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      • 관광호텔 노사관계의 안정화에 관한 연구

        최동열,김기훈 서강정보대학 2001 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The purpose of this study are find out various significant factors improving on the stability of labor relations in tourist hotel The lowing are suggested as approaches to the stability of labor relations in tourist hotels First, Enhancement of employees' job consciousness and progress, pride the employees have their hotels. Second, Enhancement of employees job ability: higher employees must be provided to understand, leadership and communication. Third, Realization of job consciousness: higher stability of labor relations may be obtained permit of trade union, participation of employees, higher employees' leadership, employees' reward, and welfare policies

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 台灣「新南向政策」與韓國「新南方政策」之比較與分析

        董思齊(Doong, Sy-Chi) 한국외국어대학교 대만연구센터 2019 대만연구 Vol.- No.14

        Taiwan government has been working on the “New southbound policy” since President Tsai won the election in 2016. The goal is to create a mutual understanding and thus achieve a win-win beneficial solution through cooperating with each other in the various aspects such as economy, technology, culture and other public affairs. Currently, there are 18 south Asian countries’ government is focusing on. In order to build up a mutual trust with it south Asian friends, Taiwan has provided a wide range of knowledge-hows to help its south Asian country friends to solve problems. While its southern Asian friends are able to build up a better quality of life because of the helps from Taiwan, Taiwan also benefits in a way of making itself involve deeper in the global communities. In just around one year after the Taiwanese government launched the “New Southbound Policy”, South Korean President Moon Jae-In also proposed a “New Southern Policy”. The essence of this policy is to establish a “3P community” with ASEAN countries. The 3P community refers to a community for people where people and people are connected, a community for peace that contributes to Asian peace through security cooperation, and a community for prosperity where everyone lives well through mutually beneficial economic cooperation. From the fact that both Taiwan and South Korean announced to deepen its relationship with the Southeast Asian countries, it implies the two countries share a similar state situation. We can exam this from economical aspect and national security. One of the major concerns for Taiwan when discuss about economic agenda is its high dependency in the Chinese market. And for South Korea, it hopes to build a J-shaped curve which can combine South Korea and North Korea together and let South Korea as the center through the linkage between the New Northern Policy and the New Southern Policy. Back from 1970s, both Taiwan and South Korea relies heavily on export business for its GDP growth. Moreover, the exports from both countries are very similar. This had made a severe competition between both countries, and somehow jeopardize the possibility of business alliance. On the other hand, nowadays, though both counties have announced its Southeast Asian policy, the focus area of both policies are different which creates a possibility for a synergy between both countries. Especially for Taiwan being geographically in the center point of Korea’s strategic “J-curve”. It is crucial for both Taiwan and South Korea’s intelligences to open a dialog to find synergies from each other’s ASEAN or South Asia’s policies. The joint development will not only bring new opportunities but also can reduce conflicts in the global economic competition.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1905~1910년 통감부의 보통학교 역사교육

        김기둥 ( Ki Doong Kim ) 역사교육학회 2013 역사교육논집 Vol.50 No.-

        This article explores how the Japanese Residency-General in Korea(統監府) minimized Korean resistance in controlling history education, by investigating the history education in public primary schools(Botong hakkyo, 普通學校) in Korea. Although the class hours for history education in Korean public primary schools had been reduced, it was no less than in similar history curriculum in Japan. In addition, while there were some deliberate distortions in objective of narrative and perception of history, similar level of distorted descriptions can also be found in textbooks published by the private institutions. This shows that not only public schools but also private institutions` textbooks in Korea uncritically accepted the output of the Japanese historical studies. From these findings, this article concludes that the Residency-General`s distortion of history education in public primary schools was not as gross as to provoke repulsion from Korean people. In this way, the Residency-General could adroitly deter Koreans` will for independence which could be raised by history education, while glorifying itself as a leading agency which improved education system in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 변동성이 인출단계의 자산배분에 미치는 영향

        권기둥 ( Ki Doong Kwon ) 한국연금학회 2014 연금연구 Vol.4 No.1

        베이비붐 세대의 본격적 은퇴가 시작되면서 인출단계(decumulation phase) 자산배분에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 베이비붐 세대의 연금 준비는 여전히 부족하지만 자산을 가지고 있다는 점에서 선배 은퇴자들과는 다르다. 따라서 자산에서 어떻게 현금흐름(cash flow)을 창출해 내느냐가 은퇴생활의 성공을 결정한다. 하지만 저금리 기조가 장기화되면서 단순히 자산을 은행에 맡겨놓고 현금흐름을 창출하는 방법으로는 목표한 수준의 은퇴생활을 누리기가 어렵다. 반면 무작정 위험자산에 넣어놓고 높은 성과를 바라기에는 변동성(volatility)이 높다. 즉, 적당한 변동성으로 목표수익률을 ‘무위험수익률+α’로 상향할 필요가 있다. 그렇다면 변동성이 인출단계의 자산배분에 어떠한 영향을 미칠까? 본 논문에서 지난 14년간의 과거 코스피 데이터를 통해 테스트한 결과, 인출단계의 자산배분에서 변동성이 과도하게 증가하면 성과가 하락하는 모습이 나타났다. 적립과 인출단계의 자산배분에서 변동성이 성과에 미치는 영향을 좀 더 알아보기 위해 두 가지 시뮬레이션을 통해 테스트해 보았다. 그 결과 적립단계 자산배분에선 위험을 증가시킬수록 기대 이익도 증가하는 모습이 나타났다. 그러나 인출단계 자산배분에선 위험이 증가할 때 일정 수준까지는 기대 이익도 함께 증가하다가, 그 이상 위험이 증가하면 오히려 기대 이익이 정체되다 감소하는 모습까지 나타났다. 이는 인출의 특성이 반영된 결과로, 인출단계에서는 자산성과가 좋지 않아도 인출이 발생하여 미래에 자산을 회복할 기회가 사라지기 때문이다. 특히 연속적으로 자산성과가 나쁜 상태에서 인출이 지속되면 자산고갈에 이를 수 있다. 이런 인출단계의 자산배분 특성을 적용하면 다음과 같은 시사점을 도출 할 수 있다. 적립단계 자산배분에선 개인의 투자성향에 따라 저위험·저수익 전략부터 고위험·고수익 전략까지 다양하게 사용이 가능하다. 반면 인출단계 자산배분에선 저위험·저수익 전략은 사용이 가능하지만 고위험·고수익 전략은 오히려 성과를 하락시켜 고위험임에도 중위험 이하의 수익이 나온다. 그렇다고 저금리 상황에서 저위험·저수익 전략을 고집하면 목표한 성과달성이 불가능하다. 따라서 인출단계에서는 중위험·중수익 전략을 활용할 필요가 있다. Since Korean baby-boomers have been faced their retirement, the attention on the asset allocation strategy during the decumulation phase is being risen. Boomers are still not fully prepared by the pension system, but they have retirement assets unlike former senior retirees. Therefore, producing successful cash flow from the asset will be the key success factor during their retirement period. Unfortunately, low-interest trend seems to be extended, boomers cannot get enough interest from the banks to use for their retirement income. Nevertheless, boomers cannot endure high volatilities of risky assets. Thus, boomers should take some appropriate level of volatility to achieve “risk-free + alpha” returns. Then, how volatility will affect the asset allocation during the decumulation phase? By the back-testing of the last 14 years KOSPI data, high volatility makes the decline of decumulation returns. To analysis the precise effect of volatility on the asset allocation, two kinds of simulations has been designed. As the result, during the accumulation phase, the higher volatility brings the higher return. However, in the decumulation phase, the higher volatility does not necessarily accompany the higher return. If the volatility exceeds some degree, the return starts to decline. Because regardless of the asset return, the cash outflow must be occurred. The paper`s implication is as following: in the accumulation phase, investors can choose the investment strategy from the low risk/low return to the high risk/high return. However, during the decumulation phase, high risk/high return strategy is not available as long as low risk/low return is not appropriate these low-interest period. Therefore middle risk/middle return strategy will be suitable during the decumulation phase.

      • 인문사회학편 : 일제시대 항공 분야에서의 한국인 활동에 관한 서술의 현황과 과제

        김기둥 ( Ki Doong Kim ) 공군사관학교 2014 空士論文集 Vol.65 No.-

        본 연구는 최근 군 안팎으로 관심받고 있는 일제시대 항공 분야에서의 한국인 활동에 관한 서술현황을 점검하여 향후 발전방향을 모색하기 위해 수행되었다. 일제시대부터 한국계 항공인들의 활동은 언론을 통하여 소개되고 있었고, 해방 후에도 언론 취재나 회고 등을 통하여 관련 사실이 알려졌다. 역사학계에서는 이 사실에 주목하지 않아 일부 연구에서 간간히 언급되는 정도의 성과만을 보였다. 오히려 이 부분에 주목한 서술은 역사애호가들에 의해 이루어졌으며, 이들의 활동으로 대중의 관심 역시 높아질 수 있었다. 그러나 이들의 서술은 목적이 앞선 역사해석과 전문성 미흡에 따른문제를 보이고 있다. 따라서 이들의 서술에 대한 점검이 시급하다. 점검과정은 역사학의 기본 방법인 다양한 사료 천착과 시대상을 고려한 컨텍스트적 해석을 전제로 해야 한다. 이러한 작업은 항공독립운동사뿐만 아니라 당시의 다양한 항공 분야에서의 활동 전반을 조망할 때 가능하다. 최근 이런관점에서 시론적 연구가 진행되고 있는 점은 고무적이다. 이와 같이 원활한 지원을 토대로 한 충분한 연구 성과의 축적이 이뤄진다면 기존 서술의 한계를 뛰어넘어 일제시대 항공 분야에서의 한국인활동이 독자적 연구 영역으로 자리할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This study was performed in order to search for the development of historical research regarding activities of Korean airmen in the field of aviation during Japanese colonial period by examining related literatures. The activities were introduced during media since Japanese colonial period. Korean airmen revealed their activities through various channels including press interviews, articles or books. However, we found little literatures about Korean airmen because historian society never showed an interest in the field. Only history enthusiasts wrote literatures focusing on the field and drew public attention to this field. However, their amateurish literatures showed problems cause by the lack of historical expertise, such as a subjective historical interpretation for their personal purposes, which calls for an urgent interpretation considering the status quo of the Japanese colonial period. This work can be accomplished by viewing not only history of the independence movement by aviation but overall activities in various aviation fields. We expect ‘activities of Korean in the field of aviation during Japanese colonial period’ can be developed to an independent research field through th accumulation of proper research on the field with sufficient supports.

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