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      • KCI등재

        발해의 왕위계승과 簡王

        김은국 한국중앙사학회 2006 중앙사론 Vol.23 No.-

        To take a close look at the Balhae history based on the succession to the thrones, it can be divided into 4 parts, that is, one for the first kingdom of Gowang(高王), the fourth kingdom of Pyewang Daewonui(廢王 大元義), the fifth kingdom from Gangwang(康王) to Ganwang, and the last kingdom from 10th Seonwang(宣王) who was sone of the fourth generation of Dae Ya-bal(大野勃), king’s brother to 15th Malwang(末王) which was the Royal line of Dae Ya-bal or Dae In-su(大仁秀).And Gugin(國人) was considered influential power according to the interpretation of Gugin. The understanding of the Gugin was intended to be associated with Ganwang. And Shilla and Japan through Kraskino Castle were investigated, focusing on the Donggyeong(東京) area since Munwang(文王). Recently the tomb of the queen of Ganwang was excavated in China, which was not made public, but it is certain that the results of the excavation reassured the status of Ganwang. What’s more, the phrase meaning ‘Queen’ on the inscription indicated that Balhae was the sovereignty that could make an epoch of the study of Balhae history. Based upon this face, it was associated with the Royal succession during the period of the ninth Ganwang. Although the king passed away since the accession in 818, the word ‘an early death(早死)’ was written in the literature.In spite of his short rule, it is shown that his succession was the hightes point of the Balhae’s succession to the throne between previous Gowang, Kingdom of Munwang, and next Seonwang. Upon emphasizing the fact that the excavated site was not Yukjeongsan(六頂山) but Yongdusan(龍頭山), the status of the Donggyeong area that was focused since Moonwang. Particularly the fact that it was in the vicinity of the tomb of Princess Jeonghyo(貞孝公主), the daughter of Munwang provides a clue indicating the line between Queen of the Ganwang and Princess Jeonghyo. In the future, we hope that the lost connection of the succession of Royal line of Balhae kingdom can be traced down upon the publicization of the Queen of Ganwang.

      • KCI등재

        발해유적 조사 성과에 대한 한국학계의 해석

        김은국 중앙대학교 중앙사학연구소 2019 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.50

        In this article, I looked at how Balhae relics were excavated and analyzed in Korea. Specifically, we covered Balhae-related dissertations in Korea, and then dealt with the subject through the paper. The Balhae sites exist in Russia, China and North Korea. Korean scholars are in a very difficult environment to directly investigate Balhae ruins in Russia, China and North Korea. Despite such limitations, it is encouraging that the number of scholars who have obtained master's and doctorate degrees under the theme of Balhae Temple has been steadily increasing until recently. In addition, it is in the process of overcoming the limitations of the literature while dealing with the excavation achievements of China, Russia and North Korea. This indicates that we have entered the stage where we can refer to the results of fieldwork and excavation of Balhae sites. In addition, the increasing number of Ph.D. researchers in China and Russia are studying abroad shows that the Balhae history research community is deepening in that it is expanding the scope of the Balhae history research environment. Although the number of Balhae history researchers in Korea is smaller than that of Goguryeo. However, Korea is competitively expanding its Balhae history research level as it continues to conduct in-depth analysis and interpretation. It is hoped that researchers from Balhae history in Korea will be able to conduct joint excavation research with scholars from China and North Korea. Until now, researchers at Balhae history in Korea have only been engaged in exchanges with Russian researchers, limited to partial sites in the Russian coastal province. Over one thousand years ago to Balhae was in East Asia the hub of cultural exchange. Haedong Seongguk(海東盛國) which was praised as one of the Balhae, and now the current geographical area classification of the country, and Balhae be the remains of access is restricted. I hope this study will lead to a comprehensive investigation into Balhae ruins.

      • KCI등재

        견봉하 충돌 증후군의 전거근과 하부승모근에 대한 재활 운동 프로그램이 견봉하 공간과 극상근 힘줄의 혈류량에 미치는 효과

        김은국,최호경 대한스포츠의학회 2018 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        Purpose: This study was designed to assess the effects of a rehabilitation program on clinical symptoms, subacromial space parameters and the supraspinatus vascularity in individuals with subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS). Methods: Thirty-five participants (exercise group with SIS [EG]=11, non-exercise group with SIS [NEG]=10, control group [CG]=14) took part in this study. Only EG participated in 6-week rehabilitation program. Outcomes were evaluated at baseline, 6 weeks, and 10 weeks. Changes in symptoms and functional limitations were assessed using Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) questionnaire. Changes in acromiohumeral distance (AHD) and supraspinatus tendon thickness (STT)/AHD were assessed using ultrasonographic measures. Quantitative analysis of tendon blood flow was performed by determining four regions of interest with power Doppler quantification and analysis software to normalize data for interpretation of the mean ratio of colored pixel to the region of interest (vascularization index [VI]) and the intensity per pixel (flow index [FI]). Results: Following the rehabilitation program, the scores on SPADI were significantly improved (p<0.05). However, AHD, STT/AHD, VI, and FI indicated no significant difference within groups or interactions of time and group in between groups. Conclusion: The rehabilitation program yielded improvements in symptoms, but not in subacromial parameters and the vascularity of supraspinatus in participants with SIS.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학 엘리트 운동선수들의 스포츠 손상에 대한 종단적 패널 연구

        김은국,차정훈,최호경,유진영 대한스포츠의학회 2020 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        Purpose: The first aim of this study was to retrospectively survey sports injuries among 608 athletes participating in 26 sport events. The second aim was to compare the characteristics of sports injuries depending on the occurrences during the high school and university periods. Methods: The data were collected based on the daily injury report form proposed by the International Olympic Committee from March to June 2019. Results: Four hundred and thirty-nine athletes (313 men) of 608 participated athletes experienced a total of 747 sports injuries, indicating 0.7 injuries per 1,000 athlete exposures (AEs). The incidence rate during the university period was 6.1 injuries/1,000 AEs, which was approximately two-fold higher than that during the high school period (2.8 injuries/1,000 AEs). The reported frequency of injuries was the highest among long distance athletics (n=60, 8.0%), and in each subgroup as well. Conclusion: Many more injuries were incurred during practice wherein injuries in long-distance athletics were the most common than in competition athletics; handball injuries and taekwondo injuries were the most common during high school and university, respectively. The most contact injuries occurred in taekwondo and most noncontact injuries occurred in gymnastics during high school and in badminton during university. The most commonly affected body parts were the knee, shoulder, and ankle. Severe injuries were the most frequent in long distance athletics, and emergent situations were the most common in taekwondo.

      • KCI등재

        渤海 鹽州城의 최근 발굴성과와 분석

        김은국 고구려발해학회 2017 고구려발해연구 Vol.58 No.-

        염주(鹽州) 발해성은 문헌으로 확인되는 러시아내 발해성 중 가장 온전한 유적이다. 염주는 발해가 설치한62개 주(州) 중의 하나로 동해를 통해 신라와 일본과 교류하였던 곳이고 발해의 내륙 곳곳을 거쳐 당, 서역 등과 통하는 교두보였다. 발해는 건국 직후 동해를 통한 해양과 대륙을 함께 경영하기 위해서 현재의 琿瑃 지방으로부터 동해안에 걸쳐 5경 중 하나인 동경용원부와 그 산하에 4개 주를 설치하였다. 염주는 그 중의 하나로발해가 신라와 일본과 교류하는데 있어서 관문 역할을 한 성이다. 또 이곳에는 대륙으로부터 당나라는 물론, 서역 등의 문화가 집결하여 신라와 일본 등과 교류를 할 수 있었던 국제 항구이기도 하였다. 1990년대 들어 연해주 발해유적은 중국과 북한 내의 경우와 달리 한국과 러시아 학자들과 공동발굴이 계속 진행되어 왔다. 그 결과 최근의 염주성 공동발굴 결과는 발해 조기 문화층과 고구려시기의 층위와 유물의단초를 확인한데 이어 새로운 염주성 발굴 방향을 제시하여 주었다. 특히 2011년 이후의 발굴을 통해서 염주성 내 계획된 구획 시설이 계속 이어짐을 확인하였고, 고구려 문화의 계승성은 물론 신라· 서역 등 주변국과의다양한 교류 상을 엿볼 수 있는 중요한 유물들을 속속 출토하는 성과를 거두었다. 특히 ‘발해 조기 문화층’과 고구려시기의 층위와 유물의 단초를 확인하여 새로운 염주성 발굴의 전환을 가져왔다. 이미 필자는 염주성 발굴을 시기별로 3단계로 나누면 1단계는 1980년부터 1992년 이전까지 러시아측의 발굴과 1992년 이후 2006년의 한-러 공동 발굴 시작 기간이다. 이 시기는 러시아 측의 주도 하에 한국 측이 참여하는 시기이다. 2단계는 2007년부터 2010년으로 이 시기는 한국 측이 정식 발굴단을 구성하여 러시아측과 명실 공히 공동발굴을 전개시킨 과정에 해당한다. 마지막으로 2011년 이후 현재의 3단계는 이전의 한러양측 발굴 기반 위에 심화와 확장의 이원적인 발굴을 통해 양과 질에서 주목할 만한 발굴 성과를 거두었던 기간이다. 2011년부터 이어지는 염주성 발굴조사는 발해 지방성의 도시구획의 단초를 찾고 관청 혹은 창고시설과 관련되었을 대형건물터와 석축기단 건축물터 등을 확인함으로써 발해 유적조사에 새로운 전기를 마련하였다. 이러한 전환에 간과할 수 없는 것이 있는데 지구물리학적 조사와 그 반영이다. 그간 염주성 발굴의 획기적인성과는 심화 발굴과 확장 발굴의 이원화를 통해서 결실을 거두었다. 심화 발굴의 성과가 있기까지에는 지구물리학 측정 방법을 통한 지층과 유물의 분포 파악을 발굴을 통해 입증하는 과정의 결과였다. 이 측정은 러시아 학자 Bessonova E.A가 염주성 내에서 분석해 온 것이다. 이 측정을 통해 염주성은 성내 북동부에 타원형모습의 내성을 상정할 수 있었다. 그리고 베쏘노바는 이 성이 고구려 시대의 축성일 것으로 추정하였던 것이다. 주지하듯이 2011년부터 2015년도에 걸쳐 조사된 도로 유구는 바로 이 측정에 대한 검증 성격을 지니는 발굴의 성과였다. 아직 내성을 뒷받침하는 발굴 결과가 나오지는 못하였지만 그간의 염주성 발굴 성과는 2015 년 발굴에 집약되어 나타났다. 그 가장 으뜸은 염주성 발굴 사상 처음으로 노출한 발해 전체 시기의 발해토층을 통해 염주성의 고고학적 역사와 발해문화의 고구려 계승성을 확인할 수 있는 계기를 얻었다는 점이다. 특히 토층에서 수습한 20 여점의 목... As mentioned above, the paper sorted out the results of excavation by dividing the performance of the excavation site by time. It is noteworthy that excavating an assumed location of inner castle brought a turning point for our excavation project. The excavation of Kraskino Castle which has been continued since 1993 will serve as an important stepping-stone to the establishment of historical and archaeological status of the Balhae Kindgom and overall archeology. Specifically, during the early stage of the excavation, this fortress was estimated to be built between eight and ten centuries. However, the excavation after 2007 can act as a guidance for a future excavation, as early occupation layers of the Balhae Kingdom, layers and foundation stone of relics from Koguryo era brought the changeover of the excavation on Kraskino Castle. The excavation on Kraskino Castle from 2011 set a new cornerstone for investigation on the Balhae Kingdom’s relics in that the excavation discovered the substructure of the division of city, the site of large buildings which would be used as government offices or storage facilities and the site of stone-based building. Geophysical research and reflection should not be overlooked during this turning point. There is something inexplicable in this conversion, which is geophysical research and reflection. The epochal achievement of the excavation was achieved through the binary approach; advancement of excavation and expansion of excavation. The accomplishment of the advanced excavation can be credited to the excavation’s verification process on recognizing strata and distribution of relics using geophysical methods of measurement. The measurement has been analyzed by Russian scholar Bessonova E.A within the Kraskino Castle. Through this measurement, the shape of Kraskino Castle’s inner castle can be postulated as oval shape, which follows the shape of the inner castle that is located in the northeast part of the Kraskino Castle. Morevoer, Bessonova assumed that the castle was built in the era of the Koguryo Kingdom. As everyone knows, the road site, which was investigated between 2011 and 2015, was the accomplishment which verifies this measurement of excavation. Although no traces of excavation results have yet to be found, the Kraskino Castle’s excavation results have been concentrated in the excavation during 2015. The most outstanding aspect was that the discovery of the Balhae soil strata of all periods of the Balhae Kingdom for the first time in the Balhae Kindgdom’s excavation history enabled us to verify the archeological history of the Kraskino Castle and the Balhae culture’s succession of Koguryo. In particular, the analysis result of the 20 pieces of charcoal collected through the soil strata can be acted as a ground to date the periods of using the Kraskino Castle from Koguryo era. use of the Kraskino site era to establish the basis of the period of the Koguryo Kingdom. Also, this will be functioned as an important data while conducting a management research on the East Sea coast and Primorskii region during the era of Koguryo. Next, the bronze statue of camel and bones of camels which were excavated for the first time can be used as a proof of the interaction and relationship between the Balhae Kingdom and the Western region through the Kraskino Castle. In addition, it can be noticed that the government installed a joint (communal) storage facility and shared a space for the joint storage facility. Also, a piece of flat bottle verifies that Balhae and Silla engaged in maritime interaction through Kraskino castle. Furthermore, through the identification of the east-west intersection road which was connected to the east and west roads, the Kraskino Castle was a city capital that has city blocks such as Sang-gyung Castle(上京城). Lastly, due to the result of the expanded excavation, an excavation of the Kraskino Castle’s government office sites can be started. Af...

      • KCI등재

        바디스파이더운동과 맨몸저항운동이 치매예방에 미치는 영향

        김은국,이현주,김유호 한국스포츠학회 2019 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 장기요양보험 노인들을 대상으로 바디스파이더운동과 맨몸저항운동을 인지활동과 병행하여 프로그 램을 진행하였고, 운동의 효과를 운동프로그램 사전, 사후 노인들의 인지기능의 변화를 통하여 비교분석하였다. 노인주 간보호센터 2곳(경기도 K시와 G시 소재)의 시설을 이용하기 시작한 노인들(n=35명)을 모집하여 사전 인지기능을 평 가 후, 바디스파이더운동집단과 맨몸저항운동집단으로 배정 후 실험을 진행하였고, 18년 12월부터 19년 2월까지 12 주 동안 각 집단의 운동프로그램 실시 후 인지기능을 재평가하였다. 바디스파이더 기구를 활용한 바디스파이더운동집 단과 맨몸을 이용한 맨몸저항운동집단은 각각 주 3회 하루에 20분 이상 저항운동을 실시하였다. 인지기능의 평가는 한 국형 간이정신상태 검사(Korean Mini Mental State Examination; K-MMSE) 검사와 색체검사인 한국형 스트룹 검 사(Korean Stroop Test;KST)를 실시하였다. 그 결과, K-MMSE 점수는 맨몸저항운동집단보다 바디스파이더운동 집단에서 유의하게 증가하였고, KST에서도 글자읽기, 색깔말하기, 간섭색깔말하기 완료시간이 모두 바디스파이더운 동집단에서 유의하게 감소하였고, 맨몸저항운동집단에서는 색깔말하기와 간섭색깔말하기 완료시간이 유의하게 감소 하였다. This study conducted group exercise program by combining body spider resistance exercise and body weight resistance exercise with cognitive activity to elderly people with long-term care insurance grade, and compared the effects of exercise with changes in the cognitive function. Elderly people(n=35) who started take part in program at facilities at two senior day care centers(K and G cities in Gyeonggi-do) were recruited to evaluate their pre-cognitive function, assigned to the body spider exercise group or the body weight resistance exercise group, conducted experiments, and re-evaluated their cognitive function after carrying out an exercise program of each group for 12 weeks from December to February. Each exercise group performed resistance exercises for 20 minutes a day three times a week, using body spider instrument or body weight resistance. The evaluation of cognitive function carried out the K-MMSE, and the KST. As a result, K-MMSE total score showed significant increase in the body spider resistance group over the body weight resistance exercise group, and word reading, color naming, color interference finishing time in KST, all showed significant decrease in body spider resistance exercise group, color naming and color interference finishing time showed significant decrease in body weight resistance exercise group.

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