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      • KCI등재

        ASEAN logistics network model and algorithm

        Nguyen Thi-Yen,Nguyen Tuan-Anh,Zhang Jin 한국해운물류학회 2021 The Asian journal of shipping and Logistics Vol.37 No.3

        Reasonable layout of logistics centers in the ASEAN countries has important practical significance for improving logistics network efficiency and reducing logistics transportation costs. This paper based on the current status of the ASEAN logistics network and the characteristics of the hub-and-spoke network, taking the minimum total cost as the optimization goal, establishing the central location model, and the design self-adaptive genetic algorithms to solve it. Therefore, the number of central nodes in the ASEAN logistics network has been determined, the radiation range between nodes, and route allocation. The results indicate that the ASEAN network layout model is a hub-and-spoke logistics network. With Singapore as the logistic center hub node. Jakarta logistics development belt will form the main radiating logistics demand cities of Kuching and Ho Chi Minh city. Kuala Lumpur logistics development belt’s main radiating logistics demand cities will be East Kalimantan and Da Nang city. Chon Buri logistics development belt mainly radiates the cities of Phnom Penh and Riau city. Bangkok logistics development belt mainly radiates the cities of Hanoi, Vientiane, and Yangon city.

      • KCI등재

        물류네트워크 재설계 및 재고 풀링 효과에 의한 타당성 분석 -국내 CPG 업체 사례를 중심으로-

        안영효 ( Young Hyo Ahn ),오승철 ( Seung Chul Oh ),박구웅 ( Koo Woong Park ) 한국물류학회 2013 물류학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        기업경영의 경쟁이 치열해짐에 따라 비용 절감과 이익 극대화를 위하여 물류네트워크 구축 및 분석이 중요한 관심사항이 되고 있다. 물류네트워크의 성공적인 구축을 위해서는 타당성에 대한 분석이 충분히 이루어져야 하는데, 본 연구에서는 재고 풀링(Pooling) 효과를 이용하는 방법론을 사례를 통해 보여준다. 즉, 본 연구는 CPG 업체인 A사의 상온제품을 사례로 하여 물류네트워크를 설계하고 재고 풀링 효과로 물류네트워크의 타당성을 검증하는 방법론을 제시한다. 본 연구에서는 재고 풀링 산출식을 CPG산업의 특성에 맞게 새롭게 개발하여 적용시켰으며, A사의 특성인 B·C급 장기비축물량의 허브센터 집약으로 안전재고 감축이라는 효과가 실제로 이루어진다는 것을 증명하였다. As the competitive business environment is growing more fierce, the importance of implementing and analyzing a logistics network is on the rise in order for a business to minimize costs and maximize profits. For successful implementation of a logistics network, a business needs to conduct an economic validation, which is shown in this paper through a case study using a methodology containing the inventory pooling effect. In this study, we apply the formulation of inventory pooling effect to a CPG firm and prove that the firm A can reduce the safety stock with the integration of long-term stocks to a hub logistics center.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        농식품 동북아 물류 허브 육성과 수출확대 전략

        한관순(Han, Gwan-Soon) 한국물류학회 2011 물류학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        우리나라 농식품 업계의 당면과제인 수출 확대를 위해 “농식품 동북아 물류허브 육성과 수출확대 전략”을 연계하여 추진하는 방안에 대해 살펴보았다. 이와 관련하여 한국을 비롯한 주요 국가의 수출입시 물류특징을 비교하여 ‘07년 대비 ’09년에는 얼마나 개선되었는지 살펴보았다. 농식품 수출물류인프라 현황을 분석한 결과, 국내 산지유통조직의 저온유통체계 구축 미비로 취급물량의 예냉처리율이 6.7%이고, 신선농산물의 집하운송시 냉장차 이용률이 27.8%에 불과한 실정으로 수출입 대기 중의 품질유지를 위해서 공․항만의 저온창고 정비 등이 시급한 것으로 나타났다. 나아가 농수산물 수출물류비 분석결과 전체 기업의 평균 7.3%보다 2.7%P 높은 10.0%로 나타났으며, 그것도 운송비가 대부분인 75.7%로 나타나 운송비를 중심으로 한 물류비 절감이 절실한 실정이다. 농식품업체의 수출확대를 위한 주요 애로사항으로는 운송비의 절감, 선도유지가 가능한 운송수단과 저온물류센터의 확보 및 주요 공․항만에 일괄수출입서비스가 가능한 종합터미널의 구축, 일․미․중․구주․러시아에 해외공동물류센터의 구축 등 수출물류인프라 개발의 필요성과 그 운영의 효율화(판매영업의 전담 및 관리 물류전문인력의 배치), 국내 수출업체들간 과당경쟁에 따른 가격덤핑을 들 수 있다. 또한 농식품 물류인프라의 확충은 세계의 항만 물동량에서 동아시아가 차지하는 비중이 ‘04∼08년 동안 48.1%에서 50.5%로 꾸준히 확대되어 그 중요성이 커지고 있으며, 농식품 수출 핵심요소 기술별 기술수준과 격차 및 핵심요소기술의 우선순위 등을 고려할 때, 농수산물의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 생산 및 가공기술의 개발과 수출시장 개척도 중요하지만, 앞으로는 물류허브 및 인프라개발에 대한 전략 강구로 日, 中과 차별화된 대응방안이 절실함을 살펴본다. 농식품 동북아 물류허브는 경쟁력 있고 매력적인 식품으로 세계인의 입맛을 사로잡을 수 있고, 일․중․아세안 국가들 및 전 세계를 대상으로 수출확대를 위해 물류체계의 고도화를 통한 부가가치 증대와 물류비 절감을 이룩하고, 심화되는 글로벌 경쟁 속에서 국경을 초월해 수출대상국 소비자 요구에 부응할 수 있도록 리드타임을 줄이고 지속적이고 안정적인 공급시스템을 갖춘 물류허브 구축과 수출확대를 도모할 수 있는 방안에 대하여 고찰하고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to present some efficient strategies relating to fostering for Logistics Hub and extending Agro-food exports in North-East Asia. The main ideas of this research is how to make efficient Logistics Hub and Agro-food export. There are several conclusions have been settled as below. ① Finding a right direction for Agro-food export market and investment extension.; there is a problem of overseas market disruption because of separation in a form of logistics aids by regional governments. Therefore, it is necessary to have strategic plan of assistance in consideration of market efficiency instead of direct one. ② Securing Agro-food safety at local production level and exporting stage, and Introducing and procuring post-harvest management and processed technology. ③ Explaining about location of Logistics Hub and development of infra structure, and Building export logistics centers from long term view. ④ Building 'Logistics information network system' based on electronic tags(RFID) for Agro-food export. ⑤ Suggesting that some innovations should be necessary ; Setting new measures to reduce export logistics cost, being equipped with logistics education systems, adopting GAP(Good Agricultural Practices) and inducing uniformity in quality and grade of Agro-food. ⑥ Transferring from low cost logistics technology to quality reinforcing logistics technology. ⑦ Establishing of agro-food logistics(export logistics) statistical database for low logistics cost and accurate export policy.

      • KCI등재

        Determinants for the Development of a Logistics Hub

        Barona-Julian A,Ki-Chan Nam,Chang-Hoon Shin,Jae-Young Song 한국항해항만학회 2005 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of a logistics hub, identify key factors and milestones for its development, and give some recommendations and implications to developing countries. For this the countries competing to be Logistics hub in Northeast Asia (NEA), such as South Korea, Japan and China, are taken into consideration. These countries have under its priority policies the development of a logistics hub vision to become the central area of the region achieving microeconomic and macroeconomic prosperity. Based on the review of the relevant literature, five factors came up as key determinants for the development of a hub project: 1. Logistics services support and infrastructure. 2. Business environment. 3. Economic determinants. 4. Political support and 5. Access to international markets. These are going to be analyzed together with its different variables, using statistical methods.

      • 동북아물류중심을 위한 수도권 물류체계 구축에 관한 연구

        김경석 안양대학교 수도권발전연구소 2004 수도권연구 Vol.- No.1

          It is recently needed a necessity of a new frame about the Logistic Network in Seoul Metropolitan, because of many strategies such as designation of Incheon Free Economic Zone, acceleration of developing a Pyeongtaek-Harbor, expansion of the road construction connecting South and North Korea, the Capital relocation and policy making Seoul as economic Capital. Purposes of this study are to present a strengthening plan of the competitive power with foreigner and an activating plan of the domestic logistic industries. Also the study provides a plan of building the efficient logistic network and relocation of logistic center facility in Seoul Metropolitan which can be possible doing the role as logistic central place in Northeastern Asia.<BR>  The study divided Seoul Metropolitan into 9 axles to reassign the logistic center facilities to figure out insufficiency of facilities for each axle. According to the result of the study, Kyongbu and Hanam axles are appeared in serious lacks of facilities for the freight terminal and collection-delivery complex. In case of container handling facility, Gwangmyeong axle has the most serious lack. This results show that movement volumes of containers have been changing after opening the West Coast Expressway.<BR>  The study presents three phased propulsion subjects containing the logistic facility expansion plan which considered insufficient facility and the circumstance changes of the hereafter Seoul Metropolitan. The first phase is the speedy expansions about existing insufficient facility, and the second is the expansion of the facility which can adapt to sudden changes. The third is the step-by-step expansion plan of existing insufficient facility.<BR>  With the other subjects, the study mentions the logistic cluster as linkage of the base creation for company activity environment, the strong-point facilities, the railroad and marine transport networks, and expansions of road networks.

      • KCI등재후보

        광양항의 관세자유지역 지정에 따른 물류거점으로의 발전방안 : with a special emphasis to customs free zone

        장흥훈 한국물류학회 2004 물류학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        최근 국제물류의 중요성이 강조되고 있으며 특히 국제간의 상품이동이 이루어지는 항만은 국제물류의 핵심을 이루고 있다. 세계 각 국에서는 주요항만을 중심으로 하여 자유항, 자유무역도시, 관세자유지역, 자유무역지역 등과 같은 것을 설치·운영하여 단일구역 내에서 다양하고 자유로운 국제물류 활동을 이행할 수 있도록 함으로써 자국 항만에 수출입물동량을 유치하여 국제무역을 증진시킬 수 있도록 지원하고 있으며, 세계적인 기업들도 이러한 관세자유지역 및 자유무역지역(자유무역지대)을 중심으로 국제물류활동을 활발히 수행하고 있다. 이러한 국제적인 추세에 따라 우리나라도 국제공항과 항만 등을 중심으로 21세기 동북아의 물류거점지대로 발전시키기 위해 관세자유지역제도를 도입하여 부산항과 광양항이 관세자유지역으로 지정되었고, 부산항과 광양항의 일부 배후지역, 인천국제공항이 관세자유지역으로 지정되었다. 본 논문은 광양항이 관세자유지역으로 지정점에 따라 광양항이 국제물류거점지로의 확립·발전시키기 위한 자체 여건에 대하여 고찰하고, 광양항 관세자유지역의 실태분석, 문제점과 한계성을 살펴봄으로써 이에 대한 발전방안을 외국의 사례와 함께 비교·분석하였다. With the globalization of economy, there is keen competition among countries to be a logistics hub and companies are striving to be first in establishing logistics system centering on advantageous sites, especially airport and seaports, to perform supply, production and distribution. Gwangyang port has been designated as Customs Free Zone together with Pusan port from 1st Jan. 2002. However, the introduction of Customs Free Zone in Korea lagged behind other major countries and it has a lot of operational problems. This paper analyzes the above problems and presents various measures to activate Gwangyang Customs Free Zone as follows Benchmarking to promote Gwangyang Customs Free Zone, governmental support, introduction & logistics functions, early development of the hinterland, investment attraction into the area and diversified promotion & marketing activities.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 전자상거래 물류센터의 유치 확대방안에 관한 연구

        정한구(Han-Koo Jeong) 한국무역연구원 2020 무역연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Purpose- This study was conducted to suggest government’s support measures for attracting the Global Distribution Center (GDC) in South Korea of global e-commerce sellers. Design/Methodology- Based on a literature review, this study focused on GDC in South Korea for reducing logistics costs and shortening delivery time in order to respond the rapid growth of e-commerce in the asian market. Findings- Recently, since the trade environment is rapidly changing due to the emergence of new cross-border trade forms along with the rapid growth of the global e-commerce market, the Korean government has been trying to attract the GDC from 2018 to revitalize the domestic logistics industry and expand transshipment cargo. Thanks to the efforts of the government and a domestic logistics company, the CJ Korea Express attracted a global e-commerce seller, i-Hurb of the United States, and has been operating GDC in the Incheon Airport International Free Trade Zone. Research Implication or Originality- To expand GDC attraction, many tasks still remain for supplementation. In particular, the current requirements of logistics companies such as permitting the diver+-sity of goods brought into the GDC, allowing domestic sales, and easing quarantine regulations should be actively reviewed and related systems should be supplemented. In addition, more efforts should be made to build the infrastructures such as supplementing the relevant systems so that the GDC can perform the Fulfillment service function and establishing dedicated e-commerce logistics complexes in Incheon airport and port.

      • KCI등재

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