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      • KCI등재

        마인드 맵 학습 전략이 어휘 기억에 미치는 효과

        김영주 ( Young Joo Kim ),남상은 ( Sang Eun Nam ),권유진 ( Yoo Jin Kwon ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2009 언어사실과 관점 Vol.24 No.-

        This research has attempted to discover the effects of using the mind map strategy in vocabulary learning, presuming the need of a strategy to ease the burden of studying alone in vocabulary learning. The Mind map is a method which promotes student to think about related words of certain word.The study examined the effectiveness on short-term memory and long-term memory in comparison of the traditional vocabulary learning strategy to the mind map strategy. First, the experiment performed three experiments with 17 students from K University, and then tested vocabulary to the experiment group and control group. The results showed that the effectiveness of mind map strategy in short term memory of vocabulary was insignificant. Another evaluation of vocabulary was performed a week after the experimental class to examine the effectiveness on long-term memory. The results showed that the mind map learning strategy for vocabulary memorization was effective for long-term memorization. It is believed that as the learner applies target vocabulary to his or her personal experiences or schema, the mind map learning strategy for vocabulary memorization forms a link and allows the personalized vocabulary memory to be maintained in long-term memory. Thus, it is discovered that for a learner to memorize vocabulary for the long-term, the mind map provides more positive results than the traditional vocabulary memorization method.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 어휘 교육 연구를 위한 이론의 고찰

        이유경 국제한국어교육학회 2009 한국어 교육 Vol.20 No.1

        There are two aims in this paper. Frist is to present the condition and prospect of Korean vocabulary education for foreigners through traditional teaching approach. Second is to find how to implement various approaches into Korean vocabulary education study. Vocabulary, in recent years, has assumed a more important role in second language acquisition, especially is influenced by the communicative approach, the lexical approach, and the development of corpus-linguistics. There is a need for review of current trends of vocabulary education studies in order to keep abreast of various studies. Six topics are discussed in this article: (1) vocabulary knowledge (2) explicit teaching and implicit learning vocabulary acquisition process and mental lexicon, (3) separating vocabulary, (4) multi-word chunks, (5) corpus, and (6) vocabulary learning strategies.

      • KCI등재


        陶家骏,감서원,胡婷 한국중국언어문화연구회 2022 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.65

        In recent years, the universal Chinese teaching has been unable to meet the requirements of high-level professional Chinese talent education. Professional Chinese learners have gradually received attention, but at present, there are few relevant studies on vocabulary learning strategies of professional Chinese learners. Taking 65 Chinese Majors in Woosong University in Korea as the research object, this paper investigates the use of Chinese vocabulary learning strategies by Chinese Majors in Korea through a questionnaire, analyzes the impact of vocabulary learning strategies on Chinese learning achievements, and discusses the differences in the use of vocabulary learning strategies between high score and low score students. The study found that the frequency of Chinese vocabulary learning strategies used by Chinese Majors in South Korea is at a medium frequency, with cognitive strategies being the most frequently used and social emotional strategies being the lowest. There is little difference in the use of different strategies. In terms of specific learning strategies, Korean Chinese majors use strategies such as guessing, selective attention, taking notes, rote memorization, etc; The data analysis of high score group and low score group shows that Korean students' vocabulary learning strategies are significantly positively correlated with Chinese learning achievements. High score group students are better at comprehensively using different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies, so as to achieve better learning achievements. This paper also puts forward corresponding suggestions for the Chinese vocabulary teaching of Chinese Majors in South Korea, which provides a certain reference for the Chinese vocabulary teaching of professional Chinese learners.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 어휘 수업에서 ‘생태학적 언어 교수 전략’의 활용 가능성

        김규훈 국제한국언어문화학회 2018 한국언어문화학 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of using the “ecological language teaching strategy” in Korean vocabulary instruction. The perspective of ecology have core theses as the relations and the wholeness. “Ecological language learning” is a theoretical framework based on the language learning process for foreign language learners. Features of this theory have key words of “relations, context, pattern and system, emergence, quality, value, critical, variety, activity”. Korean vocabulary education needs to adopt the ecological language learning because the essential concept of the lexicon denotes the meaning of language by which we live. The ecological language teaching strategy can be particularly maximized by the “environment, context, and cooperation-based” approach already followed in the field of Korean vocabulary instruction. In more concrete terms, there are three strategies of ecological language teaching: affordance, prolepsis, and expanded ZPD. Affordance creates an appropriate environment in which to induce inquiry into the lexicon, prolepsis provides a vocabulary task with rich context, and expanded ZPD helps learners to interact with their peers in the process of vocabulary learning. Based on these ecological language teaching strategies, this study judges the realization of Korean vocabulary instruction by designing the “idioms” inquiry.

      • KCI등재

        단어연상과 이야기구성을 통한 초등영어 어휘 지도

        장진태 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2011 교과교육학연구 Vol.15 No.3

        This study investigated the effects and perspectives of teaching vocabulary with elementary school students using word association and story-telling techniques. The subjects were sixty-four students in the fifth grade in Gyeonggi-do. The students were divided into a experimental group and a control group, and the study was conducted over twelve weeks. A questionnaire was used to explore the students' perspectives on learning vocabulary and focused on association and story-telling techniques. The results of this study are as follows. At first, there were no significant differences between the vocabulary learning ability of the experimental group and the control group. A significant difference, however, was found between the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group; the control group did not show a significant difference between pre- and post-test, showing no improvement in vocabulary learning ability. Secondly, learners showed interest and satisfaction toward the use of association and story-telling techniques while learning vocabulary in the classroom. Based on these results, the following are suggested: 1) word association and story-telling techniques should be considered pedagogically in vocabulary instruction to promote interest and confidence in young learners; and 2) various activities based on word association and story-telling techniques should be developed for implementation in elementary English classes to enhance student vocabulary. 본 연구의 목적은 초등 영어 어휘 지도방법 중에 하나인 단어의 연상과 이야기 구성을 통한 교 실내 지도 방법을 통하여 학습자들에게 어떤 효과를 미치는지 그 영향을 조사하는데 있다. 이를 위한 구체적인 연구문제는 1) 단어연상과 이야기 구성을 통한 어휘지도방법은 초등 학습자의 단어 이해와 암기능력 향상에 어떤 영향을 미치고 2) 초등영어 학습자들은 연상과 이야기구성을 통한 어휘 지도방법에 관해 어떤 인식을 갖고 있는가이다. 본 연구의 대상은 경기 소재 M 초등학교 5학년 중 2개 학급 총 64명이다. 초등 5학년 영어교과서에 제시된 단어를 토대로 자유연상과 이야기 구성의 지도방법을 실시한 한 개의 반 31명을 실험집단으로 설정하고, 이를 실시하지 않은 또 다른 반 33명을 통제집단으로 나누었다. 초등 학습자의 목표 어휘 학습의 이해력과 암기력의 향상을 측정하기 위해 영어어휘 능력 평가지, 사후 설문지와 그룹인터뷰, 그리고 연구자의 비디오 수업 관찰 일지 등이 사용되었다. 실험집단과 통제집단간의 사전·사후 어휘능력의 차이를 비교한 결과, 통계적으로는 유의미하지 않은 것으로 나타났으나 실험집단내의 사전·사후 어휘 평가 결과는 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 이런 차이는 단어 연상과 이야기구성을 통해 학습한 실험집단의 학생들의 어휘능력 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 주었음을 나타낸다. 영어 어휘학습에 대한 학습자의 인식 즉, 흥미도와 자신감 그리고 학습방법의 효과에 관한 설문에서는 전체적으로 실험집단이 통제집단에 비해 높은 점수를 보여주었다. 영어어휘학습에 대한 소감문의 결과로서, 연상과 이야기 구성을 중심으로 한 어휘학습의 효과는 연상을 통한 기억강화와 이야기 구성을 통한 의미연결이라는 주제에 맞추어 구분되었다. 이런 연상과 이야기 구성을 통한 의미중심의 어휘학습은 기존의 일반적인 단어의 철자 및 음성 반복중심의 어휘학습보다는 학생들에게 집중력을 높이고, 흥미를 이끌어 낼 수 있는 기법이 될 수 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재


        장소의(張筱儀),장태원 중국인문학회 2019 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.73

        Idioms are a language form with ethnic characteristics. They are filled with cultural characteristics in the vocabulary. Based on the opinions of various scholars, the definition of idioms is two-level semantic, also short-sentence phrases in the spoken language. There are similarities and differences in Chinese and Korean idioms in terms of grammar, semantics and pragmatics. Since idioms are a kind of metaphorical fixed phrases, that is, they have deeper hidden meanings aside from the original literal meaning, it is not only difficult for Korean learners to comprehend Chinese idioms but also may misuse them or during the learning process. This paper uses Korean idioms material 《살아있는 한국어 관용어》(Using Korean idioms) for teaching by example, refer to the《Chinese-Korean double solution commonly used idiom dictionary》、the Korean website "Naver Mandarin Dictionary" and previous studies, trying to conduct comparative research in terms of the grammatical structure, semantic expressions, pragmatic features and vocabulary materials of Chinese and Korean idioms. The paper aims to find out each characteristics, show the similarities and differences between the two cultural backgrounds, living habits and ways of thinking, and further to explore the corresponding relationship between both cultures to make Korean learners deepen the understanding and learning of Chinese idioms. Based study of advanced- level Korean learners are under the advantage of familiarity with Chinese characters and writing , by learners’ studying difficulties and cognitive point of view , the researcher proposes the suggestions and the lesson design interesting learning activities and learning strategies for cross-cultural Chinese teaching that are suitable for Korean learners. It is hoped to help learners correctly use Chinese idioms and improve their understanding of Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        대학 교양영어 수강생들의 영어 어휘학습전략 탐색 연구

        윤택남 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.5

        대학 교양영어 수강생들의 영어 어휘학습전략 탐색 연구윤 택 남* 연구 목적: 본 연구는 대학 신입생들이 사용하는 영어어휘학습전략 유형에 따라 전략사용이 어떤 차이가 있는지 분석해 보고, 연구 결과를 토대로 개별화된 영어어휘학습을 명시적으로 지도하기 위한 자료로 활용하기 위함이다. 연구 방법: 대학생들이 갖는 영어어휘학습에 대한 전략을 파악하기 위하여 강원도 소재 K대학에 재학 중인 1학년 124명을 대상으로 5단계 척도로 구성된 설문지가 활용되었으며 설문은 기억, 상위-인지, 보상, 인지, 정의적 전략과 같이 5개 하위요소로 분류하여 배포하였으며 수집된 결과는 빈도분석과 기술통계를 통해 분석하였다. 연구 내용: 연구결과 참여자들은 새로운 어휘나 표현을 학습할 때 반복적으로 기억하는 방식을 가장 선호하고 문맥상 추론을 통한 하향식보다 개별 단어의 의미에 초점을 둔 상향식을 선호하였으며, 새로운 단어를 직면할 때 사전 사용을 선호함을 확인할 수 있었다결론 및 제언: 종합해보면 어휘학습 전략에 있어 적절한 암기 및 반복과 상향식 방식을 더욱 발전시킬 수 있도록 도움을 제공하는 것과 더불어 학습자들에게 알맞고 흥미와 동기 그리고 성향을 충분히 고려한 어휘학습을 지향할 수 있도록 안내하는 것이 효과적이라고 할 수 있다. 핵심어: 어휘학습, 영어어휘지도법, 영어어휘학습전략, 대학영어학습자, 교양영어 □ 접수일: 2022년 8월 26일, 수정일: 2022년 9월 15일, 게재확정일: 2022년 10월 20일* 춘천교육대학교 영어교육과 교수(Professor, Chuncheon National Univ. of Education, Email: yoon@cnue.ac.kr) A Study on Strategies of University ELLs’ EnglishVocabulary Learning in General English CourseTecnam Yoon Abstract: This study aims to identify strategies for English vocabulary learning of university students in general English course and use them as basic data to guide the effective vocabulary learning. To achieve this purpose, this research was conducted with 124 university freshmen taking a general English class. As a research instrument, a questionnaire on English vocabulary learning strategies was distributed, and the collected data were analyzed through frequency analysis and descriptive statistics. The contents of the analysis were about the types of use of English vocabulary learning strategies by the each participant. The results showed that the participants preferred the method of memorizing repeatedly when learning new vocabulary or expressions and the bottom-up method focusing on the meaning of individual words rather than the top-down method through reasoning in context in general. Based on these findings, some educational suggestions for teaching vocabulary were made, and then educational implications were provided. Key Words: Vocabulary Learning, English Vocabulary Teaching, English Vocabulary Learning Strategies, University ELL, General English

      • KCI등재

        내용 통합 텍스트 읽기를 위한 초등 영어 어휘 지도 전략에 대한 연구

        김혜리(Kim Haeri),전병규(Jeon ByungKyu),강영옥(Kang YungOk),김은하(Kim, EunHa) 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2012 영어교육연구 Vol.24 No.4

        This study investigated the effects of vocabulary teaching strategies while reading content-based informational text in primary English classes. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected, and the data analysis yielded four major findings. First, the quantitative data analysis showed that there was no one particular strategy that fit all learning situations. However, from qualitative analysis, the study found that students Preferred application strategy to list strategy and could transfer inference strategy in learning words from other texts. Second, effective vocabulary teaching strategies were different according to the characteristics of the texts and types of words in the text. Third, there were different learning transfer effects according to word types. For example, there was significant learning transfer effect with compound and loan words, whereas less transfer effect with collocation. Last, there were learning differences according to students’ English level. Based on the conclusions, suggestions were made for follow-up studies.

      • KCI등재

        방향성 자질을 결여한 방향부사의 효과적인 어휘교수전략

        곽재용 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2018 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        This study investigates the difficulties of Spanish directional adverbs without directionality that face Korean Spanish language learners at the high school beginning level. It attempts to unfold the factors that cause these problems and to help Spanish as foreign language (SFL) teachers to come up with effective teaching methods in teaching Spanish directional adverbs without directionality. Actually, few studies have been realized with respect to the absence of directionality in the Spanish directional adverbs. In this study we will try to explain that the absence of directionality in the Spanish directional adverbs comes from the inherent duality between stativity and directionality in the locative adverbs wth prefix ‘a-’. not only in the European Spanish but also in the Latin American Spanish. This fact shows that a morph-syntactic approach in teaching Spanish directional adverbs is a good alternative in teaching semantic-syntactic properties of directional adverbs. 본 연구는 고등학교 수준의 초급 스페인어를 학습하는 한국인 학습자들이 접하게 되는 방향부사들이 방향성을 갖지 않는 용법들을 접하게 되는 경우에 발생하는 어려움들에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구는 이러한 어려움들을 야기하는 요인들은 어떤 것들이 있는지를 살펴보고 그와 관련하여 한국에서 외국어로서 스페인어를 가르치는 교수자들이 스페인어에서 방향성을 결여하는 방향부사의 용법을 효과적으로 교수하는데 도움이 될 내용들을 제안하는데 그 목적이 있다. 실제로 스페인어의 방향부사가 방향성을 결여하는 현상과 관련된 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않은 실정이므로 본 연구는 스페인어의 방향부사가 드러내는 방향성 부재는 유럽 스페인어뿐만 아니라 미주대륙 스페인어에서도 발견되는 것처럼 접두사 ‘a-’를 동반하는 처소관련 부사가 본유적으로 정태성과 방향성을 동시에 갖는 이중석 성격을 갖는 사실에 기인함을 인식하고 스페인어의 방향부사에 대한 형태-통사적 접근이 방향부사의 의미-통사적 특성을 교수하는 대안이 될 수 있음을 증명하고자 한다.

      • 한국어 성격형용사의 분류와 교육 방안

        박재남 ( Jae Nam Park ) 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소 2015 한국어와 문화 Vol.17 No.-

        지금까지 국어학에서 형용사의 유형 분류는 의미적 기준 또는 통사적 기준을 중심으로 이루어져왔다. 하지만 한국어교육에서는 교재 구성이나 수업 진행이 주제나 기능을 중심으로 이루어지므로 기존의 이러한 형용사 유형 분류보다는 ‘주제’를 중심으로 한 형용사 유형 분류가 더욱 요구된다. 이에 본고에서는 한국어 교재에서 다루고 있는 여러 가지 주제 가운데 ‘성격’과 관련된 형용사를 추출하여 성격형용사 목록 128개를 제시하였다. 더불어 많은 양의 성격형용사를 효율적으로 교수·학습하기 위하여 성격형용사의 의미적 재분류를 시도하였다. 의미적 재분류를 한 결과 성격형용사는 크게 ‘태도’와 ‘성질’로 이분되는데 ‘태도’는 다시 타인에 대한 태도와 외부사건에 대한 태도로 하위분류되며 ‘성질’은 심성, 말이나 행동, 사고 등으로 하위분류되어 모두 다섯 가지로 의미적 재분류가 이루어졌다. 또한 효과적인 성격형용사의 교육 방안으로서 어휘 의미적 관계를 통한 방법으로서 다의 관계, 대립 관계, 유의 관계에 있는 어휘 학습 방안을 제시하였으며 장면·상황 중심을 통한 방법으로서는 영상 매체를 활용하는 방법과 서술 표현된 자료를 활용하는 방법 등을 제시하였다. As far as Korean linguistics is concerned, the classification of adjectives has been centered around the semantic criterion and the syntactic criterion. However, when it comes to the Korean language education, the composition of textbooks and teaching have focused on topics or functions and, therefore, we have more need for the topic-oriented classification of Korean adjectives. That`s why this article shows 128 ‘personality adjectives’ which are being used in the Korean language textbooks. Moreover, the attempt of semantic re-classification of personality adjectives is made in order to teach and learn personality adjectives efficiently. Personality adjectives are divided into two groups: attitude and character. The former is subdivided into attitudes toward other people and attitudes towards external events and the latter into nature, talk, and thinking, leading to five semantic categories of the adjectives. In addition, as an efficient method of teaching the adjectives, polysemy, antonym and synonym are used, which is sure to show semantic relations of the words involved. How to use image media and a form of description are also suggested as a teaching method by means of scenes or situations.

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