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        조선후기 義城 鵝州申氏家의 가계 이력과 향촌 재지 기반

        張弼基(Jang Pil-Ki) 한국사학회 2007 史學硏究 Vol.- No.88

        이 연구는 義城 鵝州申氏家의 고문서를 가지고 이 가문의 가계 이력과 향촌 재지 기반에 대하여 살펴본 것이다. 의성의 아주신씨가는 조선중기 이래 명망있는 가문으로 누백년 동안의성읍과 봉양면 일대에 집성촌을 이루며 세거하여 왔다. 이 중에 특히 邑派라 불리는 內府令公派와 龜派라 불리는 鳳州公派는 의성읍과 봉양면 귀미리를 중심으로 세거하면서 많은 걸출한 인물과 전적을 남겼다. 영남 재지사족이라고 할 수 있는 이들 가문의 고문서 자료들을 토대로 그 가계 이력과 사회ㆍ경제적 기반에 대하여 살펴보았다. 의성의 아주신씨 읍파는 16세기 초 申元祿으로부터 번창하기 시작하였다. 원록은 周世鵬과 退溪, 南冥에게 배워서 학문적 기반을 쌓았다. 이를 바탕으로 長川書院을 설립하여 학문 진흥과 향약실천에 힘썼다. 이어 16세기 말에서 17세기 초 이후 이 가계의 후손들이 寒岡 鄭逑와 旅軒 張顯光 등 영남의 巨儒들로부터 많은 영향을 받아 향촌사회의 학문 진흥과 사회 구제 등 오직 성리학적 질서에 따른 전통유지에 힘쓰고자 하였다. 이에 따라 의성을 중심으로 유명한 양반 사족가문으로서 사회적 기반을 가지게 되었다. 봉주공파는 의성 봉양면의 귀미리를 중심으로 대대로 살아 왔다. 귀미의 입향조 申之悌는 일찍이 惟一齋 金彦機와 鶴峯 金誠一의 문하에서 공부하였고, 1589년 증광문과에 갑과로 급제하여 중앙의 여러 관직을 역임하였다. 이 과정에 중앙의 여러 영남 출신 관직자들과 교유하기도 하였다. 그의 아들 弘望은 1639년 별시문과에 병과로 급제하여 중앙관직과 풍기군수, 울산부사 등 지방 수령을 역임하였다. 이에 따라 이들의 호구단자ㆍ준호구 등에 나타나는 노비들이 의성을 중심으로 하는 인근 지역과 멀리는 울산, 창원 등지에 이르기까지 분포되어 있었다. 이 가계의 학문적 연원 또한 김성일ㆍ유성룡ㆍ장현광 등에게 배워 한 고장을 중심으로 선현 배향과 지방 교육의 일익을 담당하는 위치에 있었다. 혼인은 두 가계 모두 의성과 안동권을 중심으로 한 인근 고을의 사족들과 인척을 맺어 그들의 사회ㆍ신분적 기반을 더욱 굳건히 하고자 하였다. 이러한 사회적, 학문적 바탕에 더하여 경제적으로도 부족하지 않는 규모를 지니고 있었다. 이들 가계의 경제 규모를 알 수 있는 자료가 제한적이기는 하다. 그렇지만 일부 고문서에 나타난 내용 등을 통하여 어느 정도 짐작할 수 있다. 이러한 여러 가지 사항들을 고려해 볼 때 이 가계의 경제 규모뿐만 아니라 한 고장에서 차지하는 향촌 재지적 기반이 상당하였음을 알 수 있었다. This research look into the history and a social economic base of Uiseong (義城) Aju-Sinssi's Family(鵝州申氏家) using their menuscripts. Uiseong Aju Sinssi's Family devide two family groups that were called Naeburyounggongpa (內府令公派) and Bongjugongpa(鳳州公派). Naeburyounggongpa group had prospected during 16 century by Won Rok-Sin(申元祿). He was teached by Sae Bung-Joo(周世鵬), Whang-Lee(李滉) and Sik-Jo(曺植). Through the learning he founded Jangchen Seowon(藏川書院) and tried to do the pursue of teaching and Hyangyak(鄕約) that was a rule of country controling its constituent member. From 16 century to 17 century Uiseong Aju Sinssi's Family concentrate on learning after Hogaepa's(虎溪派) three brothers as Jeok Do(適道), Dal Do(達道) and Yeol Do(悅道), keeping on academic tradition of Hyun Gwang-Jang(張顯光). Specially this family was affected by the famous scholars of Youngnam(嶺南) area. Consequently they tried to make only order of the Confucianism society and have authority as the nobility in Uiseong. Bongjugongpa have leaved in Uiseong Bongyang-meon(鳳陽面) Gwimi-ri (龜尾里). The first man entered the Gwimi-ri was Ji Jae-Sin(申之悌). He learned into Aeon Gi-Kim(金彦機) and Seong Il-Kim(金誠一) from early. In 1589, he passed an examination for the first class(gap gwa;甲科) of jeng-gwang-mun-gwa(增廣文科) and taking many center government positions. In this process, he associated with public service personnel come from Youngnam area. When keeping Changwon, he seized Myung Hwa Jeok(明火賊), Dae Ib-Jung(鄭大立) and so on and it was stabilized a public sentiment, received a court rank; Tongjeongdaebu(通政大夫). His son was successful the third class(byeong gwa;丙科) in examination that called byeol-si-mun-gwa(別試文科), took a local governor in Ulsan(蔚山) and Punggi(豊基). As a result, their servants ranged from Uiseong in the center to Ulsan and Chang won places it reaches. This family line was having education origin, from Seong Il-Kim(金誠一), Seong Ryong-Yu(柳成龍) and Hyun Gwang-Jang (張顯光). They were located in taking local education and ancestor worship on one region. The two family lines were enter into a connection with a relative by marriage to the neighborhood on Uiseong(義城) and Andong(安東). They strengthened their social position through continual the marriage Uiseong Kimssi, Andong Kimssi, Andong Gweonssi, Youngyang Namssi, Haman Jossi, Hanyang Bakssi, Youngcheon Leessi, Indong Jangssi, Pungsan Ryussi, Pungyang Jossi, Hanyang Jossi, Kwangsan Kimssi and so on. Also two family has a bulk of budget. The data are confined to know their family line budget. But we make a conjecture as a census family register, menuscript of distributing their ancestor’s estate and certificate of the government's office. They have many servants almost 60-100 people and a bulk of economy base seen to the record of estate and certificate. Especially it is mentioned to seen a record of distributing family's budget. Therefore this family line has social and economical power into a local community.

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        朝鮮後期 武班家系의 構成과 閥閱化(2) : 平山申氏 文僖公派 武班家系를 중심으로 On PyeongSanSinSsi(平山申氏) MunHuiGongPa(文僖公派)'s MuBan(武班) household

        장필기 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2002 민족문화논총 Vol.25 No.-

        PyeongSanSinSsi s MuBan household prospered after MunHuiGong SinGae(申?), and generals were discharged with a lot of prime ministers. SinRip(申砬) and same a lot of generals were discharged in ImJinWaeRan(壬辰倭亂; ImJin War, 1592∼1597) time, and the bureaucrats who achieved a lot of achievements were discharged in King of lnJo(仁祖)'s revolutionary time, and it was gone forward to as a real MuBan family. As for them, it was gradually seized a situation as a military nobility clans like being hereditary. They went into a general of center encampment and a local military commandant very much, and a minister and a country minister occupied too a lot of specific gravity. This phenomenon is for their household to just show that they constantly go forward to a government official and is becoming BeolYeol(閥閱). Multiple DeungDanJa(登壇者 ; The person who rises to a general rank) of their members was continuously created during from the King of InJo to GoJong times. In this way it was the proof that their family certainly had a foundation as a military nobility clans that a general of a lot of numerical center encampment was continuously created over a lot of order. This excludes a few specific families and is speaking that it did not have a lot of the families where this creates a lot of numerical generals. This is because all of each encampment general were concentrated on a few special families. The marriage relationship of PyeongSanSinSsi MunHuiGongPa was consisting with the Royal Family or JongSil(宗室 ; A relative of the imperial family) and civil functionaries families with name of the time till their household was civil functionaries family. However, this thing is never reflected on that kind of a figure at the back where they were changed to a MuBan family. Only a marriage with a MuBan family was consisting. A thing as this can speak that discrimination was shared with civil functionaries between each levels of MuBan so much in a yangban society of the time another looking social aspect. The that kind of thing appeared by phenomenon to adopt the same family name except this marriage closing result relative relationship concerned and a social phenomenon to make the same genealogy, ?MuBo?(?武譜? ; A genealogy of military examination under the Kingdom births). The PyeongSanSinSsi MunHuiGongPa lets MuBan bureaucrats constantly go into the through this process, and at last they were able to belong to some MuBan families which formed the higher stratum of society of a military authority. It became the foundation that let this family make from the military nobility clans immediately. The PyeongSanSinSsi MunHuiGongPa mostly belonged to NoRon(老論). However, as for the MuBan, that they exposed DangSaek(黨色 ; Belong to any party) was eliminated thoroughly fundamentally. Therefore that they family was not affected greatly in the process when an authority was concentrated on a small number either and was able to carry their character it closed, and to be obstinate. Therefore, this MuBan household received a special privilege from a nation with a battalion after having this various merit and was able to form the highest level of MuBan.

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        조선시대 화성지역 함평이씨 함성군파 무반가계의 구성과 문중 경영

        장필기 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2012 한국학논총 Vol.37 No.-

        Since the 17th century, military families began to emerge In the Joseon Dynasty. The cause was that the strengthening of military force and political attention on military issues is largely appeared. In addition the military families of Hampyeong-issi(咸平李氏) Hamseonggun-pa(咸城君派) has emerged in earnest since the mid-17th century. They were lived to brethren village as a long time around the Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do. They did generate large amounts of data and manuscripts have been preserved. Until now, most military families were trying not to reveal well, for to their families's documents regarding to the creation or retention. In recent years, however, the public's awareness about these documents has been very higher. Accordingly,this thing is very positive and there were military families to disclose. It is just as are the military families of Hampyeong-issi(咸平李氏) Hamseonggun-pa (咸城君派). Since the middle age of Joseon Dynasty was further emphasized the importance of families. Accordingly, the more socially prestigious families of the clan were more active events. Hampyeong military families was also well-equipped of those traits of Joseon society. And they worship their ancestors. They are raising their younger families and the management of the families was to thoroughly. Descendants of the family was received in turn the Gunho(君號) and the honor of family was succeeded. And through the management of racial solidarity families was thoroughly. The solidarity of the clan were thoroughly through the management of families. Those published genealogies and families were made in the form of a unity. Meanwhile, they continued on the basis of home residence, has entered into a central bureaucracy. Furthermore, they were more closely with the king. This is a guarantee of their social status and the status of military families was to be certain. They had mainly close to King as a bureaucracy in the trust. This is the appearance of the king and the military families that was created as a mutual insurance. They had also kept thoroughly of typical type of military families. 함평이씨 함성군파 무반가계는 경기도 화성지역을 중심으로 집성촌을 형성, 세거하면서 무반가문으로서는 드물게 많은 고문서 자료들을 생성․보존하여 왔다. 지금까지 대개의 무반가문들이 그 가계와 관련한 문서의 생성이나 보존에 대하여 잘 드러내지 않으려는 경향이 많았다. 그러한 가운데 조선시대 전형적인 무반가문이었던 함평이씨 함성군파 종가에서 소장하고 있던 고문서를 공개함으로써이 방면 연구에 많은 도움을 얻게 되었다. 함평이씨 함성군파는 조선 중기 이래 봉담읍 분천리를 중심으로 대대로 세거하면서 그들의 武的인 속성을 유감없이 발휘한 가문이다. 특히, 조선 중기 이래 문중의 중요성이 더욱 강조되면서 사회적 명성이 높은 집안일수록 문중행사가 더적극적이었는데, 함평이씨 또한 이러한 조선 사회의 문중적 특색을 고스란히 지니면서 조상을 받들고 후학을 양육하는 문중 경영을 철저히 고수하고자 한 가문이다. 세세로 君號를 承襲하여 가문의 영예를 지키고자 하였고, 종족 간의 결속을 통하여 문중 경영을 철저히 하였다. 그러한 것들이 족보 간행이나 문중계의 형태로지속되었다. 그러면서도 鄕里의 세거지를 토대로 하여 지속적으로 중앙관직 사회로 진출하였으며, 나아가서는 왕권과의 밀착도를 더욱 긴밀히 하여 사회 신분적보장과 문중적 위상을 공고히 하고자 하였다. 그러한 것이 대대로 국왕 지근에서近密職 관직을 역임하는 것에서 잘 나타나고 있었다. 이러한 모습은 조선 후기 국왕과 무반 공신가문 간의 상호 보험적 유대 속에서이뤄지는데, 함평이씨 함성군파 무반가계 또한 이러한 전형을 철저히 고수한 무반집안이었다.

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        조선후기 한성부 한 무관 집안의 가계이력과 사회ㆍ경제적 지위

        장필기(Jang Pil-ki) 역사실학회 2006 역사와실학 Vol.30 No.-

        The Joseon dynasty was the society where the social composition setup is operated by the Confucianism order of bureaucracies. It will be the nobility identity whose military official order is same consequently it will increase and honorablely it cannot stand oneself it was an existence. Like this with recognition and effect, the descendants of military official order's household do not distinguish the household history or the ancestor of the themselves at the outside. Consequently from reference data or the manuscripts about the military families household it is not easy to try to search them. Also this is one of the cause which controls the research regarding the household of these military families. This research regarding the families history and the social economic position of Seongju Yissi's military families household on lived 18~20 century in Seoul(漢城府). The result which tries to observe the manuscripts data of this household, these people lived in Youngsan-hyun(靈山縣) of Youngnam(嶺南), after Yi Ji-geon(李枝建) was bacame to live in Seoul, these people continuously lived in Yeonhwa-bang(蓮花坊) and Myungchoel-bang(明哲坊). The country scholar entered consequently in Seoul and not to see a bureaucracy examination and it was almost impossible to advance with the official post society. It was not the possibility also the thought doing. Consequently Yi Ji-geon is had the role of the Pogyeomsabok(砲兼司僕) in order to have the job is belonged to a vulgar people's official Byulpajin(別破陣) position. Like that him initially the place which starts a Seoul life with Chongno 4 ga and. Yeonhwa-bang region of now. The Yeonhwa-bang region is the place which arranges the houses of the army for escorts the royal palace. Yi Ji-geon was being started a Seoul life consequently from the YeonHwa-bang region and it was rightly the first button where this household does to advance with a military family origin. After his Seoul life where he dwells in the Yeonhwa-bang region, it was stabilized which degree and. also the descendants who advances to the middle subordinate official post of the military who discharges the military service examination successful examinee originated. After these families connected. the military occupational area and a military official post of the multi branch and both in name and reality became the military nobility families. In most part, the military nobility families it got married between the household whose social position and their identity is similar. As well as these marriage relationship came to make the household for it is to very similar situation. Like this fact civil official only high official circles of order and military official order the bay it knows, middle subordinate class of military official order each the schedule one frame which gets married between the household which is to social identity of the themselves and the situation where the position is similar is maintained was the instance which it confirms. Compared to it has the features which this household which further lives in the Yeonhwa-bang region which is a central place of Seoul changes the possibility which to aim the social economic position of these family budget. Socially the scholar of the country from Seoul lives was belonged to the special occupational area with the method for, this is to do to bring a fluctuation in his identity and role. Socially, these family budget won and middle subordinate Jig but, it advanced identity and position, firmly relationship of marriage it led and and this with military official order and as the yangban more firmly. Economically, origin from the situation which does not have also anyone it moves in Seoul and comes and as the back military official order lower stratum which the some name servant has it had the economic power of which degree, there is a possibility of seeing. Life volume it changes but again as it appears to be going back in the life which is harmonious. A

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