To improve the teacher education many folds of policies are adopted. One is that many in-service teachers are officially put into services of guiding and teaching teacher training. Another is that faculty members in charge of teacher training course are trying to level up the qualifications of teachers by rigorous disciplining.

      • KCI등재

        경남 서부지역의 중심지 세력권 변화와 주민 통근형태 연구

        곽철홍(Chul Hong Kwak),이전(Jeon Lee) 한국지역지리학회 1997 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        도시세력권은 도시의 인구와 경제규모, 교육·문화·의료시설을 비롯한 제반 서비스기능의 정도 등에 따라 결정되는데, 통근권은 도시세력권을 결정하는 가장 좋은 지표에 속한다. 왜냐하면 통근권은 지역 주민들의 규칙적인 일상생활과 직접적으로 관계되며 매일의 유동량을 정확하게 표현해 주기 때문이다. 본 연구는 경남 서부지역의 중심지 세력권 변화와 이에 따른 주민 통근행태의 성격을 구명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 진주시는 전국 차원에서 보면 지방 중소도시에 지나지 않지만 경남 서부지역에서는 절대적인 중심지 역할을 수행하고 있으며 매우 넓은 세력권을 갖는다. 본 연구에서는 경남 서부지역 중심지들의 세력권을 인구와 산업의 변화를 통하여 고찰하고, 주민들의 통근행태를 주택-인구센서스의 통근-통학자료와 진주시 의료기관의 환자 통계자료 및 초·중등학교 교사들의 통근자료를 통하여 분석한다. 특히 교사들의 통근율에 따른 진주 도시세력권은 진주시로부터의 거리조락성과 도시간의 세력권 경합관계에 따라 결정된다. 경남 서부지역 교사들의 역통근 행태는 학교가 입지한 지역사회의 입장에서는 부정적 영향이 보다 크게 작용하고 있는 것으로 확인된다. 따라서 농어촌의 소규모 중심지들에 대한 각종 서비스시설을 확충함으로써 지역간 균형개발을 도모하여야 할 것이다. The impact of a central place on daily living over wide outlying territory has been one of traditional subjects in the field of urban geography. The flow of rural population toward the central city of Chinju characterizes the population movement in Western Kyungnam, where the spillover of urban population into outlying areas, an especially prominent phenomenon in American society, does not occur. The central city of Chinju is supposed to be the most favored settlement area in Western Kyungnam. More than two thousands of teachers, who live in Chinju, cross the city boundary each morning to do their jobs in Western Kyungnam. But only ninety teachers living outside Chinju commute to the workplace in the city. The teachers willingly spend hours commuting each day to enjoy better quality of life in the central city. In fact, the central city of Chinju functions as bedroom communities for many middle-class workers in Western Kyungnam. On the basis of teachers` commuting behavior, four levels of Chinju`s urban spheres are identified in Western Kyungnam. As Table-6 and Figure-2 show, the first-order level of Chinju`s sphere includes most Myuns of Sanchung/Hadong Guns and some Myuns of Sachun/Gosung Guns. The second-order level comprises Sanchung/Sachun Eubs and many Myuns of Sachun/Gosung Guns. The third-order level is made up of Samchunpo, Hadong/Gosung/Eryung/Namhae/Habchun/Hamyang Eups, and many Myuns of Eryung/Namhae/Habchun Guns. And all of Guchang Gun and most Myuns of Hamyang Gun belong to the fourth-order level of Chinju`s sphere. The influence sphere of Metropolitan Chinju is extended farther in the direction of less competition with other metropolises. Such a situation occurs to the west and south of Chinju. Daily commuting, defined as the journeys to and from work, is an excellent indicator for delimiting urban spheres of influence.

      • KCI등재

        지역투입계수의 정확성 평가에 관한 연구

        고석남(Suknam Ko),곽철홍(Chul Hong Kwak) 한국지역학회 1996 지역연구 Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the accuracy of input coefficients which are usually estimated by various lion -sur. vey methods. The resulting analysis showed that there were considerable differences; according to the estimation methods employed. One of the interesting findings was that the simple LQ method was shown to be better then the other non -survey methods with respect to the degree of accuracy. And from a sensitivity analysis which was to show the effect of changes in input coefficients on the level of production by industry, an increase of 10% in the value of input coefficient (machinary and equipment setor) resulted up to 500billion Won in GRP for the case region. Therfore one of the implications which we can derive from the resulting analysis is that it necessary to pay attention to the key coefficients first to save out time and money, while retaining a certain level of accuracy. One thing to be noted, however, is that the key coefficients mean not only the actual size of coefficient but the total effects which are calculated through the Leontief inverse matrices. Therfor to enhance the accuracy of input coefficients estimated by nonsurvey methods it is required to handle the relevant setoral data more carefully or to employ semi-survey method in part.

      • KCI등재

        사천만 연안의 지역 변화에 관한 연구

        이전(Jeon Lee),곽철홍(Chul Hong Kwak) 한국지역지리학회 1999 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        경남 남해안의 사천만 연안은 경남 서부지역의 관문 역할을 수행하였고, 그로 인해 군사적 요충지로 간주되었으며, 갯벌이 넓고 각종 수산자원이 풍부하여 일찍부터 양식업과 어로업이 활발하였다. 이와 같이 사천만 연안은 역사적으로 경남 서부지역에서 해상교통 및 군사적 요충지, 또한 수산업이라는 기능면에서 매우 중요한 역할을 수행하여 왔다. 그런데 오늘날 사천만 연안에는 공항과 고속도로가 확충되어 항공·육상교통의 기능이 중요하게 부상하고 있고, 공단이 조성되어 많은 제조업체들이 입지함으로써 공업기능이 새로운 기능으로 대두되고 있다. 또한 사천만 연안의 육상 및 항공교통 발달은 지역의 관광자원개발을 좀 더 구체화시키고 있다. 지역의 전통적 기능들이 쇠퇴하는 대신에 공업, 교통, 관광 등 새로운 기능들이 중요하게 대두되고 있는 것이다. 따라서 사천만 연안 지역이 급격한 지역 변화를 경험하고 있음에 틀림없다. 본 연구의 연구목적은 이 지역에서 급격하게 진행되고 있는 교통·군사·수산업·관광·공업 기능의 변화 과정을 동태적으로 분석·정리함으로써 지역의 특성을 구명하는 데 있다. 특히 본 논문은 이 지역의 전통적 기능들과 오늘날 부상하고 있는 다양한 기능들을 밀접한 관련하에서 이해할 수 있음을 서술적으로 밝히고 있다. The Korean Peninsula, jutting southward from the Asian mainland into the Pacific Ocean, is surrounded by numerous bays and islands on three sides. The study area of this research is the coastal area surrounding the Sacheon Bay, which is located in the mid-southern tip of the peninsula. Historically, the bay region took the role of the main gate leading to the western part of Kyung-nam Do(Province) due to the fact that the bay is the nearest coast to Chinju, the central city of the province. The Sacheon Bay had provided important sea routes from the old days until the early twentieth century. Because of the bay`s sea routes, the bay region has been militarily of great significance. Recently, road/rail/highway/airplane transportation functions have become gradually increased but sea transportation function has been decreased in the region. As the Sacheon Bay was rich in fishery resources, dozens of fishing villages in the bay region depended on fishery and marine product industries for long years. But the inflow of the fresh water used to cause serious damage to the fishing industry in the bay region after a drainage canal from the Nam River was constructed in 1969. As a result, the industry has dwindled gradually for last decades. Recently, a couple of industrial parks were constructed along the coast and many manufacturing factories were built on the parks. It has been expected that many jobs lost in fishery and agriculture are replaced by new opportunities in industry. More than half of the workers employed in the parks` factories commute from the city of Chinju. It is asserted in this paper that the transportation, fishery, manufacturing, and tourism functions of the Sacheon Bay region are closely associated with. The characteristics of the region can be well understood through the functional changes and associations.

      • 프랑스의 新都市 開發에 관한 硏究 : L'lsle d'Abeau를 事例로 Exemple de l'Isle d'Abeau

        郭喆弘 慶尙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.26 No.2

        L'eude a vise a analyser la politique francaise de viles nouvelles, par I'exemple de I'Isle d'Abeau creee au pres de la metropole de Lyon. La creation de la ville nouvelle de I'lsele d'Abeau a ere motivee par trois ideas fondamentales. Il s'agis sait d'absorber une partie du developement de la metropole lyinnaise, de constituer un relais entre Lyon et Grenoble a proximite de laeroport international de Sastolas et de promouvoir un urbanisme de bourgs et de villages adapte au site. Les amenageurs, dans la planification de la ville nouvelle , soulignent I'mportance du centre urban pour creer un pole d'activites tertiaires et d'equipements, l'equilibreentre I'emploi et la population residente, I'm portance des infrastructures de transports et la continuite entre les divers elements constitutifs de la ville nouvelle; zones residentielles, zones d'activites, centre urbain et bases de loisirs. Pourtant, dans l'operation des traveaux, on a trop de problemes depuis la crise economique commencee en 1975. On devra donc d'avoir un souci d'assurer une grande flexibilite de la planification, pour faire face au contexte economique , demographique et politique Et, aussi, on ne doit pas negliger les opinions des habitants existants avant d'etablir le projet.

      • 韓國 都市의 工業構造에 關한 硏究

        郭喆弘 동국지리학회 1981 東國地理 Vol.- No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the regional and employmental structure of manufacturing industries in 36 urban areas of Korea. The analysis techniques of manufacturing industries are Lorenz Curve, Location Quotient and Localization Curve. The benchmark is the number of workers calculated from the original cards of Mining and Manufacturing Census by Korean Economic Planning Board. Thg results are as follows : (1) The distribution of total manufacturing is divided into two areas. One is Capital Region of which the core is Seoul and Incheon. The other is South-East Coast Region which consists of Ulsan, Busan Masan. Because these two areas connect each other by Daegu, Kumi and Dae-jeon, it can be said that Korean manufacturing industries are agglomerated along the Kyung-Bu expressway. This manufacturing distribution is similar to the population distribution, but by means of Localization Curve it has more influence upon the region than upon the population. (2) Manufacturing high density areas, measured by the nember of workers per city population, are the cities that were made the combinat-industrial parks by national policy, and their population ranks are medium. In addition, the rapid manufacturing growth cities, measured by the increasing rate of workers, are almost the same as the above cities. Therefore, in Korean Manufacturing location and growth, the national economic policy is the most important factor. (3) The manufacturing employment structure by Lorenz Curve is much specialized structure. Because the structure is more specialized than that of 1968, Korean manufacturing industries are more concentrating on textile and machinery. On the other hand, the heavy manufacturing industries are increasing in their weight but still they are below 50 percent. (4) The typical categories of the cities are textile, machinery, food & beverage and chemical in number. Most of the manufactured cities are made combination with textile but non-manufactured ones strong combination with food & beverage. In general, according to city's population ranks from large cities to small cities, the manufacturing category-combination patterns are as follower ; 1. textile+machinery 2. machinery+textile 3. textile+machinery 4. food & beverage (5) In research of the specialized categories of cities by means of Location Quotient, the cities of large population ahve been specialized in the categories of textile, paper & printing, machinery and so forth, but the cities of small population in the categories of food & beverage. (6) In research of the category ranks of cities, the ranks are divided into three classes-textile, machinery, food & beverage belong to high rank; chemical, clay & glass to middle rank; wood & furniture, paper & printing, metal and so forth, to low rank. In the end, the writer has the idea that it is necessary for the strong national policy to make manufacturing industries scattered to the small inland cities and non-manufactured cities from giant cities. This is the best way for scattering population from giant cities and for developing small cities.

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