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        중국 도시화 과정에서 농경지를 잃은 농민의 권익 보장에 관한 소고

        潤澤(Run Ze),金銖甲(Kim, Su Kab) 국민대학교 법학연구소 2016 법학논총 Vol.28 No.3

        중국의 도시화 과정에서 중국 농민은 제대로 권익보장을 받지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 도시화과정에서 토지수용 등으로 근본 토대인 농경지를 잃은 후에 토지수용제도, 사회보장제도, 권리구제제도의 미비로 농민들의 생활은 적절한 배치를 못 받았고 생활수준이 떨어질 뿐만 아니라, 심지어 생존에 위험을 미치는 경우가 있다. 생활이나 생존을 위하여 농경지를 잃은 농민과 지방정부의 충돌이 잦아지고 계속 사회적 불안정 등 여러 사회문제를 불러일으키고 있다. 따라서 도시화 과정에서 토지수용의 제도적 단점을 분석하고 농경지를 잃게 된 농민들의 권익보장 체제를 이성적으로 구축하는 것이 중국에서는 중요한 이론문제일 뿐만 아니라 절실한 현실문제이기도 하다. 본고는 중국에서 농경지를 잃은 농민들의 권익보장에 중심을 두고 농민들의 권익이 침해당하는 객관적 현실과 제도적 문제점을 살펴보았다. 이러한 분석을 통하여 토지수용과정에서 공익성 토지와 경영성 토지에 대한 엄격한 구분이 없다는 점, 토지수용의 보상기준이 비교적 낮고 보상의 범위가 너무 좁다는 점, 사회보장제도의 미미로 취업 보장, 의료 보장과 최저생활 보장이 제대로 이루지지 못한다는 점, 권리구제제도에도 심각한 결함이 있다는 점이 문제점으로 파악되었다. 본고는 이러한 문제점의 해결을 위하여 도시화 과정을 겪은 선진국의 제도를 분석하고 중국적 현실에서 농경지를 잃은 농민의 권익보호를 위한 제도적 개선책을 완비된 토지수용제도의 구축, 사회보장제도의 구축, 절차적 구제체제의 구축의 관점에서 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        중국에서의 법안심의과정의 문제점과 개선방안

        윤택 ( Run Ze ),김수갑 ( Kim Su Kab ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2015 외법논집 Vol.39 No.2

        법안심의는 법률을 만드는 과정으로 법률이 표결을 통과할 수 있는 전제와 기초이다. 심의 결과는 표결 통과 후의 법률시행 효과와 관련된다. 따라서 법안심의는 입법에 중요한 의미를 가진다. 오늘날 중국은 한편으로 법치 건설을 널리 알리고 다른 한편으로 실천에서 기존의 절차 적 제약을 탈피하고자 한다. 이런 상황은 중국 법치건설의 사실적인 서술일 뿐만 아니라 중국이 법치를 실현하기 위해 반드시 뛰어넘어야 하는 보호벽이기도 하다. 본 논문의 목적은 기존의 입법 과정의 제약이 입법 행사 결과 합법성을 보장하는데 어떠한 작용을 하는가를 논술하는 것이다. 공공 권리에 대해 합법성과 정당성의 고려와 제약을 하고 권리가 부패를 향해 나아가지 않도록 예방하는 것이 현대 법치가 갖고 있어야 하는 의의가 된다. 그러므로 입법심의에 대해 효과 있게 민주적으로 통제하고 입법부패와 입법만능주의 현상의 발생을 예방하는 것이 중요하다. 민주정치에서 어떤 권리의 행사는 모두 일정한 과정규칙을 지켜야 하고 권리를 과정에 존재하게 한다. 실질상 과정 의의 자체는 권리의 규범화 활동방식이고 어떤 절차화하지 않는 권리는 모두 남용되는 위험이 있다. 권리를 행사하는 과정은 권리를 권리 운행에 대해 진정 제약 역할을 하게 한다. 입법심의 과정을 말하면 입법심의과정은 사실 입법활동을 위해 일련의 민주와 이성의 규칙이 설치된다. 입법발호를 예방할 뿐만 아니라 보다 더 중요한 것은 국민의지를 진정 국가의지로 융합되게 하고 법률을 가장 많은 사람의 존경과 스스로 준수하게 하고, 대중의 법률에 대한 신뢰를 높이는데 있다. 이 논문은 과정통제의 시각으로 입법심의과정의 정당화 보장 역할에 대해 논술하고 사법영역과 행정영역에서 이미 성숙하게 연구하고 운용하는 절차통제이론을 입법영역으로 도입하고자 한다. 중국이 현재 채택한 입법심의제도는 아직 많은 부족함이 있다. 중국의 심의절차에는 아직 명확한 법률 규정이 결여되어 있다. 그리고 심의과정에서의 표결제도에 대한 규정도 부족하다. 그밖에 법안심의의 시간 부족, 법안심의의 합의성 약화, 법안심의의 방식 미비, 법안심의의 요소 결여 및 법안심의 중점이 명확하지 않다는 점 등 부족함이 존재한다. 때문에 중국은 완비된 입법제도로 법안심의의 규범화를 향상시키고, 심의 내용을 명확히 함으로써 법안심의는 절차대로 진행되도록 한다. 그리고 심의표결 제도를 채택하여 심의의 단계성과를 강화한다. 또한 법안의 심의 방식 보안, 법안 심의의 공개성 강화 등 수단을 통해서 입법 심의 과정을 보완하여 중국의 입법 심의가 진정으로 심의의 목적을 달성하도록 하여야 한다. Thousands years' cultural tradition affects China deeply. In the field of system culture, the most obviousness is the common phenomenon that the judicial authorities don't follow the process control. It is common that the entity weighs more than the process. The process has become the cover when the entity result is inappropriate. Nowadays, on the one hand, China promotes the rule of law; on the other hand, the established process restriction is avoided in practice. This situation is not only the true portrayal of China legal construction, but also a barrier China must undergo to rule with law. Objectively speaking, China legal construction doesn't lack process regulation. For legislation, the biggest problem is that process without restriction. The purpose of the thesis is to explain the important part that the established legislation process control plays in making sure the result legitimacy of legislation right exercise. It is well known that power under any system maybe dissimilated or abused. It is meaningful for current rule of law to legally and legitimately measure and control the public right, in order to prevent power from corrupting. Therefore, it is significant to effectively control the legislation review exercise, prevent and avoid the phenomenon of legislation corruption and legislative rent-seeking. In democratic politics, the exercise of any power must follow certain process regulation to mix power in process. Essentially speaking, the process itself is the standard operation of power. Any power without going through the process is risking abusing. During the process, the process must play a true role of restriction to power; the purpose to standardize the right exercise can be met. For the legislation review process, it is in fact democratic and reasonable behavior regulation of legislation activity. It not only prevents legislation bossy, but also truly integrates national will to station will, to make law get the respect and voluntary compliance of the majority of people and promote common people's belief in rule with law. The thesis chooses the perspective of process control to explain its effect on the legislation review process legitimacy. It quotes the study and application of the mature process control in the legal field and the political field, because the writer lacks introspection of China legislation behavior regulation. Through the study, the writer believes that China legislation review process voting mechanism lacks relevant regulation, which leads to the abnormal phenomenon of review only no discussion or discussion only no decision, low degree of bill review regulation, lack of time of bill review, weak general discussion of bill review, unimproved bill review way, lack of elements of bill review, and not clear key of bill review and so on. In order to improve current legislation process regulation, China should improve the legislation system to improve the bill review regulation, clarify the bill content to make sure the bill review carried out step by step. The review voting system should be used to stabilize the review's. The bill review method should be improved to strengthen the openness of the bill review. Using all the above ways to improve China legislation review process and truly realize bill review.

      • KCI등재

        Identification of differentially expressed genes from Trichoderma atroviride strain SS003 in the presence of cell wall of Cronartium ribicola

        Nai‑Yong Liu,Ze‑Ran Bao,Jing Li,Xin‑Yu Ao,Jia‑Ying Zhu,Yu‑Hui Chen 한국유전학회 2017 Genes & Genomics Vol.39 No.5

        The fungal genus Trichoderma has been extensively studied due to its role in the mycoparasitism, and thus developed as biocontrol agent against various plant pathogens. Although the mycoparasitic processes of several Trichoderma species have already been well understood, the information about the mycoparasitic mechanisms of Trichoderma strains resulted from different growth conditions or interacting with different phytopathogens is still limited. In this study, we utilized transcriptome sequencing to identify the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) at 0, 24, 72 and 120 h from T. atroviride strain SS003, growing on an induced-medium with cell walls of Pinus armandii pathogen Cronartium ribicola (CRCW). In total, 86,155,316 reads were obtained with 43,077,658 clean reads. Further, 10,422 genes were identified from four transcriptomes and accounted for 93.89% of annotated genes in T. atroviride IMI 206040 genome, reflecting high-quality sequencing and assembly. In each pairwise comparison, a large number of DEGs were identified with different numbers of genes for up- and down-regulation, respectively. In the presence of CRCW, expression of two main glycoside hydrolase gene families (i.e. chitinase and glucosidase) was induced. Most of 14 secreted enzymes by quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) analysis exhibited a consistent expression pattern with that by RNA-Seq data. This comparative study leads to the identification of phase-specific genes in the interactions of T. atroviride SS003 with C. ribicola, and provides potential molecular targets for improved biocontrol strategies.

      • KCI등재

        Fabrication of Photopolymer Hierarchical Micronanostructures by Coupling Electrospinning and Photolithography for SERS Substrates

        Wen-Yi Zhang,Xin-Ze Xiao,Chao Lv,Jia Zhao,Gong Wang,Xuan Gu,Ran Zhang,Bin-Bin Xu,Dan-Dan Zhang,Ai-Wu Li,Yong-Lai Zhang,Hong-Bo Sun 한국고분자학회 2013 Macromolecular Research Vol.21 No.3

        Reported here is the fabrication of photopolymer hierarchical micronanostructures through a combinative process of electrospinning and subsequent photolithography. Electrospun SU-8 (epoxy-based negative photoresist)nanofiber films have been patterned into gratings with periods of 100, 200, 300, and 400 μm, respectively. Deposition of a silver nanolayer on these interlaced nanofiber films would lead to the formation of various plasmonic nanostructures,and therefore, giving rise to abundant surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) “hot spots”. In the detection of Rhodamine 6G (R6G), probing molecule, the resultant SERS substrates show both high sensitivity and good reproducibility. The SERS enhancement factor could reach as high as ~108, indicating high efficiency. The fabrication of patterned, highly efficient SERS substrates may hold a great promise for the integration of SERS substrates in various microdevices such as microfluidic chips.

      • KCI등재


        Lee Young Jin(李永镇,),Run Ze(润,,) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        At the end of World War II, the successful development of Nazi Deutschland missile creates a precedent for human aerospace industry. The world's first artificial earth satellite set by former Soviet Union opened a prelude to human space race. Countries have developed the law of outer space to improve their technology of outer space and develop their outer space industry. UN COPUOS has also developed regulation to manage the outer space behaviors. Since the space career was built in China, it has experienced several important periods like the start, development, reform and revitalization. And now China ranks among the world's space powers. And the complete system of research, design, experiment and production is built. Since the come of new century, from the successful launch of Shenzhou 5 spaceship on October 15, 2003 to the successful couple of Shenzhou 10 spaceship and Tiangong 1 spaceship in June 10, 2013; from the fast network of BeiDou satellite navigation system to the steady development of lunar exploration project; the space career of China is improving fast and steady. Compared with this, the development of China space legislation is lagged obviously than that of the space technology, which seriously blocked China changing from space country to space power. The domestic experts appeal for fastening the domestic space legislation. From the research results and the actual situation, whether it is an objective demand in space activities, or to fulfill international treaty obligations, China already has the conditions and timing to legislate the space law. Regrettably, China still does not include the legislation of the space law in the legislation Outline. This has resulted in that four space treaties signed by China cannot get the guarantee the implement in China. The lack of space legislation of the NPC and its Standing Committee results in much, chaotic, and poor phenomenon of lower level legislation. Department separatist and interest first is the true portrayal of China current space legislation, which is all due to China's social system, history and tradition and the management system. To change this situation, it must be started from reforming the management system, to legislate an integrated high -order space activities act, to eliminate the department conflict, to strengthen to international communication and cooperation, and to promote the fast development of China space activities. This article carries out multi-faceted exposition focusing on this keynote and proposes suggestions to promote the fast development of China space legislation. 二次世界大戰末期,納粹德國導彈的成功研製,開創了人類宇航工業的先河。前蘇聯放飛的世界首顆人造地球衛星拉開了人類空間競賽的序幕。各國紛紛制定了本國的外太空法以促進本國的外太空技術和外太空產業的發展。 中國的空間事業自創建以來,經歷了起步、發展、改革和振興幾個重要時期,現在躋身於世界航天大國的行列,形成了研究、設計、試驗和生產的完整體系。進入新世紀以來,從2003年10月15日"神五"成功發射到2013年6月10日 "神十"與"天宮一號"成功對接;從北斗衛星導航系統的快速組網到探月工程的穩步推進,中國的空間事業快速的穩步推進。與此,中國空間立法的發展與空間技術的發展相比明顯滯後,嚴重地阻礙了中國由航天大國向航天強國邁進的步伐。中國國內對加快國內空間立法的呼聲日益高漲。從研究成果和實際情況來看,無論是進行空間活動的客觀需求,還是為了履行國際條約義務,中國都已經具備制定空間法的條件和時機。令人遺憾的是,目前中國仍然沒有將空間法的制定列入立法綱要。這造成中國簽署的四大空間條約無法在中國得到切實實施的保障。中國全國人大及其常委會空間立法的缺失造成下位立法的多、亂、差的現象層出不窮,部門割據、利益優先,不僅是中國立法的現狀,也是現行空間立法的真實寫照。究其原因無不與中國的社會體制,歷史傳統,管理體制有關。為了改變這種局面,必須從改革管理體制入手,制定一部綜合性、高位階的空間活動法,從根本上消除部門規定衝突。進一步加強國際交流與合作,以促進中國空間活動的快速發展。本文正是以此為主旨,進行多方位、多視角的闡述,並試圖提

      • KCI등재

        釣魚島 “尖閣列島” 之法理歸屬

        李永鎮,(Lee, Young-Jin),潤澤(Run, Ze) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2012 法學硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        조어도(일본명 센카쿠 열도, 이하 양국의 명칭을 병기함)의 주권귀속문제는 중ㆍ일 양국이 서로에게 진퇴양난의 난제로 작용하고 있는 바 이는 인내를 필요로 하면서 현명한 해결을 요하는 현안 중의 하나이다. 이 주권귀속분쟁은 해묵은 분쟁으로서 잠재해 있다가 최근 일본정부가 조어도(센카쿠 열도)를 국유화시킨 사건을 기회로 중국국민들에게 강한 반발을 불러 일으키면서 본격적으로 수면위에 떠오르게 되었다. 실용주의외교정책을 취하는 것을 외교의 기조로 삼아왔던 중국정부는 이 사건을 계기로 예전의 소극적이고 예양을 중시하는 유가적인 외교전통에서 벗어나 강력하고 공세적인 외교적, 군사적 수단을 동원하기 시작하였다. 여기에서 양국간의 조어도(센카쿠 열도) 주권귀속문제가 해결되기 어려운 근본적인 이유는 이것이 현재 중ㆍ일 양국사이의 단순한 영토분쟁으로서 뿐만 아니라 역사적인, 정치적인, 그리고 자연자원으로서의 가치 등과도 밀접한 관련이 있다는 점도 간과할 수 없다. 물론 이것은 또한 영역분쟁의 하나로서 국제법상의 쟁점을 보유한 문제이기도 하다. 본 논문에서는 중국과 일본 양국에게 이 분쟁의 법적, 역사적인 측면에 초점을 맞추어 주로 조어도(센카쿠 열도)의 발견과 점유의 문제가 국제법상 적법한 것인지, 그리고 그러한 발견과 점유 외에 시효와 실효적 지배 등에 의하여 조어도(센카쿠 열도)의 영토주권을 정당하게 보유할 수 있는지에 관해 양국의 역사적 기록과 자료 등을 중심으로 살펴보고자 하였다. 현 상황에서 조어도(센카쿠 열도) 영유권 분쟁에 관해서는 지금도 중일양국이 역사적, 법적 정당성과 관련하여 각자의 입장에서 많은 사실에 대한 이견을 보이고 있기 때문에 일거에 해결할 수 있는 해법을 찾기는 쉽지 않을 전망이며 따라서 상호간에 합의점을 찾을 수 있는 출구가 잘 보이지 않고 있다. 이 과정에서 조어도(센카쿠 열도)의 주권귀속문제에 대한 분쟁이 불거질 때마다 중일양국은 외교관계에서 갈등을 빚고 서로 상처를 입게 될 뿐만 아니라, 쌍방은 이 영토분쟁과 연관해 나아가서 정치적, 경제적 심지어 군사적 충돌 직전까지 가는 등 여러 방면에서 소모적인 암투를 벌이고 있는 것이다. 특히 근래에 와서 이러한 영유권다툼이 점증하는 것은 냉전이 종식되고 21세기에 접어들면서 세계 각지에서 해양자원의 대규모 개발, 이용과 더불어 이른바 자원전쟁이 본격화되기 시작한 사실과도 무관하지 않다. 본고는 중일양국의 태도 외에 제3자의 입장에서 국제법, 국제관습 등 국제법의 법리에 대해 살펴보고 동 문제의 주권귀속문제에 대한 국제법적인 평가를 제시하는 데에 주된 목적이 있다. 이를 통해서 이 문제에 대한 역사적, 법적 원형을 제시하여 균형잡힌 해결안을 모색하는 토대를 마련하는데에 일조가 되었으면 한다. 이러한 토대와 기준에 입각하여 평화적 해결을 위해 호혜평등의 협상의 장으로 나와야 한다. 조어도(센카쿠 열도)의 주권귀속문제에 대한 타협이 이루어질 수 있다면 양국뿐만 아니라 동아시아 지역의 평화와 안정에도 크게 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 만약 주권귀속에 관한 절충점이 전혀 보이지 않는다면 영유문제는 일단 보류해 두고 이를 공동으로 개발 또는 이용하는 것도 해결방안의 하나가 될 것이다. The ownership of Senkaku Islands/Diaoyu Islands is a long-lasting and complex problem. Chinese people are raged about Japanese nationalization declaration of Senkaku Islands. Meantime, Chinese government also becomes strong in diplomatic strategy instead of being modest as usual. The issue of Senkaku Islands’ ownership is complicated because of the history, political and interest factors as well as national emotion, energy problems and Taiwan issue. It is also a problem of international law. Whether Japan’s found and occupation of Senkaku Islands legal and whether the finding, Positive Prescription and competent jurisdiction legitimate to its declaration of ownership is the main controversial issues between China and Japan. In a short term, there are a lot of problems to be settled before China and Japan reach a consensus. The controversial ownership of Senkaku Islands makes Sino-Japanese tensions and both sides have yet to accommodate each others' aspirations and fight harder in many aspects. From 1990s on, after the end of cold war and exploiting of marine resources, China and Japan are more tight on the ownership of Senkaku Islands. The nationalization declaration of Japan makes a war between each other possible. Now Chinese and Japanese people fiercely against each other. Japanese government hide a dagger behind a smile, Meanwhile Chinese government soft with just. It is at swords' points and the war is about to begin. standing on the position of the third country not China or Japan, and trying to treat the question on the objective point of view. By analyzing the international law, international practice and legal principles, and by focus on the stability and peace of the world, the author is trying to present a real history and an effective rule to readers. However, on harboring the thoughts and emotions and seeking for fair and justice, I try to offer the readers right and justice view as well as the real history through analyzing the ownership of Senkaku Islands with international rule of law.

      • KCI등재

        Boundary Layer and Cooling Rate and Microstructure Formation on the Cooling Sloping Plate

        Ren Guo Guan,Zhan Yong Zhao,Run Ze Chao,Lei Dong,이종수,Chun Ming Liu 대한금속·재료학회 2013 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.19 No.5

        During melt treatment by cooling sloping plate, laminar flow and turbulent flow exist on sloping plate surface commonly. The thickness of velocity boundary layer and the critical transfer distance from laminar flow to turbulent flow increase with the decrease of initial flow velocity. The thickness of temperature boundary layer increases with the increment of flow distance and the decrease of initial flow velocity. The melt cooling rate and melt thickness have an inverse proportion relationship. The melt cooling rate of cooling sloping plate process can reach 102-103 K/s and belongs to meta-rapid solidification scope. Uniform solute field and high cooling rate can lead to eruptive nucleation. In addition, a large quantity of heterogonous nuclei appears on the sloping plate surface, and vibrating flow can enable heterogonous nucleus to escape off the plate, which leads to nucleus multiplication. Under relative uniform solute field and high cooling rate, some grains can keep stable growth surface, go on growing with the round surface and finally maintain their globular structure. However, there are always some grains that grow along a certain preferred direction, but under vibrating flow their dendritic arms break and transform into near spherical structure.

      • KCI등재

        Mitochondrial NDUFA4L2 attenuates the apoptosis of nucleus pulposus cells induced by oxidative stress via the inhibition of mitophagy

        Wen-Ning Xu,Huo-Liang Zheng,Run-Ze Yang,Tao Liu,Wei Yu,Xin-Feng Zheng,Bo Li,Sheng-Dan Jiang,Lei-Sheng Jiang 생화학분자생물학회 2019 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.51 No.-

        The main pathological mechanism of intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD) is the programmed apoptosis of nucleus pulposus (NP) cells. Oxidative stress is a significant cause of IVDD. Whether mitophagy is induced by strong oxidative stress in IVDD remains to be determined. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between oxidative stress and mitophagy and to better understand the mechanism of IVDD in vivo and in vitro. To this end, we obtained primary NP cells from the human NP and subsequently exposed them to TBHP. We observed that oxidative stress induced mitophagy to cause apoptosis in NP cells, and we suppressed mitophagy and found that NP cells were protected against apoptosis. Interestingly, TBHP resulted in mitophagy through the inhibition of the HIF-1α/NDUFA4L2 pathway. Therefore, the upregulation of mitochondrial NDUFA4L2 restricted mitophagy induced by oxidative stress. Furthermore, the expression levels of HIF-1α and NDUFA4L2 were decreased in human IVDD. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that the upregulation of NDUFA4L2 ameliorated the apoptosis of NP cells by repressing excessive mitophagy, which ultimately alleviated IVDD. These findings show for the first time that NDUFA4L2 and mitophagy may be potential therapeutic targets for IVDD.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of graphite additives in electrolytes on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of Alumina PEO coatings

        Guo-Hua Lv,Huan Chen,Wei-Chao Gu,Wen-Ran Feng,Li Li,Er-Wu Niu,Xian-Hui Zhang,Si-Ze Yang 한국물리학회 2009 Current Applied Physics Vol.9 No.3

        In the present work, graphite grains of different sizes were added into the electrolyte to prepare ceramic coatings on aluminum by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis system (EDX), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometer (XRD) were used to characterize the coatings. A three-electrode system was used to evaluate the corrosion performances of the coatings in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. It was found that the morphology and corrosion performance of the coatings were significantly influenced by the size of the graphite grains. Compared with bigger graphite grains, finer ones were involved in the oxidation process and embedded within the ceramic coatings, which made the coatings less porous and more compact. Thus, the corrosion resistance of the coatings with embedded graphite grains was greatly improved. In the present work, graphite grains of different sizes were added into the electrolyte to prepare ceramic coatings on aluminum by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis system (EDX), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometer (XRD) were used to characterize the coatings. A three-electrode system was used to evaluate the corrosion performances of the coatings in a 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. It was found that the morphology and corrosion performance of the coatings were significantly influenced by the size of the graphite grains. Compared with bigger graphite grains, finer ones were involved in the oxidation process and embedded within the ceramic coatings, which made the coatings less porous and more compact. Thus, the corrosion resistance of the coatings with embedded graphite grains was greatly improved.

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