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      • KCI등재

        한국 합판산업 통계의 정비와 기초적 분석

        김대래(Dae-Rae Kim) 한국산업경제학회 2016 산업경제연구 Vol.29 No.1

        본 논문은 한국 합판산업의 성장과 쇠퇴를 파악하기 위한 1차 작업이다. 그 일환으로 1954년부터 2013년까지 한국합판통계의 시계열을 구축하고 기초적 분석을 하였다. 한국합판통계는 완성되지 않은 면적단위와 부피단위의 두 계열이 존재하며 부피단위의 통계에도 다시 두 계열이 존재한다. 이러한 시계열들을 비교 검토하여 적합한 환산비율을 도출하여 일관된 시계열을 만들고, 기본적 분석을 하였다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 1950년대 중반 전후복구 수요를 바탕으로 출발한 합판산업은 1960년대 초부터 급격한 확장세를 보이며 성장을 하였다. 수출수요에 견인된 합판은 1978년에 정점에 도달한 뒤 급격히 생산이 줄어들었는데, 합판의 초기성장과 급격한 확장에는 유엔군납과 수출이 결정적인 역할을 하였다. 1950년대 후반과 1960년대 초 한국합판생산량의 약 10% 정도가 유엔군에서 소비되었다. 그리고 1963년부터 전체 합판생산량의 절반 이상을 수출하였는데, 그 비율은 1972년 87.5%까지 올라갔으나, 1977년을 정점으로 역시 급격히 줄어들었다. 둘째, 합판산업은 한국초기공업화에서 매우 중요한 역할을 하였다. 합판수출이 한국전체 수출에서 점하는 비중은 1968년에는 14.9%로까지 올라갔다. 1972년까지 한국수출의 10% 이상을 합판이 차지하였다. 공산품으로는 처음으로 수출에 성공한 합판은 수출지향적 공업화의 모델이 되었을 뿐만 아니라, 외환보유고가 빈약했던 한국경제에 주요 외화조달원으로서 기여하였다. 셋째, 고도성장을 하던 합판산업은 원목가격의 급등으로 갑자기 쇠퇴하기 시작하였다. 합판가격보다 빠르게 증가하는 원목가격으로 합판기업들은 경영위기에 직면하였고, 이것은 1982년 정부의 대대적인 구조조정으로 나타났다. 구조조정 이후 합판은 수입산업으로 전환되었는데, 1980년대 말부터 급증하던 수입은 2013년에는 78.1%에 이르고 있다. 수입대체산업에서 출발하여 세계1위의 합판수출국가로 성장하였다가 마침내 수입산업으로 변모한 합판산업은 우리나라에서 하나의 산업이 겪을 수 있는 사이클을 가장 먼저 보여주었다. This paper presents a preliminary work to identify the growth and decline of the plywood industry in Korea from 1954 to 2013. This research makes a consistent time series data and analyzes it. In korean plywood statistics, there are two series, area units and volume units and there exist two series of statistics in volume units as well. This paper compares these time series to derive the appropriate conversion ratio and create a correct time series data, and analyze it. The major conclusions are as following: First, Korean plywood industry based on the recovery demand after the mid-1950s showed a rapid growth from the early 1960s due to the export demand. Plywood industry reached its peak in 1978 and soon faced a drastic decline. In the early growth and rapid expansion of the plywood industry, sales to UN military and exports played a crucial role. In the late 1960s and early 1950s approximately 10% of plywood produced in Korea was consumed by the UN, through which the companies explored and created routes for export. Plywood exported more than half of its total production by 1963, and 87.5% of the production volume in 1972. However, it faced a sharp decline after the peak in 1977. Secondly, the plywood industry played a very important role in the early Korean Industrialization. The plywood industry consisted of 14.9% of the entire South Korean export market in 1968. By 1972 plywood exports accounted more than 10% of Korea"s exports. Plywood industry for the first time succeeded in overseas exporting, and showed a model of export-oriented industrialization. As the main source of the foreign currency, plywood industry contributed to the South Korean economy, which was very poor at the time. Thirdly, the plywood industry declined sharply because of the rapid rising of timber prices. In 1982, the structural adjustment of the industry took place and the plywood began to be imported rather than exporting. A massive plywood import began at the end of 1980s. In 1989, 42.1% of the total domestic consumption of plywood were imported, and the ratio was continually increased to 78.1% in 2013. Today, South Korea is one of the major importing countries of plywood.


        Effects of cryogenic temperature on the mechanical and failure characteristics of melamine-urea-formaldehyde adhesive plywood

        Kim, Jeong-Hyeon,Choi, Sung-Woong,Park, Doo-Hwan,Park, Seong-Bo,Kim, Seul-Kee,Park, Kwang-Jun,Lee, Jae-Myung Elsevier 2018 Cryogenics Vol.91 No.-

        <P>The present study investigates the applicability of melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) resin plywood in cryogenic applications, Including liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier insulation systems. Phenolic-formaldehyde (PF) resin plywood has been extensively used as a structural material in industrial applications. However, many shortcomings of PF resin plywood have been reported, and replacement of PF resin plywood with a new material is necessary to resolve these problems. MUF resin plywood has the advantages of short fabrication time, low veneer cost, and economic feasibility compared to PF resin plywood. However, the mechanical and failure characteristics of MUF resin plywood have not yet been investigated at low temperature ranges. For this reason, adapting MUF resin plywood for cryogenic applications has been difficult, despite the many strong points of the material in engineering aspects. In this study, the effects of cryogenic temperature and thermal treatment on the mechanical characteristics of MUF resin plywood are investigated. The performance of MUF resin plywood is compared with that of PF resin plywood to verify the applicability of the material for use as a structural material in LNG insulation systems. The results demonstrate that MUF resin plywood has mechanical properties comparable with those of PF resin plywood, even at cryogenic conditions.</P>

      • KCI등재

        (기획논문) 고도성장기 부산 합판산업의 성장과 쇠퇴(1960~1980년대)

        김대래 ( Dae Rae Kim ) 부산광역시 시사편찬위원회 2015 항도부산 Vol.31 No.-

        합판은 한국에서 6.25전쟁 후의 복구수요를 기반으로 성장하였다. 그리고 1950년대 중·후반에는 유엔군의 군납수요도 합판산업의 성장에 자극을 주었다. 군납을 통해 품질을 인정받은 한국합판은 1961년부터 미국시장에 수출을 하기 시작하였다. 마침 인건비의 상승과 공해우려로 일본이 합판수출에서 철수하는 시기와 맞물리면서한국의 합판산업은 1960년대 중반 이후 급속한 성장을 하였다. 1970년대에는 세계 5위의 합판생산국에 세계 1위의 합판수출국이 되었다. 합판산업의 중심은 부산이었다. 1960년대 중반부터 부산은 한국최대의 합판도시가 되었다. 그리고 세계적인 합판도시가 되었다. 합판이 전성기를 구가하던 시절 부산은 한국산업의 중심도시였다. 한때 한국수출의 29.2%의 수출을 담당하던 도시가 부산이었다. 여기에는 합판이 절대적인 역할을 하였다. 1970년대 부산에는 당시 세계최대의 합판기업이었던 동명목재를 비롯하여 6개의 대규모 수출 합판업체들이 있었는데, 이들 기업은 한국합판생산의 절반을 상회하는 생산을 하였다. 그리고 1970년 동명목재의 생산량은 우리나라전체 합판생산량의 31.2%를 차지하였다. 1960년대 후반에서 1970년대 중반까지는 이른바 합판의 시대였고, 부산의 시대였고 또 동명의 시대였다. 그러나 우리나라 합판산업의 성장기반은 취약하였다. 원목의 도입이 안정적으로 이루어져야 했고 저임금이 유지되어야 하는 구조였다. 그런 조건 속에서도 실제로 수익을 내기는 어려웠다. 생산가에서 차지하는 원재료의 비중이 너무 높았기 때문이다. 이러한 한계를 넘어서게 한 것은 정부의 각종 지원이었다. 각종 수출지원으로 합판기업들은 흑자를 볼 수 있었고 성장할 수 있었다. 그렇지만 외화가득률은 낮았다. 1970년대 말까지 합판은 전성기를 구가하였다. 그러나 제1차 석유파동 이후 등장하기 시작한 자원민족주의로 인해 원목의 구입이 어려워지면서 한국 합판산업은 위기에 직면하였다. 합판가격보다 빠르게 오르는 원목가격과 함께 수출길이 막히면서 합판산업은 위기에 빠져들었다. 마침내 1980년 세계 최대의 합판기업 동명목재가 도산을 하였고 잇달아 기업들이 쓰러졌다. 이런 상황에서 정부에 의한 합판산업의 구조조정이 시행되었다. 동명목재에 이어 부산에서는 태창목재, 반도목재, 광명목재, 대명목재가 퇴출되었다. 6개의 합판수출대기업 가운데 성창기업만이 부산에서 살아남았다. 일반적으로 과잉설비의 정리가 지역별로 균등하게 이루어지는 것이 관례라고 보면 부산기업들의 집중 퇴출은 이례적인 것이었다. 합판산업의 구조조정 이후 우리나라 합판산업의 중심은 부산에서 인천으로 이동하였다. Plywood industry grew based on the demand coming from restoration after Korean war. Supplying to UN military in the mid and late 1950 also stimulates the growth. Military purveyance guaranteed the quality of plywood, making export to the United States possible since 1961. In accordance with timely decline of Japanese plywood industry due to rising wage and environmental worries, Korean plywood industry achieved the splendid growth after the mid 1960, ranked fifth place in the world as a producer and first place as a exporter in 1970s. Busan was the centre of the industry. Busan became the largest and an international city for the plywood industry. During the highlights of the plywood industry, Busan was the centre of Korean industries. Busan was once in charge of 29.2% of total export of Korea, and plywood industry played a big role here. In 1970, Busan had six of large plywood-export companies including Dongmyoung, the largest one in the world, and these companies produced over the half of the total plywood output of Korea. Also, Dongmyoung produced 31.2 percentages of total output of Korea. The late 1960 to the mid 1970 was the period of plywood industry, of Busan, and of Dongmyoung. However, the foundation of the industry was weak in that the wage had to be kept low and import of hardwood had to be sustained. It was difficult to raise actual profits under these conditions since the cost of raw material was too high in production cost. The government``s various support eliminated these limitations. Many firms could gain profits and grow due to diverse supports for export, but a foreign-exchange earning rate was low. The plywood industry enjoyed its heyday until late 1970. However, the industry faced the challenge as it could not import raw materials more due to resource nationalism after the first oil crisis. The plywood industry came to a crisis as the way to export was blocked since price of raw material increased more rapidly than that of plywood. Finally Dongmyoung, the largest company in the world, went bankrupt in 1980 and other companies consequently went bankrupt too. The government carried out structural adjustment in this situation. Followed by Dongmyoung, Taechang, Bando, Kwangmyeong, and Daemyeong in Busan were liquidated. Only Seongchang survived among the largest six Busan companies. If we say that reducing excessive equipment should be carried out equally across regions, the concentrated liquidation of Busan companies is an aberration. After this structural adjustment, the centre of plywood industry moved from Busan to Incheon.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Flame Retardant Formaldehyde-Free Plywood Glued by Aqueous Polymer Isocyanate Adhesive

        ( Ming-yu Wen ),( Jia-zhi Zhu ),( Meng Zhu ),( Yao-xing Sun ),( Hee-jun Park ),( Junyou Shi ) 한국목재공학회 2020 목재공학 Vol.48 No.5

        Due to pronounced mechanical performance and being environmental friendly, aqueous polymer isocyanate adhesive (API) has been widely applied in the production of formaldehyde-free wood products. In this study, flame retardant formaldehyde-free plywood was prepared by incorporation of flame retardants into the API adhesive. Partially phosphorylated poly (vinyl alcohol) (PPVA) which was prepared by reacting poly (vinyl alcohol) with phosphoric acid was used to replace PVA in API formula. In addition, Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) was chosen as additive flame retardant, replacing traditional filler CaCO<sub>3</sub> in API adhesive formula. And then, the flame retardant API adhesive with main agent (PPVA replacing PVA70wt.%, SBR emulsion 30wt.%), curing agent 10wt.% (accounts for of the main agent), and 20wt.% LDHs (accounts of the main agent) was used to prepare flame retardant plywood. The effect of application of PPVA and Mg-Al LDH on bonding strength of plywood was investigated. The flammability characteristics of the plywood were determined by cone calorimeter test (CCT). The results revealed that compared with the plywood prepared with API adhesive, the use of PPVA and LDH enhanced the flame retardancy of plywood without negatively affecting bonding strength. The CCT tests indicated that the heat release and smoke production flame retardant API plywood were lower than those of the ordinary API glued plywood. Promising developments for flame retardant API adhesive were expected in future applications of flame retardant formaldehyde-free plywood.

      • [< 구두-D-04 >] The Possibility of Resinless Plywood Production by Using Oxidized Bark Powder as a Binder

        ( S. Suhasman ),( A D Yunianti ),( Agussalim ) 韓國木材工學會 2017 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.1

        Nowadays, the established technology in plywood industries for producing plywood is still using adhesive as veneer bonding agent. Utilization of the adhesive has several of weaknesses such as containing formaldehyde compound and using the unrenewable raw material. The purpose of this research was to develop a novel technique to produce plywood without involving adhesive as a binder. The oxidized bark powder of Acacia mangium was utilized as a binder to substitute the adhesive. Bark powder was oxidized by using hydrogen peroxide on four levels (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%) and the catalyst. The result showed that utilization of oxidized bark powder was able to be applied in producing resinless plywood. The bonding strength of the plywood fulfills National Indonesian Standard (SNI) No 01-5008.2-2000 where min. 7 kg/cm² as the requirement. After immersing the plywood in hot water (70°C) for 2 hours and drying in the oven (60°C) for 3 hours, the wood failure test showed a high value, namely 85.84% when 15% hydrogen peroxyde and 5% catalyst was applied. These facts indicated that the bonding and the water resistant of the plywood were relatively high. It tends that the technology for producing resinless plywood is potential to be developed.

      • KCI등재

        제2인산(第二燐酸) 암모늄에 의한 합판(合板)의 내화처리(耐火處理)(I) -온냉침지처리(?冷浸漬處理)와 열판(熱板)에 의한 처리합판(處理合板)의 재건조(再乾燥) -

        이필우,정우양,Lee, Phil Woo,Chung, Woo Yang 한국산림과학회 1983 한국산림과학회지 Vol.60 No.1

        대표적(代表的)인 건축내장재료(建築內裝材料)인 합판(合板)은 가연성(可燃性)이 매우 커서 각종(各種) 대형화재(大型火災)의 요인(要因)이 되고 있다. 따라서 내화합판(耐火合板) 제조(製造)의 필요성(必要性)이 절실(絶實)히 요구(要求)되고 있으며, 이와 관련(關聯)하여 우선적(優先的)으로 해결(解決)해야 할 과제(課題)로서 DAP 처리합판(處理合板)의 재건조(再乾燥)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)를 수행하였는 바 5.25mm두께의 Meranti합판(合板)을 제2인산(第二燐酸)암모늄(DAP) 20% 수용액(水溶液)에 온냉욕법(?冷浴法)으로, 즉 각각 3, 6, 9 및 12시간(時間) 온냉처리(?冷處理)한 다음 공(共)히 3시간(時間) 냉액침지처리(冷液浸漬處理)하였으며 그 때의 약액흡수량(藥液吸收量)과, 이들 처리합판(處理合板)을 130, 145, 160 및 $175^{\circ}C$의 열판온도(熱板?度)로 건조(乾燥)함으로써 건조곡선(乾燥曲線)과 건조속도(乾操速度)를 고찰(考察)하였다. 그 결과(結果), 온냉욕법(?冷浴法)에 의한 합판(合板)의 약액흡수량(藥液吸收量)은 침지시간(浸漬時間)이 증가(增加)함에 따라 꾸준히 증가(增加)하였고, 수분(水分)의 흡수량(吸收量)이 DAP의 흡수량(吸收量)보다 더 많았으며 DAP 약제보유량(藥劑保有量)은 최단침지처리시간(最短浸漬處理時間)의 경우에도 최저보유량(最低保有量)[$1.125kg/(30cm)^3$]을 상회(上廻)하였다. 한편 내화처리합판(耐火處理合板)의 건조곡선(乾操曲線)은 모든 처리시간(處理時間)에서 수분처리합판(水分處理合板)의 건조곡선(乾操曲線)이 DAP약제처리합판(藥劑處理合板)의 그것보다 경사가 급했으며 열판온도(熱板?度)가 상승(上昇)할수록 건조(乾操)가 급속(急速)히 진행(進行)되어 $160^{\circ}C$를 적용(適用)했을 때는 2.5~4분(分)에 건조(乾操)가 완료(完了)되었다. 건조속도(乾操速度)에 있어서도 대체(大體)로 열판온도(熱板?度)가 증가(增加)할수록 그 값이 증가(增加)하였으며 DAP처리(處理)의 경우는 $175^{\circ}C$ 적용시(適用時), 그리고 수분처리(水分處理)의 경우는 $160^{\circ}C$부터 10%/min 이상(以上)의 건조속도(乾操速度)를 나타내었다. Plywood, the representative interior decorative or structural material, is so inflammable that it may cause big fires. Therefore, it is required inevitably to manufacture the "Fire retardant treated plywood", and it will be a study on the redrying of treated plywood that we ought to solve. This study was carried out to investigate the absorption of 20% $(NH_4)_2HPO_4$ solution into the soaked plywoods by hot/cold soaking for 3/3, 6/3, 9/3 and 12/3 hours and to study drying process with drying curves and drying rates by press-drying at the platen temperature of 130, 145, 160 and $175^{\circ}C$. Solution absorption of plywoods in hot/cold soaking method increased steadily with the prolonged soaking time, and water absorption is higher than DAP absorption, and then chemical retention (DAP) exceeded the minimum retention [$1.125kg/(30cm)^3$] even in the shortest soaking treatment. Drying curves of water-soaked plywoods inclined more steeply than those of DAP soaked plywoods. And the drying proceeded rapidly with the increase in platen temperature and terminated in 2.5-4 minutes at the temperature of 160 and $170^{\circ}C$. Drying rate also increased generally with the increase of platen temperature. So it was at $175^{\circ}C$ in DAP-soaking and at $160^{\circ}C$ in water-soaking when the drying rate became above 10%/min.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Flame Retardant Plywood with Different Flame Retardants

        ( Yang Liu ),( Jun-xian Xu ),( Ming-yu Wen ),( Hee-jun Park ),( Jia-zhi Zhu ),( Yu-nan Liu ) 한국목재공학회 2021 목재공학 Vol.49 No.6

        The flame retardancy of plywood should be improved as much as possible while minimizing the impact on the bonding strength of plywood. Six commercial flame retardants and three laboratory synthesized phosphorous nitrogen flame retardants were selected. E<sub>0</sub>, E<sub>1</sub> and E<sub>2</sub> grade commercial formaldehyde resins (UF) were applied in this study to evaluate the effect of different flame retardants on the curing time of resin, bonding strength, flame retardant performance, and formaldehyde emission of plywood. The results show that the effect of the addition of different flame retardants on the bonding strength of plywood gradually decreased with the increase of the formaldehyde molar ratio of the resin. The effect of flame retardants on the curing time of UF gradually decreased as the mole ratio of formaldehyde increasing, while the amount of formaldehyde emission varied according to the content of formaldehyde in the flame retardant. Compared with plywood without flame retardant, flame retardant of plywood added with phosphorous nitrogen flame retardant was improved.

      • KCI등재

        LNG운반선 방열시스템에 적용되는 적층형 플라이우드의 극저온 기계적 특성 분석

        김정현(Jeong-Hyeon Kim),박두환(Doo-Hwan Park),최성웅(Sung-Woong Choi),이제명(Jae-Myung Lee) 한국해양공학회 2017 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.31 No.3

        Plywood, which is created by bonding an odd number of thin veneers perpendicular to the grain orientation of an adjacent layer, was developed to supplement the weak points such as contraction and expansion of conventional wood materials. With structural merits such as strength, durability, and good absorption against impact loads, plywood has been adopted as a structural material in the insulation system of a membrane type liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier. In the present study, as an attempt to resolve recent failure problems with plywood in an LNG insulation system, conventional PF (phenolic-formaldehyde) resin plywood and its alternative MUF (melamine-urea-formaldehyde) resin bonded plywood were investigated by performing material bending tests at ambient (20℃) and cryogenic (-163℃) temperatures to understand the resin and grain effects on the mechanical behavior of the plywood. In addition, the failure characteristics of the plywood were investigated with regard to the grain orientation and testing temperature.

      • KCI등재후보

        Study for the Expression for Various Models of Furniture and Wooden Trifling Article Made of Layered Plywood

        차성희,이재영,박병호,최기 한국가구학회 2008 한국가구학회지 Vol.19 No.6

        We suggest layered sculpture method and color painting method with new materials for the preparation of various expressions for aesthetic model of the furniture and interior articles made of river birch. Through the analysis of the layered sculpture method and preference, we try to set a new direction for the enhancement of the decoration for the furniture or article design made of birch plywood. Also, we study the fittest manufacturing process after selecting color painting materials different from the existing painting method and goes well with the furniture or article made of river birch. Color painting which systemic application of the layered plywood from birch and new paints such as Oriental dye is one of the best schemes to realize various possibility of the furniture and wooden article made of the layered plywood, and this research result has affected positive effect on the development fields such as wooden furniture and interior articles. We suggest layered sculpture method and color painting method with new materials for the preparation of various expressions for aesthetic model of the furniture and interior articles made of river birch. Through the analysis of the layered sculpture method and preference, we try to set a new direction for the enhancement of the decoration for the furniture or article design made of birch plywood. Also, we study the fittest manufacturing process after selecting color painting materials different from the existing painting method and goes well with the furniture or article made of river birch. Color painting which systemic application of the layered plywood from birch and new paints such as Oriental dye is one of the best schemes to realize various possibility of the furniture and wooden article made of the layered plywood, and this research result has affected positive effect on the development fields such as wooden furniture and interior articles.

      • KCI등재

        합판을 코어로 활용한 CLT의 단열성능개선에 관한 연구

        김경중,양승민,김준호,최규웅,강석구 한국가구학회 2018 한국가구학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        By using the thermal conductivity and temperature gradient for each type of structural wood materials using larches, this study calculated the heat conduction (Qc). Through this, the potential insulation improvement of structural material was verified. Furthermore, by fabricating a cross-laminated timber (CLT) using conventional insulators such as gypsum board and sound-absorbing board, the insulation performance improvement effect was investigated based on the heat conduction, and the optimal ratio of cross lamination was derived. In the result of measuring the temperature gradient of upper and lower parts of structural wood materials, the plywood-core CLT showed about 10°C higher temperature gradient than the laminated wood and CLT under a same condition. This means that the plywood-core CLT has better efficiency of using energy than other wood materials. Through this, it is determined that effect of economic efficiency improvement can be expected with respect to heating and cooling if plywood-core CLT is used as a wall. Six types of plywood-core CLT with high-insulation property, in which the gypsum and sound-absorbing insulators were cross-laminated in a certain ratio, showed lower heat conduction than the laminated wood, CLT, and plywood-core CLT. Particularly, the gypsum board-inserted plywood-core CLT (27.6% gypsum) showed the lowest heat conduction of about 0.6 W. This result was 35.8% lower thanthat of larch-laminated wood, 36.4% lower than that of CLT, and about 40% lower than that of plywood-core CLT. Through these results, it is determined that the insulator-inserted wood material can be used as a substitute for conventional walls of internal insulation structure.

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