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        게오르그 , 뷔히너의 현대성(現代性) : < 보이체크 > 를 중심으로

        윤세훈 한국독어독문학회 1982 獨逸文學 Vol.27 No.1

        Auf heutigem Publikum hat $quot;Woyzeck$quot; als radikal realistische Ausdrucksdichtung die hinreiße Wirkung in seiner realen Lebendigkeit und Unmittelbarkeit ausgeu¨bt. Der Barbier und Wehrmann Woyzeck repra¨sentiert die große, arme und leinende Masse nicht nur in Deutschlund der geschichtlichen U¨bergangszeit, sondern auch in der Welt der Gegenwart. Bu¨chner darstellt wahres Bild des unterdru¨ckten, armseligen Volkes, und die realistisch gesehne Welt des Volkes in einer verrotteten Gesellschaft. Buchners Absicht, $quot;der Geschichte, wie sie rich wirklich begeben, so nahe als mo¨glich zu kommen$quot; erfordert Literatur als Wirklichkeitswiderspiegelung der Zeif. Er ist wirklicher Realist, welcher materielles Elend und wirtschaftliches Problem des Volkes erkannt hat: $quot;Wir arme Leut…. Geld, Geld. Wer kein Geld hat…. Unseins ist doch einmal unselig in der und der undern Welt, ich glaube wenn wir in Himmel ka¨men, so mu¨ßten wir donnern helfen.$quot; Im Drama steht Woyzeck als leidende, hassende, und untergehende Hauptperson in der Mitte. Seine Frau und sein Kind Bind einzige Stu¨tze, sein Leben wertvoll zu erhalten. Aber ~Iaries Untreue zersto¨rt die Verbundenheit mit den na¨chsten und liebsten Menschen. Und er leidet an den Gesichten, Visionen und inneren Stimmen: $quot;stick, stick die Zickwolfin tot$quot;. Die Armut von allem Besitz im Gelde und Geiste dra¨ngt Woyzeck zum Morden kin. Die Umsta¨nde seines materiellen Lebens haben Woyzeck in die Verzweiflung und ins Verbrechen getrieben. So wird $quot;Woyzeck$quot; Milieudrama oder soziales Drama, wo die widerspruchvolle und entartete, bu¨rgerliche Gesellschaft kritisiert und entlarvt ist: $quot;Alles Irdische ist eitel, selbst das Geld geht in Verwesung u¨ber.$quot; Obwohl $quot;Woyzeck$quot; kein sozial-revolutiona¨res Kampfstu¨ck mit progressiver Bedeutung ist, liegen in der Sozialanklage, die das Stu¨ck erhebt, seine uneingeschra¨nkte politische Gegenwa¨rtigkeit und reiche-sozialkritische Bedeutung. Bu¨chner schrieb in einer Brief an Gutzkow: $quot;Unsere Zeit braucht Eisen und Brot-und dann ein Kreuz oder sonst so was. Ich glaube, man muß in sozialen Dingen von einem absoluten Rechtsgrundsatz ausgehen, die Bildung eines neuen geistigen Lebens im Volke suchen und die abgelebte moderne Gesellschaft zum Teufel gehen lassen.$quot; Das Moderne in der Form ist auch vorzuglich. $quot;Woyzeck$quot; hat `die offene Form, und die Technik des Sta¨tionendramas verko¨rpert, das einzelne raumliche und zeitliche voneinunder isolierte Szenen aus einem gro¨ßeren Geschehniskomplex wiedergibt. Wie Bu¨chner die lebendige Realita¨t im Stu¨ck nachbildend gestaltet, ist seine Ausdruckssprache stockend, keuchend und unmittelbar. Bekannt ist die enge Wirkung Bu¨chners auf den Dramen Gerhart Hauptmanns, Wedekinds, des Expressionismus und Brechts. Und das, was vom expressionistischen Drama bis heute auf den Buhnen lebendig geblieben ist, ist in Bu¨chners Werk gegru¨ndet, das bis in unsere Tage ungebrochen fortwirkt.

      • 국제핵융합실험로 (ITER) 프로젝트 연료주기 기술의 화하공학적 조망 ITER 프로젝트 - 삼중수소 연료주기 기술의 소개

        윤세훈,조승연,이현곤,정기정 한국화학공학회 2015 NICE Vol.33 No.1

        핵융합에너지는 미래 인류의 에너지 문제 해결을 위한 중요한 에너지원으로 부상하고 있다. 우리나라는 2003년 6월 국제핵융합실험로(ITER) 프로젝트에 정식 회원국으로 참여하게 되었다. 1995년에 개발 착수하여 2007년 개발완료하고 현재에 이르고 있는 한국형 핵융합연구로(KSTAR)의 성공적 건설과 계속되는 플라즈마 운전의 연구결과에 힘입어, 동시에 ITER 프로젝트에서 주도적 역할 수행을 통해 핵융합 분야의 기술적 입지를 점차 굳히고 있다. 그러나 정작 핵융합에너지 실용화를 위한 삼중수소 연료주기 기술의 자립은 오랫동안 연구개발을 유지해온 핵융합 선진국들에 비해 초보적 단계에 있는 편이다. 본 특별기획에서는 ITER 프로젝트의 핵심을 근간으로 하는, 핵융합에너지의 실용화를 위해 많은 기술 진척을 이룬 미국, 일본, 유럽의 핵융합 삼중수소 연료주기의 기술개발 동향과 연료주기 기술의 요소기술들을 소개함으로써 미래 핵융합에너지 연료주기기술의 완성에 필요한 기술 분야들에 대한 화학공학인들의 공감대 형성과, 또한 함께 극복해야 할 과제들을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Malar Relocation with Reverse-L Osteotomy and Autogenous Bone Graft

        윤세훈,정의철,정지혁 대한두개안면성형외과학회 2017 Archives of Craniofacial Surgery Vol.18 No.4

        The zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) functions as a buttress for the face and is the cornerstone to a person’s aesthetic appearance, by both setting the midfacial width and providing prominence to the cheek. Malar deficiency is often acquired by blunt injury incurred in a traumatic accident, resulting in ZMC fracture. A 48-year-old male patient presented a right ZMC fracture after contusion injury by a baseball. He only received conservative management and later he suffered discomfort during mouth opening at the moment of mastication, due to trismus involving the temporomandibular joint. In the current case, we describe a surgical technique, by which the malar body is shifted anteriorly and laterally after combined oblique-vertical osteotomy. The technique presented, eventually restored the former aesthetic position of the malar complex and symmetry, and, moreover, improved mastication function

      • KCI등재

        Multidisciplinary Approach to an Extended Pressure Sore at the Lumbosacral Area

        윤세훈,정의철,Hudson Alex Lázaro 대한성형외과학회 2016 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.43 No.6

        A pressure sore wound is often extensive or complicated by local infection involving adjacent soft tissue and bone. In this case, a regional flap after simple debridement is not adequate. Here, we present a case of an extensive pressure sore in the sacral area with deep tissue infection. A 43-year-old female patient with a complicated sore with deep tissue infection had a presacral abscess, an iliopsoas abscess, and an epidural abscess in the lumbar spine. After a multidisciplinary approach performed in stages, the infection had subsided and removal of the devitalized tissue was possible. The large soft tissue defect with significant depth was reconstructed with a free latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap, which was expected to act as a local barrier from vertical infection and provide tensionless skin coverage upon hip flexion. The extensive sacral sore was treated effectively without complication, and the deep tissue infection completely resolved. There was no evidence of donor site morbidity, and wheelchair ambulation was possible by a month after surgery.

      • KCI등재

        The usefulness of soluble transferrin receptor in the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children

        윤세훈,김동섭,유승택,신새론,최두영 대한소아청소년과학회 2015 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.28 No.1

        Purpose: Soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) is a truncated extracellular form of the membrane transferrin receptor produced by proteolysis. Concentrations of serum sTfR are related to iron status and erythropoiesis in the body. We investigated whether serum sTfR levels can aid in diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in children. Methods: Ninety-eight patients with IDA were enrolled and were classified according to age at diagnosis. Group 1 comprised 78 children, aged 6–59 months, and group 2 comprised 20 adolescents, aged 12–16 years. Results: In group 1, patients’ serum sTfR levels correlated negatively with mean corpuscular volume; hemoglobin (Hb), ferritin, and serum iron levels; and transferrin saturation and positively with total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and red cell distribution width. In group 2, patients’ serum sTfR levels did not correlate with ferritin levels and TIBC, but had a significant relationship with other iron indices. Hb and serum sTfR levels had a significant inverse relationship in both groups; however, in group 1, there was no correlation between Hb and serum ferritin levels. In 30 patients of group 1, serum sTfR levels were significantly decreased with an increase in Hb levels after iron supplementation for 1 month. Conclusion: Serum sTfR levels significantly correlated with other diagnostic iron parameters of IDA and inversely correlated with an increase in Hb levels following iron supplementation. Therefore, serum sTfR levels can be a useful marker for the diagnosis and treatment of IDA in children.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대기업 사무직 근로자의 자기주도학습준비도와 메타인지, 학습동기, 직무특성 및 조직의사소통개방성의 인과적 관계

        윤세훈,나승일 한국농·산업교육학회 2015 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.47 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify a causal relationship among self-directed learning readiness(SDLR), meta-cognition, learning motivation, job characteristics, and organizational open communication of office workers in large corporations. The target population for this study was office workers of 1,000 companies list by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Through purposeful sampling, the survey was conducted on 309 persons of 17 companies. A total of 227 out of 309 questionnaires were used for analysis after data cleaning. All data analysis was accomplished using the Windows SPSS 18.0 statistics packages and AMOS 18.0. An alpha level of 5% was established prior for determining significance. Based on the findings of the study, major conclusions of this study were as follow: First, individual variables such as learning motivation and meta cognition as well as job characteristics and organizational variables such as organizational open communication have a direct or indirect effect on SDLR. Second, learning motivation had a significant impact on for promoting the SDLR. Third, job characteristics had no direct effect on SDLR, but had an indirect positive effect on SDLR through learning motivation. Forth, organizational open communication had no direct effect on SDLR, but had an indirect positive effect on SDLR through learning motivation. Based on these results, some recommendations for future researches were suggested. 연구 목적은 우리나라 대기업 사무직 근로자의 자기주도학습준비도와 메타인지, 학습동기, 직무특성 및 조직의사소통개방성의 인과관계를 구명하는데 있었다. 연구대상은 1000대 기업 중 유의표집을 통해 선정된 17개 기업의 상시근로자로, 309명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 227부가 결과분석에 사용되었다. 자료는 Windows SPSS 18.0과 AMOS 18.0을 활용하여 구조방정식모형으로 분석하였으며, 통계적 유의성은 .05로 설정하였다. 결론으로 첫째, 학습동기와 메타인지와 같은 개인적 변인뿐 아니라 직무특성, 조직의사소통개방성과 같은 조직적 변인이 자기주도학습준비도에 직·간접적으로 영향을 미친다. 둘째, 개인의 학습동기는 자기주도학습준비도에 직접적으로 정적인 영향을 미친다. 학습동기는 자기주도학습준비도와 메타인지를 완전매개한다. 셋째, 직무특성은 직접적으로 자기주도학습준비도에 영향을 미치지 않으나, 학습동기를 완전매개로 간접 영향을 미친다. 넷째, 조직의사소통개방성은 직접적으로 자기주도학습준비도에 영향을 미치지 않으나, 학습동기를 매개로 간접 영향을 미친다. 이상의 결론을 바탕으로 논의와 향후 제언을 제시하였다.

      • NAC-5의 Sensitizer로서의 정량적 감광특성 연구

        윤세훈,오성상,이의수 한국공업화학회 2003 응용화학 Vol.7 No.1

        NAC-5(Naphthoquinone-1,2-diazide sulfonyl chloride), as an additive,was applied to enhance the photosensitive rate in composing a positive type of photoresist with naphthoquinone diazide derivative. Quantitative unit of energy absorotion of NAC-5 based on molar weight using 365 nm optical pattern generator was measured to estimate the availability as a role of photoinitiator or an improvement agent for photochemical reaction. Comparing with the ester compound of NAC-5 with THBP(trihydroxybenzophenone) the rate of energy absorption of NAC-5 in the given range of UV light exposure was greater then that of THBP-ester of naphthoquinone diazide. Conclusively, NAC-5 was regarded as superior in photosensitivity.

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