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      • KCI등재
      • 신체학대아동과 일반아동의 심리사회적 변인 연구

        노정숙,이경숙,김보애 한국아동심리재활학회 2003 놀이치료연구 Vol.7 No.2

        This research examines childhood depression, parents marital conflicts, parents child rearing competence, parents attachment to the children, and problematic behaviors as psychological factors of physically abused children and non-abused children. The survey participants in this research are 19 physically abused children between 6 and 11 years old, and 21 children who have never been physically abused. Surveys for this research included questionnaires to assess the perceived degree of childhood depression, marital conflicts, parenting attitudes, parent attachment, children's behavior problem among the physically abused children and non-abused children. The physically abused children perceived themselves as being depressed and experienced emotional distress in their home stemming from their parents marital conflict than those from non-abused children Also, the parents commitment to their children showed that there was a significant difference in scores between fathers of the physically abused children and those of non-abused children. The physically abused group of children perceived less parental attachment and showed more problematic in attention spans, conduct, and externalization behavior than those from non-abused children 본 연구의 대상은 만 6세에서 만 11세 사이의 신체적 학대를 받고 기관에서 생활하고 있는 아동 19명과 신체학대 경험이 없는 일반아동 21명을 대상으로 자기보고형 심리평가척도를 실시하여 이 두 집단의 기초적인 심리사회적 변인의 차이에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 사용된 심리평가척도는 신체학대 아동집단과 일반아동이 직접 평가한 아동기우울척도, 가정의 부부갈등질문지, 양육태도질문지, 부모애착질문지였다. 또한 이 아동들의 문제행동차이를 알아보기 위해서 신체학대 아동집단은 기관의 보육담당자가, 일반아동집단은 부모가 아동․청소년 행동평가척도(K-CBCL)를 평가하였다. 본 연구 결과 신체학대 아동은 일반아동에 비해 더 우울하다고 지각하고 있었고 가정의 부부갈등이 더 많았으며, 아버지의 양육태도를 권위적, 통제적으로 지각하고 있었다. 또한 부모와의 애착정도는 일반아동에 비해 낮았고 문제행동은 주의집중․비행․외현화된 행동문제를 일반아동보다 더 많이 나타내고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 오리지널 판화의 표현방식 변용

        노정숙 유럽문화예술학회 2019 유럽문화예술학논집 Vol.10 No.1

        French printmaking is the art created on the basis of the long-standing professional artisanship. Its works are carried out as a single pictorial approach that meets the creation of art, and its plurality connotes the characteristic of sharing advanced art with the public. Although there are some limitations in the value system due to the hierarchy between the original and the duplicable, the originality of its artistic expression based on creation enhances the artistic quality of printmaking techniques, and the strict application of the “edition” and “original” makes the prints preserve their value of art. However, French prints, which have been recently opened by the popularization of arts, display the transformation of expression methods from the experimental structure of contemporary art to the expansion of the original printmaking techniques and attempts. The research in this paper aims to analyze the development – by focusing on the works of art – in which the concept and value of printmaking are transformed to the search for the expression methods and the utilization of media in accordance with the expansion of contemporary art by contemporary printmakers, at a time when the French original prints continue to maintain their value for a long time, communicating with high art through popularization. In addition, it will examine the changes in value of the original prints from the perspective of technology reproduction, such as the utilization of copy machines or the synthesized images through computers in the contemporary society, and then it will present the contemporary printmaking as a communication and popularization of art which is combined by contemporary media. In doing so, the concept of both plurality and duplicability of prints can open the possibility of accommodating various changes of contemporary media, and reveal the changes of expression by approaching the development and expansion of the expression techniques of French prints as the complex nature. These fusion prints transformed from the original print techniques and multiple arts as an application lead to the expansion of printmaking, and reproduced prints in the contemporary art foresee the future art as the utilization of the digital art and photocopy art. 프랑스판화는 오랜 기간 동안 이어온 장인정신을 토대로 생성된 예술이다. 판화는 예술의 창작과만나는 하나의 회화적 접근으로 작업이 실행되며, 판화의 복수성은 대중과 함께 고급예술을 공유할수 있는 특성으로 작업 전개방식을 갖는다. 원본성과 복제성의 위계로 가치체계의 제한이 있지만창작에 기반을 둔 표현의 독창성은 판화기법의 예술의 질을 높이며, 판화의 에디션(Edition)과 오리지널 판화(original Prints)의 엄격한 적용으로 판화예술의 가치를 보존하고 있다. 그러나 최근 미술의 대중화로 개방된 프랑스 판화는 현대 미술의 실험적 구조에서 동시대 오리지널 판화기법의 확장과 다양한 모색으로 표현방식의 변용이 나타나고 있다. 본 논문의 연구는 프랑스 오리지널 판화가 오랜 기간 동안 고급예술을 대중화로 소통시키며 판화의 가치를 이어오고 있는 시점에서 동시대 판화 작가들의 현대미술 확장에 따른 매체의 활용과 표현방식의 모색으로 판화개념과 가치가 변용되는 전개방식을 작품 중심으로 분석하고자 한다. 또한 현대사회의 컴퓨터를 통한 이미지 합성과 복사 프린트활용이 기술복제의 관점에서 오리지널 판화의가치 변화를 살펴보아 현대 매체와의 결합을 통해 예술의 대중화와 소통으로의 현대판화를 제시하고자 한다. 그럼으로 판화의 복수성과 복제성이라는 양자 간의 개념이 현대미술 매체의 변화를 다양하게 수용할 수 있는 가능성을 열어보아, 프랑스 판화의 표현기법의 확장과 전개방식을 복합적 성격으로 접근하여 표현의 변화를 드러내고자 한다. 이러한 오리지널 판화의 기법에서 변용된 퓨전 판화와 응용으로의 멀티플 아트는 판화의 확장을 가져오며, 현대미술 속의 복제 판화는 디지털아트의 활용과 복사미술로의 앞으로 미래미술을 예견하고 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        폐절제술 환자의 표준임상경로지(Critical Pathway) 개발

        노정숙 대한간호학회 간호행정학회 2004 간호행정학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        This is develop a critical pathway as an useful alternative to the previous management system in order to restriction of medical resources, high expectation of ordinary people to health and application for DRG. Method: In order to preliminary critical pathway, we analyzed 30 cases of medical records of patients who had lobectomy and pneumonectomy at the Yonsei Medical Center in Seoul. An expert validity test was taken for the preliminary critical pathway, and clinical validity test was also done. After these processes, the final critical pathway was developed. Result: Among 10 cases, one was excluded in this study due to the complication after operation. 7 of total 9 patients were discharged earlier than the expected day, 1 patient was just discharged at the expected day, and 1 patient was discharged 4 days later than the expected day at the 12th day after operation. Conclusion: The critical pathway is developed without difficulty because the posoperative management for patients with lobectomy and pneumonectomy is uncomplicated. Therefore, if it is more researched on the clinical application, then the activity of C.Q.I. will be able to sustain the patient oriented management system.

      • KCI등재

        IT교육서비스품질 측정도구 개발과 평가

        노정숙,장형유 한국전략마케팅학회 2019 마케팅논집 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 선행연구에 기초하여 IT교육서비스품질의 구성요소를 다양하게 분석하고, 이를 통하여 IT교 육서비스품질 향상을 위한 측정도구를 새롭게 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 문헌연구와 전문가 인터 뷰, FGI를 통해 ‘항목표본설정(generate sample of items)’ 방식으로 설문 항목을 도출한 후, IT교육서비 스품질 핵심요인 10가지와 이에 따른 측정문항 50개를 구체화하였다. 도출한 요인과 문항으로 IT교육 기관 수강생을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 해당 측정문항에 대한 통계적 검증을 통해 그 유효성을 분 석하고자 하였다. 분석결과, T교육서비스품질의 핵심요인으로 유형성, 신뢰성, 확신성, 반응성, 우수한 교육전산망, 강사전문성, IT교육프로그램, IT습득적합시스템, 최신정보성이 확정되었으며, 이를 측정하기 위해 총36개 문항으로 이루어진 측정도구를 최종적으로 개발하였다. 본 연구에서 구축된 IT교육서비스 품질 맞춤형 측정도구를 활용하여 교육 수요자들에 따른 맞춤형 교육방법과 품질관리를 차별적으로 실시한다면 보다 향상된 교육서비스 품질을 창출할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 본 연구에서 개발한 요인과 측정도구를 교육현장에서 효율적으로 활용한다면, 해당 분야 교육의 내실을 기함과 동시에 IT교육서비 스기관들에게 적합한 프로모션 활용 및 방안들에 관한 실질적인 혜안을 얻을 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine the components of IT education service quality based on existing studies and to develop IT education service quality metrics accordingly. In order to achieve this goal, new question items were extracted through interview and FGI. Through these processes, 10 measurement items concerned with IT education service quality were identified and 50 items related to them were specified. Questionnaire survey was conducted on students who were enrolled in IT education program to evaluate the statistical validity of the items introduced in this study. As a result of subsequent analysis, the key factors of IT education service quality were consisted of typology, reliability, trustworthiness, certainty, responsiveness, superior education computer network, and lecturer specialty. It is expected that more differentiated and higher IT education service quality can be achieved in case newly developed measurement scale would be well utilized, and related education is excellently conducted. It will also be possible to create customized education method and quality management, if an IT provider makes good use of the scale in the field. In conclusion, this study evaluated the research trends of IT education service quality and research methods through literature studies related to the quality of education service and IT education service quality. In addition, authors have accomplished the purpose of establishing research direction of IT education service scale development.

      • KCI등재

        Active Principle of Kimchi, 3-(4′-Hydroxyl-3′,5′-Dimethoxyphenyl)propionic Acid, Retards Fatty Streak Formation at Aortic Sinus of Apolipoprotein E Knockout Mice

        노정숙,Hyun Ju Kim,권명자,송영옥 한국식품영양과학회 2009 Journal of medicinal food Vol.12 No.6

        We examined the beneficial effects of an active principle in kimchi, 3-(4′-hydroxyl-3′,5′-dimethoxyphenyl)propionic acid (HDMPPA), on atherogenesis in apolipoprotein E knockout (apoE KO) mice. ApoE KO mice were fed an atherogenic diet containing 1% cholesterol (control group) with an intraperitoneal injection of chemically synthesized HDMPPA (10mg/kg/day) (HDMPPA group) for 8 weeks. The aortic sinus atherosclerotic lesion size in the HDMPPA group (n=10) was significantly smaller (control vs. HDMPPA, 280,790 vs. 165,409μm2, P<.001). The level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the HDMPPA group was lower by 14%, compared with the control group (P<.05). Aortic NADPH oxidase activity was significantly lower in the HDMPPA group than in the control group. HDMPPA suppressed the mRNA expression of p47phox and rac-1 of NADPH oxidase by 27.2% and 46.0%, respectively, compared with values of the control group. In conclusion, HDMPPA in kimchi may attenuate atherosclerosis in apoE KO mice through retardation of ROS generation via down-regulating the mRNA expression of p47phox and rac-1, which are the components of NADPH oxidase.

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