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      • 스피치의 두려움 유형분류에 관한 연구 : Q방법론 적용을 통한 분석 중심으로

        이서영 한국소통학회 2013 한국소통학회 학술대회 Vol.2013 No.2

        Humans communicate by using language to share ideas and information. But a survey by Wilbur(1981) shows that 40% of the world’s populationfeel anxious when faced with having to present in front of an audience. Public speaking anxiety can be classified as state anxiety and trait anxiety. Based on theoretical research and my experiences in teaching speech communication, I suggest instructional techniques by PQ method program to improve speaking confidence of people suffering from speech anxiety and for therapeutic and pedagogical practice.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 지역 다자 안보기구에서의 활동 분석 - ARF와 SCO를 중심으로 -

        이서영 원광대학교 한중관계연구원 2018 韓中關係硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        중국이 1990년대 중반 이후 다자외교에 적극적으로 참여하기 시작하면서 중국 다자외교에 관한 연구들도 끊임없이 발표되고 있다. 이러한 기존 연구들 중 중국 다자외교의 특징으로 영역별 참여의 불균형‧비대칭성을 주장하는 내용들이 많이 있다. 즉 경제 영역에서는 다자외교에 매우 적극적이지만 안보와 정치 영역에서의 다자외교에는 중국이 그동안 소극적인 자세로 임해왔다는 것이다. 이에 본 논문은 중국이 지역 다자 기구들에 참여할 때에 안보‧정치 영역에서 선택적이고 소극적인 참여를 해왔는지에 대해 살펴본다. 이를 위해 지역 안보 다자기구의 대표격이라 볼 수 있는 아세안안보포럼(ASEAN Regional Forum/ARF)과 상하이협력기구(Shanghai Cooperation Organization/SCO) 두 기구에서의 중국의 참여 활동과 태도에 대해 분석하고 다음과 같은 주장을 하고자 한다. 중국은 지역 안보 다자기구인 ARF와 SCO에 모두 적극적으로 참여를 해왔다. 하지만, 두 기구 모두 아시아 지역 다자 안보 기구라는 큰 틀 안에 속해있고 유사한 의제를 다룸에도 불구하고 중국이 ARF와 SCO의 각각의 제도화 과정에서 보여준 참여 태도가 매우 상이하다. 이렇게 참여 태도에 차이가 나는 원인으로는 “중국 자신의 영향력이 잘 미칠 수 있는 범위의 조직인지” 즉 미국으로 대표되는 기존 강대국들이 참여하고 있는 조직인지 아닌지가 있다. 이밖에도 ‘핵심이익’이 결부되어 있는 전통적 안보 영역의 의제가 다루어지는지의 여부도 중국이 같은 안보 영역에서이지만 기구마다 다른 활동 모습을 보이는 데 영향을 미치는 원인 중 하나이다. Ever since China made active participation in multilateral organizations from the mid-1990s, the existing literatures discovered that China has demonstrated an asymmetrical pattern in its multilateral diplomacy. China partakes more in economic multilateral institutions than those in the security fields and China focuses more on regional level than global level. This paper argues differently. Looking into China’s participation in the two representative regional security multilateral organizations, ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum) and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), China demonstrates an ‘active’ participation. It does not indicate a tendency of ‘selective’ nor ‘passive’ attitude in the regional security multilateral organizations. Rather, looking into the two cases of China’s active participation in security organizations more carefully, a new finding was revealed. Even though ARF and SCO are both in the same ‘security’ field, and same ‘regional’ level, China’s participatory attitude in the two institutions are different. In the process of institutionalization of the two organizations, China demonstrated very different attitude. Unlike the previous studies’ focus on areas or levels, the important factor that affects China’s participatory attitude in multilateral organizations was another factor. It was whether the organization includes Great Powers, such as the U.S. or not. In addition to this, it was whether China’s sensitive ‘core interests’ are dealt in the organization or not. China is more willing to participate in organizations where it can exert its power and influence without much disruption and can lead the direction of development in the organization at its own discretion.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 對한국 반덤핑 규제에 관한 결정요인 분석

        이서영 한국무역학회 2009 貿易學會誌 Vol.34 No.5

        The China, the biggest export market of Korea, has been one of the large users of antidumping actions in the world. Korea ranked the first in the China for receiving anti-dumping charges. Against this backdrop, this study analyzes the macroeconomic factors that explain antidumping decisions in the China. For empirical analysis, unit-root test was conducted to understand the safety of time series. The results show that all variables are not I(0) time series. Instead, they are I(1) time series. To this, cointegration verification was conducted based on the use of Johansen verification method to define the existence (or non-existence) of long-term balance relationship among variables. Johansen's cointegration test results show that there is a long run equilibrium relationship between antidumping tariffs and two variables(unemployment rate and overall trade balance). The result of analysis indicates that the unemployment rate and the overall trade balance affected the China's antidumping investigation decisions. As the unemployment rate and the deficit of the overall trade balance increased, the number of the investigation of antidumping tariffs against the Korea exports appears to increase in the China.

      • KCI등재

        노동인권교육 조례의 교육적 개선 연구

        이서영 한국사회과교육학회 2022 시민교육연구 Vol.54 No.3

        Diverse efforts for labor human rights education are being made by various institutions, including the administration department. Local governments are enacting ordinances for the protection of youth labor rights and ordinances for the promotion of labor human rights education. Since the social, cultural, and economic environment of each community where students live and work is different, it is necessary to enact ordinances that reflect the environment and needs of the local community. Based on the results of comparative analysis of the Labor Human Rights Education Ordinance enacted by 13 education offices, the following four improvement measures were derived. First, the provision of student education and teacher training should be compulsory. Second, the definitions prescribed in the ordinance on Labor Human Rights Education shall be reviewed in detail. Third, the subject of labor human rights education should be expanded to be inclusive. Fourth, in the basic principles of labor human rights education, the purpose, content, and method should be explicitly presented. In addition, the current ordinance rarely reflects regional characteristics and is enacted with similar content, so it needs to be revised to express more specific and practical will. 노동인권교육을 위한 다양한 노력이 행정부처를 비롯한 여러 기관에서 실시되고 있다. 지방자치단체에서는 청소년 노동인권 보호를 위한 조례와 노동인권교육 활성화 조례를 잇달아 제정하고 있다. 학생이 생활하고 노동하는 지역사회마다 사회‧문화․경제적 환경이 다르므로 노동에 관한 문제를 인식하거나 대응하는 방식이 다르게 나타날 수밖에 없으므로 지역사회의 환경과 요구를 반영한 조례 제정이 필요한 상황이다. 13개 교육청이 제정한 노동인권교육 조례를 비교 분석한 결과를 토대로 다음 네 가지 교육적 개선 방안을 도출하였다. 첫째, 노동인권교육 실행이 자발적으로 이뤄질 수 있는 토양이 만들어질 수 있도록, 지속적인 노동인권교육과 교원연수가 제공될 수 있게 학생 교육 및 교원연수 조항을 강제조항으로 만들어야 한다. 둘째, 노동인권교육 조례에서 규정한 ‘정의’에 대하여 세밀하게 검토해야 한다. 셋째, 노동인권교육의 적용 대상을 다양한 방면으로 확장하여 포함시켜야 하다. 넷째, 노동인권교육의 기본 원칙에서는 교육을 통해서 얻고자 하는 바와 ‘무엇을’ ‘어떻게’가 대등한 위계와 성격을 띠고 명시적으로 제시되어야 한다. 이에 더하여 현재 지역별 노동인권교육 조례는 지역적 특성이 거의 반영되어 있지 않고 유사한 내용으로 제정되어 있어 더욱 구체적이고 실제적인 노동인권교육 보장의 의지가 표현될 수 있는 행정규범이 담기도록 개정될 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Exploring an Alternative Trade Payment Method to Offset Payment Risk

        이서영 한국관세학회 2014 관세학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        The method of trade payment has shifted from the L/C method to the non-L/C method,especially into remittance in recent years. This change of trade payment method increasedthe risk of unpaid export proceeds to the exporter, and a regular management of paymentrisk is necessary for exporters to continue export activities. Effective precaution forpayment risk and its smooth post management are mandatory to enhance a company'scompetitiveness in the global market and to prevent any loss in the country's wealth. Therefore, it is timely to enact plans to control payment risk systematically andoperationally, and analyze changes and factors affecting the trade payment method. This study proposed an alternative solution to manage payment risk systematicallyduring trade payment. International factoring, forfaiting, COD, CAD and using an exportinsurance system to manage payment risks are recommended.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Chronic Sinusitis and Nasal Polyp on the Lower Airway of Subjects Without Lower Airway Diseases

        이서영,윤순호,이소희,송우정,강혜련,김선신,조상헌 대한천식알레르기학회 2014 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose: Upper and lower respiratory tract pathologies are believed to be interrelated; however, the impact of upper airway inflammation on lungfunction in subjects without lung disease has not been evaluated. This study investigated the association of CT finding suggesting chronic sinusitisand lung function in healthy subjects without lung disease. Methods: This was a retrospective study of prospectively collected data from 284 subjectswho underwent a pulmonary function test, bronchial provocation test, rhinoscopy, and osteomeatal unit computed tomography offered as a privatehealth check-up option. Results: CT findings showed that the sinusitis group had a significantly lower FEV1/FVC ratio than subjects withoutsinusitis finding (78.62% vs 84.19%, P=0.019). Among the sinusitis group, subjects classified by CT findings as the extensive disease group had aslightly lower FEV1/FVC than those of the limited disease group (76.6% vs 79.5%, P=0.014) and the associations were independent of the presenceof airway hyperresponsiveness. The subjects with nasal polyp had also lower FEV1 and FEV1/FVC than subjects without nasal polyp (FEV1: 100.0% vs103.6%, P=0.045, FEV1/FVC: 77.4% vs 80.0%, P=0.005). Conclusions: CT findings suggesting chronic sinusitis and nasal polyp were associatedwith subclinical lower airway flow limitation even in the absence of underlying lung disease.

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