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      • KCI등재

        경남 대송리산 홍조 16종의 과포자 및 사분포자의 형성시기

        강래선,손철현 한국수산학회 1992 한국수산과학회지 Vol.25 No.5

        본 연구는 홍조 16종에 대해서 경남 양산군 대송리의 자연개체군을 대상으로 사분포자체 및 과포자체의 출현시기를 파악하였다. 그 결과 G. furcata가 춘·하계에 L. intermedia, L. undulata, R. intricata는 하계에, C. dasyphylla, H. charoides는 추계에, C. affinis, P. lanceolata, C. ocellatus, A. polyneurum, G. flabelliformis, G. intermedia, C. parvula, C. paniculatum는 하계와 추계에 사분포자 및 과포자를 형성하여 뚜렷한 계절성을 보였다. 조사대상 16종 중에서 G. flabelliformis, G. intermedia, R. intricata에서는 과포자상(carposporic phase)만 관찰되었고, P. telfairiae, H. charoides, C. parvula, C. paniculatum에서는 사분포자상(tetrasporic phase)만이 관찰되었다. 이 중 G. flabelliformis는 고수온역인 고리 원자력 발전소취수구에서는 사분포자상만이, 또 C. paniculatum는 과포자상만이 형성되어 자연개체군의 생활사는 불안정하며, 또 수온에 의해 지역적으로 제한됨을 시사하였다. 또한 과포자상 및 사분포자상을 갖는 종 중에서 C. affinis는 과포자상이 우세한 종이며, G. furcata, C. ocellaltus, C. dasyphylla, S. latiuscula는 사분포자상이 우세하였다. 또 C. affinis, C. ocellatus, A. polyneurum, C. dasyphylla, L. intermedia, L. undulata에서는 과포자상의 출현후 1개월 이내에 사분포자상이 출현하는 것으로 나타났다. 생식세포의 형성시기와 생체량의 변동은 생식세포를 형성하는 시점에서 생체량이 극대화되고, 생식세포를 방출하면서 생체량이 점차 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. Field study on the sporogenesis periods of 16 red algae growing at the intertidal zone of Daesongri was conducted from April 1987 to March 1988, observing the occurence of carposporic and tetrasporic fronds. The period of Gloiopeltis furcata was in spring and summer; that of Laurencia intermedia, Lcaurencia undulata and Rhodymenia intricata in summer; that of Chondria dasyphylla and Hypnea charoides in autumn; that of Carpopeltis affinis, Pachymeniopsis lanceolata, Chondrus ocellatus, Acrosorium polyneurum, Gymnogongrus flabelliformis, Gigartina intermedia, Champia parvula and Ceramium paniculatum in summer and autumn. Of the species, G. flabelliiformis, G. intermedia and R. intricata only matured the carposporic phase, and P. telfairiae, H. charoides, C. parvula and C. paniculatum did the tetrasporic phase. But the carposporic phase of G. flabelliformis and the tetrasporic phase of C. paniculatum were not occured in Kori area where water temperature was 3 C higher than that in Daesongri. In that area they only matured the other phase. This suggests that the life history is rarely complete in nature and water temperature is a important factor influencing on the sporogenesis. Also it was observed in C. affinis, C. ocellatus and S. latiuscula that the period of one phase is much longer than that of the other phase. But in most of species with both phases, tatrasporic and caropsporic, the former phase appeared a month later than the latter phase. In addition, their biomass became maximum just before sporgenesis, and then gradually decreased with release of reproductive cells.

      • KCI등재

        Spatial Variability in Distribution, Abundance and Species Composition of the Subtidal Macroalgal Assemblages Found Along the Geumo Archipelago in the Central South Sea of Korea

        강래선,홍경표,오승용,김종만,Hak-Chul Lee,Min-Suk Kim 한국해양과학기술원 2004 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.26 No.4

        Dense macroalgal assemblages are a common feature of the rocky subtidal habitats along the coast of Geumo Archipelago in the central South Sea of Korea, but are highly variable in space. This study addresses two questions concerning the algal assemblages: (1) how variable the distribution, abundance and species composition of the assemblages are in space, and (2) how closely the distribution, abundance and species composition of the assemblages are correlated to the spatial variation in abiotic factors. To answer these questions, we investigated 30 sites along the coast in autumn of 2003. The nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis showed that there were strong differences in the composition and abundance of species in the assemblages among the sites. The similarity among the sites based on presence/absence data was approximately 51%, whereas the similarity based on abundance data was less than 37%, suggesting that the abundance of species contributed much to these differences. There were also strong differences in the number of species, abundance and vertical distribution of the assemblages along the coast. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the number of species, abundance and vertical distribution of the assemblages had a positive relationship with water depth, but less than 58% of total variation in these variables was explained by this abiotic factor. The results suggest that spatial (between habitats) variation is an important and consistent component of subtidal algal assemblages in Geumo Archipelago and should be explained before any differences between localities are assessed.

      • KCI등재

        한국 남해중부 금오열도 연안 암반 조하대 해조군집의 구조

        강래선,김종만,Kang, Rae-Seon,Kim, Jong-Man 한국조류학회(藻類) 2004 ALGAE Vol.19 No.4

        Seaweed community of the sub tidal rocky habitats along the coast of Geumo Archipelago in the central South Sea of Korea is described. This area is characterized by archipelago in which islets are separated by shallow bottom sediments (primary, muddy sand), and turbidity is generally high due to the resuspension of bottom sediments. The hard substrata available for algal attachment are limited to less than 10 m in depth. Thirty sites were randomly chosen along the coast from August 2003 to September 2003 and a 50 m long transect was established at each site. The transect began at a depth of 1 m and ended at the depth of 9 m. The percent cover of all species other than crustose coralline algae was estimated at 2 m depth intervals along the transect using a 0.25 m$^2$ PVC quadrat with 25 squares. Thirty-six species were identified including 6 Chlorophyta, 10 Phaeophyta and 20 Rhodophyta. Species with more than 5% mean bottom cover were Gelidium amansii, Corallina pilulifera, Amphiroa dilatata and Carpopeltis cornea, which formed dense turf-forming algal assemblages at 1-5 m depth. At all sites except S11-S15 located in the western coast of Sorido, bottom covers of seaweed species at the depth deeper than 7 m were less than 6%. The lower limit of algal assemblages was 9 m in depth. We speculate that the limited water clarity and vertical extent of hard substrata available for the settlement of seaweed species are the direct cause of reducing the diversity, abundance and distributional extent of algal assemblages in the area.

      • KCI등재

        한국 동남해안에서 다시마(Laminaria japonica Areschoug)의 성장, 성숙, 사망률 및 생산

        강래선,고철환,Kang, Rae-Seon,Koh, Chul-Hwan 한국해양학회 1999 바다 Vol.4 No.3

        Growth, reproduction, mortality, and production of Laminaria japonica were experimentally studied at a cultivation ground on the coast of llkwang, where the largest amount of cultivated Laminaria has been produced in Korea. For this experiment, young sporophytes (0.33 cm in mean length) grown in the laboratory were transplanted at the depth of 3 m and field surveys on them were conducted twice a month from December, 1995 to August, 1996. Plants exhibited an annual life span; they were completely dead by August. Frond width, thickness, and wet weight showed similar pattern of seasonal growth and reached their maxima in July, but frond length showed no more increment after May. Maximum mean frond length and weight were 199.8 cm and 333.0 g wet wt., respectively. Overall meristematic growth in length and weight were 384.0 cm and 393.6 g wet wt., respectively. Absolute growth rates (AGR) which were calculated from the length of tissue developed from meristem varied seasonally; AGR of length and weight reached maxima in March (3.6 $cm{\cdot}d^{-1}$) and May (3.8 g wet $wt{\cdot}d^{-1}$), respectively. Absolute attrition rates gradually increased from February to July. Seasonal differences in growth and attrition rates appeared to be related to seawater temperature and nitrogen concentration in seawater. Reproductive sporophytes bearing sprorangium sorus began to occur from April, and the ratio of sorus area to blade area reached its maximum in July (0.034). Survival rate was exponentially decreased; more than 90% of plants decayed within 56 days after outplanting. After February, mortality was size-specific; mortality of smaller plants less than 30 cm in length were relatively higher. Maximum biomass occured in July (285.6 kg wet $wt{\cdot}m^{-2}$) and annual production was 758.7 kg wet $wt{\cdot}m^{-2}$. 대규모 다시마 양식장이 존재하는 동남해 일광 연안에서 다시마의 성장, 성숙, 사망 그리고 생산을 조사하였다. 실험을 위해 실험실에서 배양한 어린 포자체를 수심 3 m에 양성하였고, 1995년 12월부터 1996년 8월까지 조사하였다. 양성한 포자체는 이듬해 8월까지 모두 사망하였다. 엽폭, 엽두께, 그리고 습중량은 7월에 최대에 이르렀고, 모두 유사한 계절변화를 보였다. 반면 엽장은 5월에 가장 컸으나, 이후로는 감소하였다. 엽장과 중량의 평균치는 최대 199.8 cm와 333.0 g wet wt였다. 생장점에서 자라나는 조직의 총길이와 중량은 각각 384.0 cm와 393.6 g wet wt였다. 이 값을 토대로 계산한 길이와 중량의 절대성장률은 계절에 따라 변화하였다. 길이와 중량의 절대성장률은 3월(3.6 $cm{\cdot}d^{-1}$)과 5월 (3.8 g wet $wt{\cdot}d^{-1}$)에 각각 최대에 이르렀다. 절대유실률은 2월부터 7월까지 지속적으로 증가하였다. 성장률과 유실률의 시간변화는 수온과 해수중의 질소농도와 상관이 있었다. 포자낭군을 지닌 성숙한 포자체는 4월부터 출현하기 시작하였고, 성숙률은 7월에 최대에 이르렀다. 생존율은 시간경과에 따라 지수함수적으로 감소하였고, 90% 이상의 개체들이 양성 후 56일 이내에 사망하였다 2월 이후의 사망률은 엽장 30 cm 이하인 개체들을 중심으로 일어나는 크기 종속적 특성을 보였다. 생물량은 7월에 최대(285.6 kg wet $wt{\cdot}m^{-2}$)에 이르렀고, 이 해역에서 다시마의 연간생산량은 758.7 kg wet $wt{\cdot}m^{-2}$였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 동남해안에서 다시마(Laminaria japonica) 포자체의 광합성의 계절변화

        강래선,고철환,Kang, Rae-Seon,Koh, Chul-Hwan 한국해양학회 1999 바다 Vol.4 No.3

        Rates of photosynthesis and respiration of Laminaria japonica sporophytes cultivated on the southeastern coast of Korea were monthly measured in situ and under constant temperature and nitrogen concentration in laboratory from February to July 1996 in order to understand the seasonal photosynthetic performance of this alga. P-I (the relationship between photosynthsis and irradiance) parameters measured in situ varied seasonally. Photosynthetic capacity ($P_{max}$) reached its maximum in March (6.64 mg $O_2{\cdot}gdw^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$) and gradually decreased thereafter. Photosynthetic efficiency (${\alpha}$), which ranged from 0.026 to 0.106, generally showed a similar pattern with the $P_{max}$, curve. Correlation between respiration and $P_{max}$, was not significant (Spearman's rank correlation, p>0.05); respiration rate, which varied between 0.25 and 0.83 mg $O_2{\cdot}gdw^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$, showed no gradual decline from March. $P_{max}$ in situ significantly correlated with the relative growth rate of frond weight (Spearman's rank correlation, p<0.01) and this result means that the amount of accumulated materials in body increased with the increment of $P_{max}$. Compared $P_{max}$, in situ with that in the laboratory. The lower $P_{max}$ in February was probably caused by the effect of lower seawater temperature at this time. The decrease in $P_{max}$ after March, however, was primarily attributable to the thickness of blade as the plants got old. Comparison of P-I parameters measured for different size groups in April, explained the negative relationship between $P_{max}$ and frond thickness. 다시마 포자체에서 일어나는 광합성의 계절변화를 이해하기 위해, 1996년 2월부터 7월까지 동남해안에 양성한 엽체들의 광합성과 호흡률을 현장과 일정한 수온 및 영양염 조건으로 실험실에서 매월 측정하였다. 현장에서 측정한 P-I 매개변수는 계절적으로 변화하였다. 광합성력($P_{max}$)은 3월에 6.64 mg $O_2{\cdot}gdw^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$로 최대였고, 이후 지속적으로 감소하였다. 광합성 효율(${\alpha}$)은 0.026~0.106의 범위였고, 광합성력과 유사한 시간변화를 보였다. 호흡률의 시간변화는 광합성력의 변화와 유의한 상관을 가지지 않았다. 호흡률은 0.25~0.83 mg $O_2{\cdot}gdw^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$의 범위였다. 현장에서 측정한 광합성력은 중량의 상대성장률과 높은 상관을 지니고 있어, 광합성력이 증가함에 따라 체내에서 축적되는 물질의 양 또한 증가함을 알수 있었다. 현장과 실험실에서 측정한 광합성력을 비교한 결과, 2월내 현장에서의 광합성력이 낮았던 것은 이 기간 중 낮은 수온에 의한 영향 때문이었고, 3월 이후에 광합성력이 점진적으로 감소하는 것은 엽체의 연령증가에 따라 엽체의 두께가 증가하였기 때문이었다.4월에 측정한 엽체의 크기별 광합성력은 엽체의 두께와 광합성률간에는 음의 상관이 있다는 것을 나타내었다.

      • KCI등재

        밀도에 따른 다시마 ( Laminaria japonica Areschoug ) 의 생장과 생존

        강래선(Rae Seon Kang),고철환(Chul Hwan Koh) 한국수산과학회 1999 한국수산과학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        The effect of individual density on the growth and survival of Laminaria japonica was experimentally evaluated. Four density treatments of young sporophytes (0.63 ㎝ in maximum length) grown in the laboratory were transplanted to the southeastern coast of Korea and their survivorship and growth rate were measured twice a month from January to July, 1996. Ptants showed higher survivorship at low density. Final densities at three lowest densities were similar, ranging from 34 to 38 inds·100 ㎝^(-2). Plants at the highest density, however, suffered greater decline than at lower densities, and only 21 plants remained at the end of this study. Mean frond size (length and width) fluctuated throughout the study period at four densities. Dudng the first two months after outplanting, mean frond size was negatively correlated with initial density, however, the size was density independent after three months. As stand density increased, size-frequency distribution through time tended to be more positively skewed. The 10 largest plants grew faster in frond size and attained larger size in the lower density. There was a positive relationship between plant size and relative growth rate (or survival). The slope of yield-density (Y-D) relationships at four densities ranged from -0.060 to -0.137. The study suggests that density can strongly affect the survival and growth of this alga. The density-dependent survival and growth patterns, however, were not strictly consistent with those of terrestrial plants.

      • KCI등재

        수온과 광량에 따른 다시마 초기 생활사의 발아와 성장

        강래선(Rae Seon Kang),고철환(Chul Hwan Koh) 한국수산과학회 1999 한국수산과학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Germination and growth of Laminaria japonica microscopic stages were investigated under crossed gradients of temperatures and irradiances, and the results related to the seasonal temperature regime in the southeastern coast of Korea. Germination rates of 70-86% were observed in the temperature range of 5-20℃, however, at 25℃ no germination of meiospores was observed. The primary factor affecting germination rates at the temperature range of 5-20℃ was irradiance; germination was significantly reduced at 150 μE·m^(-2)·s^(-1) Vegetative cell production of female gametophytes was highest at 20℃, but plants were not fertile at the temperature. In the temperature range of 5-15℃, higher irradiance caused females to reduce cell production, but increased fertility. Cell production was also low at lower temperatures with increased fertility rates. Optimal growth temperature for microsporophytes was 10℃ and their growth rates were light-saturated at 70 μE·m^(-2)·s^(-1). We have concluded that meiospores released before July could develope to the young sporophytic stage in the southeastern coast of Korea which is off the southern limit of its geographical distribution. However, Gmiting factor in the development of natural sporophytic population in this region would be the upper temperature limit for the survival of young sporophytes, as water temperature at this area frequently exceeds 25℃ during the summer period.

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