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      • KCI등재

        서울시 세대별 1인가구의 주거특성 분석 및 정책제언

        고정희 ( Ko Jung-hi ) 한국부동산분석학회 2019 不動産學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        이 연구는 「2015년 서울복지실태조사(Seoul Welfare Survey)」를 활용하여 서울시 세대별 1인가구의 주거특성을 분석하였다. 분석을 위해 자료에서 “단독 1인가구”만을 추출하였다. 분석결과 서울시 세대별 1인가구의 주거특성은 ‘청년층’은 ‘다세대 주택(multi-family house)’ 및 ‘다가구 단독주택(detached house)’의 거주비율이 가장 높게 나타났다. 다음으로 쪽방(Jjokbang), 고시원(Gosiwon) 등의 주택이 아닌 시설에서의 거주 비율도 12.5%로 타 세대에 비하여 높게 나타나 청년층의 주거상황이 매우 불안정한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 ‘보증금이 있는 월세(Monthly rent with deposit)’ 거주가 47.3%로 나타났고 이들의 자가 보유(home ownership)는 6.2%에 불과해 점유형태(tenure)에 있어서도 주거상황이 매우 취약했다. 다음으로 중년층 역시 단독 및 다세대 주택의 거주 비율이 높게 나타났고, 점유형태(tenure)에 있어서는 ‘전세(jeonse)’가 47%, ‘보증금이 있는 월세(Monthly rent with deposit)’가 28.1%, ‘자가 거주(owner-occupation)’는 23.9%로 나타났다. 중년층에서도 전세 및 월세의 거주 비율이 높아 주택시장에서 이들의 주거상황이 여전히 취약한 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 노년층은 ‘아파트’ 거주비율이 43.4%로 가장 높았고, 점유형태에 있어서는 자가 거주(owner-occupation)가 47.7%로 청년층, 중년층에 비해 자가 거주의 비율이 가장 높게 나타났다. 그러나 ‘전세’ 29.9%, ‘보증금이 있는 월세’ 거주도 19%로 뒤를 이어 전세 및 월세 거주의 비율도 높았다. 주택유형(housing type) 및 점유형태(tenure)에 따라 변인들(Variables) 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과에서는 소득 및 자산이 가장 큰 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이처럼 일반가구에 비해 1인가구가 주택을 보유하는 일은 모든 세대에서 매우 어려웠다. 청년 및 중년층 1인가구에는 소위 ‘골드미스 및 골드미스터’로 불리는 사람들도 속해있는 집단이다. 그러나 경제적으로 여유로운 1인가구는 소수에 불과하며 1인가구의 대부분은 다세대주택을 벗어나지 못했고, 전세 및 월세를 벗어나기 힘든 상황에 놓여있었다. 또한 그동안 우리사회에서 청년층에서 보였던 ‘니트족(NEET)’의 특성이 중년층까지 확대되며 ‘중년 니트족’의 특성이 나타나기도 했다. 따라서 이 연구는 분석결과를 바탕으로 1인가구의 주거문제는 어떠한 특정 세대에 국한되어 공급되고 지원될 문제가 아님을 제시하였다. This study analyzed the housing characteristics of single-person households in Seoul by generation, utilizing the “2015 Seoul Welfare Survey.” For an analysis, this study extracted only “single-person households” from data. As a result of the analysis, the housing ratios of ‘multi-family house’ and ‘detached house’ were the highest in 'the youth.’ Next, the ratios of facilities that are not houses, like ‘Jjokbang’ and ‘Gosiwon’ in the youth were 12.5%, higher than the ratios in the other generations. Thus, it turned out that the housing situation of the youth was very unstable. In addition, ‘monthly rent with deposit’ took up 47.3%, and home ownership was just 6.2%, so their housing situation was very vulnerable in tenure, too. Next, in the middle aged, too, the ratios of detached house and multi-family house were high, and in tenure, ‘Jeonse’ took up 47%; ‘monthly rent with deposit,’ 28.1%; and ‘owner-occupation,’ 23.9%. Also, in the middle aged, the ratios of ‘Jeonse’ and ‘Wolse’ were high. Lastly, in the elderly, the ratio of ‘apartment’ was the highest at 43.4%, and in tenure, owner-occupation took up 47.7%, and the ratio of owner-occupation was higher than in the youth and the middle aged. However, ‘Jeonse’ took up 29.9% and ‘monthly rent with deposit’ took up 19%, so the ratios of ‘Jeonse’ and ‘Wolse’ were also high. As a result of an analysis of the correlations among the variables according to housing type and tenure, income and assets had the biggest correlation. Like this, as compared to ordinary households, it was much more difficult for single-person households to own a house in all generations. The youth and middle-aged single-person households are groups to which so-called ‘Gold miss and Gold mister’ belong. However, there were only a few single-person households, who were well off, and most single-person households did not get out of multi-family house and were placed in a situation in which it was hard for them to get out of ‘Jeonse’ and ‘Wolse.’ In addition, as the characteristics of ‘NEET,’ observed in the youth in Korean society until now expanded to the middle aged, the characteristics of ‘the middle-aged NEET’ appeared as well. Therefore, based on the results of the analysis, this study suggested that the issue of the housing of single-person households should not be limited to certain generations for providing and supporting.

      • KCI등재

        문학과 영상의 창의적 융합을 통한 공감교육 -NT Live <리어왕>을 중심으로-

        고정희 ( Ko Jeong-hee ) 한국문학치료학회 2015 문학치료연구 Vol.35 No.-

        이 논문은 `늙고 추한 노인`에 대해서 우리는 왜 그렇게도 연민을 느끼는데 인색한 것인지, 그들에 대한 공감은 어떤 방식으로 이루어질 수 있는지에 대해 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 문학과 영상을 창의적으로 융합한다면 `늙고 추한 노인`과 같은 공감하기 어려운 대상에 대해서도 공감을 가능하게 할 것이라는 가설을 세우고, NT Live <리어왕>의 사례를 들어 이를 입증하고자 하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 영상은 노인의 추함을 구체적으로 그림으로써 노인과의 대면을 강제하고 관객으로 하여금 노인의 추함이나 신체적 고통에 대한 상상을 가능하게 만든다. 그러나 영상매체가 재현하는 `노인의 추함`은 `오랜 삶의 견딤`이라는 의미로 재현되어야 연민을 불러일으킬 수 있는데, 이러한 해석을 가능케 하는 것이 문학적 성찰이다. 영상이 노인의 신체적 고통을 상상하게 하는 힘을 지닌다면, 문학은 그 의미를 해석하는 힘을 지닌다. NT Live <리어왕>처럼 문학과 영상이 창의적으로 융합될 때 이제 연민의 대상은 `삶을 견디고 있는 노인`이 된다. 이들에 대한 연민이 자발적으로 일어나기 어렵다면 공감교육을 통해 그러한 연민을 불러일으킬 수 있다. 공감교육은 노인-청소년 간의 질적 교류를 통해 일어나지만, 모두가 질적 교류에 참여할 수 없으니 셰익스피어라는 자산을 활용하는 것도 좋다. The purpose of this paper is to investigate why we are stingy on feeling pity towards an `ugly old man` and the ways we can have sympathy on them. For this, a hypothesis was formulated that creative integration of literature and pictures will enable us to sympathize with those whom it would otherwise be difficult to feel pity like an `ugly old man` and tried to confirm this using `NT Live: King Lear` as an example. The result can be summarized as follows. Pictures make it possible for the audience to imagine ugliness or physical pains of the old man by bodying forth the ugliness of an old man. However, `ugliness of an old man` need to be recreated by visual media to portray `endurance through the ages` in order to arouse pity, and literary reflection is what makes this interpretation possible. If pictures have the strength to make imagination possible of physical sufferings of an old man, literature has the power to interpret its meaning. When literature and pictures are creatively integrated as with `NT Live: king Lear`, the subject of sympathy finally becomes the `old man who is enduring throughout his life.` If there is difficulty in developing sympathy spontaneously towards the old man, such sympathy can be aroused through empathy education. Empathy education is achieved through qualitative exchange between elders and teens but since not everyone can participate in this qualitative exchange, it is possible to use resources such as Shakespeare.

      • <쌍화점>의 후대적 변용과 문학치료적 함의

        고정희 ( Ko Jeong-hee ) 한국문학치료학회 2006 문학치료연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The goal of this paper is to elucidate the significance of Sangwhajeom on Literary Therapy. From the viewpoint of intertextualism, an analysis was undertaken of the dominating desire in various versions of Sangwhajeom. The man who is admired by the female speaker in Sangwhajeom is a kind of the father who symbols super-ego which is the heritage of oedipus complex. As `a little crown` is kind like the child who loves his mother in the middle of oedipus period, so the female speaker plays role of his symbolic mother. The absence of father in many modern films also alludes the oedipus period. There are two heros, A boy who loves his mother and his mother who takes him as a alternative of his father. But mother who is ruled by the father or phallus introduces the child into the rule of father by rejects his desire not to divide with the mother, and helps the child to overcome oedipus complex and to identify himself with the phallus. It is easy to overcome oedipus complex when he can regards his mother as a abjected female. It is reasonable to interpret Sangwhajeom as an example of this process of overcome oedipus complex. I assert that most prominent desire in Sangwhajeom should belong to female speaker, because the phallus which she continuously pursues turns out to be the substitution of her narcissism.

      • 영화 속 여주인공 `선화`와 <서동요> -「나쁜 남자」, 「여자는 남자의 미래다」, 「빈집」의 여주인공에 대한 문학치료적 관심-

        고정희 ( Ko Jeong-hee ) 한국문학치료학회 2005 문학치료연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The goal of this paper is to arouse the specific concern about heroines of three movies which were directed by Kim Ki-deok and Hong Sang-soo from the standpoint of literary therapy. Nabben Namja(나쁜남자) and Bin Jip(빈집) were directed by the former and Women is the future of men(여자는 남자의 미래다) by the latter. In spite of their prominency, two male directors are seriously criticised by women, especially feminist critics. It`s very interesting that the name of the heroines of three movies are same by accident. In this study an analysis was undertaken about the reason why their names should be `Seon-hwa(선화)` which is exactly same with the name of heroine of Seodongyho(서동요). As a result, the following facts were revealed. Firstly, Seon-hwa(善花) should be beautiful enough to evoke the desire of man. If she were not beautiful any narrative could not begin. Secondly, Seon-hwa(善花) should be good natured enough to tolerate her irrational fate and never to revenge. Lastly, Seon-hwa(善化) should accomplish salvation through her sacrifice and purify the violence of men or society. It`s not weird that the name of heroine in recent movies is Seon-hwa, because Seon-hwa is the name of sacrifice. But comparing the epic of self in the movies with that of Seodongyho (서동요), we can find a important difference. While Seon-hwa of Seodongyho(서동요) can healing herself, Seon-hwa of three movies can`t do that. Literary therapist must reconstruct the epic of minority`s self like Seon-hwa who sacrifice herself for majority.

      • KCI등재

        고전에 대한 소양이 창의적 경영에 미치는 영향-‘스타벅스’와 ‘야후’의 사례를 중심으로

        고정희 ( Jeong Hee Ko ) 한국경제교육학회 2014 경제교육연구 Vol.21 No.1

        이 논문의 목적은 고전에 대한 소양이 창의적 경영에 미치는 영향을 고찰하는 데 있다. ‘스타벅스(Starbucks)’와 ‘야후(Yahoo)’라는 브랜드 네임은 대부분의 사람들이 자세히는 읽지 않는 유명한 고전에서 유래하였다. 스타벅스의 경영 철학은 ?모비딕?의 항해와 모험의 이미지, ‘스타벅’이라는 인물의 신비스러움과 잘 어울린다. 야후의 개발자들은 ?걸리버 여행기?에서 야만적인 종족으로 묘사된 ‘야후’ 속에서 심각한 작업으로부터 벗어나 즐거움을 추구하는 자신들의 이미지를 발견하였다. 스타벅스와 야후의 사례를 통해 고전에 대한 소양이 창의적 경영에 미치는 영향을 알 수 있다. 첫째는 고객을 ‘의미 있는 삶을 찾아 항해의 로맨스를 꿈꾸는 존재’로서 이해한다는 것이다. 둘째는 고객의 요구에 앞서 새로운 가치를 제공한다는 것이다. 셋째는 이전에 존재하지 않았던 신인류를 고객으로서 창출해낸다는 것이다. 이 논문에서 살핀 사례들은 경제교육과정이 추구하는 ‘창의적 인간상’과 ‘문화적 소양을 바탕으로 품격 있는 삶을 영위하는 인간상’에 부합하는 자료로서 경제교육에 활용될 수 있다. 경제 교수ㆍ학습의 자료로서 두 사례를 활용한다면 그동안 경제교육에서 지적되어 왔던 ‘학습자의 동기 부족’, ‘교과서의 추상성과 비현실성’, ‘기업에 대한 부정적인 인식’ 등의 문제를 개선하는 효과가 있을 것으로 기대한다. The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of knowledge of the classics on creative business management. Brand names such as ‘Starbucks’and ‘Yahoo’originated from famous literary classics which are not read in detail by most people. The philosophy of business management of ‘Starbucks’ matches well with the images portrayed by the voyage and adventures of Moby Dick and the mystics of Starbuck’s character. The developers of ‘Yahoo!’ discovered their own images of seeking after pleasure, free from serious work from the portrayal of ‘Yahoos’ as savage creatures in Gulliver’s Travels. It is possible to see the effects of knowledge of classics on creative management through the examples of Starbucks and Yahoo! First, consumers are regarded as ‘beings that dream of voyage in search for meaningful life’. Second, a new worth is provided before the consumers’ needs. Third, a new mankind which was nonexistent is created as the consumer. The examples examined in this study can be used in the economic education as resources that correspond with ‘the creative character of mankind’ and ‘the image of mankind that leads an elegant life based on literary knowledge’ of the economics curriculum. Utilization of these two examples in the teaching and learning of economics are expected to be effective in improving the problems that have been pointed out in the economic education such as ‘lack of motivation of learners’, ‘abstractness and unreality of textbooks’and ‘negative perception of business enterprises’.

      • KCI등재

        <관동별곡>의 창작상황과 강원도 자연의 정치적 의미

        고정희 ( Ko Jeong-hee ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2022 고전문학과 교육 Vol.50 No.-

        본고는 <관동별곡>에서 강원도의 자연이 어떻게 작자와 상호작용하며 작자의 정치적 지평을 확장시키는지를 탐구하는 데 목적을 둔다. 강원도관찰사로 부임하기 직전에 정철은 이이마저 물리치는 동인과 선조에게 실망하면서도 어린 병사에게 보여준 선조의 어진 마음을 믿었다. 강원도관찰사로 나가면서 정철은 임금에게 미움받는다는 심정과, 모처럼 임금과 한마음으로 백성들에게 선정을 베풀 수 있으리라는 기대감을 동시에 지녔다. <관동별곡>의 내금강 등정길에서 작자는 금강산의 빼어난 물상(物象)을 관찰하며 이이와 같은 인걸을 연상하고, 물상과 왕화(王化)의 순환을 되새긴다. 그렇지만 비로봉 꼭대기에 올라 위대한 산의 덕성을 체득하려고도 하기보다는 자신의 한계를 깨달으며, 공자가 태산에 올라 넓거나 넓은 천하(天下)를 ‘적다’고 한 이유에 대한 의문을 품고 산에서 내려온다. 결말부가 시작되는 망양정에서 작자는 거센 파도를 몸으로 느끼며 물[水]의 속성을 체득하고, 대붕이 되어 날아오르는 것을 느낀다. 대붕의 경지에서 바다를 굽어본 작자는 인간의 인식 능력으로는 바다의 깊이와 하늘 밖의 공간을 알 수 없음을 깨닫는다. 작자는 유가의 정치 공간인 천하를 넘어선 자연에서 얻은 술로 사해(四海)의 백성을 다 취하게 만들고자 소망한다. 또한 ‘명월(明月)’과의 상호작용을 통해서 선한 정치의 근본은 결국 임금의 밝음에 있음을 되새긴다. 강원도의 자연은 인간세계의 구분을 초월하여 대자연의 경지에서 수행하는 왕화를 추구하도록 작자를 이끌어준다. This article aims to examine how the nature of Gangwon province interacts with the writer and extends his political vision in Gwandongbyeolgok. Before he became a governor of Gangwon province, Jeong Cheol was disappointed by the opposite political party called Dong-in and King Seonjo since they banished the noble scholar-official, Lee Yi, from the court. On the other hand, he believed in the king’s benevolent heart toward the miserable people. When he climbs Mount Kumgang, the writer observes a magnificent landscape of it and reassures the virtuous cycle of nature and the benevolent reign of the king in his mind. Nevertheless, he neither interacts with nature nor embodies the virtue of the mountain by climbing the mountain peak. He descends from the Mount Kumgang suspecting why Confucius said that the enormous world under heaven is small. At the end of Gwandongbyeolgok, the writer embodies the attribution of water and feels that he transforms into Daebung(a gigantic imaginary bird in Taoism) with the wind and waves of the East sea in front of Mangyangjeong. From the perspective of Daebung, he realizes that human beings can neither know the depth of the sea nor the space beyond the sky. He wishes to make all the people drunk with the alcohol from nature beyond the political world. Interacting with the bright moon, he finds the king’s brilliant virtue as a fundamental factor of benevolent reign. The nature of Gangwon province makes the writer envision the ideal politics beyond all the discriminations of human politics.

      • 상호문화주의의 의의와 한계에 대한 고찰

        고정희 ( Ko Jeonghee ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2022 先淸語文 Vol.51 No.-

        Although there are constant debates between Interculturalism and Multiculturalism, mainstream discourses in Korean Language Education only focus on the importance of Interculturalism. This paper aims to examine both significance and limitations of Interculturalism and how they appear in its educational example. Interculturalism is an ideal model of encountering different cultures since it pursues the dialogue between equal individuals and the concept of the culture intersubjectively constructed between two cultures. However, it hides the discrimination and has difficulty presenting specific educational content. De Carlo’s educational content of La goutte d'or presents less positivity than negativity. He insists that French tourists and the poor immigrant teenager from Sahara could meet intersubjectively only by observing the habit of eating food, which hides the discrimination caused by race and class. Korean language education should consider the mobility of identity of an individual to implement the intercultural ideal. This consideration draws the perspective of the encounter with other people as a part of transiting process of constructing each other’s identity and overcoming discrimination in this dose consideration of individuals with their backgrounds.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사회주택의 잔여적 성격의 원인에 관한 연구

        고정희(Jung Hi Ko),서용석(Yong Sug Suh) 한국주택학회 2018 주택연구 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 주택연구의 양대 시각으로 불리는 할로(Harloe)와 케미니(Kemeny)의 이론을 통해 한국의 사회주택이 어떠한 이유로 인해 잔여적인 성격을 갖게 되었는지 고찰하였다. 서구는 전후의 ‘비정상적인 시기’에 사회주택을 대량공급하며 대중모델을 형성하였다. 그러나 한국은 서구와는 다른 경험을 가지고 있다. 한국은 할로가 제시했던 것처럼 비정상인 시기에 사회주택의 대량공급이 이루어지지 못했고, 케미니가 제시했던 것처럼 강력한 이데올로기에 의해 사회주택의 공급이 결정되지 않았다. 그럼에도 불구하고 한국의 사회주택이 잔여적인 성격을 갖게 된 이유는 전 세계에서 한국에만 존재하고 있는 독특한 민간임대제도인 ‘전세제도의 존재’가 하나의 주요한 원인으로 생각된다. This study examined the causes of social housing’s residual character in Korea. To this end, the causes of residualization were investigated through the theories of Harloe and Kemeny, who presented two major views on housing research. In the West, a mass model was formed by providing a massive supply of social housing during the “abnormal” post-war period. However, the situation in Korea is different from the West. In Korea, a massive supply of social housing during the abnormal time, as Harloe suggested, could not be achieved, and the supply of social housing based on strong ideology, as Kemeny proposed, was not proven. Nevertheless, it is considered that one of the main reasons for social housing’s residual character in Korea is ‘the existence of the jeonse system’, which is a unique private rental system that exists only in the country.

      • KCI등재후보

        시의 정서(emotion)와 기분(Stimmung)에 대한 연구 -마종기의 <낚시질>과 <중년의 안개>를 대상으로-

        고정희 ( Ko Jeong-hee ) 한국문학치료학회 2010 문학치료연구 Vol.14 No.-

        “기분(Stimmung)”은 일상에서 느끼는 사소한 기분을 가리키는 말이면서 동시에 하이데거의 철학의 주요 개념어이기도 하다. 이 글의 목적은 “기분(Stimmung)”을 통해 정서(emotion) 연구를 보완하는 데 있다. 정서(emotion)는 감정을 가리키는 여러 단어들 가운데 가장 폭넓고, 근본적인 개념으로 쓰이고 있으므로 유기적인 감정만을 한정하여 지시하는 단어가 아니다. 정서를 유기적인 감정으로 정의할 경우, 시의 정서와 독자의 정서가 일치하는 원리를 설명하는 데 유용한 개념인 “기분(Stimmung)”을 배제해 버리게 된다. 이 글은 마종기의 시 <낚시질>과 <중년의 안개>를 통해 작가의 근본기분(Grundstimmung)이 어떻게 독자에게 감동을 주는지를 살폈다. “기분(Stimmung)”은 앞으로의 정서 연구와 문학교육에서 지속적으로 관심을 가질만한 연구 주제이다. The goal of this paper is to complement the research of emotion with the concept of "Stimmung" which indicates trivial feelings of daily routine and existential significance of Heidegger`s philosophy simultaneously. "Emotion" has a widest reach among the words which indicate human feelings or affections. Therefore it should not be narrowed down to the definition such as a organized and balanced feeling. If we define emotion in that way then we eliminate the effective concept of "Stimmung" which explains the principle that emotion of the poetry accords with that of readers. In this paper we inquired the way how writer`s "Grundstimmung" inspires that of readers through Naksijil(낚시질) and Jungnyeonui Angae(중년의 안개) written by Ma Jong-gi. "Stimmung" is worth to conduct a further research for the development of emotion study and literary education.

      • KCI등재

        배경지식을 활용한 고전시가 교육 연구 -<도산십이곡>을 중심으로-

        고정희 ( Jeong Hee Ko ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2012 국어교육 Vol.0 No.138

        The purpose of this paper is to propose a desirable direction for the education of Korean classical poetry through practical use of background knowledge and to achieve this, we have explored theories and methods for converting background knowledge into practical knowledge. First, we examined theoretical premises for the education of Korean classical poetry through practical use of background knowledge. Since the key to practical knowledge depends on participation of learners, we need to start from literary competence of learners such as ``binary opposition``. We define background knowledge as "an additional knowledge related to understanding the text" and can expect it to be converted to practical knowledge when it could lead learners to infer the theme of the text in-depth on the basis of learners` literary competence. Next, we explored when and how background knowledge should be provided to learners through Dosansibigok. Theoretically learners could learn Dosansibigok in 4 steps. At first, learners infer the theme of the first part of Dosansibigok from their own tacit knowledge using ``binary opposition`` before studying the text. Secondly, they complement this inference using the background knowledge which is reconstructed by the principle of ``binary opposition``. Thirdly, learners render the task of the text as their own and internalize the text by correlating it with their own ``binary opposition`` experience. Finally, learners obtain the ability to learn the remaining parts of Dosansibigok and a state of mind in which they could learn ``the irony`` of poetry developed from ``binary opposition``. In conclusion, we have found that background knowledge which is converted into a form understood by the learners and also reconstructed as the principle which makes inference possible, all based on the learners` literary competence, can promote increase in practical literary competence. Although the conclusion has limitations since it results from predicted responses of theoretical learners, discussions in this study that explored the possibilities in converting background knowledge into practical knowledge is significant in an effort to resolve a dilemma in Korean classical poetry education which recognized the need for background knowledge but doubted its educational efficacy.

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