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      • KCI등재

        ‘주(週)’ 탄생의 사회문화사적 추적

        김형민 한국세계문화사학회 2020 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.56

        The purpose of this study is to pursue the birth of the seven-day week system in depth from the perspective of sociocultural history. For one reason or another, the human race needed periodic time units that were longer than a day, but shorter than a month. In other words, mankind felt the sociocultural necessity or justification to tie the time cycle repeated every several days into one time scale. Regardless of the reasons why the sociocultural necessity or justification for the ‘week’ comes from, humankind has constantly uses the artificial time cluster called ‘week’ form thousands of years ago to today. The temporal cycle of week has a completely different character from time cycle following the cyclic processes of nature such as day, month and year. The length of the week was arbitrarily and artificially determined by certain cultural communities based on sociocultural customs. So, the number of days which a particular cultural community ties into a week shows the sociocultural identity or originality of that cultural community. Today most cultural communities adopt the week system with seven-day cycle. In reality, the seven-day week is one of the oldest inventions of humans, with a long history of about 3,000 years. The week system with seven-day cycle is also one of the oldest sociocultural institutions made by humans, and no sociocultural institution has been accepted with absolute support by cultural communities in the world more than the seven-day week. This paper aims to clarify under what sociocultural background the seven-day week system adopted by the most cultural communities on the earth was born. 본 연구의 목적은 7일 1주 시스템의 탄생을 사회문화사적 관점에서 심층적으로 추적하는 데에 있다. 인류는 이런저런 이유로 하루보다는 더 길지만, 한 달보다는 더 짧은 주기적 시간 단위가 필요했다. 다시 말해, 인류는 며칠을 주기로 반복되는 시간적 순환을 하나의 시간 척도로 묶어야 할 사회문화적 필요성 또는 당위성을 느꼈다. ‘주’에 대한 사회문화적 필요성 또는 당위성이 어떤 이유에서 비롯되었든 간에, 인류는 ‘주’란 인위적 시간 다발을 수천 년 전부터 오늘에 이르기까지 끊임없이 사용해 왔다. 주란 시간적 주기는 일, 월, 년 등과 같은 자연의 순환적 시간 주기와는 완전히 다른 성격을 갖는다. 주의 길이는 문화구성원들이 사회문화적 관습에 근거하여 자의적 그리고 인위적으로 정했다. 그래서 특정 문화권이 며칠을 한 주로 묶느냐는 해당 문화권의 사회문화적 정체성 또는 독자성을 보여준다. 그런데 오늘날 대부분의 문화공동체는 7일을 주기로 한 1주 시스템을 채택하고 있다. 실제로 7일 1주는 약 3,000년의 긴 역사를 가진 인간의 가장 오래된 고안품들 가운데 하나이다. 7일 1주는 인간이 만든 가장 오래된 사회문화적 제도들 가운데 하나이며, 그 어떤 사회문화적 제도도 7일 1주보다 더 많은 문화공동체의 절대적 호응을 받으며 수용된 제도는 없다. 본 연구는 지구상에 존재하는 대부분의 문화공동체가 채택하고 있는 7일 1주 시스템이 어떤 사회문화사적 배경에서 탄생하게 되었는지를 밝히고자 한다.

      • 주휴 대체제의 요건 : 대법원 2008. 11. 13. 선고 2007다590 판결 : 서울대학교 호암교수회관 사례

        김재훈 서강대학교 법학연구소 2009 서강법학 Vol.11 No.1

        Because of a temporary business need to deal with an unforeseen receipt of orders, employers will occasionally wish to take steps to change days designated as work days under the work rules to rest days, and vice versa, which means that the weekly rest days would be moved to other days. Because employers substitute the weekly rest days other than the days specified in the labor contract, pre-event changes in rest days must first have a basis in the labor contract. Thus, to be valid, an employer's order changing the weekly rest to other than those provided in the work rules, must comply with the reasons and methods set forth in a collective agreement or the work rule. If such provisions do not exist, a change in the weekly rest days can be effected with the individual consent of the workers. A pre-event change in the weekly rest days must also satisfy the one-day-per-week of the Korean Labor Standards Law. The employer must, therefore, allocate the changed rest periods so as not to violate this requirement. If this requirement is not met in the case of a pre-event change, then even though the original weekly rest days become working days on which work is performed, (holiday) premium pay under Article 56 of the Korean Labor Standards Act need not be paid.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터를 활용한 주5일제 및 주52시간제 시행전후 여가 인식 분석

        김경식(Kim, Kyung-Sik) 한국사회체육학회 2020 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.80

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the leisure Awareness before and after 5-day and 52-hour work week by applying the semantic network analysis method usign big data. The research questions set up for this are as follows. First, did leisure awareness change after 5-day work week? Second, did leisure awareness change after 52-hour work week? Method: In this study, data were collected before system enforcement (Jul. 1, 2003~Jun. 30, 2004) and after (Jul. 1, 2004~Jun. 30, 2005). The 52-hour week was implementedfr om July 1, 2018, and in this study, it was divided into pre-enforcement (Jul. 1, 2017~Jun. 30, 2018) and fater post-enforcement (Jul. 1, 2018~Jun. 30, 2019). The collected data were analyzed by semantic network through NetMiner program. Result: First, keywords related to leisure before 5-day work week weer in the order of product, travel, tourism, event, family, weekend, golf course, customer, Seoul, and experience. After 5-day work week, leisure-related keywords were goods, travel, tourism, time, family, events, experiences, weekends, Seoul, and business. Before 5-day work week, the co-word pairs appeared in the following order: product-package, product-travel, condo-hotel, construction-golf course, culture-experience, experience-program etc. After 5-day work week, the co-word pairs appear in the following order: reclaimed land-Seosan, commodity-travel, tourism-complex, city-complex, tourism-culture, experience-event, commodity-package etc. Before 5 day work week, keyword centrality was followed by travel, goods, condos, tourism, golf, events, experiences, weekends, Jeju, family, etc., and After 5- day work week, keyword centrality was travel, tourism, experiences, goods, events, culture, golf course etc. Second, leisure relatde keywords before 52-hour work week were in the order of business, sports, awards, tourism, experience, reigons, facilities. After fifty two- work week, leisure-relatedkeywords were in the order of culture, region, saefty, industry, tourism and facilities. Before 52-hour system, co-word pairs appear in the following order: corporate-friendly, tourism-activated, experienceprogramme, tourism-ocean, sports-experience etc. After 52-hour system, the co-word pairs were in the order of industry-sports, safety-equipment, experience-program etc. Before 52-hour system, keyword centrality was in the order of tourism, experience, sports, cultrue, industry, business etc. After 52-hour system, keyword centrality was in the order of sports, tourism, experiences, culture etc. Conclusion: Semantic network analysis is a very useful method for explonrig the research trends of sport for all. It is meaningful in that it identifies the changes related to leisure in Korean society through the semantic network analysis.

      • KCI등재

        중국 사과출하량 요일효과에 관한 연구: 광동산두와 북경순의 농수산물도매시장을 중심으로

        곽영식,박지영,한강일,남용식 글로벌경영학회 2017 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.14 No.6

        The practical cases and academic researches on the day-of-the-week effect are well documented in various industry. However, studies on agricultural products in terms of the day-of the-week effect are limited in China. The purposes of this study are to analyze the day-of-the–week effect and to figure out the trade shipment patterns in the wholesale market of apple in China. For this purpose, the study chose the Shantou wholesale market of byproducts in Guangdong and the Shunyi Shimen wholesale market of vegetables in Beijing for analysis subjects. The trade shipments data of these two markets for the last five years were available from the information about the volumes and prices of apples from the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. The empirical results showed that there were significant differences in the trade volumes according to the day of the week in Shantou wholesales market, which confirms the day-of-the-week effect. However there were no differences in the trade volumes according to the-day-of-the-week in Beijing. This research can contribute to introduce constructs and empirical results such as purchase timing effect and the day-of-the-week effect for the agricultural industry in China. 본 연구는 중국 농수산물 도매시장의 거래량에 요일효과가 존재하는지 여부를 실증 분석한 것이다. 본 연구에서는 중국 농업부에서 한국 농림수산식품 교육문화정보원으로 전송된 16개 도매시장에서 거래된 사과의 거래량 및 가격 정보 중 최근 5년여 간의 거래 데이터를 1년 내내 수집할수 있는 광동산두 부산물도매시장과 북경순의 석문채소 도매시장의 후지사과를 분석 대상으로 하였다. 광동산두 부산물도매시장에서는 요일별 거래량에서 유의미한 차이를 보여 요일 효과가 나타남이 확인되었으나, 북경순의 석문채소도매시장에서는 요일별 거래량에 차이를 보이지 않아 요일효과가 나타나지 않음이 확인되었다. 이와 같은 연구 결과는 실무적으로는 한국 사과가 광동산두 부산물 도매시장에서는 월요일과 금요일에 사과를 출고시킬 때 높은 가격을 획득할 수 있는기회가 될 수 있음을 시사한다. 학술적으로는 다른 산업에 비해 상대적으로 연구결과가 축적되지않은 농수산물시장에 대한 요일효과를 검증했다는 공헌점이 있다. 특히, 한국이 아닌 중국의 농수산물 거래량에 대한 구매시점효과를 실증 분석했다는데 학술적 의미가 더 있다.

      • KCI등재

        주5일수업제 실시에 따른 초등학생의 토요 Sports Day 참여와 학교생활 만족도

        김나영(Kim, Na-Young),김영식(Kim, YoungSik) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2013 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 초등학생 특성에 따른 토요 Sports Day 참여가 그들의 학교생활 만족도에 실질적으로 어느 정도의 영향을 주고 있는지 그 차이를 분석함으로써 교사들의 학생 지도에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공하며, 향후 제도적 안착을 위한 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 640명의 토요 Sports Day에 참여하는 4-6학년 초등학생들을 대상으로 참여 기간, 빈도, 강도, 종목, 장소, 동기를 알아보고, 그에 따른 교사관계, 교우관계, 학교 행사, 학습활동의 학교생활 만족도의 차이를 다각적으로 검토하여 토요 Sports Day의 교육적 의의를 살펴보는데 초점을 두었다. 초등학생의 토요 Sports Day 참여는 학생의 스포츠 활동 활성화와 주5일수업제 실시에 따른 사회적 배려 대상 자녀의 돌봄이라는 교육적 가치를 잘 이행하고 있었으며 특히, 토요 Sports Day의 참여는 학생들의 스포츠 참여의 긍정적인 측면을 강조하여 학생들 개개인의 평생체육 구현, 건전한 여가 생활 정착, 건강유지 및 증진에 도움을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 학생들의 이러한 만족감이 학교생활의 하위 요인인 교사관계, 교우관계, 학교행사, 학습활동에도 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study aims to identify the actual condition of Saturday Sports Day and subsequent satisfaction with school life depending on the characteristics of elementary school student, establish the base to activate Saturday Sports Day with which both teachers and students can be satisfied, and present implications on the directions for efficient management. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire survey was carried out in 640 students(4~6th graders) attending in Gwang-ju metropolitan city. The conclusions of this study were as follows: First, A single-parent family student’s weekly participation ratio was the highest, which suggests that Saturday Sports Day is actually activating student’s sports activities and implementing the educational needs of raising and protecting children - social care targets - according to the implementation of the 5-day school week. Second, learning activities showed a significant difference, which is considered to imply that sports engagement improves interpersonal relations, relieves stress, and gives an opportunity to erupt repressed desires, thus influencing the learning activities. Actually, there was a significant difference in Saturday Sports Day participation depending on the characteristics of students and subsequent satisfaction with school life and there was a significant influence between factors.

      • KCI등재

        주5일 수업대비 교육과정과 수업관련 법제화 방향 탐색

        박창언 ( Chang Un Park ) 대한교육법학회 2010 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 주5일 수업 대비하여 이와 직접적으로 관련된 규정을 검토함으로써 법제화의 방향을 탐색하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 우선, 주5일 수업의 도입배경과 교육적 의의에 대해 살펴보았다. 주5일 수업은 주5일 근무와 직접적인 관계가 있었으며, 학교에서 할 수 없는 교육적 경험을 가정에 돌려준다는 의미에서 비지적 교과활동의 교육적 가치가 중요하게 부각된다. 다음으로 주5일 수업과 관련된 논의 대상으로서 교육과정과 수업에 대한 규정을 살펴보았다. 교육과정과 수업에 한정된 이유는 주5일 수업과 관련된 용어가 직접적으로 이들 영역에서 사용되고 있기 때문이었다. 마지막으로 주5일 수업 실시를 위한 구체적인 방법을 모색하는 과정을 거쳤다. 구체적인 방법의 모색에서는 교육과정에서 규정하고 있는 사항과 ‘초·중등교육법시행령’에서 규정하고 있는 수업 관련 사항에 대한 검토를 행하였다. 논의 결과 실질적인 법제화의 대상은 연간수업일수에 해당되는 부분이었고, 그 외의 사항은 현행의 규정에서도 탄력적으로 대응할 수 있는 구조를 지니고 있었다. This study is an attempted to explore legal direction for the curriculum and instruction related 5-school-day week. For this end, first, the social background and educational meaning for the 5-school-day week were reviewed. It was found that there is a close connection between 5-school-day week and 5-work-day week. And learning by direct and actual experience is emphasized. Second, The regulations of the statute and the national curriculum were analysed. The provision of the law and ordinance checked article of `elementary and secondary education act` and `enforcement decree of the elementary and secondary education act` related 5-school-day week. The national curriculum examined the guideline for organization and implication for instructional time. Third, the legal direction fo the curriculum and instruction for 5-school-day week were discussed. The objects of research related to the 5-school-day week was the new scholarship point of view, a subject related curriculum, a matter on the instructional time. In conclusion, it is necessary to modify the number of instructional times for a year.

      • The Five Day Work Week System and Changes in Living Culture $\sim$Two Day-Off School System and Its Affects on Parents in Japan

        Seiko SaWai The Korean Home Economics Association 2002 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.3 No.1

        According to the Labor Standard Law in Japan which was enacted after World War II in 1947, all work hours for adult men, women, and youth were set at a maximum of eight hours per day and forty-eight hours per week. In other words, a six-day work week, with only one-day off, was set. Now we are in the full five-day and two-day off school system. The five-day school week influences on our home life. Students are highly enthused by the new system, in looking forward to their personal time they now have to play with friends, to relax, or just watch TV. To implement this new five-day school system positively and effectively, we should see the point at issue related to the two-day off system from a different angle, which suggests that we should see far ahead into the future.

      • KCI등재

        가락시장 채소가격의 요일효과에 관한 연구

        윤병삼,홍승지 한국농업정책학회 2004 농업경영정책연구 Vol.31 No.3

        The objectives of this study are to determine the existence of the day-of-the-week effects in vegetable prices at Garak wholesale market and to investigate the reasons of the day-of-the-week effects. Analysis is conducted on chinese cabbage, red pepper, garlic, onion, carrot and green onion, over the period from January 1995 through December 2003. The multiple regression model with dummy variables is estimated by generalized least squares(GLS) to obtain the average value of daily logarithmic price changes. It is found that significant day-of-the-week effects are present for chinese cabbage, onion and green onion prices, with the pattern of positive price changes on Monday or Tuesday and negative price changes on Saturday. The average daily prices of chinese cabbage, onion and green onion are generally higher in the beginning of the week and lower on weekend. The results imply that producers could make higher returns by shipping their vegetables in the beginning of the week rather than on weekend. The day-of-the-week effects are explained by the degree of perishability, buyers and wholesalers` purchasing pattern, diminishing demand on weekend, and decreased supply on Sunday due to traffic congestion.

      • KCI등재

        중풍(中風)의 요일별(曜日別) 발생(發生)과 위험요인(危險要因)과의 상관성(相關性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        김용형,최인영,마미진,강아미,최동준,한창호,이원철,전찬용,조기호,최선미,Kim, Yong-Hyung,Choi, In-Young,Ma, Mi-Jin,Gang, A-My,Choi, Dong-Jun,Han, Chang-Ho,Lee, Won-Chul,Jun, Chan-Yong,Cho, Ki-Ho,Choi, Sun-Mi 대한한방내과학회 2008 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.29 No.1

        Objective : This study was aimed to investigated the correlation between the stroke incidence by day of the week and risk factors in acute stroke patients. Methods : From October in 2005 to October in 2007, 673 acute stroke patients wereincluded. Patients were hospitalized within 14 days after the onset of stroke in DongGuk University International Hospital, Kyungwon University In-cheon Oriental Medical Hospital or the Department of Cardiovascular and Neurologic Diseases (Stroke Center), Kyung Hee University Oriental hospital. We investigated general characteristics, stroke types, age group, educational backgrounds, medical history, lifestyle (the impact of stress, exercise, smoking and drinking) and Sasang constitution according to the stroke incidence by day of the week. Results : After examining each participants with day of the week, the order of days by incidence was Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday respectively. Monday and Tuesday showed the highest ratio. As the aspect of demographic data of subjects, the group under 55 years and from 55 years to 70 years showed the highest ratio on Monday. In the group between 25 years to 55 years, the ratio, by the classification of actual productive age, was statistically higheron Monday. In addition, the ratio showed statistically higherby educational background, from elementary school to high school and over high school. In regard tothe medical aspect, incidence of cerebral hemorrhage showed higher ratio on Sunday, and incidence of brain infarction was higheron Monday. However, there was no difference of the past history between the two groups. With regard tothe aspect of lifestyle of subjects, the group with huge stress before the incidence of stroke showed a higher ratio of stroke incidence on Monday. Participants who didn't exercise regularly and participants who didn't smoke or drink showed higher ratio of stroke incidence on Monday. However, this was not important statistically. In regard to the aspect of Sasang constitution, Soeumin showed the highest ratio of stroke incidence on Wednesday, Taeuminon Monday, and Soyangin on Saturday and Monday. Conclusion : According to these results, several cardiovascular risk factors affect stroke incidences on Monday. Further studies will be needed to help understand the correlation between stroke incidence by day of the week and risk factors in acute stroke patients.

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