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        난민아동의 통역 경험 의미

        김현진,노충래 한국다문화교육학회 2023 다문화교육연구 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore the refugee children‘s interpretation experience and to seek practice and policy implications for multicultural education. For the purpose of the study, researchers had after in-depth interviews with 5 refugee children in Korea from January to February 2022. Analyzed data through subject analysis in general qualitative studies. As a result, 3 categories, 6 sub-lower categories, and 13 concepts were derived. 3 categories are ‘the young head of the family who takes care of the family through interpretation’, ‘the pain that a young refugee child had to bear that must be borne because he is a child of a refugee’, and ‘the parent-child differences in the views on interpretation’. Based on the results, researchers drew the central theme of the refugee children’s interpretation experience as was derived as ‘hidden pain willing to bear for family care’. Based on this reality of interpretation for refugee children, researchers discussed suggestions such as to expand community interpretation services for refugees, psychological counseling and rights education for interpretation for refugee children, parenting education for refugee parents, and Korean language education. 본 연구는 국내 난민아동들의 통역 경험에 대해 탐색해보고 이에 따른 다문화 교육의 실 천적, 정책적 함의를 모색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 2022년 1월부터 2월까지 국 내 난민아동 5명에 대한 심층면접을 실시한 후, 귀납적 주제분석을 통해 자료를 분석하였 다. 그 결과 ‘통역을 통해 가족을 돌보는 어린 가장’, ‘통역으로 인한 고통’, ‘통역에 대한 부모-자녀의 동상이몽’이라는 3개의 상위범주, 6개의 하위범주, 13개의 개념이 도출되었다. 이를 바탕으로 본 연구진은 국내 난민아동들이 경험한 통역의 중심주제를 ‘가족 돌봄을 위 해 기꺼이 감당하는 은폐된 고통’으로 도출하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 난민을 위한 지역 내 통역서비스 확충, 난민아동의 통역부담에 대한 심리정서적 상담 및 교육 지원, 난 민부모 대상의 부모교육 및 한국어교육 확충과 같은 방안을 논의하였다.

      • 1951년 난민의 지위에 관한 협약의 현대적 재조명

        이세련(Seryon LEE) 대한적십자사 인도법연구소 2018 人道法論叢 Vol.- No.38

        오늘날 난민에 대한 국제적 보호는 “1951년 난민의 지위에 관한 협약” (이하, ‘난민협약’) 과 “1967년 난민의정서”에 의해 규율되고 있지만, 최근 국제사회가 직면한 난민위기는 난민협약에서 규정하는 인종, 종교, 국적, 특정사회집단의 구성원 신분 또는 정치적 견해 이외의 사유인 장기화된 내전 등을 포함한 내부적 무력충돌 상황과 연관되어 있다. 난민신청에 있어 난민협약 이외의 사유는 엄격하게 해석하고 있기 때문에 국내의 특수한 상황으로 인해 자국의 보호를 받을 수 없는 사람들에 대한 국제적 보호가 필요한 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 국제법상 해석의 원칙을 적용하여 난민협약에 대한 다각적 해석과 국제인도법의 적용가능성에 대해 살펴보았다. 국제사회의 난민문제는 국제난민법의 테두리에서만 적용함에 있어 충분한 보호를 제공할 수 없는 한계를 드러내고 있다. 현실적으로 인도적 위기에 처한 개인들을 보호함에 있어 난민협약에 내재된 국제인권법의 주요 원칙과 국제인도법의 적용 가능성도 함께 고려되어야 함이 타당할 것이다. 궁극적으로 난민 보호를 강화하기 위해서는 최종적으로 난민지위를 결정하는 각국의 국내재판소가 국제난민법 이외의 다양한 국제법의 원칙들을 고려하는 것이 중요하다. 내전 등과 같은 국가의 위기 상황으로 인해 본국을 떠날 수 밖에 없는 사람들에 대해 임시적 보호수단으로서 인도적 체류만을 부여하는 것만으로는 충분하지 않으며, 국내적 무력충돌 상황을 상세하게 검토하고 이들에 대한 보호 체제를 수립함에 있어 보다 점진적이고 조화로운 해석이 필요한 시점이다. The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees ("Refugee Convention"), supplemented by its 1967 Protocol, is the cornerstone of the international system on refugee protection. Although the Refugee Convention has contributed to a theoretical framework at the international level, it does not fit easily with some of the current refugee crisis involving humanitarian causes such as civil war or other generalized violence and raises the challenges for international refugee law. As those who flee from such situation are not generally qualified for refugee under the Refugee Convention, which requires the persecution based on race, religion, nationality, particular groups of society, political opinion, needless to say, there is an urgent need to provide protection so as to fulfill international obligation. In terms of this international obligation, this paper sought the ways to protect those so-called ‘non-conventional’ refugees through the interpretation of the Refugee Convention as well as International Humanitarian Law. A sound and comprehensive analysis of the rule of interpretation as applied to two branches of international law revealed a tension within the languages of the relevant Conventions. However, in light of evolving customary international law, a broader application of the Conventions (Refugee Convention as well as Geneva Convention) would be essential. While those who flee particularly from civil war might not be given a refugee status, the principle of non-refoulment should be applied. Granting a humanitarian stay for those who were compelled to leave their homes due to civil war or extremely generalized violence might not be the best solution. What is more significant is the fact that it is the national court that decides the status of a refugee so that more broad and harmonious interpretation should be well-reflected at national level in order to provide a full and integrated protection of refugees.

      • ‘난민면접 조작(허위작성) 사건’을 통해 확인한 한국 난민심사 제도운영의 문제점과 사건 문제제기 과정의 기록

        김연주 ( Kim Yeonju ) 서울대학교 공익인권법센터 2020 공익과 인권 Vol.20 No.-

        2015년 법무부는 난민심사가 진행되는 전국의 사무소에 난민신청자의 신청을 “신속· 집중·일반·정밀”의 네 가지로 분류하도록 하는 지침을 운영하면서, ‘신속’으로 분류된 심사 대상자에 대해서는 면접을 1-2시간 이내로 간이하게 실시, 사실조사 생략, 7일 이내(최대 14일 이내) 처리, 신속심사 적용대상에 대한 처리비율을 40% 수준으로 유지하도록 하는 등의 지시를 내렸다. 이 신속심사로 분류된 대상자 가운데, 서울출입국·외국인청에서 난민신청을 한 아랍권 난민신청자 다수의 난민면접조서가 심각하게 조작된 사실이 드러났다. 피해자들의 난민면접조서에는 ‘난민신청을 하면 합법적으로 한국에서 체류하면서 일을 할 수 있어 난민신청을 하였고, 난민신청서에 기재된 난민신청 사유는 모두 거짓이며, 언제든지 본국으로 돌아갈 수 있다’라는 내용들이 거의 복사한 수준으로 유사하게 적혀 있었고, 난민불인정결정통지서와 함께 수령한 난민불인정사유서에는 난민불인정결정을 내린 사유로 “취업목적”이라고 적혀 있었다. 또한 피해자들의 증언에 따르면 이들의 난민면접은 약 20-30분 정도로 졸속으로 진행되었고, 피해자들에게 제대로 발언할 기회도 제공되지 않았으며, 피해자들의 진술이 어떻게 면접조서에 기재되었는지 확인하는 절차도 제대로 진행되지 않았다. 그리고 밝혀진 피해사례 모두에서 난민법상의 녹음 또는 녹화가 이루어지지 않았다. 서울행정법원과 서울고등법원은 판결에서 “난민면접이 형해화될 정도로 졸속으로 이루어진” 사실을 확인하였고, 이러한 난민면접을 기초로 하여 내린 난민불인정결정은 “중대한 절차적 하자가 있다”고 판단하였다. 이에 피해자들은 2018년 7월 국가인권위원회에 진정을 제기하였고, 법무부는 이 사건에 대하여 문제가 제기되자 내부적으로 942건을 전수조사하여 55건의 난민불인정결정에 조작이 있었다고 인정해 직권취소하였다. 아울러 난민전문통역인의 결격사유 등을 조사해 위촉과정과 교육을 재정비하고, 난민업무 담당자 역량강화 교육을 확대하며, 난민업무 담당자를 신규채용하고, 2018년 7월부터는 전국 난민심사 거점사무소에서 난민면접 과정 녹음·녹화를 전면 실시하는 조치를 시행하였다. 그러나 여전히 직권취소의 대상이 되지 않은 피해자들이 발견되고, 피해자들에 대한 피해회복 조치가 제대로 이루어지지 않았으며, 이 사건의 책임자에 대한 어떠한 징계 및 처벌 등의 조치도 진행되지 않는 등 법무부의 미온적인 태도가 이어지자 피해 당사자들은 2019년 6월 피해자 증언대회를 열었다. 증언대회를 통해 다수의 언론이 이 사건을 다시 이슈화하였고, 대한변호사협회는 법무부를 방문해 난민 면접조서를 허위로 작성한 사건에 대한 진상조사 및 재발방지 의견서를 전달했다. 이에 따라 2019년 7월 법무부는 이 사건에 관련한 담당자에 대해 내부 감찰을 진행하여 중앙징계위원회에 중징계조치를 요구했다. 아울러 2020년 2월 피해자 피해 회복 조치로서 “신속심사가 지시되었던 2015년 9월부터, 난민면접 녹음·녹화를 전면 의무화한 2018년 7월 전까지 아랍어로 난민심사가 진행된 난민신청자 전원에게 다시 난민신청의 기회를 부여하는” 내용의 재심사 방침을 시행하였다. ‘난민면접 조작(허위작성) 사건’은 처음에는 특정 통역인이 허위로 통역을 진행한 사건인 양문제제기가 되었지만, 사건의 전말을 밝혀가는 과정에서 법무부가 「난민의 지위에 관한 협약」 및「난민법」에 위배되는 신속심사를 지시하고, 이를 무리하게 이행하며 발생한 구조적인 문제임이 드러났다. 또한 난민심사과정에서 난민심사 녹음·녹화, 변호사 조력 등 난민신청자의 권리보장 방안이 미흡한 문제, 난민심사를 담당하는 공무원의 자격요건과 책임의 문제, 난민전문통역인의 부실한 선발 및 교육과정의 문제, 난민심사의 인적·물적 역량이 부족한 문제, 난민면접조서·난민불인정사유서 등 난민심사의 공정성을 확인할 수 있는 가장 기본적인 문서가 한국어로만 제공되는 문제 등 난민심사과정 전반의 전문성·공정성·투명성 결여가 여실히 반영되어 나타난 사건이라는 점에서도 시사점이 매우 크다. 본 글에서는 ‘난민면접 조작(허위작성) 사건’을 통해 드러난 난민심사제도의 현황을 진단하고, 책임자 징계·피해회복 방안·일부 난민심사제도 개선 등 이 사건의 수습을 위하여 법무부의 움직임을 이끌어 낸 과정을 기록해 본다. 그리고 그간의 과정을 기록함으로써 ‘난민면접 조작(허위작성) 사건’의 해결과 인권의 회복을 위하여 여전히 남아있는 과제에 대하여, 향후 활동 목표와 그 방향을 잡는 계기로 삼고자 한다. In 2017, it was discovered that the interview records of many Arabic refugee applicants who had applied for refugee recognition at the Seoul Immigration Office had been fabricated. The majority were interview records of refugee applicants from Arabic-speaking countries such as Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Libya who had applied for refugee recognition from 2015 to 2016; all the record had the signature of the same interpreter at the bottom. According to the victims, not only were their interviews for refugee recognition done in haste, typically within 20 to 30 minutes, but also they were given no opportunity to fully elaborate on their case and review how their testimony w as i ncorporated i nto the i nterview r ecord. D espite t he R efugee A ct, not a s ingle victim could have their interview audio-recorded or video-taped. The extent of fabrication was quite severe. The record of each of the refugee applicants contained surprisingly similar questions and answers in response to: “Did you actually experience what you wrote in your refugee application?” “No, I did not, I got the information from the Internet.” “Is what you wrote in your refugee application true?” “No, it is not.” “Why did you apply for refugee recognition?” “To stay in Korea for work.” “Will you face any persecution or danger if you return to your home country?” “No, I will not.” After a fabricated refugee recognition interview, each victim was handed a Notice of Denial letter, written in Korean, that read “this applicant does not qualify as a refugee because he/she came to Korea for economic reasons.” The victims appealed to the Ministry of Justice after the initial denial, only to receive the same denial letter after a long wait, and later initiated administrative litigation. The v ictims were not aware that their interview records had been f abricated until recently. A handful of them who received legal assistance during the litigation were able to confirm that their records had been fabricated―only then did this fabrication issue come to light. There may be other refugee applicants not even aware of t he f act t hat t heir i nterview records h ad b een f abricated d ue t o l ack o f l egal assistance. In two court cases, both the Seoul Administrative Court and the Seoul High Court recognized that “refugee recognition interviews were done in such an abrupt manner that they became almost meaningless,” and decided that any determination on refugee recognition made on the basis of such interviews “were procedurally defective.” In July 2018, NANCEN Refugee Rights Center and the Dongcheon Foundation submitted a complaint to the National Human Rights Commission, and the Ministry revealed in a press release in September 2018 that they had cancelled denial of refugee status on 55 victims. In addition, measures were taken since July 2018 to inspect appointment and education of refugee interpreters, expand education of refugee affairs, hire new officers for refugee affairs, and conduct full-scale recording of refugee interviews nationwide. But none of the officers implicated in this incident were penalized, and all of them still remain in their posts at the Immigration Office. This issue was first disclosed two years ago, but no remedy has been provided to most of the victims. Hence the victims held a rally with NANCEN Refugee Rights Center in June 2019 to raise accusations on the Justice Ministry's lukewarm attitude. The case was widely covered by a number of media, and the Korean Bar Association visited the Ministry of Justice and delivered their opinion on the ‘cases of fabricated refugee interview’. Accordingly, in July 2019, the Ministry of Justice conducted an internal inspection of those involved in the case and demanded heavy disciplinary action from the Central Disciplinary Commission. In addition, as a measure to recover victims' damages, in February 2020 Ministy of Justice implemented a review policy that all refugee applicants who had been screened in Arabic from September 2015, when the expedited screening policy was ordered, to July 2018, when recording of refugee interviews became mandatory, will be given opportunity to apply for refugee status again. When this incident first surfaced, the Ministry of Justice attempted to place all the blame on the implicated officers and the interpreters. However, what the press disclosed was contradictory to what the Justice Ministry had f irst c laimed: three officers were involved in this incident, and the 55 cases were aftermath of the expedited screening policy implemented in lieu of the Ministry’s Asylum Backlog Reduction Task Force since 2015. It is thus more than apparent that the Ministry of Justice has systematically been involved in fabrication of the records. In short, the Ministry of Justice is in fact creating the illusion of ‘fake refugees’ and ‘refugee recognition applicants who exploit the Refugee Act’. In addition, there remains insufficient protection of rights of refugee applicants, namely lack of recording of refugee screening and legal assistance, inadequate qualification and responsibility of officers in charge of refugee screening, questionable appointment and curriculum of refugee interpreters, lack of personnel and support system for refugee screening, and the fact that in general even the most basic documents such as refugee interview reports and refugee recognition documents are only provided in Korean. In this article, diagnosis of the status of the refugee screening system in Korea will be implemented through review of the ‘cases of fabricated refugee interview’ and records of civil campaign against the Ministry of Justice for their resolution.

      • KCI등재후보

        뉴노멀시대의 내용 중심 온라인 외국어 수업 방향 탐색 -Zoom 화상회의 기반 난민전문 및 법정 통역인 연수를 중심으로

        장니나 부산외국어대학교 다문화연구소 2021 다문화사회와 교육연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The purposes of this study are to examine the effets of the online training program for refugee professional interpreters and legal interpreters, and to find out ways to enhance the method of remote collaboration that can be applied to online foreign language classes by accumulating research data that can be used in multicultural education. As a research background with the development of Edu-Tech where technology and education are combined and the online classroom environment due to COVID-19 becomes a new normal, a new approach to foreign language learning and teaching is required. In additon, recently, the Ministry of Justice prepared some amendments to the Refugee Act to deal with the problems of the current refugee system, which are abuses for extension of stay and the prolongation of judicial procedures leading to refugee recognition review, objection, and administrative litigation due to the rapid increase in refugee applications. The major findings of the study are as follows: First, by examining the case of the CBI approach in a way that interpreting classes are conducted while acquiring the contents necessary for a job, the direction that can be applied to the subject-centered classes for foreigners, such as interpreters who are learners who are proficient in the target language, was confirmed. Second, considering that the role of this study is to strengthen knowledge about refugee-related laws, policies, and judicial procedures as well as existing foreign residents in the training program for multicultural social integration experts, and to motivate students with multicultural backgrounds to become interpreters.

      • KCI등재후보

        근세 일본 사츠마 번에서 조선어통사의 존재의미

        김석란(Kim, Seog-Ran) 대한일어일문학회 2016 일어일문학 Vol.72 No.-

        Korean interpreters of modern Japan has a record of existing in five places of Nagato-han, Satuma-han, Koto-han, and Ryukyu-han as well as Tusima-han. Except as Tusima-han which was placed in an special situation in the relationship with the Joseon Dynasty, most of them were involved in the frequent repatriation of settlers and refugees and temporary existences. Among them, the settlement of Koreans in Tusima-han was only 31 cases for 274 years. Nevertheless, there were Korean interpreters of Tusima-han under the han-level system from 17th to 19th century and they were systematically trained through theinter pretert raining system. There were Chinese interpreters and English interpreters with Korean interpreters in Tusima-han. Chinese interpreters and English interpreters were trained receiving enormous support from Tusima-han. But unlike them, Korean interpreters hardly received support from Tusima-han and the reason for the existence and its position were not clear. The Korean interpreters came into being spontaneously byself-help efforts as the persons from Naesirogawa village that Tusima-han interned Korean settlers. Nevertheless, Tusima-han acknowledged them as Korean interpreters for a long time be cause they were the means that proved communication with the outside world with Chinese interpreters and English interpreters in the Japaneses ituation called national isolation and to show off its authority domestically. Korean interpreters of Tusima-han were characterised by being from the persons in Korean villages and certain families’pedigrees. They were given ‘Gousi’ status that is native gentry like Japanese interpreters. Korean interpreters were the only way that Koreans could be Gousi. They served as managers of Tusima-han and it was also the expedient to maintain status. And they seized political power in the village by using their status that they can directly exchange with Tusima-han. And they got to seize the right to educate Korean in the village as they got permission to train disciples by requesting Tusima-han to do them. In addition, they achieved an economic power by obtaining the right to sell ceramics. Korean interpreters are away to be native gentry in Japanese society in Tusima-han and means to be able to enjoy them as power in the village.

      • KCI등재

        난민임의 의사소통적 구성: 국내 난민 면담에 대한 민족지적 연구

        김슬기 ( Seul Gi Kim ) 법과사회이론학회 2013 법과 사회 Vol.0 No.45

        This paper is a legal ethnography on the communicative aspects of interview with asylum-seekers in the Refugee Status Determination procedures (hereinafter “RSD”). Due to the problems that occurred during the interpretation, due process in the administrative procedures has been constantly broken down into. Interpretation skill issue may be considered most crucial, however, the issue of interview with asylum-seekers needs to be placed in the context of “how the interview itself is conducted”. Nevertheless, this aspect has rarely been addressed in South Korea. Using mainly qualitative research methods, this study explores the characteristics of interpreter-mediated interview with asylum-seekers, and linguistic and social interaction of the roles given to the actors in the RSD, thereby examining the construction process of asylum-seekers` ‘refugeehood’ and the implications of the analysis in terms of conducting the interview. Interview with asylum-seekers is primarily characterized in the respect that interpreter-mediated communication occurs in the institutional environment between interviewer and asylum-seekers who do not share socio-cultural backgrounds each other. Based on these characteristics and the analysis on the role performances and interactions among an interviewer, an asylum-seeker, and an interpreter, in chapter Ⅲ it identifies the context of the main problems on how the interview has currently been conducted and suggests possible improvements to consider. On the basis of these empirical cases, this microscopic review ultimately aims to argue that asylum-seekers` statement during the interview is not neutrally created at all and his or her refugeehood from the interview is actually ‘co-constucted’ in the process of linguistic and social interactions of the actors. The term of ‘co-construction of refugeehood’ in this regard means that the actors are assigned “a distributed responsibility” in the context of conflicting statements of aslyum-seekers and other interview-related problems during the RSD.

      • KCI등재

        Taking “Bottom-Up” Seriously in Governance: The Case of the Local Governance Network Supporting Settlements of North Korean Refugees in South Korea

        ( Jun-han Yon ),( Euiyoung Kim ) 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2019 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.43 No.1

        In this article we analyze the impacts of a hierarchical administrative tradition on new governance in contemporary South Korea, focusing on ground-level practices of the local network governance in supporting settlements of North Korean refugees. By employing an interpretive approach that seeks to decenter governance in terms of diverse and contingent actions of policy actors against the background of distinct traditions, the study attempts to explain ways in which network governance unfolds in everyday life. Despite the institutional transition from “government to (new) governance,” a deeply rooted hierarchical tradition is entangled with relatively new democratic tradition, causing unintended policy outcomes at the ground level in generating confusion and resistance among frontline policy actors. As a result, new governance can be an empty rallying cry unless policymakers and practitioners take the meaning of bottom-up seriously.

      • KCI등재

        난민자격 결정기준으로서의 '젠더'박해 : 북한여성의 난민자격 가능성을 중심으로 Focusing on Refugee Status of North Korean Women

        민지원 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2003 여성학논집 Vol.20 No.-

        난민협약은 남성의 경험을 객관화·보편화하고, 젠더에 의한 박해를 명시하지 않아 여성의 난민 요청을 어렵게 했다. 성인지적 해석은 이러한 공·사 이분법을 완화하고 법규정을 여성주의적 시각에서 재구성하는 일이며, 이 연구의 목적은 난민협약에 대인성인지적해석을 바탕으로 북한 여성에게 난민자격 가능성을 제시하는데 있다. 북한여성의 난민자격 가능성을 구성하는 ‘젠더박해’는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 북한에서 성폭력이나 가정폭력은 일상적 관행처럼 일어나고 있다. 정부가 묵인하는 상황에서 이러한 폭력은 세계인권선언과 B규약의 신체의 자유 및 안전의 권리를 침해하는 박해에 해당된다. 또한 빈곤을 이유로 '가족'에 의해 강제되는 '결혼'도 박해에 해당될 수 있다. 이러한 박해에 대한 북한의 제도적 부재는 '국가보호실패'를 의미한다. 둘째, 정치범 수용소의 여성은 '반동적인' 사상오염이라는 정치적 견해를 근거로 인권이 침해될 수 있다. 사실상 강간, 성고문, 강제낙태 등 그 정도가 심각하다. 이러한 폭력은 "아무도 고문이나 가혹하거나 비인도적이거나 모욕적인 처우 또는 형벌을 받지 않는다"는 세계인권선언 제5조를 위반한 박해에 해당한다. 또한 중국에서 결혼하거나 임신한 여성에 대한 가중처벌은 균형을 잃은 가혹한 형벌로 박해를 구성한다. 부계혈통의 순수성 상실과 월경행위가 가진 정치적 성격을 박해의 근거로 해석할 수 있다. 셋째, 북한여성이 국가를 떠날 때는 난민이 아니었지만 이주 과정에서 성폭력의 희생자가 되었을 경우 강제결혼이나 성매매 강요 등 부가적인 인권 폭력을 경험할 수 있다. 이 조건하의 지원자를 ‘현지 체재 중의 난민(refugee sur place)로 인정해야 한다. 이러한 난민협약에 대한 해석은 '전통적' 주권 개념의 배타성과 국제난민법의 남성 중심적인 패러다임에 대한 대안을 의미한다. This study aims at emphasizing the necessity of the gender-sensitive interpretation in defining refugee in aspect of international convention. Although female refugees are persecuted differently from male refugees, the refugee law has been developed within the male-centered paradigm and has not responded to the need of the protection for women. Therefore, this study has tried to reconstruct the definition of refugee in terms of gender - sensitivity in every given circumstance. The possibility to apply the gender-sensitive interpretation to the case of the women escaped from North Korea is suggested in this study. The chance for them to be entitled to refugee status was reviewed in the context of the violence of the physical security and freedom guaranteed by Universal Declaration on Human Right and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This study has focused the gender persecution of the female escapee of North Korea such as the domestic and sexual violence, forced marriage, and sexual torture by state agent, and forced abortion as an example of the inhumane violence. When state agent is unwilling or unable to protect women from those violence cases, the threat of life and security or the physical violence can causes the fear if being persecuted. Women in the political prison camps in North Korea are exposed to the high risk of the sexual torture and forced abortion since they are labeled as the rebels based on the national political point of view. It is the violation of women's fundamental right as set forth in article 5 of Universal Declaration on Human Right and is apparently the case of persecution. Especially forced abortion is the persecution that violates the first order right in the international law and is disproportionately severe punishment. The punishment of the women who have gotten married or pregnant in China is aggravated in North Korea. It is based on the political opinion which considers her as the rebel of the people in the nation. When the claimant escaped from this unfair and harsh punishment could establish the well-founded fear of persecution, she should be entitled to the refugee status. The North Korean woman who was not a refugee when she left her country, but who became a victim of rape or other form of sexual violence by immigration, could experience the additional human right violation. The applicants under such situation should be accepted as the refugee 'sur place'. This study attempts to show two main points. First, by what interpretation, the female applicants' opinion can be accepted in the international refugee law. Second, how the gender-sensitive interpretation can give the better suggestions and chance for the North Korean women left their country. This study can be called 'the feminist challenge'- the challenge to the exclusiveness of 'traditional' sovereignty, and the challenge to the male- centered paradigm of the international refugee law in feminist point of view.

      • KCI등재

        출입국항 난민지위신청 절차의 법해석적 지평과 대안

        김대근 ( Kim Dae Keun ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2019 고려법학 Vol.0 No.93

        난민법상 난민인정심사를 위한 절차는 대한민국 체류 중 난민인정신청 절차와 출입국항 난민지위신청 절차의 두가지가 있다. 특히 후자의 출입국항난민지위신청 절차는 인권과 주권의 긴장 관계를 일으키면서 국경관리라는 민감한 문제가 교착되어 많은 문제점을 내포한다. 이를 위해 먼저 출입국항 대기실 내지 송환대기실에서는 물론, 도착할 때부터 입국심사를 받을 때까지의 전 과정에서 적절한 고지를 해주거나 정보를 제공할 필요가 있다. 비호를 요청하는 난민(신청자)의 경우, 적정하고 정확한 정보는 생존을 위해 매우 절실한 것이라는 점에서 일종의 인간의 권리이기 때문이다. 또한 공개해도 무방하거나, 공시(公示)를 통해 투명성을 담보해야 할 업무관련 사항들, 특히 이해관계자의 요청에 따른 정보 등은 적극공개하는 방안과 「난민법」 제6조에 따른 7일의 기산점에 대한 적극적 해석이 필요하다 할 것이다. 더 나아가 출입국항에서의 난민신청 회부 여부를 출입국관리공무원이 아닌 난민심사관이 맡는 것도 검토해볼 수 있다. 한편 출입국항 난민지위신청에서 회부 내지 불회부 심사는 형식 심사인 적격성 심사에 그쳐야 한다. 즉, 난민신청자의 주장 자체로 명백하게 난민이 아닌 경우를 제외하고는 신청자에게 가급적 난민인정 심사에 회부하여 본안판단의 기회를 주어야 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 난민법 시행령 제5조 제1항에 대해서도 엄격한 해석을 해야 할 것이다. 마지막으로 출입국항에서의 난민지위 신청절차에서 가장 문제가 많은 지점은 불회부결정의 경우이다. 불회부 결정에 따른 신청자의 체류 장소나 기간, 생계 등에 대한 규정은 물론, 절차상의 권리인 불복 수단에 대해서도 우리 법은 공백상태이기 때문이다. 때문에 송환대기실에의 수용이 구금에 해당할 지라도, 변호인 접견권을 비롯하여 구금에 따른 절차적 보장을 강화하고 기본권을 보장해준다면 위헌성을 해소할 수 있을 것이다. 더 나아가 출입국항 난민인정신청 절차에서 단계별 정보 고지 및 권리 보호를 강화해야 하는 것도 이와 같이 위헌성을 제거하고 민주적 법치행정의 이념을 실현하기 위한 것임을 간과해서는 안 된다. The most problematic point in the refugee status application process at the port of entry is the case of a non-referral decision. This incurs because our law is null and void as to procedural rights, as well as pro visions on the place, period, and livelihood of the applicants in accordance with the non-referral decision. However, the applicants must stay in the waiting room for a long time until the lawsuit ends, and there is a problem of 'detention' due to the obstruction of the repatriation waiting room. As a result, the complainants’ procedural rights are restricted or infringed, and the infringement of human rights occurs. Therefore, even if the acceptance into the repatriation waiting room is custodial, it woul d be possible to resolve the constitutionality by strengthening procedural guarantees based on the detention, including the right to counsel, and ensuring basic rights. It should not be underestimated that the need to strengthen the information disclosure and the protection of rights in the application process of immigration refugee refugees is aimed at removing the constitutionality and realizing the ideology of democratic rule of la w administration.

      • KCI등재

        국내 거주 난민의 한국정착과 적응 경험에 관한 질적 해석적 메타합성

        임주원,김서현 이화여자대학교 사회복지연구소 2022 사회복지 실천과 연구 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to collect and summarize the research papers published in domestic academic journals which conducted quantitative inquiries into the experiences of settlement and adaptation in Korea by refugees living in Korea. For this purpose, this study discusses the research materials scientifically selected carefully, applying the Qualitative Interpretive Meta Synthesis (QIMS) method. The subjects of analysis were seven qualitative studies published 2014-2021 after the enactment and implementation of the refugee law. The researchers comprehensively understood the experiences of settlement and adaptation in Korea provided by the participants (a total of 60 refugees living in Korea) by organizing, deconstructing, integrating, and reconstructing them according to the process of the hermeneutic cycle of QIMS. As a result, based on a total of 14 sub-themes, five central topics were found in QIMS, such as ‘A new place to which one managed to get as if being pushed,’ ‘Exhausting living in Korea,’ ‘Deepened pain by cold discrimination,’ ‘Living in Korea to which one gets accustomed to by connection,’ and ‘The will to lay the base of coexistence.’ Additionally, as the final procedure of the application of QIMS, an integrated theme, ‘A crooked road to run again to take off the yoke of fate,’ emerged, penetrating the experiences of all participants. Last, based on the findings of this paper, directions for practice and policy are proposed for effectively supporting settlement and adaptation of refugees living in Korea from social welfare aspects. 본 연구는 국내 거주 난민의 한국정착과 적응 경험에 관해 질적 탐구한 국내 학술지 발표 논문을 집약 및 종합하려는 목적을 지닌다. 이를 위해 과학적으로 엄선한 연구물에 대해 질적 해석적 메타합성(Qualitative interpretive meta synthesis, QIMS) 방법을 적용해 논하였다. 분석대상은 난민법 제정과 시행 이후인 2014년부터 2021년까지 발간된 7편의 질적 연구물이다. 연구자들은 총 60명의 국내 거주 난민 연구참여자가 이야기한 한국정착과 적응 경험을 QIMS의 해석학적 순환 과정에 따라 정리, 해체, 통합, 재구성하여 총체적으로 이해했다. 그 결과, 총 14개의 하위주제를 토대로 ‘떠밀리듯 겨우 당도한 새 터전’, ‘고단한 한국살이’, ‘차가운 차별에 깊어지는 아픔’, ‘이어짐으로 익숙해지는 한국생활’, ‘공생 다지는 의지’와 같은 QIMS에서의 다섯 가지 중심주제를 찾아냈다. 또한, QIMS 적용의 최종 절차로 모든 연구참여자의 경험의 의미를 관통해 ‘운명의 멍에 벗으려 다시 달리는 굽이길’ 이라는 통합주제를 도출하였다. 끝으로, 본 연구에서의 발견점에 바탕을 두어 국내 거주 난민의 한국정착과 적응을 사회복지 측면에서 효과적으로 지원하기 위한 실천 및 정책적 방향을 제언했다.

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