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      • KCI등재

        핀틀 노즐형 로켓 모타의 추력 조절 성능에 관한 연구

        김중근(Joung-Keun Kim),박종호(Jong-Ho Park) 한국항공우주학회 2009 韓國航空宇宙學會誌 Vol.37 No.4

        노즐의 팽창 조건에 따라 적용할 수 있는 이론적인 추력을 구하고 구해진 추력식을 이용하여 고체 추진기관의 추력을 조절하는 핀틀 추진기관의 설계변수, 즉 압력지수, 최소 작동압력, 대기압, 소화압력이 추력 조절 성능에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과 압력지수가 클수록, 최소 작동압력이 낮을수록, 대기압이 높을수록, 그리고 소화압력이 높을수록 핀틀로 노즐목 면적 크기를 조금만 조절하여도 낮은 연소관 압력 조절 범위에서 충분히 원하는 추력비를 얻을 수 있음을 확인하였다. Theoretical thrust equations for the diverse nozzle expansion condition were derived. By using the obtained thrust equations, parametric studies were carried out to estimate the effect of pressure exponent, minimum operation pressure, ambient pressure and extinguishment pressure on thrust modulation performance in pintle-nozzle solid rocket motors. Analysis results showed that thrust turndown ratio can be easily attained by small nozzle-throat area variation at high pressure exponent, low minimum operation pressure, high ambient pressure and high extinguishment pressure condition. At those conditions, the highest chamber pressure to obtain the intended thrust turndown ratio can be minimized.

      • KCI등재

        노동조합 및 노동관계조정법상 원청의 사용자성 - 단체교섭 의무 인정 여부를 중심으로 (부산고등법원 2018. 11. 14. 선고 2018나53149 판결)

        최정은 사법발전재단 2023 사법 Vol.1 No.63

        Previously, the courts premised on the employer as the party to the labor contract under the Trade Union And Labor Relations Adjustment Act. However, along with the increase in indirect employment, forward-looking lower court rulings appeared in line with the reality of increasing collective bargaining and collective action against prime contractors. The Supreme Court also adopted the theory of substantial control in the Hyundai Heavy Industries case (Supreme Court ruling on March 25, 2010, 2007DU8881) and acknowledged the prime contractor's unfair labor practices (domination and intervention), thereby expanding the concept of employer under the Trade Union And Labor Relations Adjustment Act. The 2010 Supreme Court ruling (Hyundai Heavy Industries case) has since provided a legal basis for guaranteeing the three labor rights of indirectly employed workers in various disputes. Recently, the Supreme Court has further expanded the guarantee of the three labor rights through a ruling on the concept of workers under the Labor Union Act (tutoring teacher case) and a ruling recognizing the contractor’s duty to accept the exercise of collective action rights by workers belonging to the contractor in in-house subcontracting (Korea Water Resources Corporation case). The Supreme Court ruling (Samsung Electronics Service case) recognizing the unfair labor practice of the prime contractor by directly citing the Hyundai Heavy Industries case was recently pronounced. By the way, in relation to the collective bargaining obligation of the prime contractor, the lower court of the judgment subject to comment was judged according to a precedent based on the previous theory of the parties to the labor contract. The lower court's ruling held that the prime contractor's collective bargaining obligation was denied because it did not have an implied labor contractual relationship with the subcontractor's workers. On the other hand, the Labor Relations Commission recently ruled in the CJ Logistics case that the prime contractor, the courier company, is an employer who bears the collective bargaining obligation, based on the partial and overlapping user concept. There is a heated debate between academia and practice on this issue. The case subject to comment was appealed in 2018 and is currently pending appeal. In this case, it is expected that the Supreme Court will directly judge whether it is possible to expand the employer to the prime contractor as the counterparty of collective bargaining. The issue of whether or not the prime contractor recognizes the collective bargaining obligation is related to practical and theoretically important legal issues, such as the collective bargaining process and method, such as the unification of bargaining channels, the validity of collective agreements, and the prohibition of substitute work in case of industrial action. Therefore, a comprehensive review of this is required. We look at legal disputes and related cases regarding whether or not the prime minister recognizes the collective bargaining obligation and the criteria for judgment, and present opinions on the direction of solving the case subject to comment. 종래 우리 법원은 노동조합 및 노동관계조정법(이하 ‘노동조합법’, ‘노조법’이라 한다)상 사용자를 근로계약관계의 당사자로 전제하였으나, 간접고용의 증가와 함께 원청을 상대로 한 단체교섭과 단체행동이 증가하는 현실에 맞추어 전향적인 하급심판결이 등장하였고, 대법원도 현대중공업 사건(대법원 2010. 3. 25. 선고 2007두8881 판결)에서 실질적 지배력설을 채택하여 원청의 부당노동행위(지배·개입)를 인정함으로써 노동조합법상 사용자 개념을 확대하였다. 2010년 대법원판결(현대중공업 사건)은 이후 여러 분쟁 사안에서 간접고용 근로자의 노동3권 보장에 법리적 근거를 제공해 왔다. 근래 대법원은 노동조합법상 근로자 개념에 관한 판결(학습지 교사 사건), 사내하도급에서 수급인 소속 근로자의 단체행동권 행사에 대한 도급인의 수인의무를 인정한 판결(한국수자원공사 사건) 등을 통해 노동3권 보장을 더욱 확충해 가고 있다. 현대중공업 사건 판결을 직접 인용하여 원청의 부당노동행위 사용자성을 인정한 대법원판결(삼성전자서비스 사건)이 최근 선고되기도 하였다. 그런데 대상사건의 원심은 원청의 단체교섭 의무와 관련하여, 종전의 ‘근로계약관계론’에 입각한 판례에 따라 판단하면서, 원청은 하청근로자와 사이에 묵시적 근로계약관계에 있지 않으므로 단체교섭 의무가 부정된다고 하였다. 반면에 노동위원회는 최근 CJ대한통운 사건 판정에서 부분적·중첩적 사용자 개념을 전제로 원청인 택배회사가 단체교섭 의무를 부담하는 사용자에 해당한다고 판정하였고, 이에 대한 학계와 실무의 열띤 논쟁이 계속되고 있다. 대상사건은 2018년 상고되어 현재 상고심 계속 중으로서, 이 사건에서 대법원은 단체교섭의 상대방으로서 사용자를 원청으로 확대할 수 있는지를 직접 판단하게 될 것으로 예상된다. 원청의 단체교섭 의무 인정 여부의 문제는 교섭창구 단일화 등 단체교섭 절차와 방식, 단체협약의 효력, 쟁의행위 시 대체근로 금지 등 현실적·이론적으로 중요한 법적 쟁점이 관련되어 있으므로, 이에 관한 전반적인 검토가 필요하다. 원청의 단체교섭 의무 인정 여부와 그 판단 기준 등에 관한 법리적 논쟁과 관련 사례를 살펴보고 대상사건의 해결 방향에 관한 의견을 제시해 본다.

      • KCI등재

        원청 사업주의 단체교섭 당사자로서의 사용자성에 관한 검토

        정영훈 한양법학회 2023 漢陽法學 Vol.34 No.3

        n June 2022, subcontracted workers at Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering went on a fierce strike, and following the Central Labor Relations Commission's ruling in the CJ Logistics case, the Central Labor Relations Commission's rulings that broadly recognize the employer as a party to collective bargaining have been appearing one after another, and the controversy surrounding the concept of the employer as an opponent to collective bargaining has intensified. With different criteria being applied and different conclusions being reached between lower-level courts, provincial labor relations committees, and the Central Labor Relations Committee, not to mention the controversy and confrontation in the labor-management relations field, there is also a sharp debate in academia, legal practice, and the National Assembly. There has already been a significant amount of research on this topic, and recent research is also being conducted based on decisions by the Central Labor Relations Commission and lower-court rulings. In this paper, we will analyze the legal principles of court rulings and the Central Labor Relations Commission, check the theoretical reach, and confirm the most fundamental theoretical obstacle to the expansion of the user's authority in collective bargaining. We hope to contribute to the theoretical work to expand the user's authority in collective bargaining by reviewing it. The results of the review can be summarized as follows: First, the problem of the abstractness of the judgment criteria, which was a major criticism of the judgment criteria for expanding the employer's status, has almost been overcome. Second, The concept of autonomy in collective bargaining, which is the regulation of working conditions through the conclusion of collective agreements with normative effect, cannot be a practical or theoretical obstacle to the expansion of the concept of the employer as a party to collective bargaining. Third, the understanding of the right to collective bargaining guaranteed by the Constitution must be further deepened.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 통상정책 기조와 향후 전망 : 미국 무역대표부(USTR)와 국제무역위원회(USITC)를 중심으로

        정재우(Jae-Woo Jung),홍재성(Jae-Sung Hong) 한국통상정보학회 2021 통상정보연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 먼저 미국의 통상정책에 막대한 영향을 끼친 법으로 알려진 1930년 스무트 홀리 관세법, 1934년 상호무역협정법, 1962년 무역확대법, 1974년 무역법, 1988년 종합무역법에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 바탕으로 트럼프・바이든 행정부에서 추진한 주요 보호무역조치를 알아보고 어떠한 특성이 있는지 확인하고자 하였다. 그 결과 미국 우선주의를 표방한 트럼프・바이든 행정부에서 추진한 대표적인 보호무역조치는 반덤핑관세 및 상계관세 부과, 세이프가드 조치, 국가안보를 이유로 1962년 무역확대법 제232조에 근거한 무역규제가 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 트럼프・바이든 행정부가 추진한 보호무역조치의 특성으로 중국뿐만 아니라 미국 동맹국을 비롯하여 다른 국가에도 미국의 무역규제의 압력이 증가되고 있으며 이를 극복할 방안으로 우리는 수출시장 다변화 및 공급망 재편의 필요성이 제기된다. First of all, this study tried to review the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930, the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934, Trade Expansion Act of 1962, Trade Reform Act of 1934, and Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988. These laws are known to have exerted considerable influence on the establishment of United States trade policy. In addition, this article contained information related to the protectionism measures pursued by the Trump and Biden administrations. The Trump and Biden administrations used the provisions of Section 232 under the Trade Expansion Act, as well as anti-dumping and countervailing duties. Especially, the Trump administration invoked rarely-used rationales for the enforcement of trade barriers by mentioning national security. And this article explained the current situation and characteristic of the Trump and Biden’s trade policy. To conclude, the Trump and Biden administrations has quickly adopted active and defiant approach to using United States trade laws as a protectionist tool.

      • 고속 회전하는 RAP(Rocket Assisted Projectile)의 추력 및 유동 특성에 관한 연구

        반영우(Youngwoo Ban),정현호(Hyunho Jung),박주현(Juhyeon Park),주형욱(Hyeonguk Joo),이치훈(Chihoon Lee),박용인(Yongin Park),윤종원(Jongwon Yoon) 한국추진공학회 2017 한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.5

        고속 회전하는 로켓보조추진탄의 로켓 추진 유동특성을 수치해석적으로 연구하였다. 회전지상연소시험을 통해 연소실 내부 압력을 계측하였고 지상 조건, 작동 고도 조건, 기저부 압력 조건의 노즐압력비를 적용하여 수치해석을 수행하였다. 그리고 수치해석 결과를 등엔트로피 1차원 해와 지상회전시험 결과와 비교 하였다. 또한 동일 노즐압력비에서 유동의 회전 유/무에 따른 추력특성의 차이를 확인하였다. In this paper, a numerical study has been performed to analyze flow characteristics of rocket propulsion. Through the ground spin test, combustion chamber pressure was measured. Based on the experimental results, numerical analysis was conducted under various nozzle pressure ratio conditions such as standard, operating and base pressure conditions. And it was compared with quasi-1D solution and experimental result. In addition, the difference in thrust characteristics according to the spin/non-spin of the flow conditions was confirmed at the same nozzle pressure ratio.

      • KCI등재

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