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      • KCI등재

        일제의 김구 암살 공작과 밀정

        윤대원(Yun, Dae-won) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2018 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.61

        이 연구는 1934년 이후 일제가 실행한 세 차례의 김구 암살 공작의 실상을 밝히는데 있다. 윤봉길의거 이후 조선총독부 파견원은 1, 2차 김구 암살 공작을 실행했다. 그리고 이들은 상하이일본총영사관 경찰부와 협력하여 3차 김구 암살 공작을 실행했다. 1차 공작은 1935년 1월 나카노 파견원이 밀정 오대근을 동원하여 실행했으나 실패했다. 2차 공작은 1935년 8월 이후 히토스키 파견원이 밀정 위혜림을 내세워 실행했으나 실패했다. 특히 이중 첩자인 위혜림과 암살자로 믿었던 무정부주의자 정화암이 히토스키의 계획을 역이용하여 공작금 300원을 가로챘다. 3차 공작은 일본총영사관 경찰부와 조선총독부 파견원이 협력하여 추진했다. 이들은 김구의 통일운동에 불만을 가진 박창세를 회유 매수했다. 박창세는 반김구파인 이운환을 사주하여 김구를 암살하게 했다. 1938년 5월 7일 창사에서 일어난 ‘남목청사건’이 곧 3차 공작의 결과이다. 세 차례 암살 공작에는 모두 밀정이 등장한다. 오대근은 국내에서 청년 사회주의운동을 하다가 상하이로 와서 공산주의운동을 벌였고, 위혜림과 박창세는 밀정이 되기 전까지 임시정부등 민족운동에 종사했다. 이들이 밀정이 된 데는 오대근처럼 운동의 기반이 무너지면서 낙오하거나 아니면 위혜림과 박창세처럼 경제적 어려움 또는 개인적 약점 등이 원인이 됐다. 일제 경찰은 이런 개인들의 약한 고리를 파고들어 회유 매수하여 밀정으로 만들었다. 일본 경찰은 이들을 통해 김구 암살은 물론 독립운동에 대한 정보 파악 및 분열 공작 등에 이용했다. 결국 일제의 김구 암살 공작은 모두 실패로 끝났다. 하지만 이 사건은 일제가 밀정을 통해 중국 관내 독립운동에 관한 중요한 정보를 입수하고 또한 독립운동 내부의 분열과 내홍을 획책하는 일면을 잘 보여준다. This study reveals the reality of the three Kim Gu assassination plots carried out by Japanese imperialism since 1934. After ‘Yoon Bong-gil uigeo’(尹奉吉義擧), the dispatcher of the Government -General of Korea executed the first and second Kim Gu assassination plot. They worked with the Police Department of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai to carry out the third assassination. In January 1935, Nakano(中野) dispatcher carried out the first assassination plot with a spy Oh Dae-guen(吳大根), but failed. Since August 1935, Hitosugi(一杉) dispatcher carried out the second assassination plot with a spy Wi hye-lim(韋惠林), but also failed. In particular, a dual spy Wi Hye-lim and an anarchist Jung Hwa-am(鄭華岩) who believed to be an assassin reversed Hitosugi’s plan and intercepted the 300won(圓). The third assassination plot was cooperated by the Police Department of the Japanese Consulate General and the dispatcher of the Government-General of Korea. They bought Park Cheong-se(朴昌世) who was dissatisfied with Kim Gu’s unification movement. Park Chang-se let Lee Un-hwan(李雲煥) who was a anti-Kim Gu assassinate Kim Gu. ‘The Nammogcheon Incident’(楠木廳事件) that occurred on May 7, 1938 in Changsha(長沙) is the result of the third assassination plot. There are always spies in three assassination plots. Oh Dae-geun came to Shanghai after a youth socialist movement in Korea and took a communist movement. and Wi Hye-lim and Park Chang-se worked on national movements in the provisional government until they became spies. The reason to become a spy was the foundation of the movement has collapsed like Oh Dae-geun, or the economic difficulties or personal weaknesses such as Lee Hye-lim and Park Chang-se. The Japanese police broke the weak link of these individuals and bought them, and made them spies. In the end, Japanese imperialism’s Kim Gu assassination plots were ended in failure. However, this case shows one side that Japanese imperialism has gotten important information about the independence movements and also has plotted the division and contempt of the independence movement through a spy.

      • KCI등재

        신체유물론적 시각에서 본 심대윤의 ‘노동 옹호 윤리학’

        김대중 ( Kim Dae-joong ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2020 民族文化硏究 Vol.88 No.-

        본 논문은 신체유물론적 시각에서 심대윤(沈大允, 1806-1872)의 복리사상(福利思想)을 탐색한다. ‘신체유물론’은 말 그대로 인간의 ‘몸’, 인간의 동물성과 신체 활동에 주안점을 둔 것이다. 흔히 심대윤의 복리사상은 이익 추구를 인간의 자연스러운 본성으로 긍정한 것으로 알려져 있다. 그런데 이익을 산출하는 것은 노동 행위이고 노동은 곧 육체 행위이다. 따라서 ‘이익 추구’보다 선차적 중요성을 갖는 것은 ‘몸’과 ‘노동’이다. 본고는 인간의 ‘몸’과 ‘노동’에 대한 심대윤의 사유에 주목하여, 일단 심대윤 자신의 노동 체험을 다각도로 분석한 다음, 심대윤의 ‘육체 긍정 사상’ 및 ‘노동 옹호 사상’을 살펴보고, 심대윤 사상의 서민적 지향을 두루 조망한다. 이런 사상적 면모는 제작자의 유물론적 감수성 및 생활 감각을 투영한 것으로 판단되는바, 인간의 육체성 및 신체활동에 대한 풍부한 사유를 내장하고 있다는 점에서 주목된다. This paper explores the welfare ideas of Shim Dae-yun (沈大允, 1806-1872) from the perspective of soma-materialism. Soma-materialism focuses on the human body, animality and physical activity. It is frequently mentioned that Shim regarded the pursuit of profit as a human nature. But it is labor that produces profits and labor is a physical act. Therefore it is body and labor that have preponderance importance over profit-seeking. Focusing on Shim’s ideas about human body and labor, this paper first analyzes Shim’s own labor experience from various perspectives, then examines Shim’s thought of body and labor, and investigates traces of mentality of ordinary people and working-class projected in Shim’s thought. Through these discussions, it is judged that Shim’s thought has various ideas about human body and show materialistic consciousness well.

      • 白山 安熙濟의 大東靑年團運動

        강대민 慶星大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.18 No.2

        Baek San An Hee-Je(자산 安熙濟)is activator of nation independence who was active in extendly national crisis environments under imperialism of japan. His 1910's independence movement was done through Dae-Dong(大東) Young Man Group. Since Dae-Dong Young Man Group is organzed at Octorber 1909's, it was organization of secret independence movement that was not break out maintained to obtain liberation until 1945'.

      • KCI등재

        대성리 국민 관광지의 운영 실태와 관리 방안

        이대희(Lee Dae-hee) 서울행정학회 2002 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.12 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to examine the facts, problems and to recommend a new strategic direction for the management at Dae-Sung Ri public tourism resort. To perform this research, I discuss the theoretical investigation of public tourism resort. and do statistical analysis. The data was collected from university students and local residents through a questionnaire. The statistical analysis of data was made using the factor analysis and the multiple regression. The results of factor analysis was the followings: 1) the institution kindness intention, 2) the activity intention. 3) the rest intention, 4) the knowledge intention, 5) the price intention, 6) the sensitivity intention. The multiple regression analysis was performed in this study based on the six factors. The end result of the analysis proved that the top three factors that had the most significant impact on tourist's satisfaction are in the following order: 1) the activity intention, 2) the sensitivity intention and 3) the institution kindness intention. This study suggests that, in order to provide high quality service to the tourist and promote the customer satisfaction, the management at Dae-Sung Ri public tourism resort should realign its strategy to put more emphasis and resources on those factors.

      • KCI등재

        김대중, 노무현 정부의 대북정책과 국내정치: 문제는“밖”이 아니라“안”이다

        신종대 ( Jong Dae Shin ) 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2013 한국과 국제정치 Vol.29 No.2

        대북정책과 남북관계는 상호 밀접한 연관을 갖는다. 이 글은 김대중, 노무현 정부의 대북정책 추진과정에서 국내정치 요인이 어떻게 작용하고 영향을 미쳤는가를 분석하는 시도이다. 이 글이 김대중·노무현 정부를 분석 대상으로 하는 이유는 두 정부 시기 동안 이전 정부와는 달리 가장 적극적인 대북관여정책이 추진되었으며, 이에 따라 대북정책을 둘러싼 국내적 논란도 그만큼 고조된 시기였다는 점이다. 따라서 대북관여와 국내정치의 관계, 즉 대북정책 추진과 국내 지지기반 간의 연관과 의미를 잘 포착할 수 있는 시기라고 보았기 때문이다. 이를 위해 김대중, 노무현 정부 시기 동안 대북정책 전개과정상의 균열과 갈등을 국내정치 요인에 초점을 맞추어 분석하고 평가해보았다. 그 결과 김대중, 노무현 정부의 대북정책추진에서 반성하고 비판해야 할 초점은 정치사회와 시민사회에서 대북정책에 대한 합의기반을 구축하는 데 소홀했다는 점이다. 즉 대북관여에 치중한 나머지, 정작 대북정책 추진동력의 원천인 국내관여를 등한시했다는 점이다. 따라서 대북정책을 추진함에 있어서 제일 중요한 문제는 국내정치 기반, 곧“문제는‘안’이야”라고 말할 수 있다. North Korea policy and inter-Korean relations are closely associated with each other. This paper analyzes the role of domestic politics and its effects on North Korea policy process under the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun administrations. This paper took the two administrations as object of analysis because they promoted the most proactive engagement policy toward North Korea unlike their predecessors, resulting in tensed domestic discussion concerning North Korea policy. In that regard, this paper set such a time frame to capture the relations between engagement with North Korea and engagement of domestic constituents most properly, which will facilitate understanding of links between promoting North Korea policy and domestic supports for it. With that in mind, this paper analyzed and assessed divisions and frictions in domestic politics in the course of the two administrations` developing North Korea policy. It found that one of the biggest problems with North Korea policy during the two administrations was that they overlooked the importance of building domestic consensus for North Korea policy in both political arena and the civil society. That is, they were so preoccupied with engagement toward North Korea that they underestimated the need to undertake domestic engagement which is the source of gaining a right momentum to execute the policy. Therefore, the most important question concerning execution of North Korea policy is base for domestic support; we can say that “It”s the “inside”!

      • KCI우수등재

        Communication, Argumentation and Relevance

        Dae-Young Kim 한국언어학회 2014 언어 Vol.39 No.4

        Kim, Dae-Young. 2014. Communication, Argumentation and Relevance. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 39-4, 719-748. The purpose of this paper is to argue that a theory of argumentation can be incorporated into a theory of communication (i.e. Relevance Theory). Whereas argumentation is the process of justifying something in an organized or a logical way, which is composed of one or more claims and shows one or more grounds for maintaining them, communication is sharing communicators’ intentions. A speaker’s conveying of his intention to hearer is to create an effect in the hearer’s mind. Two pragmatic theories, Relevance Theory (henceforth RT) and argumentation theory (henceforth AT) are involved in this approach, which is based on the position that communication is always accompanied with argumentation. However, RT has been more focused on explaining how the utterance is interpreted by the hearer, not how argumentation is performed. For this reason, this approach presented here argues for the needs to extend the scope of RT’s application. This integrated approach within a single principle of relevance ultimately contributes to pursuing a more economic and coherent explanation of argumentation. (Jeonju University)

      • KCI등재

        교과내용학 : 동학에 나타난 고유사상 연구

        김대훈 ( Dae Hoon Kim ) 한국윤리교육학회 2015 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.37

        이 논문은 동학(東學)의 사상적 기저(基底)가 유교, 불교, 도교가 아닌 고유사상(固有思想)에 있음을 고찰한 글이다. 유·불·도(儒·佛·道)가 삼국시대에 전래된 이후 도교는 민간신앙(民間信仰)과 혼합되어 그 정체성이 뚜렷하지 않지만, 유교와 불교는 전통사상(傳統思想)으로 자리매김 하였다. 동학은 우리 민족의 종교이자 학문사상이기 때문에, 우리의 문화적 전통과 역사적 맥락에서 탐구되어야 한다. 그러나 유·불·도는 동학의 본질이 될 수 없다. 유교의 경우는 최제우(崔濟愚, 1824-1864)가 비록 조선의 선비로 자랐지만, 주유팔로(周遊八路)의 과정에서 유교의 한계를 직시하고 그러한 전통을 거부한다. 불교는 최제우로 하여금 유교적 지식인의 삶에서 깨달음의 종교적 삶으로 전환시키는데 기여하지만 동학과는 직접적인 관련성이 적다. 도교는 동학의 이상(理想)을 효율적으로 드러내기 위해 당시 보편적으로 쓰이던 도교 관련 어휘들을 원용(援用)한 것이다. 우리민족의 고유사상은 단군신화(檀君神話)와 이를 계승한 신라의 풍류도(風流道)에서 그 근원과 특징을 엿볼 수 있는데, 『동경대전(東經大全)』과 『용담유사(龍潭遺詞)』의 고유사상적 내용을 검토하면 다음과 같은 결론이 도출됨을 개진하였다. 첫째, 동학의 경전에 제시된 ‘천황씨(天皇氏)’는 중국의 신화적 인물이 아니라 단군신화의 ‘환웅(桓雄)’이다. 둘째, 최제우가 실천목표로 삼은 ‘다시개벽’은 환웅의 개벽사상을 계승한 것이다. 셋째, 동학의 주문수련(呪文修鍊)과 검결(劍訣)은 고대로부터 우리 민족이 중시한 가무(歌舞)의 전통을 계승한 것이다. 넷째, 동학은 풍류도의 포함삼교(包含三敎)의 논리 및 접화군생(接化群生)과 친연성을 가진다. This study aims at researching that the ideological foundation of Donghak is not Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism (Yubuldo), but the indigenous Korean thought. Since the introduction of Yubuldo into Korea during the Three Kingdom period, Confucianism and Buddhism have settled down as traditional Korean thoughts, while the identity of Taoism, mixed with folk-beliefs, was not clear. Since Donghak is Korean people’s religion and academic thoughts, it should be explored in the Korean cultural tradition and historical context. However, Yubuldo cannot be the essence of Donghak. It can be found that our indigenous thought has the origin in the Myth of Dangun and the Pungrudo which inherited it and also holds the features related with them. After reviewing the contents of the indigenous thoughts in Dong-Kyung Dae-jun and Yongdam-yusa, the conclusion I reached is as follows. First, ‘Cheonhwang-ssi’ presented in Donghak Scripture is not a mythical Chinese character but ‘Hwanung’ in the myth of Dangun. Second, ‘Dasigaebyeok the recreation of the world’ at which Choi Je-u aimed in practice succeeded Hwanung’s Gaebyeok thoughts. Third, Jumunsuryeon and Geomga in Donghak succeeded the traditions of song and dance to which Korean people attached importance since ancient times. Fourth, Donghak has an affinity with Pungryudo’s logic of Pohamsamgyo - It includes all three religions, Yubuldo, and Jeobhwagunsaeng - It aims to contact, reform and save all living beings.

      • 學校組織의 開放性 水準과 教師燒盡感의 關係

        Kwak Dae Sop(郭大燮) 공주대학교 교육연구소 1991 교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        This study was aimed at identifying the relationship between the level of organizational openness and the perceived teacher-burnout of secondary schools, and at analyzing the relationships according to the background variables selected. Two kinds of questionnaires were administered to a sample of 1,046 teachers of 70 secondary schools in Dae-Jeon City and Chung-Nam Province. The statistical methods used were M, SD, F-ratio, and t-test. The main results were as follows: 1) It was found that the lower the level of organizational openness, the higher the level of teacher-burnout. 2) In analyzing the relationship between the organizational openness and teacher-burnout according to the background variables of school organizations and teachers, the significant relationship was found in five variables - the location of schools, teacher career, teacher sexes, teacher s positions, and teacher s alma mater. 3) In analyzing the relation of the organizational openness to the three subfactors of teacher-burnout, the significant relationship was found in two of them - feelings of emotional exhaustion and feelings of a lack of personal accomplishment.

      • KCI등재

        현 정부의 대북한 정책의 내용과 방향

        정대규 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 1999 한국민족문화 Vol.14 No.-

        Present South Korean government has pursued the engagement policy toward North Korea. In his inaugural address on February 25, 1991, the President Kim Dae-Jung set the improvement of inter-Korean relations through peace, reconciliation and cooperation as the goals of the North Korea policy for his government. Instead of waiting collapse or pursuing absorption unification of North Korea, the government prefer a peaceful coexistence with North Korea. As a result of the engagement policy, there have been many desirable changes on the Korean Peninsula for last nineteen months. As examples, over 7,000 South and North Korean people visited other sides. After the historic tourism began on August 1998, about 111,800 South Korean tourists visited Mt. Kumgang crossing the militarized border. The trade has increased to reach 190 million dollars for seven months this year. For two years, South Korea has provided 74 million dollars of humanitarian assistance to North Korea. Besides, the cases of meeting between separated families have been rapidly increased. In accordance with the engagement policy, the government proposed a comprehensive approach aiming at dismantling the Cold War structure on the Korean Peninsula. All related countries including the United States, Japan, China and Russia, need to discuss political, economical, diplomatic and military issues on the negotiation table to reach an agreement. The Perry report can be said as the result of close consultations between South Korea, U.S. and Japan by South Korean government's initiative. Seeing recent improvement in the U.S.-North Korea negotiations and North Korea's more practical attitudes, I have a prospect that the two Korean relations also will develop into positive directions. The development of the U.S.-North Korea relations will ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula and make a favorable atmosphere for reopening of the South-North Dialogue. To achieve its goals such as changing the North Korea's policy, dissolving security threats and building the basis of peaceful unification, the government should maintain the engagement policy with consistency and firmness. First of all, it should focus on reopening direct talks with North Korea and implementing the South-North Basic Agreement of 1992. It should promote the diverse exchanges and cooperations between two Korean people. And it should make every efforts to relieve the pains of the separated families. The engagement policy and the comprehensive approach can be said to be two wheels of the government's North Korea policy. Whether it will succeed or not depends on North Korea's policy choice, desirable international environment and the domestic supports in South Korea. Coordinated efforts among South Korea, the U.S. and Japan are essential for the success of the comprehensive approach. The government should pay more attentions to obtain international and domestic supports toward its policy.

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