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        Baltic Memories of East Germans

        Chung, Tae-Hung(정태흥),Chung, Chin-Sung(정진성) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2019 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.20

        냉전 시 서독인들로부터 까마득히 잊혀져간 발트해는 왜 아직도 동독인들에게는 청산되지 않은 동독 정부의 만행거리, 주민들의 슬픈 추억거리로 종종 화두로 떠오르나? 동독 정부의 격리체제는 발트해와 그 접경지역의 주민들에게 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는가? 동독인들은 냉전시대의 분리된 발트해를 어떻게 회상하고 있는가? 이러한 질문에 답하기 위해 본 연구는 주로 네 가지 주제에 천착했다. 첫째, 1952년부터 1989년까지 동독 정부가 내부적으로는 사회주의 이념강화, 그리고 외부적으로는 독립적인 신생국가로 인정받기 위해 “발트해”란 단어를 어떻게 포장하여 사용했는지 살펴보았다. 둘째, 1952년 동독 발트해에서 일어난 ‘장미활동Aktion Rose’을 통해 동독정부가 수 세기 동안 독일인들과 북유럽인들의 고급 휴향지인 발트해 주변을 어떻게 강제적으로 공영화 했는지 추적했다. 셋째, 1958년부터 1972년까지 로스토크에서 해마다 개최된 ‘발트해 주간 Ostseewoche’은 동독이 외교적으로 입지를 굳히는데 큰 역할을 했는데, ‘발트해 주간’ 행사를 위해 투입된 로스토크Rostock와 퀴흘룽스보른Kühlungsborn의 상황을 바탕으로 동독의 외교적 취지와 상반된 내부적인 갈등을 분석했다. 마지막으로 1961년 설치된 베를린 장벽을 전환점으로 육지경계선과 겹겹이 봉쇄된 발트해 접경지역을 지켰던 ‘국경수비대 해안’의 역할과 영역을 분석했다. 아울러 봉쇄되고 겹겹이 외부로부터 차단된 발트해 접경지역의 주민들은 과연 어떠한 삶을 살았는지, 그들에게는 발트해가 어떠한 기억으로 남아있는지를 인터뷰, 기록영화 그리고 언론자료들을 통해 살펴보았다. This article deals with the paradox function of the Baltic Sea in East Germany (DDR in the German acronym) between 1949 and 1989. The Baltic Sea, divided by the Iron Curtain with military forces stationed on either side has been a sea of conflicts and dividing lines. At the same time, it has been required to play the ‘Sea of Peace’ and ‘Sea of the public’ roles. In 1953, when the regime promoted tourism on the Baltic Sea for recovering its social - and economic situation, many of the hotels were seized by the government, taken from their private owners under the codename ‘Aktion Rose’. For being the ‘Sea of the public’, all the confiscated hotels were converted into either FDGB (Free German Trade Union Federation) or DDR regime"s vacation premises. The ‘Ostseewoche Baltic Week’ between 1958 and 1975, demonstrates how the DDR regime invested considerable resources for gaining external political allowance while the population was suffering from economic and resource shortages. More than 4.6 million people moved from East Germany to West Germany (BRD in the West German acronym) after WWII in 1945 to German reunification in 1990. The DDR regime tried to halt the mass flight of its people with the barriers in Berlin, the 1400 km inner-German border and 640km sea border with barbed wire, land-mines and standing orders to shoot. Villages near the inner-German border, and sea border system, were heavily-guarded and separated from the outside world. From year to year, the border became more impassable. With tremendous effort, the DDR tried to prevent ‘Republikflucht (fleeing the republic)’. Although much attention has focused on dramatic and ingenious methods of escaping the Berlin Wall and inner-German borders, only a smallish number of attempted escapes were reported through the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Border coastline was guarded by the ‘Grenzkommando ‘Küste’’ headquartered in Rostock, as well as through civil surveillance, with the help of Stasi, local authorities and border volunteers. For nearly 40 years residents and visitors had to endure a special control system that intended to prevent escape attempts. Strict laws regulated everyday life and tourism activities at the Baltic Border. The last part of this article deals with the Baltic Sea as an invisible sea border and with people"s emotional feelings about their daily lives in the Baltic Sea border villages. It remains necessary to remind ourselves of the contradictory role of the Baltic Sea on the one hand as a part of the DDR external propaganda, while on the other hand, as a place which specifically commemorates the division of Germany and its victims.

      • KCI등재

        억압된 여성의 주체 형성과 군 위안부 동원

        정진성 ( Chin-sung Chung ) 한국사회사학회 1998 사회와 역사 Vol.54 No.-

        The central theme of this paper is that during the colonial period the formation of women``s subjectivity was depressed, creating the social conditions for the large scale mobilization of ``Comfort Women`` for Military Sexual Slavery(abbreviated hereafter as MSS) from the 1930s until 1945. The distorted pattern of women``s labor participation during forced industrialization, introduction of public prostitution system and the policy to extinguish Korean nationality were major social conditions for the mobilization of MSS. The MSS mobilization caused more serious trauma in the formation of women``s subjectivity, and the fact that it was kept for secret for more than 50 years after it occurred, again distorted the development of feminism in Korea. Its effect still reaches to curren women``s movements that suffer from deep trauma in the formation 0 women``s subjectivity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        경제위기와 가족생활

        정진성(Chin-Sung Chung) 한국인구학회 2001 한국인구학 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구논문은 IMF 경제위기가 우리의 가족생활에 미친 영향을 살펴보았다. 경제위기가 가져온 생활수준의 변화와 경제적 고통의 내용과 함께 가족간의 접촉의 정도나 가족폭력, 가족해체 등 가족관계에 일어난 변화를 살펴보았다. 또한 친족ㆍ친지와 주고받은 경제적 도움의 정도나 소비지출행동의 변화를 통해서 완만한 사회변화 과정에서는 잘 드러나지 않았던 한국 가족의 특성 및 가족생활의 단면을 살펴 보았다. 뿐만 아니라 경제위기가 장차 성별관계에 미칠 영향을 여성들의 취업동기의 강화나 역할행동의 변화라는 관점에서 검토해 보았다. 경제위기는 가족관계에 변화를 가져왔다. 전체적으로 실업이 생긴 가족들은 기족관계에 무엇인가 달라졌다고 느낀 경우가 많았고, 긍정적으로든 부정적으로든 부부 간의 접촉빈도가 높아졌다. 부부간의 폭력이나 해체의 가능성이 비교적 낮게 나타난 반면, 자녀에 대한 폭력이 이보다 직접적으로 반영되었다. 사회적 보장제도나 친구에 비해서 친족은 여전히 가장 중요한 경제적 의지의 대상으로 존재하고 있다는 사실도 확인되었다. 특히 친정이 도움의 자원으로 활용되고 있다는 점은 주목할 만하다. 이러한 사실들은 기존의 서구사회를 대상으로 한 조사결과들과 다소 다른 것들이므로, 우리사회를 해석하는 중요한 자료가 될 수 있을 것이다. 뿐만 아니라, 경제위기의 소비 변화를 통해서 우리사회에서 문화비용과, 병원비, 그리고 사교육비가 지출의 신축성을 가진 부분인 것이 드러났다. 그리고 경제위기에 직면하여 여성들의 취업에서 경제적 동기가 강화되는 측면과 함께 역할행동의 변화가능성도 일부 제시되었다. This paper attempts to investigate the influence of IMF economic crisis on family lives through questionnaire survey of 1001 women in Seoul. According to the results of the survey, we found the following changes that the economic crisis brought to the family lives. With the unemplyment, communication between husbands and wives became more dense in both positive and negative ways. While the possibility of violence and separation beteen husbands and wives was relatively low, violence against the children more directly reflects the economic difficulties. In the economic crisis, relatives are more important resouces for supports than friends and social welfare institutions. Especially the families of the wives are the most important supporters. Through the changes of consumption pattern in economic crisis, we confirmed that the expences for cultural activities, the hospitals and private education have some flexibility. That is, those expences firstly decreased in the economic crisis. Confronting the economic difficulties economic motivation of women to find works became stronger, and we saw some possibility of changes of women's role pattern by undergoing economic difficulties.

      • KCI등재

        군 위안부/정신대의 개념에 관한 고찰

        정진성 ( Chin Sung Chung ) 한국사회사학회 2001 사회와 역사 Vol.60 No.-

        Since the beginning of the 1990s the issue of military sexual slavery began to be publically discussed in our society, which spread to Japan, Asian victimized countries and world society soon. When this issue was raised in our society, it was conceptualized as ``Jungsindai`` issue, which means that the historical fact of military sexual slavery bad been imbedded as the name of ``Jungsindai`` in the mind of Korean people. Because of the criticism against confusing the military sexual slavery with voluntary coops for factory labor (Jungsindai) from the side of Japanese people, and the necessity for separating Korean women drafted for factory labor and those for military sexual slavery, the civil society and the government of Korea decided to use the term, ``Ilbongun Wianbu``(Comfort women for the Japanese military). But the problem to clarify the reason why Korean people who lived in the colonial period have the name ``Jungsindai`` in their mind still remains. We should dig out the socio-histocial meaning of the conceptualizing ``Jungsindai`` by ordinary Korean people, and study on social institutional background forming the institutions of military sexual slavery and compulsory factory labor during the colonial period. In this paper I tried to clarify that the institutions of military sexual slavery and compulsory factory labor were enforced not in clearly distinguished ways in colonial Korea, which was different from that in Japan at that time.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국사회 부성의 구조

        정진성(Chung Chin-Sung) 한국여성연구소 2009 페미니즘 연구 Vol.9 No.1

        이글은 서울대 여성연구소가 학력, 연령, 지역을 고려하여 선정한 38명에 대하여 ‘모성’을 주제로 시행한 구술생애사 면접조사 자료에서, 모성에 관한 이야기 틈틈이 발견된 아버지에 대한 기억들을 정리한 것이다. 38명의 구술은 아버지의 역할과 관련하여, 첫째, 아버지에 대해 전혀 말하지 않은 사람(5명), 둘째, 아버지에 대해서 간단한 부정적인 언급을 한 경우(5명), 셋째, 아버지가 경제적으로 무능력했지만 훈육과 따뜻한 보살핌을 준 경우(6명), 넷째, 다양한 역할을 수행한 아버지(11명), 그리고 다섯째, 아버지와 매우 친밀하고 아버지 역할이 중요하게 구술된 경우(12명, 그중 1명은 경제적 무능으로 세 번째 범주에도 속하여 겹침)로 유형화된다. 이 연구결과는 보편적 부성의 존재와 함께, 부성없는 부모됨이나 전통적 부성-새로운 부성의 이분법, 그리고 사회변화와 함께 등장한 새로운 부성의 명제가 적어도 한국사회에서는 부정된다는 것을 말해준다. 그것은 양육적 부성의 다층성과도 연관된다. 또한 대체로 따듯하고 양성평등의 가치관을 가진 아버지가 딸의 임파워먼트에 중요한 역할을 한 것을 볼 수 있다. This paper analyses the stories of 38 women of the in-depth survey, enforced by the Institute for Gender Research, Seoul National University. This survey focused on motherhood, but many memories were told by most of women. That shows strong existence of fatherhood in the process of personality formation in Korean society. The stories of 38 women could be divided into 5 types: (1) 5 cases where there is no mention about father; (2) 5 cases where simple and negative mentions are made about fathers; (3) 6 cases where no instrumental fatherhood but expressive fatherhood is found; (4) 11 cases of women who experienced both instrumental and expressive fatherhood, and (5) 12 cases (1 case is overlapped with one of the 3rd type) where the relationship between daughter and father is very close. The analyses denies the dichotomy of instrumental and expressive fatherhood, and the theories of “New Men” with expressive fatherhood who appeared as a result of social change and feminist movement. It also shows the various aspects of expressive fatherhood, and that close relationship between father and daughter plays an important role for the empowerment of daughter.

      • KCI등재

        전시 하 여성침해의 보편성과 역사적 특수성

        정진성(Chin-Sung Chung) 한국여성학회 2003 한국여성학 Vol.19 No.2

        일본군위안부문제는 1990년대 초 한국에서 사회적으로 이슈화된 후, 곧바로 국제사회 전체에서 전시 하 여성인권 침해의 문제로 부각되면서 세계 여성운동과 인권운동의 지지를 획득했다. 그러나 이렇게 군위안부운동이 국제사회에서 광범위한 연대를 만들어가는 가운데, 이 문제가 가지고 있는 제국주의/식민주의의 성격이 사상되어 왔다. 이 글은 UN, ILD 및 국제 NGO에서 산출한 보고서에서, 식민주의의 문제를 포함한 아시아 피해국의 구체적인 역사적 맥락이 상세히 분석되었음에도 불구하고, 국제사회에서의 운동과정에서 이 문제가 단지 전시 하 여성침해의 문제로서만 인식되게 된 배경을 논의하고, 연구와 운동의 새로운 문제의식을 환기하고 있다. Since the Japanese military sexual slavery issue had been publicized at the beginning of the 1990s in Korea, the Korean NGOs brought this issue to the world society. It was recognized as an important case of the violation of women's human rights under armed conflicts, and widely gets the supports from world's women's movements and human rights movements. In this process, however, the aspects of imperialism and colonialism of this issue became to be forgotten. For a huge number of Asian victims of Japanese military sexual slavery, imperialism and colonialism are very important structural context of their forced mobilization in addition to militarism, ethnic conflicts and state's force. It is found that the analysis of concrete historical context of imperialism and colonialism of the Japanese military sexual slavery against Asian women at the materials of the UN, ILO and international NGOs, but as seen in the international networks of women's organizations supporting this issue or Women's International War Crimes Tribunal for the Trial of Japan's Military Sexual Slavery in 2000, this issue has been recognized only as violation of women's human rights under armed conflicts. This was mainly because of the necessity of networking with many women's organizations, as well as the need to make this issue that occurred more than 50 years ago as a current one by connecting it with the current issues such as mass rape in Former Yugoslavia. This paper discusses the analysis of the materials made by international organs such as UN and ILO and international NGOs, and the reasons why the historical specificity of the Japanese military sexual slavery including imperialism and colonialism has been missed in understanding this issue.

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