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        창조적 글쓰기와 문학교육 평가

        유영희 한국문학교육학회 1997 문학교육학 Vol.1 No.-

        Literary writing can be included in creative writing. In evaluation of literature education this concept has great possibilities of subjective and qualitative evaluation. This dissertation remarks the resemblance between evaluation of creative and evaluation of writing in korea education. And this dissertation gropes for evaluaton object of creative writing. Therefore above all deliberated concept of creative writing. That is to say, on history of concept of creativity. We perceive the concept of creativity a special concept. But it's a common now. So this concept intimates what can be applied in education. The standard of evaluation in writing can be applied to the standard of evlauation in creative writing. But the standard of evaluation is separated and universalized. Because the standard of evaluation in creative writing must consider a concrete work as it fabricate. We must assume that writing of literature genre has especially such property. So this is related to figuration of literature work closely. The figuration of literature work is related to effect of literature. Literature is constructed by language. Therefore it is a product of imagination. If it has possibility, totality and validity, it gets closer to 'beauty'. At the moment we can refer to the evalation of education. And the content of literature may be evaluated by the representation grade. We must now give up the idea of stating a course, an aim and a standard of evaluation uniformly. The evaluation is also related to historical transition in temporal pass. The present evaluation was mainly on objectivism. But subjective evaluation on subjectivism is recently raised. In creative writing qualitative evaluation should be achieved. It is called 'true evaluation', 'new evaluation' and 'subjective evaluation'. This may be achieved through evaluation method of student that is called 'educational connoisseurship' and 'educational criticism'. 'Educational criticism' is especially very important method for property of literature. This dissertation isn't developed by a definite method of evaluation. It's because the inquiry on this branch is incomplete. And it's because the inquiry on the subjective evaluation is incomplete. Through such dissertation I hope to achieve a conversion of cognition on evaluation. For that reason I hope that the student is respected for development of various methods of evaluation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        확인 질문(cross examination) 방식과퇴계 고봉 사칠 논변 방식의 비교 고찰

        유영희 한국사고와표현학회 2015 사고와표현 Vol.8 No.2

        본고는 아카데미 정책 토론에서 사용하는 확인 질문의 의미와 방법을 정리하고조선 시대 철학 논쟁인 사단 칠정 논변과 비교하여 좋은 대화와 토론 방법을 모색하고자 한다. 확인 질문은 법정에서 쓰는 개념이었지만 정책 토론 대회의 절차로 도입되었는데 실제 실행 방법은 법정 토론과 다르다. 본고는 확인 질문이 대회에서 승리하기 위한 수단을 넘어서서 좋은 대화를 위한 방법이 될 수 있다고본다. 조선 시대 대표적 철학 논쟁인 사단칠정론은 원로 유학자와 신진 유학자간의 좋은 대화 모델로 인정받고 있다. 그러나 철학적으로 볼 때는 논리적 개연성 없이 갑작스럽게 마무리되었다. 본고에서는 확인 질문의 방식을 통해 사칠 논변이 이렇게 진행된 이유를 탐색하였다. 좋은 토론, 좋은 대화가 되기 위해서는퇴계 고봉이 예의를 갖추어 천천히 진행한 대화 방식과 정책 토론의 확인 질문방식 두 가지의 장점을 고려해야 한다. 이를 위해 좋은 확인 질문 방법과 유형을개발하는 노력이 필요하다. This Study was aimed to regulate the meanings and the methods of the Cross Examination prevailed in the policy debates and to grope the desirable method by comparing it to the discussions on the Four Clues & Seven Emotions between LEE Hwang(李滉) and GI Dae Seung(奇大升). Though the Cross Examination has been used originally in the court to be introduced as a procedure in the policy debates, it’s rather a little different in real practice from thous of the arguments in the court. The main idea of the thesis is that it would be a good method of dialogues, not to mention to be an efficient means in debates. The discussions on the Four Clues & Seven Emotions between LEE Hwang and KEE Dae Seung in the early Joseon dynasty have been recognized as a good model of dialogues between a senior scholar an a young scholar. But It’s rather discouraging that it had no concluding in logical necessity to be a philosophic discussion. The causes was discussed in the thesis with the method of the Cross Examination. We might consider the advantages of the two methods to lead good discussions and dialogues. For this purpose, it would be desirable for us to make efforts to develop the various methods and models of the Cross Examination.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        문학과 자연과학 - 지질학의 현대적 세계상과 관련하여 -

        유영희 한국헤세학회 2018 헤세연구 Vol.40 No.-

        Mit der rasanten Entwicklung der Geologie vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts erkannte man, dass die Erde auf eine unermessliche lange Geschichte zurückblickt, während der Mensch dagegen erst vor kurzem auf der Erde in Erschienung getreten ist. Ausserdem folgerte man, dass die Menschheit mit fortschreitender Veränderung der Erde eines Tages wieder ganz verschwinden würde, so wie zuvor die Dinosaurier. Infoge der neuen naturwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse wurde das Bild von der Stellung des Menschen auf der Erde erschüttert, der sich bisher als Zentrum der Schöpfung betrachtet hatte. Das Gedicht Die Mergelgrube(1844) von Anette von Droste-Hülshoff, die Erzählung Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän(1979) von Max Frisch und der Roman Langsame Heimkehr(1979) von Peter Handke vermitteln den Menschen ihrer Zeit und auch uns den jeweils aktuellen Forschungsstand der Geologie und die Weltanschauung, die sich aufgrund dieses Fachwissens herausbildet. Die geologischen Erkenntnisse, die in diesen Werken dargestellt werden, weisen auf drängende Fragen der heutigen Erdbewohner hin. In der Gegenwart, in der wir einen ständigen Wandel der Erdes nicht nur durch natürliche Prozesse, sondern auch zunehmende Umweltzerstörung erleben, werden diese literarischen Werke zu Aufklärungs- und Warnbotschaften für die ganze Menschheit. 서구에서 18세기 말엽부터 19세기 중엽까지 지질학이 급속히 발전됨에 따라 지구는 측정할 수 없을 정도의 긴 역사를 가지고 있는 반면 인간은 지구상에 출현한지 얼마 안 되는 생명체로서 공룡처럼 지구의 변혁이 일어나는 가운데 어느날 지구상에서 완전히 사라질 수 있는 존재임을 알게 되었다. 그와 더불어 지질학 이외의 다른 자연과학 등의 학문의 발전으로 말미암아 스스로를 창조의 핵심으로 생각하던 인간의 위치는 흔들릴 수밖에 없었다. 본 논문에서 다룬19세기 여류시인 안네테 폰 드로스테-휠스호프의 시 「이회암 구덩이」(1844), 1979년 같은 해에 출판된 막스 프리쉬의 소설 인간은 충적세에 나타난다 와 페터 한트케의 장편소설 느린 귀향은 지질학이 알아낸 사실들과 이로 인해 형성된 탈 인간중심주의 세계관을 전달하고 있다. 이 작품들이 전달해주고 있는 내용들은 오늘날 지구인들에게 아주 중요하고 당면한 문제들을 시사해 주고 있다. 지구의 자연적 변혁들 뿐 아니라, 인간들의 환경파괴로 인한 지구의 변혁이 지금 이 순간에도 일어나고 있고, 이것이 직접적으로 기후에 엄청난 변화를 일으키고 있는 현 시점에 이 문학 작품들은 전 인류를 향한 계몽의 메시지, 경고의 메시지가 되고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        백석 시의 메시지 구성 방식과 시 평가

        유영희 한국문학교육학회 2005 문학교육학 Vol.16 No.-

        A message of a poem is one of the material elements to appreciate the text. A course of constituting the message for the subject of the appreciation goes through the course of associating an intuitive image, confirming a detailed image, linking the image with a meaning, constituting the overall meanings, and the confirmation of the message. In the education of the poetry, a message has been used confusingly at the several levels, but the definition of the concept on the message has not been made. The message is identified with the theme, a sense of values or an ideology, degrees of the spiritual enlightenment, or the intention of the subject of the creation. Sometimes it is identical with a code itself. Appreciating a poem based on these messages has an advantage for the whole aspects of understanding. The formula of the message composition of the BaekSeok's Poetry can be divided into two parts : Acceptance of the internal information and the external information of the text. When interpreting the works relating to the internal information of the text, we can look into the characteristics of the poetry by confirming a poetic word, verifying a theme and a technique, and checking the main topics. When interpreting the works relating to the external information, we check the chronological record of the writer, other writings of the subject of the creation, the background of the history of the literary circles on the same sage, and the background of a time. When constituting the message on the poetry of 'BaekSeok', the subject of the appreciation use the schema of its own to collect the internal and external information centering around the text. In the course of constituting the message, we should confirm the message of the poetry by examining on several information, using the schema and sorting out the information. Therefore valuation on the composition method of the message is not only a way to check the degree of understanding for the subject of the appreciation on the text, but also useful ways to measure the schema of the subject of the appreciation appreciating and understanding the poetry. On the context, we need to look into the ways for the evaluation through the composition method of the message.

      • KCI등재

        人物性同異論 硏究 成果를 통해 본 ‘같음’과 ‘다름’의 의미

        유영희 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.58 No.-

        Lots of studies have been achieved on the philosophical theme of the Debates on the original sameness and the difference between the human beings and other living things in the later Choseon dynasty in Korea. The Debates were lasted for more than 100 years between the school of Horon(湖論) based on Chuncheong area and that of Nakron(洛論) based on Seoul area. The former developed the original difference theory, while the latter urged the original sameness theory. Owing to the significant achievements of the studies on the Debates, this paper intends to catch the hard core of the meanings of the both theories, through the categoric discussion as the philosophical, social ideological, ethic educational and ecological aspects. The paper arrived at the agreements that the Debates were not of just conceptional theory, but of the ideal orientation which both sides were intending more than that. But the existing studies had some varieties in the interpretations of the orientations. Some studies asserted that both sides were intending to establish the human dignity, however the others made an analysis of that the sameness theory was on the base of naturalism while the other was on the base of humanism. Some studies agreed that the sameness theory was trying to strengthen the sovereignty of the Li(理: the principle), but the other studies emphasized that the theory neglected the practice of Li. And some studies urged that the sameness theory was acceded to the school of Bukhak(北學: a school of Silhak to learn from the northern studies of Qing dynasty), while the others did not consent to that. Owing much to the achievements of the existing studies, another interpretation could be issued in this paper. The sameness theory seems to have much more meanings of ontology than those of practical ethics, which inclined to generalize the standards of the human dignity as to the universality including the other living things. It would be necessary to reconsider the criticism against the deference theory and to understand it affirmatively, as we are living in this multiple cultural society. 본고는 인물성동이론의 연구 성과를 검토하여 철학적 의미, 사회사상사적 의미, 도덕교육적 의미, 생태철학적 의미 등으로 나누어 인물성동이론에 담긴 의미를 비교 분석하였다. 이러한 비교 분석 결과 논자는 인물성동이론을 개념 논쟁으로 보기보다는 그 이상의 지향이 있다는 데 동의하였다. 그러나 인물성동이론의 논쟁 당사자들의 지향이 무엇인지에 대해서도 의견이 많이 나뉘었다. 인물성 동론과 이론이 모두 인간의 권위를 확립하려는 입장이라고 보는 견해와 동론과 이론을 구분하여 동론은 자연중심적 입장이며 이론은 인간중심적 입장이라고 보는 견해가 있었다. 또 동론을 리의 주재성 강화라고 보는 견해와 실천력의 약화라고 보는 견해가 있었다. 마지막으로 동론이 북학으로 계승된다고 보는 견해와 동론과 낙학은 무관하다고 보는 견해가 있었다. 이런 논의를 토대로 ‘같음’과 ‘다름’에 대해 또다른 해석을 시도해 보았다. 결론적으로 논자는 ‘같음’에는 실천성보다는 존재론적 의미가 더 강하며, 그것은 인간이라는 우월한 존재의 기준을 보편화하는 성격이 많으므로 다문화 시대에는 ‘다름’에 담긴 평가적 의미를 벗겨내어 긍정적으로 이해할 필요성이 있다고 하였다.

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