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      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁과 낙동강, 가려진 현실의 융기 − 임권택의 「洛東江은 흐르는가」를 대상으로 −

        문선영 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.56 No.-

        The present paper examines the film historical significance of Korean War through Does the Nak-Dong River Flow by Im Kwon-taek. Nak-Dong River in the time of Korean War, as the border landmark of fratricidal war, has its historical significance of the field of tragedy which decides between victory and defeat. A few sets of its significances could be drawn out from the cinematographic embodiment of that Nak-Dong River. A summary of the discussion is as following:First of all, Does the Nak-Dong River Flow is worth being counted as the masterpiece of war films. Despite its faithfulness to the anti-communist film, it also escapes the scope of ‘anti-communism’ and raises a solemn question as to the misery of fratricidal war, making a war movie based on humanity as a whole. With its well-made mise-en-scene, Does the Nak-Dong River Flow is before anything else a movie made with a great enthusiasm for the embodiment of 'Nak-Dong River.' In the movie Nak-Dong River posits itself not only as the significance of the site of tragedy covered with blood and carcases but also as the significance of love and parting at the same time. These are extracted from the situation of child combatant Cheon Tae-sik. Secondly, Does the Nak-Dong River Flow? directly deals with the problem of child combatants, an issue of continual controversy. Centering on a little child with no understanding of the circumstances of war at all, the misery of Korean War emerges all the more powerfully, and the pretty 'flower' in the movie calls attention to those horrors even more impressively, let alone the image of tanks and the scenes of humanity. Likewise, Does the Nak-Dong River Flow can said to be a distinguished film work of the embodiment of Nak-Dong River in the time of Korean War. Before anything else, it is noteworthy that Kwon-taek Im, who tries to approaches the historical fact with modesty and sincerity placing 'child combatant' as the central figure, poses Nak-Dong River as the space for the venting of spite, not being content with its spatial importance as the expression of the irony of Korean War which has no clear division between enemy and friend nor with its value as a factual record of the battlefield of the blind struggling for victory under those ironical circumstances of history. It must be deeply involved with those circumstances that Nak-Dong River has been one of the main subjects for film and other branches of art. There was a scene in the movie in which Cheon Tae-sik throws a field shovel to tell his fortune and other soldiers, utterly fearful of death, give facial expressions of agreement when they were making a plan to sweep the enemy through blowing up of a bridge and preparing for the operation. It is a moment of sadness, in which our minds cannot help but lapse into weakness infinitely under the tragic circumstances. 이 논문은 한국전쟁을 다룬 임권택의 「洛東江은 흐르는가」를 통해 한국전쟁 가운데 치열하기로 이름난 낙동강전투가 영화담론으로서 어떤 의미망을 지니는지 살펴보려는 의도 아래 기획 집필된 것이다. 이때 중심되는 화두는 ‘한국전쟁과 영화담론’이다. 한국전쟁을 배경으로 한 영화를 대상으로, 당대 전쟁영화의 의미망을 고찰하고자 하였다. 임권택의 「洛東江은 흐르는가」는 1976년에 제작되었다. 「洛東江은 흐르는가」는 한국전쟁 당시 북한군과 대적하는 남한군의 고군분투를 그린, 임권택 감독의 이른바 반공영화로 알려져 있다. 그러나 「洛東江은 흐르는가」에서는 반공영화가 주요 관심사가 될 수 없다. 한국전쟁을 배경으로든 전경으로든 담은 영화가 피해갈 수 없는 맥락이 바로 ‘반공’의 영역이기 때문이다. 한국전쟁을 담은 영화는 끊임없이 제작되고 있고, 여기서 ‘반공’에 대한 논란은 이어지고 있는 실정이다. 그만큼 반공이 논란의 선상에 놓이는 것은 한국전쟁이 지닌 특수성 때문이다. 이 논문은 이렇듯 한계담론으로 지적되는 ‘반공’의 이면에 숨겨진 담론들을 임권택의 「洛東江은 흐르는가」가 어떻게 표명하고 있는지 살폈다. 아울러 적과 동지의 구분이 모호한 한국전쟁의 아이러니성을 극명하게 표출시킨 ‘낙동강’의 공간성과 함께 그 속에 놓인 소년병의 문제를 제기하고 있는 한국전쟁의 면모를 도출하였다. 여기서 ‘꽃의 메타포’로서 기억의 저편에 묻힌 과거의 진실들, 잘 표현된 불행의 여정들을 탐색하였다. 본고는 인간의 모순, 감각의 윤리, 생존의 숭고 등 여전히 진행형으로 우리 삶의 한 부분을 차지하고 있는 한국전쟁의 상흔들을 ‘낙동강’을 배경으로 곱씹는 데 바쳐져 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국(韓國)의 문화(文化) : 한국전쟁과 낙동강, 가려진 현실의 융기 -임권택의 「낙동강(洛東江)은 흐르는가」를 대상으로-

        문선영 ( Sun Young Moon ) 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.56 No.-

        이 논문은 한국전쟁을 다룬 임권택의 「洛東江은 흐르는가」를 통해 한국전쟁 가운데 치열하기로 이름난 낙동강전투가 영화담론으로서 어떤 의미망을 지니는지 살펴보려는 의도 아래 기획 집필된 것이다. 이때 중심되는 화두는 ``한국전쟁과 영화담론``이다. 한국전쟁을 배경으로 한 영화를 대상으로, 당대 전쟁영화의 의미망을 고찰하고자 하였다. 임권택의 「洛東江은 흐르는가」는 1976년에 제작되었다. 「洛東江은 흐르는가」는 한국전쟁 당시 북한군과 대적하는 남한군의 고군분투를 그린, 임권택 감독의 이른바 반공영화로 알려져 있다. 그러나 「洛東江은 흐르는가」에서는 반공영화가 주요 관심사가 될 수 없다. 한국전쟁을 배경으로든 전경으로든 담은 영화가 피해갈 수 없는 맥락이 바로 ``반공``의 영역이기 때문이다. 한국전쟁을 담은 영화는 끊임없이 제작되고 있고, 여기서 ``반공``에 대한 논란은 이어지고 있는 실정이다. 그만큼 반공이 논란의 선상에 놓이는 것은 한국전쟁이 지닌 특수성 때문이다. 이 논문은 이렇듯 한계담론으로 지적되는 ``반공``의 이면에 숨겨진 담론들을 임권택의 「洛東江은 흐르는가」가 어떻게 표명하고 있는지 살폈다. 아울러 적과 동지의 구분이 모호한 한국전쟁의 아이러니성을 극명하게 표출시킨 ``낙동강``의 공간성과 함께 그 속에 놓인 소년병의 문제를 제기하고 있는 한국전쟁의 면모를 도출하였다. 여기서 ``꽃의 메타포``로서 기억의 저편에 묻힌 과거의 진실들, 잘 표현된 불행의 여정들을 탐색하였다. 본고는 인간의 모순, 감각의 윤리, 생존의 숭고 등 여전히 진행형으로 우리 삶의 한 부분을 차지하고 있는 한국전쟁의 상흔들을 ``낙동강``을 배경으로 곱씹는 데 바쳐져 있다. The present paper examines the film historical significance of Korean War through Does the Nak-Dong River Flow by Im Kwon-taek. Nak-Dong River in the time of Korean War, as the border landmark of fratricidal war, has its historical significance of the field of tragedy which decides between victory and defeat. A few sets of its significances could be drawn out from the cinematographic embodiment of that Nak-Dong River. A summary of the discussion is as following: First of all, Does the Nak-Dong River Flow is worth being counted as the masterpiece of war films. Despite its faithfulness to the anti-communist film, it also escapes the scope of ``anti-communism`` and raises a solemn question as to the misery of fratricidal war, making a war movie based on humanity as a whole. With its well-made mise-en-scene, Does the Nak-Dong River Flow is before anything else a movie made with a great enthusiasm for the embodiment of ``Nak-Dong River.`` In the movie Nak-Dong River posits itself not only as the significance of the site of tragedy covered with blood and carcases but also as the significance of love and parting at the same time. These are extracted from the situation of child combatant Cheon Tae-sik. Secondly, Does the Nak-Dong River Flow? directly deals with the problem of child combatants, an issue of continual controversy. Centering on a little child with no understanding of the circumstances of war at all, the misery of Korean War emerges all the more powerfully, and the pretty ``flower`` in the movie calls attention to those horrors even more impressively, let alone the image of tanks and the scenes of humanity. Likewise, Does the Nak-Dong River Flow can said to be a distinguished film work of the embodiment of Nak-Dong River in the time of Korean War. Before anything else, it is noteworthy that Kwon-taek Im, who tries to approaches the historical fact with modesty and sincerity placing ``child combatant`` as the central figure, poses Nak-Dong River as the space for the venting of spite, not being content with its spatial importance as the expression of the irony of Korean War which has no clear division between enemy and friend nor with its value as a factual record of the battlefield of the blind struggling for victory under those ironical circumstances of history. It must be deeply involved with those circumstances that Nak-Dong River has been one of the main subjects for film and other branches of art. There was a scene in the movie in which Cheon Tae-sik throws a field shovel to tell his fortune and other soldiers, utterly fearful of death, give facial expressions of agreement when they were making a plan to sweep the enemy through blowing up of a bridge and preparing for the operation. It is a moment of sadness, in which our minds cannot help but lapse into weakness infinitely under the tragic circumstances.

      • KCI등재

        내러티브 텍스트를 활용한 지역학습 전략 -낙동강 유역을 사례로-

        조철기 ( Chul Ki Cho ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2012 중등교육연구 Vol.60 No.2

        본 연구는 낙동강 유역을 사례로 하여 내러티브 텍스트를 활용한 지역학습의 방안을 탐색한 것이다. 낙동강 유역의 내러티브를 활용하여 대안적 지역학습의 방안을 모색하기 위한 사전 단계로서 지리교육과정과 교과서를 검토하였는데, 낙동강 유역은 영남지방을 하나로 묶는 역할을 하는 동시에, 낙동강 중상류와 낙동강 하류로 대별되기도 한다. 그리고 낙동강 유역은 하천 지형을 통해 나타나는 자연 경관뿐만 아니라 그 위에서 이루어지는 인간의 다양한 삶의 인문 경관, 인간에 의해 파괴되고 그로 인해 우리 인간에게 환경 문제를 경고하는 생태적 상징 경관으로서 동원되고 있다. 특히, 낙동강 하굿둑은 이러한 세 가지 차원의 경관을 동시에 보여주는 것으로서 이와 관련한 내러티브는 그것을 생산한 저자의 관점 또는 자료의 출처에 따라 매우 상이한 이데올로기를 보여준다. 이와 같이 낙동강 유역이 가지는 의미에 토대한다면, 낙동강 유역의 내러티브를 활용한 지역학습 전략은 두 가지 차원에서 전개될 수 있다. 하나는 낙동강 유역을 중상류와 하류로 이항적 대비를 통해 전개되고 있는 내러티브를 활용하는 것으로서 이는 학생들의 흥미와 관심은 물론 지리적 사고력과 공감적 이해, 지리적 상상력의 발달을 가능하게 할 것이다. 다른 하나는 낙동강 하굿둑에 대한 상이한 관점을 가진 주체들에 의해 생산된 불일치 내러티브 자료를 활용하는 것으로서 이는 학생들로 하여금 인지 및 가치 갈등 경험하도록 하여 하굿둑에 대한 편견과 고정관념을 해소하도록 하여 균형잡힌 관점을 가질 수 있도록 할 것이다. This study is to examine the strategy of regional learning utilizing narrative text as a case of Nak-Dong river basin. As a prior step to examine the strategy of alternative regional learning utilizing narrative text of Nak-Dong river basin, this paper examined geography curriculum and textbooks. According to findings, Nak-Dong river basin put together Young-Nam province but is divided between the upper and middle stream and the downstream. And Nak-Dong river basin is described as a physical landscape of river landform, human landscape of human life, and ecological landscape of environmental problems. Especially, Nak-Dong estuary dyke is built-environment that show simultaneously these three dimension of landscape. The narratives related with Nak-Dong estuary dyke show very different ideology by author`s viewpoint or the source of data. Like this, according to meanings of Nak-Dong river basin, strategy of regional teaching and learning utilizing narratives of Nak-Dong river basin can be developed in two dimension. One is to use narratives that devide Nak-Dong river basin between the upper and middle stream and the downstream through binary opposite. The strategy attract learners` interest and stimulate geographical thinking, empathetic understanding and geographical imagination. Another is to use discrepant narratives producted by subjects who have different viewpoint about Nak-Dong estuary dyke. The strategy make learners reduce bias and stereotyping about estuary dyke by experiencing cognition and value conflict.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강 하구둑 방류량이 하구지역 지형 변화에 미치는 영향 분석

        공태욱,김성보 한국산업융합학회 2023 한국산업융합학회 논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        In this study, topographic change analysis was performed on the Nak-dong River estuary area. The factors affecting the changes in the bathymetry of the Nak-dong River estuary were analyzed using data from the discharge, suspended sediments, and rainfall of the Nak-dong River barrier as analysis data. As a result, erosion and sedimentation are judged to appear repeatedly due to complex effects such as discharge of the estuary barrier of the Nak-dong River and invasion of the open sea waves, and it is judged that there is no one-sided tendency. However, as a result of checking the data in the second half of 2020, it was possible to confirm a large amount of erosion, which is different from the past data. It is clear that this is a result beyond the trend of erosion in the first half and sedimentation in the second half. In the summer of 2020, the rainy season lasted for more than a month and torrential rains occurred, which seems to be due to about three times higher rainfall than other periods, and erosion is believed to have occurred as the discharge increased rapidly compared to the time deposited by river water outflow. In addition, compared to other times, the influence of many typhoons in the summer of 2020 is believed to have affected the topographical change at the mouth of the Nak-dong River.

      • KCI등재

        Static Simple Shear Characteristics of Nak-dong River Clean Sand

        김영수 대한토목학회 2009 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.13 No.6

        Embankments established on the Nak-dong River are composed of sandy soils which are not compactible. In this paper, undrained and drained static simple shear tests were conducted on air pluviated and water pluviated Nak-dong River clean sand at the loosest deposited state and at other deposition void ratios over a range of confining stress levels. In the undrained response, densification associated with the increasing confining stress level has a clear dominating influence on increasing shear stress and pore water pressure. As the void ratio decreases, small contractive behaviour gradually changes into dilative behavior. Dilative sand becomes even more dilative with a further decrease in the void ratio. The water pluviated specimen is more contractive (strain softening) than the air pluviated specimen. The air pluviated specimen did not exhibit contractive behaviour. In the drained response, in regard to incremental elastic approximation, such stress-strain results can be most often simulated by hyperbolas. Clearly, densification associated with increasing confining stress levels has a dominating influence on increasing shear stress and volumetric strain. This becomes less contractive as the confining stress increases. Embankments established on the Nak-dong River are composed of sandy soils which are not compactible. In this paper, undrained and drained static simple shear tests were conducted on air pluviated and water pluviated Nak-dong River clean sand at the loosest deposited state and at other deposition void ratios over a range of confining stress levels. In the undrained response, densification associated with the increasing confining stress level has a clear dominating influence on increasing shear stress and pore water pressure. As the void ratio decreases, small contractive behaviour gradually changes into dilative behavior. Dilative sand becomes even more dilative with a further decrease in the void ratio. The water pluviated specimen is more contractive (strain softening) than the air pluviated specimen. The air pluviated specimen did not exhibit contractive behaviour. In the drained response, in regard to incremental elastic approximation, such stress-strain results can be most often simulated by hyperbolas. Clearly, densification associated with increasing confining stress levels has a dominating influence on increasing shear stress and volumetric strain. This becomes less contractive as the confining stress increases.

      • KCI등재

        FISH법을 이용한 낙동강 상,중,하류의 세균군집 구조 분석

        이영옥 ( Lee Yeong Og ),박지은 ( Park Ji Eun ),신승필 ( Sin Seung Pil ),안영희 ( An Yeong Hui ) 한국물환경학회 2003 한국물환경학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        For conducting the comparative analysis of the eubacterial community structure including nitrifying bacteria at 8 sampling sites throughout the N마-Dong River, FISH(fluorescence in situ hybridization) method was employed. The total ratio of each determined eubacterial group such as α·β·γ-subclasses protebacteria and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium(CF) group to total counts stained by DAPI at each site varied 9.3∼42.5% with the highest value at uppermost part. And each ratio of determined eubacterial groups reached mostly under 10% except those of CF group(23%) at uppermost part. Futhermore, compared to lower part, upper part represented higher proportions of γ-subclass proteobacteria comprised in most of fast growing bacteria on degradable organics. Also the variations of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria ranged from 2.7×10⁴to 18.3×10⁴ cells/㎖ with the lowest value in lower part and the highest value in mid part whereas those of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria varied 5.2∼7.7×10⁴cell/㎖ without noticeable differences throughout the sites. Additionally, the ratio of nitrifying bacteria to total counts ranged from 1.3% to 13.6?%, regardless of those of ammonia/nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. Overall, it implies that the upper part of Nak-Dong River represented comparatively better degradabilities of organic materials than their Lower part except at one site in upper part passed An-Dong City. By the contrast, the other part of Nak-Dong River, especially after merging the Gum-Ho River revealed lower detectability of FISH resulted from their cellular activity. So it could be said that the lower part of Nak-Dong River might be a ecosystem of which physico-chemical environment may have inhibited the activities of bacteria functioned as decomposer of organic matter.

      • KCI등재

        Aging 효과에 따른 낙동강 모래의 비배수 반복전단거동 특성

        김대만,김영수,정성관,서인식 한국지반공학회 2005 한국지반공학회논문집 Vol.21 No.8

        It was known that the aging effect of sands is insignificant in comparison with clays, and hence the study on this effect had seldom been performed prior to the early 1980s. However, field tests for this effect have been actively carried out since it was investigated that penetration resistance of reformed sands increased with the lapse of time. Recently, the aging effect of sands has also been examined in laboratory testings. In this study, undrained static triaxial tests were performed to evaluate the effect on the Nak-dong River sands, with different relative densities (), consolidation stress ratios (), and consolidation times. As a result of the tests, it was proved that the undrained cyclic shear strength () increased with the aged time on the sands. The in situ range of on the sands, which is applicable to the magnitude of earthquake in the Nak-dong River area, was proposed by using the test results.

      • KCI등재

        공진주/비틂전단시험을 이용한 낙동강모래의 동적전단변형특성

        김진만,박요한,임석동 한국지반공학회 2009 한국지반공학회논문집 Vol.25 No.11

        Dynamic shear properties of Nak-Dong river sand were investigated to build a soil property database for Nak-Dong delta region. Samples were taken from the estuary and the midstream of the river. Laboratory specimens were prepared by air pluviation method, and were tested by using RC/TS apparatus at various confining stresses, relative densities and numbers of cycles. Shear modulus reduction and damping curves were developed using Ramberg-Osgood and Modified Hyperbolic Models. The developed curves, compared to those reported by other investigators, show only a slight difference. The outcome of this RC/TS experiments can be very important resources when accessing the dynamic response of sandy soils in Nak-Dong delta region in the future.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강 중류역 삼국시대 성곽의 변천과 방어체계

        조효식 영남고고학회 2008 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.44

        The purpose of this thesis is to examine diachronic transition and defense system based on results of investigation which is about fortresses located on Middle basin of Nak-dong riversides in dense. Construction of fortress and its occupation could be divided into three phases by examining features of fortress constructed on riverside. First,lo w-altitude fortresses are constructed centering around some key potions before middle of 5th century. The fortresses of this period are assumed that they are concerned with trades founded on their location and artifacts from ruins of fortresses. Next,F ortresses are constructed at both Nak-dong riversides densely between middle of 5th century and early of 6th century. Unlike prior period,f ortresses are built under an aspect which is linked with each other in range of mutual vision in this period and it could be identified that some stratigraphic points stand face to face. In addition,th e features which can divide fortresses into Silla fortress and Daekaya fortress are noticed. There are differences in shapes and size of fortress. Especially,l arge-sized valley-included forms were constructed on east riverside. But in contrary,s mall-sized mountaintop-rounded forms had continued to being constructed on west riverside. This differences are due to mobilized labour and constructing time. Finally,a ntagonistic relationship between Silla and Daekaya had finished as a result of Silla's absorption to Daekaya in A.D. 562. Thus,Daekaya fortresses located on west riverside function defense and ruling point of Silla newly. This aspect could be noticed by artifacts such as Silla pottery found in ruins of Daekaya fortresses. In sum,bor der of Silla and Daekaya and their defense system for protecting territory could be established through fortresses constructed on Nak-dong riverside.

      • KCI등재후보

        낙동강에서의 세균군집구조의 역동성

        박지은 ( Ji Eun Park ),여상민 ( Sang Min Yeo ),이영옥 ( Young Ok Lee ) 한국하천호수학회 2004 생태와 환경 Vol.37 No.4

        For comparative analysis of the eubacterial community structure at 8 sampling sites throughout the Nak-Dong River, FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) method was employed. The total ratio of each determined eubacterial group such as α·β·γ-subclasses proteobacteria and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium (CF) group to total counts (DAPI) at each site varied 9.3-42.5% with the highest value at uppermost part. And each ratio of determined eubacterial groups reached mostly under 10% except that of CF group (23%) at uppermost part. Furthermore, compared to lower part, upper part represented unexpectedly higher proportions of vsubclass proteobacteria comprised almost fast growing bacteria on degradable organics. Also the variations of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria ranged from 2.7 × 104 to 18.0 × 104 cells mL^(-1) with the lowest value in lower part and the highest value in mid part whereas those of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria varied 5.2-7.7 × 104 cells mL^(-1) without noticeable differences throughout the sites. Additionally, the ratio of nitrifying bacteria to total counts ranged from 1.0% to 13.6% with no differences between ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. In conclusion, FISH method introduced in this study for monitoring, normally used for the quantitative analysis of bacteria, provided also good information on their environmental status in the Nak-Dong River.

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