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      • KCI등재

        한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 고급형 문제지의 오류 분석

        남경란(Kyeong Nan Nam) 언어과학회 2011 언어과학연구 Vol.59 No.-

        This study aims to analyze linguistic errors on the test paper of vocabulary, grammar and writing among the advanced: Level 5 and Level 6 stages of the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK). The result of reviewing the errors on the test paper of vocabulary, grammar and writing for the advanced level in the TOPIK proved that errors were mainly found in vocabulary, grammar and writing. In vocabulary, there were many errors using 1) the repeated use of the forementioned vocabulary, 2) the use of inappropriate semantic vocabulary. Grammatically, there were many errors: 1) the tense, 2) the use of the spoken language, 3) the use of redundant passive and causative verbs, 4) the constituent pats of the sentence, 5) the inappropriate responses. Errors with writing were discovered as well. These errors consisted of: 1) an inconsistency in the spacing of words throughout the document, 2) many simple mistakes, as well as the wrong definition of the passage. Analyzing the document resulted in the discovery of ninety errors. Among the ninety errors, thirty-six were attributed to errors in the use of vocabulary. Thirty- seven errors were attributed to grammatical misuse. Sixteen errors were the result of word spacing errors, leaving one error due to the wrong definition. These errors mostly happen due to the question passage driven by the spoken language, or because there is no system of obvious error analysis in place. Because TOPIK is the representative Korean language test, it must prepare a more accurate and organized system for error analysis than any other tests, after that, the test will be completed.

      • 몽골인 한국어 초급 학습자 말하기 오류 분석

        Erdenesuren.D,엥흐졸 국제한국언어문화학회 2020 국제한국언어문화학회 학술대회 Vol.2020 No.07

        This research study aims at revealing the cause of Korean language speaking errors of basic Korean language learners of Mongolia by check ing those. The subject of research study were 40 Mongolian students in total including 20 Mongolian students studying at the department of Korean language studies of the University of Humanities in Mongolia and 20 Mongolian students studying at the college of law of the National University of Mongolia. In the research study, 1,300 sentences in Korean language set questioned to freshmen of these two universities in midterm and final exams for the past 2 years were analyzed. These Univ. students don’t get used to Korean pronunciation and grammar since they’ve just got the feel of Korean alphabet. So, they are actually basic Korean language learners of Mongolia now studying the system and structure of the Korean language. Focusing on the form of the Korean language, errors were limited only to those per category, that is, grammatical errors, vocabulary errors, and pronunciation errors. First of all, in pronunciation errors, they made errors mainly in flat sounds most difficult for them to pronounce, and then, fortis sounds, monophthong ‘으’, and fricative sounds respectively. Also, although the final endings in interrogative and exclamatory Korean language sentences have the rising stress and intonation, many basic Korean language learners of Mongolia generally made pronunciation errors, pronouncing not rising tone but flat sounds just like they’ve done in declarative sentences since they are stuck in a rut as they’ve done in their own mother tongue as ever. Secondly, in grammatical errors, they made many errors such as omission of postpositional particle for nominative, replacement of postpositional particles which indicate the case, and location of cardinal and ordinal numbers in Korean language sentences. This is also mainly due to the expressions of their own mother tongue. In addition, they made many errors mainly in honorific expression in Korean language. This is also mainly due to the lack of understanding the Korean language. It was difficult for them to use the Korean expressions since they are stuck in a rut as they’ve done in their own mother tongue as ever, and honorific final endings and honorific postpositional particles are not generally used in Mongolian language. Finally, in vocabulary errors, they made errors just mainly related to similarities in meaning and in form. The analysis of this research study is limited to the category of check ing, revealing and explaining the cause of Korean language speaking errors of basic Korean language learners of Mongolia. The following research study, to decrease such errors in the future, suggest teaching alternative for efficient study, and continue research study for effective application of educational method, shall be a challenge awaiting solution to be solved.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis of Written Errors of Korean Adult Learners of English

        안미리,강남희 현대영어교육학회 2015 현대영어교육 Vol.16 No.2

        The objective of this study is to identify the common morphological, lexical, syntactic errors committed by Korean university students of English during 2014 academic year. The subjects who participated in the study were 36 female university students enrolled in TOEFL Speaking and Writing classes, ranging from freshmen to seniors. The elicitation techniques were outlining, TOEFL independent essay writings and explicit feedback on the errors. The errors were classified into 3 main categories and 17 subcategories and then, coded and analyzed accordingly based on frequency counts. Furthermore, a survey was conducted to explore student awareness of the errors and their needs in writing. The findings are as follows: Firstly, the morphological errors were the most frequent; the lexical and syntactic errors the second and third respectively. Secondly, the students recognized the use of transition words, the use of wrong/missing words, and missing/extra article as the most problematic areas in their writings. Since learner errors can help teachers predict possible errors, and eventually minimize student learning problems, it is suggested that teachers should train students with a list of error codes to avoid making errors in essay writing.

      • KCI등재

        개정 회계기준 관련 회계오류의 발생과 내부통제 및 외부감사인 기능의 관련 : 기업회계기준서 제15호 및 적용의견서 06-2 개정을 중심으로

        이재은 韓國公認會計士會 2010 회계·세무와 감사 연구 Vol.52 No.-

        Korea Accounting Standards Board(KASB) published the revised SKAS No. 15, Investments in Associates, and KAI Opinion 06-2, Deferred Income Taxes on Investments in Subsidiaries, Associates and Interests in Joint Ventures, in March and February 2008, respectively, saying that these changes are to have the standards for equity-method accounting under Korean GAAP consistent with the “one-line consolidation” concept in accounting theory. Since these changes are related to the complicated accounting of equity-method investments and deferred income taxes, and are announced in the timing of the first quarter book closing process, it was not easy for the Korean companies to properly understand the standard changes and to correctly and timelily report the change effects in the first quarter financial reporting. We find that, out of 259 companies having reported accounting changes in the second quarter of 2008, 164 companies or 63% restated or corrected the first quarter accounting change disclosures; this represents that large number of Korean public companies have failed to properly and timelily report the accounting changes in the first quarter 2008 financial reporting. Quality of accounting information is improved through two processes by which accounting errors are detected and corrected: (i) the internal financial statement preparation process and (ii) the external assurance process. i.e. accounting errors could be identified and corrected by both of financial statement preparation and assurance processes. (The “assurance process” represent the function that external auditors provide assurance on the financial statements by expressing (audit or review) opinions, in the material respects, which improves the quality of accounting information in the information communication process.) The former is affected by the company's internal control effectiveness such as its self-closing capability and external regulation on the company's internal control system. The latter is affected by external assurance (audit or review) function's involvement. The accounting errors included in the final reporting in the first quarter of 2008 of Korean public companies represents that such company's and auditors' processes failed to detect them before finalization of filing of quarterly reports. This study investigates whether the errors in responding to accounting standard changes are associated with the error firm's internal control effectiveness or external auditor function availability. Under the context of the risk model perspectives discussed above, and based on the previous researches, hypotheses for error firm characteristics have been established as follows. First, internal control effectiveness would be associated with less accounting errors(larger size [or corporate governance] and more stringent external regulations on the company's internal control [i.e. general internal control standards vs. small-medium size company internal control standards] were used as the proxy of internal control effectiveness). Second, external auditor's review would decrease accounting errors. For testing of this hypothesis, it was assumed that the error would decrease if the first quarter financial statement disclosure was subject to the external auditor's reviews. The results of this study generally show that the internal control effectiveness and the external auditor's review have significant negative relationship with accounting errors, and seriousness of the errors as well. These findings are generally consistent with the hypothesis of this study and provide certain practical implications for improvement of company's competency to adopt complicated accounting standards. Certain recommendations could be derived from the implications; which include (i) extension of mandatory external review for quarterly reports, (ii) private accountants for IFRS reporting by large-sized companies or financial institutions, (iii) improvement of professional capability of firms and accounting firms, and (iv) commitment by participating parties (reporting companies, auditors and accounting firms, and regulators) to adhere to the global level accounting practice This study has contributions by identifying control weakness firms related to company's self-closing capability and by finding the effects of the company's internal control and external auditor's involvement (review function) to properly apply the complicated accounting standards, as revised, to their own financial reporting through the Korean companies' experiences of errors in reporting accounting standard change effects in the first quarter of 2008. Such control weaknesses or accounting errors under the context of company's capability of proper accounting and financial statement preparation have never been identified by the previous researches. Also, certain practical implications are suggested regarding how to support companies' own capability to adopt new accounting standards; it would have practical implications for Korean companies, auditors and regulators to prepare for initial adoption of IFRS in 2011. 한국회계기준원은 2008년 초 기업회계기준서 제15호(지분법)와 회계기준적용의견서 06-2를 개정하였다. 이 내용은 “one-line consolidation”이라는 회계이론적 인식에 부합하도록 지분법 회계기준을 개정한 것이다. 이 개정 회계기준들은, 내용이 복잡한 지분법과 이연법인세에 대한 것이라는 점과 개정시기가 2008년 초였다는 점 때문에 이를 올바르게 이해하고 2008년 1분기 결산에 반영하기가 쉽지 않았다. 이러한 상황은 2008년 2분기(반기) 사업보고서에 지분법 회계변경을 공시한 전체 상장기업 중 63%가 1분기 지분법 회계오류를 수정한 것에서 실제로 확인할 수 있다. 이는 분기공시자료의 신뢰성에 대한 우려가 상존하고 있는 상황에서, 회계기준의 개정 등 급격한 회계환경의 변화에 기업이 신뢰성 있게 대응하지 못했음을 나타낸다. 회계오류가 발생한 후 궁극적으로 재무제표에 오류가 포함될 위험은 기업의 정보생산과정과 감사인의 검증과정을 통해 발견됨으로써 감소한다. 기업의 정보생산 과정은 자체결산능력과 외부규제 등 내부통제 효과성의 영향을 받고, 감사인의 정보검증 과정은 외부감사(검토) 기능(실시여부 등)으로 표현할 수 있다. 공시된 재무제표에 회계오류가 포함된 것은 이러한 과정들이 오류를 발견하는데 실패했음을 나타낸다. 즉, 2008년 초의 지분법 회계오류 발생 상황은 회계기준 개정에 따른 회계오류 발생위험을 회계정보 산출과정과 회계정보 검증과정이 예방하지 못한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 관점에서, 개정회계기준 적용시 회계변경 관련 회계오류 발생과 기업의 내부통제 및 외부감사인 기능의 관련성에 대하여 실증조사하였다. 연구 결과, 기업규모나 모범규준 유형 등 기업의 내부통제 효과성을 강화하는 변수와 외부분기검토 실시 등 외부감사인 기능은 대체로 회계오류의 발생 및 오류내용의 심각성과 음의 상관관계를 보였다. 이러한 연구결과는 기업의 정보생산과정 요소와 감사인의 검증과정의 요소가 회계오류 발생을 줄일 것이라는 본 연구의 가설과 대체로 일관성이 있다. 본 연구는 위 조사결과에 기초하여 새로운 회계기준의 시행과정에서 기업의 결산능력 제고를 위하여 고려할 수 있는 시사점을 제시하였다. 여기에는 분기공시자료에 대한 외부감사인 검토 확대, 상장기업이나 금융기관 등에 대한 IFRS 결산지원 회계법인(private accountants) 방식의 도입, 기업·회계사·회계법인의 전문성 제고를 위한 지원방안, 각 참여주체들의 글로벌스탠더드 적용의지 등을 포함한다. 본 연구는, 공식적인 내부통제 취약점 보고나 감사받은 재무제표상 오류수정 보고 자료를 사용한 선행연구들은 파악하지 못했던 기업의 자체결산능력 관련 내부회계관리제도 취약점을 2008년의 지분법 회계오류 발생 사례를 통하여 파악하였다. 이를 통하여 분기검토여부와 기업의 자체결산능력 측면의 표본 특성까지 조사 대상에 포함함으로써, 기업의 회계정보 생산과정과 외부감사인의 검증과정에 영향을 미치는 요소들의 상호관계를 실증조사하고, 국제회계기준(IFRS)의 전면도입을 앞두고 복잡한 회계기준 적용에 대한 기업의 결산능력 제고 측면에서 고려할 시사점을 파악했다는 점에서 선행연구와 가장 큰 차이가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of language proficiency on error patterns of Korean EFL university students’ writing

        이상교 팬코리아영어교육학회 2016 영어교육연구 Vol.28 No.2

        This study examines Korean EFL university students’ error types in English writing dependingon their language proficiency. To this end, 152 university students’ English essays wereanalyzed. The findings revealed that the participants’ English proficiency played a considerablerole in the frequency of errors. However, there was not a substantial difference in terms of eacherror type among different proficiency groups. Specifically, the advanced group made the leastnumber of errors (13.4 errors on average) followed by the intermediate group (15.4 errors onaverage). The lower group made errors most frequently (17.36 errors on average). The findingsalso revealed that the participants dominantly made morphological errors in nouns followed bysyntactic errors. Lexical errors were third most frequently committed errors. The number of theother major error types (morphological errors in verbs, mechanical errors, and miscellaneouserrors) was far fewer than the three most frequently committed errors. Furthermore, with regardto the each error type, the findings showed that errors of articles/determiners were mostfrequently made by the advanced group. However, both the intermediate and the lower groupsmade errors on sentence structure most frequently. In addition, there was not a substantialdifference among groups in terms of the least frequently made error types.

      • KCI등재

        학습자 말뭉치를 기반으로 한 중국어권 한국어 학습자의 목적격 조사 오류 연구

        유문명 한국언어문화교육학회 2019 언어와 문화 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the aspects and causes of errors in Chinese Korean Learners’ use of the object particle ‘eul/reul’(을/를). The research was based on a large scale learner’s corpus. The study focuses on examing the following three aspects: 1) the development of error changes according to the learners’ Korean ability, 2) the cause of errors, and 3) substitution errors due to L1 interference. Of the 2,856 objective particle errors, substitution errors consisted of about 68% of the errors. It is worth noting that as the learners’ Korean abilities increased, so too did the rate of error, while the rate of substitution errors increased at a more gradual rate as learners’ fluency increased. In the analysis of the cause of errors, the results will confirm that intrusive interlingual interference caused an increase in error rates 42% substitution errors were due to the influence of the learners’ L1. These results can be interpreted to signify that L1 interference emerges more frequently as fluency increases. In the analysis of substitution errors, the subject particle, ‘i/ga’(이/가), was used in place of the object particle ‘eul/reul’(을/를) most often; mainly in the case of particles followed directly by predicates. As for other particles that substituted the objective ‘erl/reul’(을/를), the forth meanings of ‘erl/reul’(을/를) do not have the ‘V+Obj.’ sentence structure in Chinese. This study is to serve as an explanation of Chinese Korean learners’ objective case ‘eul/reul’(을/를) errors, as well as to help in researching pedagogical methods for these learners.

      • KCI등재

        중국어권 한국어 학습자의 어휘 오류 연구 -원인 분석을 중심으로-

        이정희 국제한국어교육학회 2008 한국어 교육 Vol.19 No.3

        Research on error analysis in Korean language education focuses on the judging and recording of manifested errors within learners’ written works. For assessing error frequency, error analysis targets ‘local errors (errors that are “understandable” or “anticipatory” from students of various levels while learning to write).’ However, in foreign or second language education, where achieving communicative competence is the primary goal, unveiling those factors that “minimize” proper communication is of utmost importance. From Chinese learners, for instance, we are discovering global errors. These errors are committed by learners due to differences in the basic understanding and use of words that are based on the fundamentally different etymology of Chinese characters. For this paper some 500 written works by Chinese students were analyzed and compared. Assessed errors were divided into spelling errors and content-based errors; the latter category was then divided further into native tongue-interference assisted errors and developmental errors. In short, classifications of error ratios according to levels were as follows: 1) Spelling errors to content-based errors Beginners: 78%:23%, Intermediate: 20%:80%, Advanced: 36%:64% 2) Native tongue-interference assisted errors to developmental errors to unique error Beginners: 11%:87%:2%, Intermediate: 21%:69%:10%, Advanced: 29%:71%:1%.

      • KCI등재후보

        인터 프레임의 시공간적 정보를 이용한 MPEG-2 인트라 프레임의 오류 은닉

        강민정,류철,Kang, Min-Jung,Ryu, Chul 한국융합신호처리학회 2003 융합신호처리학회 논문지 (JISPS) Vol.4 No.2

        MPEG-2 소스 부호화 알고리즘은 가변장 부호화를 사용하기 때문에 채널 오류에 매우 민감하다. 압축 데이터가 전송되는 동안 비트 오류가 발생하게 되고, 이 오류를 정정 기술로 보정할 수 없는 경우 디코더에서는 오류 은닉 방식을 사용함으로써 영상의 화질 저하를 최소화할 수 있다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 알고리즘은 I 프레임의 연속적인 매크로블록 오류를 은닉하기 위한 방식으로 I 프레임과 시간적으로 가장 가까이 위치한 이전 GOP의 B 프레임의 시간적 정보와 P 프레임의 공간적 정보를 이용한다. 이 방식은 기존의 오류 은닉 방식들이 갖는 시간적 오류에 의한 움직임 왜곡과 공간적 오류에 의한 번짐 현상을 개선할 수 있으며, 전송 오류가 매우 심한 망에서의 심각한 슬라이스 오류를 보다 효과적으로 은닉할 수 있다. 알고리즘은 MPEG-2 비디오 코덱에서 수행되었고 모의 실험을 통하여 다른 방식들에 비하여 I 프레임의 슬라이스 오류를 효율적으로 은닉할 수 있음을 증명한다. The MPEG-2 source coding algorithm is very sensitive to transmission errors due to using of variable-length coding. When the compressed data are transmitted, transmission errors are generated and error correction scheme is not able to be corrected well them. In the decoder error concealment (EC) techniques must be used to conceal errors and it is able to minimize degradation of video quality. The proposed algorithm is method to conceal successive macroblock errors of I-frame and utilize temporal information of B-frame and spatial information of P-frame In the previous GOP which is temporally the nearest location to I-frame. This method can improve motion distortion and blurring by temporal and spatial errors which cause at existing error concealment techniques. In network where the violent transmission errors occur, we can conceal more efficiently severe slice errors. This algorithm is Peformed in MPEG-2 video codec and Prove that we can conceal efficiently slice errors of I-frame compared with other approaches by simulations.

      • 논문 : 성경 번역의 오류 분석

        강영세 ( Young Se Kang ) 국민대학교 어문학연구소 2015 語文學論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        This paper discusses three kinds of errors in Bible translation into Korean: (1) semantic errors, (2) syntactic errors, and (3) pragmatic errors. And it presents correctives to the errors. Semantic errors occur when lexical meaning is wrongly translated into Korean. A corrective to semantic errors is to translate lexical meaning rightly into Korean. Syntactic errors occur when English transitive construction is translated into intransitive construction in Korean. A corrective to syntactic errors is to translate English transitive construction into transitive construction in Korean. Pragmatic errors occur when ambiguity is not eliminated. A corrective to pragmatic errors is to eliminate ambiguity.

      • KCI등재

        근대 조선어 학습서에 나타난 오류 표현과 원인 분석

        차윤정 국제한국어교육학회 2004 한국어 교육 Vol.15 No.3

        In the above we looked through the errors appeared in the study book of the language of Chosun and the reasons of the errors. In phonological errors, there are consonant errors and vowel errors. Both of the phonological errors were caused by the negative transfer of the learner's native language, Japanese to the learner's target language, Korean, which resulted from the phonological differences between the two languages. Among the consonant errors especially, the errors of using aspirated plosive in the place of plain plosive stemmed from the learner's overgeneralization of aspirated plosive. In the grammatical errors, there are errors in the use of postposition, negation and word ending. In this case, the grammatical knowledge of the learner’s native language caused the interference on the learners' acquisition of the target language and the learner seemed to overgeneralize certain grammatical expressions. In lexical errors, both the negative transfer and overgeneralization occurred at the same time. The learner’s knowledge of lexical structures of the native language caused the negative transfer in which the learner produced the expressions that contained the same lexical structure as his or her native language. Meanwhile learners overgeneralized certain vocabularies, which expanded certain categories of vocabularies.

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