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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        An Efficient Underwater Coverage Method for Multi-AUV with Sea Current Disturbances

        정연수,이성용,최명환,이범희,이공우 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2009 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.7 No.4

        This paper presents an online coverage method for the exploration of unknown oceanic terrains using multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Working from the concept of planar algorithm developed by Hert, this study attempts to develop an improved method. Instead of theoretical research, it focuses on the practical aspects of exploration by considering the equations of motion for AUVs that are actually used in oceanic exploration as well as on the characteristics of complex oceanic topography and other realistic variables, such as sea current. These elements are used to calculate cross track error (CTE) and path width for AUV movement. The validity of the improved algorithm for terrain coverage is first verified mathematically and then by a simulation of the real underwater environ-ment that analyzes the path length and time taken for the coverage as well as the missed areas, which is the key element of efficiency. In order to apply the improved method to the multi-AUV operation, each AUV was assigned a covering or a scanning role by means of a dynamic role-changing mechanism. The results showed that the multi-AUV operation has an advantage over a single-AUV operation in many ways. The method proposed in this study will be useful not only for commercial applications but also for mine countermeasures (MCMs) and rapid environmental assessments (REAs) as part of naval military operations as well. We also believe that it will be ideal for use in variable oceanic environment, particularly in shallow water terrains. For the purposes of this study, we assume that the communication between AUVs is problem-free.

      • KCI등재

        血氣와 心氣에 관한 栗谷學派 氣質變化論 硏究 ─ 栗谷·巍巖·南塘을 중심으로 ─

        정연수 한국유교학회 2014 유교사상문화연구 Vol.58 No.-

        In this paper, Theory of Temperament Change(氣質變化論, Gijilbyeonhwalon) of the Yulgok School was studied by comparing Lee Gan’s view that put emphasis on making much of side on a method of composition (用事, Yongsa , makes any former text’s event as part of present text) of Blood-Vital Force (血氣, Hyeolgi) according to the Superintendence Character(主宰性, Jujaeseong) of Mind (心) to Han Won-jin’s view that asserted the changed of Mind-Vital Force (心氣, Simgi) concentrating his whole mind of preservation-cultivation(存養, Jonyang) of mind-and-heart non-issuance (未發心, Mibalsim) revolved around Innate Goodness (性善, Seongseon) based on the philosophical issues regarding Blood-Vital Force and Mind-Vital Force that can be raised Yulgok’s Theory of Temperament Change(氣質變化論, Gijilbyeonhwalon). Yulgok (栗谷) had argued that one should have to accomplish changing the temperament (氣質變化, Gijilbyeonhwa) by controlling Blood-Vital Force (血氣, Hyeolgi) in accordance with body developing the conscience that is essence of Mind-Vital Force (心氣, Simgi), while discussing about Mind-Vital Force (心氣, Simgi) and Energy of Body (身氣) along with Temperament. Lee Gan seemed to be succeed Yulgok’s Theory of Temperament Change(氣質變化論, Gijilbyeonhwalon) in regard to Blood-Vital Force (血氣, Hyeolgi) thoroughly. Lee Gan defined the temperament (氣質) as one’s own flesh and blood, and character, and also set out the mind of vigor which is a brave heart as vital force of mind (氣質之心, Gijiljisim). Thus, Lee Gan had served to emphasis a study that controls the vital force of mind (氣質之心) according to the body by superintending hot blood with mind(心, Sim). Meanwhile, Han Won-jin seemed to be succeed Yulgok’s Theory of Temperament Change(氣質變化論, Gijilbyeonhwalon) that cultivates the conscience thoroughly. Han Won-jin had stressed that the temperament, different from body, was supposed to understand as problem of mind along with Vacuous Spirit (虛靈, heoryeong). Even though it arrives at mind-and-heart of non- issuance (未發心, Mibalsim), this will not change the natural mind tendency at a single stroke. Also, Han had emphasized necessity of a study that will handsomely change the rough temperament of even natural born mind by devoting oneself to preservation-cultivation (存養, Jonyang) of one’s real intention without trying to change the temperament forcefully. Problems of temperament in Yulgok School begin with the problem of Mibalsigibulyongsa (未發時氣不用事), and these involve philosophical problems which argue Mibalsimchesunseon (未發心體純善) and Mibalgijilyuseonak (未發氣質有善惡) respectively, and then this is directly connected the problems related to perception(知覺, Jigak) at the time of silent (未發時, Mibalsi). On the basis of this study, it is hoped that the horizon of researching about Yulgok School will be extended by reexamining various philosophical problems regarding temperament. 본 논문에서는 율곡의 기질변화론에서 제기될 수 있는 血氣와 心氣에 관한 철학적 문제를 토대로, 心의 主宰性에 의한 血氣의 用事 여부를 중요시하는 이간의 견해와 性善을 주축으로 未發心을 전일하게 存養하여 心氣의 변화를 주장하는 한원진의 견해를 비교해 봄으로써 율곡학파의 기질변화론을 고찰하였다. 율곡은 心氣와 身氣를 아울러 기질에 관해 논한다. 心氣의 본질인 良心을 보존하고 육신에 의한 血氣를 주재함으로써 心氣와 身氣를 아울러 변화시켜야 한다는 것이 율곡의 기질변화론이다. 이간은 혈기에 관한 율곡의 기질변화론을 투철하게 계승하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 이간은 기질을 혈육과 형질이라고 정의하면서 혈기가 용사한 마음을 氣質之心으로 규정한다. 이로써 이간은 心이 혈기를 주재하여 육신에 의한 기질지심을 제어하는 공부를 강조하게 된다. 한원진은 양심을 보존하는 율곡의 기질변화론을 투철하게 계승하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 한원진은 기질을 허령한 마음과 더불어 마음의 범주에서 이해해야 한다고 주장한다. 한원진은 잠시 未發心에 이르렀다고 할지라도 타고난 마음의 기질까지 단박에 변화되는 것은 아니므로 專一하게 본심을 存養함으로써 억지로 기질을 변화시키려 하지 않아도 자연히 타고난 기질까지 청수하게 변화되는 공부가 필요하다고 역설한다. 율곡학파에서 기질에 관한 문제는 ‘未發時氣不用事’ 문제에서 비롯되어 ‘未發心體純善’과 ‘未發氣質有善惡’을 각각 주장하게 되는 철학적 문제를 수반하며, 未發時 知覺에 관한 문제와도 직결된다. 본 논문을 연구기반으로 기질에 관한 다양한 철학적 문제가 재검토됨으로써 율곡학파에 관한 연구의 지평이 확장되길 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        최적 층 경계점 계산을 적용한 임산물생산통계조사표본설계 연구

        정연수,이계오 통계청 2015 통계연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This paper suggests a stratified sample design to estimate output level of the five forest products(chestnut, astringent persimmon, jujube, walnut, and shiitake mushroom) on Si-Gun-Gu level with application of the Lavallee and Hidiroglou(LH) Stratification Method to determine the optimal Stratification boundaries. First, we analyzed characteristics of the population on each of the five forest products. Second, we propose the optimal boundary points of the strata with variation of harvesting area, a number of producing units and etc on the five products. Finally, we suggest sample mean method and ratio estimation to determine the Si-Gun-Gu forest output level, and two estimation method were numerically confirmed. 임산물 5개 품목(밤, 떫은감, 대추, 호두, 표고버섯)의 생산량에 대한 시군구단위 통계 추정의 신뢰성을 확보하기 위한 표본설계를 연구하였다. 첫째, 정확한 생산량 추정을 위해 임산물 품목별모집단의 특성 및 문제점을 분석하여 표본설계에 반영하였다. 둘째, 5개 품목의 모집단 특성인재배면적, 재배본수와 임가의 특성 및 재배특성 등을 반영한 최적 층화방안으로 LH(Lavallee & Hidiroglou)의 층 경계점 산출방법을 적용하였다. 셋째, 품목별 시군구단위 생산량 추정방안으로표본평균법과 비추정법을 제안하고 수치적으로 검증하였다.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        안무가의 몸에 관한 현상학적 소묘

        정연수,정예수 한국체육철학회 2014 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This review is designed to present the outline of‘body concept’by a choreographer’s perception which can be presented in dance related works based on phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty. As is generally known, the perception of creator’s view on phenomenological‘body concept’is one of important key elements for actualization of dance art, since dance art which includes creativeness can be embodied through‘body(chair)’. In this study, there are three dimensions as world in choreographer’s perception on‘body’; (a)‘body concept in dancing room’, (b)‘body concept in stage’, and (c)‘body concept in daily life’. These three dimensions were designated by Merleau-Ponty’s ‘body frame concept(schéma corporel)’according to variable attribute of human’s body. With this process, the outline of‘body concept’by a choreographer’s perception includes reflective attitude of phenomenology, identity of‘body’, directivity toward world, and interaction was presented in this study. 이 논문은 메를로-퐁티의 현상학적 철학적 견지를 근간으로 사물의 인식 구조를 연구자로서의 안무가가 실제 무용 관련 현장에서 인식하는‘몸’에 대한 현상을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 무용 예술에서의 창조성은 움직임을 구현하는 ‘몸’이라는 실존재를 체화시킴으로서 탄생하는 것이므로, 창작자인 안무가의 ‘몸’에 대한 현상학적 인식은 무용 예술 구현의 핵심적인 요소이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 안무가의 몸에 관한 사유를‘무용실에서의 몸’,‘무대에서의 몸’, 그리고‘일상으로의 몸’의 세 가지 차원으로 구분하였는데, 이는 공간에 따라서 변형되어지는 몸을 메를로-퐁티의‘몸틀(schéma corporel)’의 개념에 적용하였다. 각각의 세 가지 세계에서의 몸을 현상학에서의 반성적 견지, 몸의 주체성과 세계에로의 지향성, 상호작용성을 중심으로 제시했다.

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