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      • 췌장염에 의한 가성낭종내에 생긴 가성동맥류 : 1례 보고

        오연희,이채경,김승현,이성우,양창현,이정호,이영현 동국대학교 경주대학 1996 東國論集 Vol.15 No.-

        만성 췌장염의 합병증으로 생긴 가성동맥류는 드문질환으로, 반복적으로 다량의 출혈을 일으킬 수 있으며, 치료를 하지 않을 경우 사망율이 높기 때문에, 조기 진단과 치료가 필수적이다. 저자들은 38세 남자 환자에서 췌장염의 합병증으로 생긴 가성낭종내에서 발생한 가성동맥류 1예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. 가성 동맥류의 색혈류도플러상 낭종내에 양방향 흐름의 와류를 볼 수 있었다. Pancreatic Pseudoaneurysm within Pseudocyst from Pancreatitis: 1 Case Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Internal Medicine, College of Medicine,DongGuk University Yeon Hee OH M.D., Chae Kyeong Lee M.D., Seoung Hyeon Kim M.D., Sung Woo Lee M.D., Chang Heon Yang M.D., Jung Ho Lee M.D., Young Hyun Lee M.D. Pseudoaneurysm from pancreatitis is uncommon, but it can cause recurrent and massive hemorrhage. Because of high morbidity and mortality, early detection and treatment of the pseudoaneurysm is needed. We report a case of pseudoaneurysm within pseudocyst from pancreatitis. Color-flow Doppler sonography shows bidirectional flow and turbulent arterial flow, within anechoic mass.

      • 초등학교 아동의 인지양식과 협동활동이 과학적 사고에 미치는 영향

        임채성,김대현 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 1998 科學敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        This study examined the influences of cognitive styles of children and cooperative activities performed by groups with different sizes on scientific thinking in fifth grade. Field-independent children's scientific thinking is different from that of the field-dependent. The scores of field-dependent children measured with the Classroom Test of Scientific Reasoning(CTSR) developed by Lawson were higher than those of the field-dependent. This implies that cognitive styles of children should be considered for effective cooperation. In cases of items of CTSR with higher difficulty level, differences of improvement scores between the groups of individual and cooperative activities were significant. This suggests the importance of cooperation when the children solve difficult or complex problems. In scientific thinking, the effects of cooperation were different with group size. The improvement scores in groups of six children were most large. This result has a import implication in the construction of small groups for science instruction. There was no significant interaction effect between the cognitive styles and group sizes. More careful examination is needed in this aspect. In addition, further research for the effects of cooperative activities which deals more comprehensive consideration of the characteristics of learners, such as learning styles, as well as cognitive styles, are needed.

      • 일부 농촌지역 주민의 모발중 금속 농도 분포

        고현송,심운택,조영채 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1991 충남의대잡지 Vol.18 No.2

        In order to know the concentration of some metals in human hairs from residents living in rural area, the 88 hair samples were taken from Kunbuk-Myon residents during the period from August through October, 1990. The 4 elements(Pb, Cd, Mn, and Zn) in human hair were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotomer with flame and grapite furnace atomizer systems using wet ashing procedure. The results were as follows: 1. The mean concentrations of metals in human hair of the total 88 samples were: Pb was 3.14±1.63㎍/g, Cd was 0.81±0.71㎍/g, Mn was 4.02±3.86㎍/g, Zn was 199.11± 80.33㎍/g, and in the males: Pb was 3.51±1.54㎍/g, Cd was 0.84±0.63㎍/g, Mn was 3.95±4.78㎍/g, Zn was 215.88±76.76㎍/g, and in the females: Pb was 3.34±1.69㎍/g, Cd was 0.79±0.77㎍/g, Mn was 4.08±2.95㎍/g, Zn was 186.36±82.90㎍/g 2. There were no significant differences among 4 elements (Pb, Cd, Mn, Zn) by Age groups, by exposed to pesticides and by exposed years to pesticides. 3. In males, there were negative correlation between age and Cd level(r=-0.2860, P<0.05), between Cd and Zn(r=-0.3760, P<0.01), and significant positive correlations between Pb and Zn(r=0.2881, P<0.05). In females, there was significant positive correlations between Pb and Zn(r=0.3096, P<0.01).3 4. There were positive correlations between Pb and Cd(r=0.1835, P<0.05) and between Zn and Pb(r=0.3049, P<0.01), but there was negative correlation between Mn and Cd(r=-0.1817, P<0.05).

      • 맥락 속의 춤, 춤 속의 맥락

        김채현 세계민족무용연구소 2002 민족무용 Vol.- No.2

        오늘 우리 주변에서 행해지는 춤 가운데는 유물 즉 문화유산에 해당하는 춤이 있는 한편 새롭게 만들어지거나 변형되는 것도 있다. 문화유산으로서의 춤이 지금 활발하게 공연될 경우 대개의 사례들은 그것이 그냥 있지 않는다는 것을 보여준다. 그리고 지금 만들어지거나 변형되는 춤들은 직접적으로 간접적으로 그리고 조금은 다른 맥락에서라도 문화유산과 연관되는 상황 속에서 존재한다. 그러므로 어느 공동체의 춤을 논할 대 논의의 입구는 매우 넓다. 이렇게 넓은 논의의 갈래 가운데 대체로 해당 공동체의 인간 및 삶과 연관해서 춤을 연구하는 춤 인류학이 있고 그 가운데 문화유산 또는 전래의 정체성을 고스란히 반영하는 춤을 연구 대상으로 하면 종족무용학이라 한다. 이번 제4회 심포지움에서 종족무용학과 춤 인류학 분야에서 오래 연구한 전문가들의 깊은 식견을 경청할 수 있었다. 케알리이노호모쿠, 캐플러, 등문영 3분의 토론에서 주시해야 하고 또 누누이 환기되었던 점은 두 미국 학자가 주장한 춤 분류의 범주를 고정시키면 곤란하다는 지적이었다. 다민족 국가 출신으로서 오래 현장연구를 진척시킨 연구자들의 신중함은 새로운 연구를 북돋우는 효과가 커 보였다. 어느 분야건 연구자로서는 연구 분야의 갈래를 짓고 춤을 계통화해서 연구를 신속하게 진척시키고 싶어하는 소망이 매력적이겠지만 이러한 태도는 실상을 한정하고 왜곡시킬 소지가 다분하다. 현장경험이 풍부할수록 선입견을 배제하려는 자세가 체질화되어 있다는 것을 느끼게 된다. 문화유산과 관련 우리가 알고 있는 지식, 우리가 정리해둔 지식은 매우 제한적이라는 겸손한 자세를 그들은 강조하였다. 무한정 늘어나는 현장자료 속에서 갈래를 짓고 계통화할 필요는 있겠으나 이에 따른 제한점을 잊지 말아야 항상 쇄신된 연구는 지속가능할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Bloom의 교육목표분류학에 대한 비판과 그 대안 탐구 : 일선 교사들의 인터뷰를 중심으로 On the Basis of the Teacher's Interview

        강현석,정재임,최윤경 경북대학교사범대학부속 중등교육연구소 2005 중등교육연구 Vol.53 No.1

        본 연구는 두 가지의 모티브로 시작되었다. 하나는 Bloom이 오래 전에 제안한 교육목표 분류학에 대한 현장 교사들의 반응에 대한 구체적 대안 찾기이며, 다른 하나는 교육목표분류학에 대한 최근의 일련의 개정 작업에서 발견되는 Bloom에 대한 대안의 모색이다. 교육목표분류학은 교육의 과정에서 중요한 도구로 기능을 해오고 있다. 도구는 항상 새롭게 만들어져야 한다. 학문적 논의와 현장의 실천적 노력에서 보다 정교하게 보완하고 그 대안을 모색 할 때가 되었다. 그것은 실제 수업이나 교사양성의 맥락에서 보다 구체화되어 적용되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 그 작업의 일환으로 교사의 인터뷰와 몇 가지 대안을 단서로 하여 하나의 가능한 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 학교교육의 중핵으로서 교육과정, 교수·학습, 평가의 문제는 교육목표분류학의 이론적 논의와 현장 실천의 문제가 연계되어야 하는 숙제를 안고 있다. This study starts with two kinds of motive. One is searching for practical alternatives of teachers' responses in service about Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Bloom suggested. The other is exploring alternatives of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives recently. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives has functioned as a crucial instrument on the process of education. This kind of instrument should be made as a newer one. It is time this instrument should be made as a newer one. It is time this instrument were made to be revised precisely and alternatives of that were explored through disciplinary discourse and practical efforts in service. It should be applied to be specified in the context of instruction and cultivating teachers. The study has tried to suggest possible alternatives on the basis of teachers' interview and some Taxonomy of Educational Objectives as a clue. A matter of curriculum, teaching · learning , and evaluation should be considered in connection with theoretical discussion on Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and a practical matter in service.

      • 컴퓨터를 이용한 쌀 전업농관리 및 영농규모화 사업지원에 대한 분석 및 향후 추진대책

        오현권,전윤재 대불대학교 2003 論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        Appearance and development of information using computer and communication network have extended the use of computer in the whole areas of society and all aspects of our society have been rapidly developed. Therefore this study aims to extens rice farming management, farmland dealings, long-term lease of farmland and farm management scale through compensation project, enhance agricultural competitiveness by collectivizing farmland, attract young people to rural ares and developspecialized and large-scaled farmland management system by means of computer programs related to services and management of rural areas in order to cope with environmental changes of rapidly changing information system. This study examines the actual conditions of special rice farmhouses and standarduzed farming project, presents their problems, seeks activation methods and reviews mid-and long-term plans of special rice farmhouses and standarduzed farming project. Theoretical inquiry of rice farming management and standardized farming project is based on preceding papers and literatures and evaluates analysis of existing projects' results and their validity. Future directions of rice farming management and standardized farming project obtained by this study are as follows; First, as the initial goals for cultivating special rice farmhouses over 100,000 houses, 60,000 farmhouses having more than 3 ha and 40,000 farmhouses since 1995 showed, there was a problem that it focused on achieving the target number of farmhouses rather than supporting potential farmhouses and the extension and absorption of rice farmhouses having more than 3 ha into institutional circle should be examined actively to support compretitive farmhouses and enhance the effects of standardized farming project. Second, farmhouses having farmland less than 2ha were selected as special rice farmhouses and have had supports, but it is judged that special rice farmhouses having farmland less than 2ha must not have supports to enhance the achievements of supports for special rice farmhouses. Third, upper limit of current support unit price and appropriateness and improvement methods of allotment system are expected and support unit price ahould be decided by considering the appropriate allotment level and beneficiary's level and a possibility of collecting credit incurred by insolvent obligation should be considered. Fourth, one of important conditions to develop smooth standardized farming project is to secure enough farmland.

      • 경량화 구조부재의 압궤특성에 대한 실험적 연구

        황우채,김정호,서현경,양인영 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2007 機械技術硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        자동차를 설계하는 가장 중요한 목적은 현제 환경 친화적인 면과 안전수행 측면에 초점이 맞춰져있다. 경량화 자동차 생산의 전반적인 움직임에 있다 환경친화적인 면과 경제적 측면 때문에 자동차생산에서 경량화에 초점이 맞춰져 있다. 본 연구에서는 사각 단면의 압궤 특성을 고려하여 모자형 단면 부재의 에너지흡수와 압궤특성을 분석하였다. 축 정적 압궤테 스트가 각각의 시험편에 대해여 행하여졌다 각각의 부재들의 에너지홉수와 압궤 모드가 분석되었다. 시험편은 알루미늄 사각부재,CFRP 사각부재,Hybrid 사각부재,CFRP 모자형 단면 부재와 Hybrid 모자형 단면 부재가 사용 되었다. 경량화 측면에서 각각의 부재들의 에너지흡수와 압궤특성이 비교 분석 되었다. The most important purpose in designing automobile is currently focus on environment-friendly, safety performance aspect. As for the environment-friendly and economical aspect, the Issues are the overall movements toward lightweight automobile production. In this study ,based on the collapse characteristics of square section member, the collapse characteristics and energy absorption capability of hat-shaped section members were analyzed. The axial static collapse tests were performed for each section members. The collapse modes and the energy absorption capability of the each section member were analyzed. The square sectional members which were composed of the aluminum. CFRP and hybrid were used and hat-shaped sectional members which were composed of the CFRP, hybrid were used by the specimens. In the lightweight design aspect, the collapse characteristics and energy absorption capability of the each member were compared and they were analyzed.

      • 치커리와 쑥갓의 무균자엽절편체 생산 효율 증진

        황현정,전혜정,최근원,김영채 경희대학교식량자원개발연구소 2005 硏究論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        치커리와 쑥갓에 있어 식물조직배양이나 형질전환 과정에 필요한 무균 절편체를 얻기 위한 적절한 방법을 제안하기 위해 기내 파종을 위한 소독조건과 배지조성 및 종류에 관한 실험들이 실시되었다. 치커리 'Precole'은 10% NaOCl, 15분간, 'Chiavari'는 5% NaOCl, 15분간이 기내파종 시 발아 및 자엽전개를 촉진시키고 오염발생을 억제하는 조건으로 선발되었다. 쑥갓에서는 발아 및 자엽전개율에 있어 NaOCl 처리 간에 차이는 없었지만 10% NaOCl, 30분간 처리에서 가장 낮은 오염율이 관측되었다. 치커리와 쑥갓의 발아와 자엽전개율 모두 인조토양배지의 사용으로 MS 배지에 비해 현저히 향상 되었다. 비록 육안으로는 오염여부를 관측할 수는 없었지만 이들 인조토양배지에서 자란 쑥갓 묘의 자엽을 MS배지에 치상하여 배양 시에는 오염증상이 나타났으며 이들을 NaOCl 1%로 15분간 소독 후 치상한 결과 오염율을 현저히 낮출 수 있었다. Experiments on the sterilization condition and medium composition and type for in vitro sowing were conducted to suggest a proper way to produce enough aseptic explants for tissue culture or transformation study in chicory and garland chrysanthemum. Fifteen minutes soaking treatment with 10% NaOCl for chicory 'Precole' and 15 minutes with 5% NaOCl for chicory 'Chiavari' were selected as proper sterilization conditions to promote in vitro germination and cotyledon expansion and inhibit the seedling contamination from seed itself. In garland chrysanthemum, there was no significant difference in germination and cotyledon expansion ratio among NaOCl treatments, but the lowest seedling contamination ratio was observed by 30 minutes soaking with 10% NaOCl. Both germination and cotyledon expansion ratio in chicory and garland chrysanthemum were significantly increased by using the artificial soil media in contrast to MS media. Although seedling contamination with the artificial soil media could not be observed with bare eyes, cotyledon explants harvested from the plants grown on the media showed some fungal growth when they were placed onto MS media for further culture. However the percentage of the contamination from these explants was dramatically decreased by 15 minutes sterilization with 1% NaOCl.

      • 탄소섬유 적층혼성부재의 계면수 변화에 따른 축 압궤 특성

        서현경,박준우,양용준,황우채,양인영 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2007 機械技術硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        알루미늄과 CFRP는 대표적인 경량화 재료이다. 알루미늄 부재는 안정적인 소성 변형에 의해 에너지를 흡수하며, CFRP 부재는 비강성과 비강도가 우수하고 불안정한 취성파괴로 인해 에너지를 흡수한다. 이러한 각각 알루미늄과 CFRP 부재의 압궤 특성을 기초로 두 재 료의 결합에 의해 서로의 장점에 대한 시너지 효과를 얻기 위해 혼성구조부재를 제작하였다. 본 연구에서는 알루미늄 부재의 외측을 CFRP로 강화시킨 혼성구조부채를 제작하여 CFRP의 계면수 변화에 따른 축 방향 준정적 압궤실험을 행하여 사각 및 원형 단변 모형의 혼성구조부재의 압궤 특성을 조사하였다. 실험 결과 혼성구조부재는 내부의 알루미늄 부재의 연성 성질 때문에 CFRP 부재의 불안정한 취성 파괴를 보완하여 비교적 안정적인 압궤 모드를 보였다. 하지만 혼성구조부재는 계면수 변화에 대해 에너지 흡수성과 압궤 모드는 별다른 영향을 보이지 않았다. The aluminum or CFRP is representative of light-weight materials. The aluminum tubes absorb energy by stable plastic deformation and the CFRP tubes absorbs energy by unstable brittle failure with higher specific strength and stiffness. Based on the respective collapse characteristics of aluminum and CFRP tubes, the aluminum CFRP compound tubes were manufactured to get a synergy effect when the aluminum CFRP tubes were combined with the advantages of each tube. This paper is to investigate the collapse characteristics of square or circular shaped aluminum CFRP compound tubes subjected to quasi-static axial collapse tests which were conducted by changing the stacking conditions. Test results showed that the collapse of the aluminum CFRP compound tubes complemented unstable brittle failure of the CFRP tube due to the ductile characteristics of the inner aluminum tube. It turned out that interlaminar numbers of aluminum CFRP compound tubes have no influence on the energy absorption and collapse modes of the tubes.

      • 충격하중을 받는 Al 박육부재의 에너지흡수 제어특성

        양용준,황우채,서현경,김정호,심재기,양인영 한국공작기계학회 2007 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        In this study, concerns the crashworthiness of the widely used vehicle structure, square thin-walled tubes, which are excellent on the point of the energy absorbing capacity. An experimental investigation was carried out to study the energy absorption characteristics of thin-walled square tubes subjected to dynamic crushing by axial loading to develop the optimum structural members. The impact velocity was tested in the rage 4.698~8.2m/s. To efficiently review the collapse characteristics of these sections, the simulation have been carried out using explicit FEM package, LS-DYNA. The solutions compared with results the impact collapse experiment. Here, the controller are introduced to improve and control the absorbed energy of thin-walled square tubes in this paper. To predict and control the energy absorption, we designed it in consideration to the it's influence, height, thickness, wide ratio in this study. When the controller used, the experimental results of crushing of square tubes controlled by the controller's elements showed a good candidate for a controllable energy absorption capability in impact axial crushing.

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