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      • KCI등재

        강세충돌 환경에서 일어나는 영어 모음약화에 대한 계량적 분석

        홍성훈(Hong, Sung-Hoon) 한국음운론학회 2015 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper examines factors affecting vowel reduction that occurs in the environment of stress clash. Previous studies have indicated that vowel reduction motivated by stress clash is influenced by frequency, and is affected in general by the structure of the syllable in which it occurs, by the nature of that syllable"s coda consonant, and by the structure of the preceding syllable. Based on 348 morphologically complex words whose derivation from their base words takes place in the environment of stress clash, this paper presents statistical analyses to determine whether these factors indeed have any effect on the occurrence of vowel reduction in the stress clash environment. Multiple regression analyses reveal that the influence of the following factors are statistically significant: (i) derivative and relative frequencies; (ii) presence/absence of a coda consonant; (iii) place/manner of articulation of the coda consonant; and (iv) prominence and structure of the preceding syllable. Statistical results further indicate that open syllable, higher derivative frequency, and coronal coda are the three most influential variables contributing to vowel reduction in the environment of stress clash.

      • KCI등재

        모음충돌 회피를 위한 한국어의 다양한 음운과정에 관한 통합적 분석

        이세창(Lee, Sechang) 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어연구 Vol.33 No.S

        The central issue I wish to explore in this article is the nature of vowel clash avoidance in terms of universal constraints, the interaction of which is responsible for the various phonological alternations. Those alternations are known to be essentially caused by vowel clash. Such strategies as coalescence, deletion, and glide-formation are well-known enough to constitute the major resolutions of the clash. I propose that along with ONS, a constraint against generating off-glides plays a crucial role in driving the vowel sequence avoidance. I also claim that the asymmetrical behavior of /ɨ/ in Korean phonology should be independently described in the grammar in terms of a faithfulness constraint. I argue that the above three different clash avoidance strategies as well as dialectal variation are nicely explained in terms of the interaction between the proposed markedness constrains and other relevant faithfulness ones. Throughout the analysis, I maintain a single language-specific ranking of constraints for Korean, allowing re-ranking only for dialectal variation. I claim that the current analysis overcomes the limitation of previous treatments within the OT framework on both descriptive and theoretical grounds.

      • KCI등재

        Implicature Clash and Its Resolution : The Scalar Adjective chakhata

        최영주,조윤경 국제언어인문학회 2017 인문언어 Vol.19 No.1

        The adjective chakhata has developed new meanings over the past two decades and Lim (2014) claims that its various meanings are metaphorically extended from the original meaning. While doing so, he observes that chakhata sometimes indicates 'excellent' and sometimes 'not excellent.' He categorizes these meanings as metaphorically extended denotations, just like all the other meanings he observes. However, Joh and Choi (2017) claim that 'excellent' and 'not excellent' are implicatures rather than denotations, demonstrating that the two meanings are cancellable, unlike denotations which are known to resist cancellation. When the implicature-based account is supported by cancellability, a question arises as to how the two opposing implicatures are resolved when they clash. Data observation reveals that the R-implicature, ‘excellent,’ has a priority over the Q-implicature, ‘not excellent,’ in the case of the scalar adjective chakhata, unlike the claim that is made by Atlas and Levinson (1981). Even though more scalar adjectives have yet to be examined, the paper challenges the claim that Q-implicatures have priority over R-implicatures in case of implicature clash.

      • KCI등재후보

        로마문명의 분열 과정 속에 나타난 비잔틴 문명과 가톨릭 문명의 교류와 충돌

        김차규 대구사학회 2003 대구사학 Vol.73 No.-

        The origin of european civilization began from Greece and Rome. The civilization of eastern Mediterranean was greek-hellenic, the civilization of western Mediterranean was roman in the Middle Ages. Byzantine civilization was organised and unified by roman, hellenic and christian factors. Western civilization was organised and unified by roman, german and christian factors. The Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church had a unification until 1054. But opposite opinions which these churches had in the many relations formed two different civilizations. This article is a writing of study about relations and clashes between byzantine civilization and catholic civilization in the division of roman civilization. Roman ideology in the 4-6 centuries was strong in the world of Mediterranena. So, papacy of Rome wanted to have a strong influence on all of churches between west and east in the world of Mediterranean in the formation of the legitimacy of Christianity on the base of the roman civilization. But eastern churches had a disapprobation to this action of papacy of Rome. Primacy of papacy of Rome in the 4-6 centuries developed in the disputation of Christology like arianism, nestorism and monotheism which provoked the convocation of meeting of the general(oecumenical) councils like those of Nicaea in 325, of Constantinople in 381, of Ephesus in 431, and of Constantinople in 553. This march of papacy of Rome caused the confrontation and polemical works between the Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church, and it was one of the roots of christian disunity and became one of factors of division between byzantine civilization and catholic civilization. At that time, we have one good example of relations between the two civilizations. It is monasticism. The monasticism in the West was from the eastern asceticism. The first western monastery founded entirely on eastern lines was probably that established by St. Martin. This is one good example of propagation of byzantine civilization in the West. But in the 7-11 centuries, we find many clashes between East and West. The iconoclasm was one of these clashes. It caused the last of the many breaches with Rome that prepared the way for the schism of Photius, and was echoed on a smaller scale in the Frankish kingdom in the West. In the 9 century, the religious controversy between Rome and Constantinople was vigorous. Photius of Constantinople is chief author of the great schism between East and West. In later years the deep cleavage between East and West was reckoned from the schism of Photius, even though the formal schism did not occur until the 11th cent. Certainly Photius encouraged the growing self-consciousness in the Greek church, not only through his exposition of the theological differences between the two churches, but also through his humanist and scholarly works.

      • KCI등재

        강세 충돌 해소의 음성학적 실태 연구

        유다경 언어과학회 2022 언어과학연구 Vol.- No.100

        The present study examines the phonetic realization of vowels in the avoidance of stress clash. This study compares a 5 syllable phrase which shows stress movement, with a 4 syllable word which has stress on the right foot. 5 male native speakers and 5 female native speakers read 16 sentences with words and phrases. Pitch declined in the third syllable compared to the first syllable in phrases (σ1>σ3). Correspondingly, pitch in the third syllable of a phrase was lower than that of a word. Intensity in the first and the third syllable of a phrase was similar (σ1≒σ3) and there was no significant intensity change in the third syllables between a word and a phrase. As a result, pitch reflected the effect of stress clash and showed stress shift and stress deletion in the manner of an acoustic value decrease, achieving the goal of avoiding stress clash. Intensity, on the other hand, maintained the periodical alternation (sw sw) and did not show the grid lowering in the manner of an acoustic value decrease. .

      • KCI등재

        `탈북` 소재 동화 연구

        안수연(Ahn Suyeon) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2017 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.20

        North Korean defectors are increasing. From the initial ‘political defection’, to the ‘economic defection’, and ‘immigration defect’ is recent fashion. The North Korean fairy tales are stories about children who have escaped from North Korea. North Korean defectors who have escaped to North Korea settled in China, third countries, or Korea. The settled North Korean child can not adapt to the society, and becomes a ‘marginal man’. They have not forgotten the culture of the past and have not yet accepted the culture of the present society. At the boundary where they stand, the culture of North Korea and the culture of Korean society collide. The suffering of a North Korean defector children as a marginal man is relatively more severe than that of an adult. North Korean defector children suffer from inferiority. They suffer from the trauma of past suffering. Language is the biggest factor that makes a North Korean child experience a culture clashes. Subtle differences between Korean and North Korean languages cause unnecessary conflicts. North Korean defector children feel cultural alienation. The reason why the cultural alienation of the defector children should be resolved is clear. A healthy society does not allow internal cultural clashes to separate society itself. Conflicts should be for integration. The defector fairy tales suggest the ways for North Korean defectors to overcome alienation and conflict. Defector children in fairy tales escape from alienation through the disappearance of inferiority. The disappearance of inferiority is possible by establishing a relationship with another children. By recognizing and communicating with each other, homogeneity can be obtained. If they sympathize with each other, the inferiority of the North Korean defectors disappears. Various cultures coexist in a multicultural society. Cultural clashes occur everywhere. When various problems arising from cultural clashes are overcomed through empathy and communication, society can achieve internal integration. It stands out from the conflict and becomes healthier. This method of resolving conflicts proposed by defector children tales can be equally applied to multicultural families. The North Korean fairy tale began as a literary accusation that notifies the misery of the North Korea. But by presenting the method of internal integration, it secured the status of literature of communication and sympathy. After that, North Korean fairy tales will be changed to show how diversity acquired in the process of overcoming the cultural conflict serves as a potential to develop society. This direction is consistent with the direction of our society growth that has already become a multicultural society.

      • KCI등재

        Eine kritische Betrachtung über S. Huntington's These: "Zivilisationskollision" aus der Sicht von Sunglihak. Fokussiert auf die Frage der Geschichtsanschauung und der Identität

        노명환 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2014 역사문화연구 Vol.49 No.-

        헌팅턴은 냉전시대 이후 문명의 충돌 시대가 도래하고 있다고 진단했다. 각 정체성들이 적대 정체성의 존재를 전제로 존재한다고 보고 각 문명의 정체성도 적대 문명의 존재에 기초하고 있음을 주장했다. 이렇게 각 문명의 정체성들이 상호 적대성에 기초하고 있기 때문에 충돌할 수밖에 없다고 보았다. 그 문명의 충돌 중에서 기독교 서구 세계와 이슬람 문명 간의 충돌이 가장 큰 것이며 이에 대한 대비로서 서구문명이 준비를 철저히 해야 하고, 그 가운데에서도 미국이 지도력을 확실히 갖추어야 한다고 주장했다. 그는 이슬람 문명 외에 유교문명권, 특히 중국이 잠재적 적이며 이슬람 문명권과 유교 문명권이 연대할 수 있다고도 보고 있다. 필자는 이러한 헌팅턴의 관점에 대해서 성리학적 세계관인 이기론(理氣論), 음양오행설(陰陽五行說)에 기초하여 비판을 가한다. 필자는 정체성이란 고정되어 있지 않고 계속 변화하는 것이라 보며 서로 다른 정체성이 끊임없는 변증법적 과정을 통해 새로운 정체성으로 구성된다는 점을 강조한다. 서로 다른 것은 반드시 적대 관계를 형성하는 원인이 되는 것이 아니라 끊임없는 변증법적 구성을 위해 필수적인 원리라는 점을 제시한다. 그래서 다는 것을 적으로 규정하여 그 적에 대해 나를 보호하는 것을 세계 인식의 기초로 삶을 것이 아니라 함께 새로운보다 큰 차원의 공동체를 이루는 것에 목적을 두어야 한다고 본다. 이것이 외교정책의 목표가 될 수 있어야 하며 전쟁을 피하고 세계의 평화를 확보하여 세계공동체를 이루는 의식을 함양할 수 있어야 한다고 본다. Huntington saw the clash of the Civilization as the main issue of the international affairs after the Cold War. He viewed the source of the identity construction generally in the hostility between myself and others, in other words the different groups. The different civilizations are based on the different identities. The mechanism of the identity construction can be mostly strong between the hostile civilizations. He means that the hostility between the Islam and the Christianity world is the most strong one in the world. The confucian civilization can be the potential enemy of the christian Western world. However, I stress that the hostility is not unconditionally the source of the identity. The different identities can be the source of the endless dialectical integration. This point of view can be supported by the theory of Sunglihak. For this purpose I explain the theory of Sunglihak. The Sunglihak is focused on giving answer to this question. The Sunglihak includes Li and Gi theory on the one hand, and Yin and Yang / 5 elements theory on the other hand. According to this Sunglihak theory, the universe and the all the beings of the universe are made up with Li and Gi. Li symbolizes spirit and essence, meanwhile Gi stands for energy and phenomenon. We cannot see Li, meanwhile we can see Gi. Li and Gi are not different things. But they are not the same things. Without Gi, Li cannot exist. Without Li, Gi cannot work. Li and Gi effect mutually each other and ceaselessly. Li controls Gi. Gi realizes and take into practice the intention of Li. Yin and Yang, and 5 elements. In our real world the role of the Gi as phenomenon and energy is fundamentally important. Gi is made up with Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang symbolizes the different beings. Yin, for example, symbolizes night and woman, meanwhile Yang symbolizes day and man. However, Yin and Yang are not divided obviously. They effect mutually and ceaselessly. They different ones, but at the same time are the same one. They effect each other mutually and ceaselessly. Through this mutual effects they change and are to be constructed in new ways. I emphasize that the difference of the identity of the civilization does not lead to clash. This is the main point of my critical Review on the Huntington's theory of the clash of the Civilization from the Aspect of the Sunglihak.

      • KCI등재

        비자발적 이주와 주민갈등 - 문화충격(culture clash) 관점에서의 탐색적 사례연구 -

        허준영 ( Joon-young Hur ),문지은 ( Jieun Moon ) 한국정책학회 2017 韓國政策學會報 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 세종신도시 건설로 인해 비자발적 동기로 이주하게 된 공무원과 부양가족 등 이주민과 토박이 원주민간의 주민갈등의 쟁점을 살펴보고 원인을 분석하고자 하였다. 양 집단의 상이한 사회문화적 배경으로 말미암아 마치 문화충돌처럼 발생하는 갈등의 기저를 파악해 내기 위해 심층인터뷰와 초점집단인터뷰(FGI)가 활용되었다. 갈등의 쟁점은 정치(대표구성), 경제(예산배분), 사회(지역사업), 문화(상호인식) 등 4가지 영역으로, 각 영역의 쟁점은 Moore의 갈등주기분석모델과 Mayer의 정체성 기반수요 논의를 결합한 분석틀을 이용하여 갈등의 원인을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 의제확산경로의 차이로 인한 사실관계의 왜곡(사실관계 갈등), 예산 등 한정된 자원의 불균형 배분 및 집행(이해관계 갈등), 정부계획의 번복, 힘의 불균형 등으로 인한 불합리한 제도적·구조적 시스템 생성(구조적 갈등), 관계형성의 어려움으로 인한 불신, 오해, 편견의 발생(관계상의 갈등), 문화 등 가치관 차이로 인한 지역공동체 응집력의 차이(가치관 갈등), 사회적인 환경변화에 따른 지역정체성 형성의 차이(정체성 갈등)가 주민 간 갈등의 기저에 자리잡고 있음을 확인하였다. 특히 세종시 주민 간 갈등은 가치관과 정체성 갈등이 도드라지면서 사실관계나 구조 갈등까지 영향을 미치고 있다는 점에서 문화나 정서 등이 이질적인 집단들의 가치관과 정체성 문제로 인한 갈등에 대한 적극적인 접근과 관리의 필요성이 강조될 필요가 있다. The study examined the causes and key issues of conflict between immigration officials and long-lived residents in Sejong New town. Migration begun with involuntary motivations under government policy, it also caused a cultural clash between newcomers and long-term residents with different social and cultural backgrounds. The key issues arising from each area were diagnosed by using the conflict analytic framework, which was combined with Moore`s the circle of conflict model, with Mayer`s identity-based demand. We conducted in-depth interviews and focus group interviews (FGI) between migrants and indigenous people, and then derived from the issues of conflict which were divided into four areas: politics (representative composition), economy (budget allocation), society (local business), and culture (mutual awareness). Based on the key conflicting issues of each of these categories, we attempted to draw up the analytical framework based on Moore`s model and Mayer`s identity-based demand. The results have shown as follows. There was a deep-rooted discrepancy in the agenda diffusion path, resulting in the distortion of the fact relationship (conflict in fact), unbalanced distribution and enforcement of limited resources such as a budget (conflict in interest). Also, there was a reversal of government plans, building an irrational institutional and structural system, due to imbalance of power (conflict in structure), differences in local community cohesion due to differences in cultural values, or identity etc., (conflict in identity) at the base of the conflicts. In particular, the government should actively deal with the conflicts between the residents of Sejong New town, and emphasize the management of conflicts, concerning values and identity issues in heterogeneous groups. These conflicts eventually may effect another factual or structural conflict.

      • KCI등재

        중세,근대 국어 {하다}, {만□다}, {크다}의 유의 분석

        홍사만 ( Sah Man Hong ) 한국문학언어학회( 구- 경북어문학회) 2008 어문론총 Vol.48 No.-

        The synonymy relationships among {하다}, {만□다}, and {크다} in Middle and Modern Korean were investigated in this study, and their historical changes were described from the ecological aspects. Their semantic similarities could be readily proved by investigating their common antonymy relationships with {젹다}, and in a sense their semantic similarities could be suggested from the meaning of their mutual permutations and corresponding Chinese characters as well. Their semantic similarities are directly shown in {하다}-{만□다} and {하다}-{크다}, but indirectly in {만□다}-{크다}. The polysemiy of {하다} in Middle Korean is appeared as two sememes, “多” and “大”, but from the viewpoint of distribution denotation, the meaning of “多” was broader than that of “大”. Describing the synonymy relationships of {하다}-{만□다} and {하다}-{크다} are also available by comparing {한} with {만□} and {큰} which are their conjugation forms respectively, and by comparing their derivative adverbs {해(하)} with {만히} and {키} which are their derivative adverbs respectively too. In Middle Korean {해} had the role of universal stative adverbs whose succeeding predicates were action verbs, but {하} had the role of degree adverbs by usually modifying stative verbs. Therefore, {많이}, stative adverb of Present Korean, is transferred into the function of degree of adverbs as {하} in Middle Korean was. Adverb {해} couldn`t have two meanings of "多“ and "大” completely, so {해} couldn`t have two meanings relationship with the derivative adverb, {키} perfectly. Because historically adjective lexeme {하다} had two meanings of “多” and “大”, it was at a disadvantage in synonymy clash competition with {만□다} and {크다} which had only one simple meaning. As a result, “多”, sememe of {하다} has been unified with {만□다} and "大” has been unified with {크게}. And also by disappearance of “ㆍ” ({□다}>{하다}) in a verb, {□다}(爲), its word form became a obsolescent word through a homonymy clash.

      • KCI등재

        ‘르’ 불규칙과 ‘러’ 불규칙의 발생 원인

        송창선(Song Chang-seon) 한국어문학회 2010 語文學 Vol.0 No.109

        The purpose of this study is to solve the several problems about the causes of ‘reu’ and ‘reo’ irregular predicates in Korean. So far, most Korean linguists have tried to explain ‘reu’ and ‘reo’ irregular predicates phonologically, but they couldn't explain them clearly. As we all know, ‘eu’ in the last syllable of the verb stem has to be deleted, when the ending starting with a vowel is attached to it. But if the last syllable of the verb stem is ‘reu’, ‘eu’ may be deleted or it may not. Therefore it is difficult to explain ‘reu’ and ‘reo’ irregular predicates clearly. In this paper, I offer a reasonable solution to the causes of ‘reu’ and ‘reo’ irregular predicates in Korean. I insist that ‘reu’ and ‘reo’ irregular verbs appeared in order to avoid the homonymic clash. As an example of the ‘reu’ irregular verb, we can derive ‘dalla’ from ‘dareuda(다르다)’ to avoid homonymic clash between ‘dara(다라)’ and ‘dala(달아)’. In the case of the ‘reo’ irregular verb, we can derive ‘ireureo’ from ‘ireuda(이르다)' which means “to reach”, to avoid homonymic clash between ‘illeo(일러)’ which means “to reach” and ‘illeo(일러)’ which means “to speak”.

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